Which RPG to play first?


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89 (100%)
OK, I know there have been many of these types of threads on CAG, but bear with me. I think this might be a good place to discuss the relative merits of a wide variety of (mostly PS2) RPG's.

My background: Before I got my Gamecube in Dec. 2003 I had not played any console games since a brief fling with the NES when I was laid up in bed after knee surgery in college. Before that I had an Atari and Colecovision so my experience with console RPG's consisted of "Adventure". After the NES (about 1990 till 2003) I played several computer RPG's including Morrowind, KOTOR, some Might & Magic, Wizardry, Neverwinter Nights, Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, etc...

I'm a fan of old-fashioned turn-based RPG's, though I am not a particular fan of 2D. I want my games to be as pretty as possible (progressive scan/widescreen is a plus) - I wasn't into console games for so long because they were generally so crappy looking compared to Mac/PC games. I'm not used to the "action" titles, though I am starting to get into them a bit.

I had been playing Tales of Symphonia and got about 50-60 hours in and just flat out stopped playing. I AM going to finish it soon, and then I want to move on to a new game. I also have Baten Kaitos and Skies of Arcadia for GC - both still sealed.

In January I bought a PS2 for some RPG goodness, and since then, with the help of CAG (using GR, TRU clearance games, various 2 for $25/$30 deals, etc) I have amassed a HUGE number of PS2 RPGs, both new and used.

So, including the 2 GC games I haven't played, which of these do you think I should play after ToS? I am looking for good gameplay of course, but also stunning graphics, and don't mind trying different styles from the games I've played before. All of my play will be single-player. My 5 year-old isn't quite ready for RPG's - I have plenty to play with him as well (Jak, Ratchet, Sly, various Star Wars games, etc). Though I might save Kingdom Hearts to play with him.

Baten Kaitos
Skies of Arcadia Legends
(also have Zelda 4 Swords and FFCC but I know those don't measure up to most of these, at least in single player)

PS2: (in no particular order)
Xenosaga I/II
Suikoden III
Final Fantasy X/X-2
Dark Cloud 1/2
Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance
Champions of Norrath
Star Ocean Till the End of Time
La Pucelle Tactics
Shadow Hearts/Shadow Hearts Covenant
Kingdom Hearts
Magic Pengel :D

I think that's it, though I may find a few more hidden behind the others later :D. In addition, are there any I haven't listed that I should be on the lookout for?

I also have the following on preorder from GR, so keep these in mind:
FInal Fantasy XII
Kingdom Hearts 2
Zelda (well, duh, that gets played as soon as it comes out)
Dragonquest VIII
Radiata Stories
Shadow of Colossus
Tales of Legendia

Thanks in advance!


OK, I'll make a running total of the suggestions, giving 2 points for a "play first" and 1 point for a "play it next" response:

Final Fantasy X: 18
Kingdom Hearts: 10
Shadow Hearts: 7
Ico: 7
Disgaea: 5
La Pucelle: 2
Xenosaga: 2
Dark Cloud: 1
Suikoden III: 1
Baten Kaitos: 1
Baldur's Gate: 1

Edit: Looks like the consensus is FFX. That is what I had been leaning towards in the first place - I've never played *any* Final Fantasy game and what to see what the fuss is about in any case. I'll save Kingdom Hearts to play with my son, and I'll probably do Ico on the side while I do FFX. But please keep the suggestions coming - still looking to lock in that second RPG.
i would go with kingdom hearts. its a really good game and the disney characters give it a different feel. after kingdom hearts play either la pucelle tactics or disgaea.
Finish Tales! You should be almost done...I don't know why I thought that game was so fun. The story wasn't that strong, but I love the last 1/8th of that game.

But yeah, that's a huuuge back log of RPG's. Almost as big as mine :p I would go Kingdom Hearts next. Either that or Baten Kaitos are my next games, or Disgaea even, after I finish Wind Waker.
I think you should finish Tales first, since it sounds like you're very close to beating it anyway. 50-60 hours sounds about right.

However, if you absolutely MUST start a new RPG right now, do yourself a favor and make it Kingdom Hearts.
Heh, I've got the same "problem" as you... I, too, have amassed a plethora of PS2 RPG's with all all the deals lately, particularly the GR ones.

I find it funny that everyone here is suggesting Kingdom Hearts. I went ahead and tried it for my "first rpg" of the lot, and ended up trading it back in to GR where it went towards some other game like grandia 2, i forget...

Anyway, the Disney license is certainly done well and I have no complaints with the story. However, I much prefer turn-based RPGs like yourself.

This game had entirely too much emphasis on platform gaming and solving silly puzzles and performing repetitious, mundane actions. A further detail I did not enjoy was the never-ending respawning of baddies. They're certainly easy, but annoying none the less. Character customization is almost non-existent and I felt like I was playing a game much closer to "Mario with Swords and EXP" rather than "Final Fantasy with Jumping" if that makes any sort of sense...

What I'm trying to get across is that in being a fan of traditional turn-based games, KH would be a bad decision for you to start off with IMO.
[quote name='Maverick CRV']I think you should finish Tales first, since it sounds like you're very close to beating it anyway. 50-60 hours sounds about right.

However, if you absolutely MUST start a new RPG right now, do yourself a favor and make it Kingdom Hearts.[/QUOTE]

Oh I definitely plan to finish Tales first. The suggestions are for what to do next. It has been bugging me for a few months that I left Tales so close to completion :D.
Even though you said you enjoyed turn-based ones the best, I'd say go with Ico because it is unique and a shorter time investment than most of the others (which means you can play more and catch up a little before your preorders hit).
[quote name='BigMuffinLuv']I find it funny that everyone here is suggesting Kingdom Hearts. I went ahead and tried it for my "first rpg" of the lot, and ended up trading it back in to GR where it went towards some other game like grandia 2, i forget...

Anyway, the Disney license is certainly done well and I have no complaints with the story. However, I much prefer turn-based RPGs like yourself.

This game had entirely too much emphasis on platform gaming and solving silly puzzles and performing repetitious, mundane actions. A further detail I did not enjoy was the never-ending respawning of baddies. They're certainly easy, but annoying none the less. Character customization is almost non-existent and I felt like I was playing a game much closer to "Mario with Swords and EXP" rather than "Final Fantasy with Jumping" if that makes any sort of sense...

What I'm trying to get across is that in being a fan of traditional turn-based games, KH would be a bad decision for you to start off with IMO.[/QUOTE]

Actually, what you describe sounds like a *great* way to introduce RPG's to my son. I think I will save Kingdom Hearts to play with him for sure then. He is definitely used to the platforming stuff, and KH sounds like a platformer with a bit more story and depth than the usual. He might get a kick out of that. So, I will keep it in the tally, but I've decided to separate that and play it with the kid - so I'm still looking for another RPG to go solo on (late at night when the kids are asleep).

Right now I'm playing Star Wars Battlefront - got it for $5 from the Blockbuster trade 3 deal - definitely worth it. I've never really played a shooter game before, and never had any interest to, but the Star Wars licence makes it fun. After I get tired of that it is definitely back to Tales. The thing I worry about Tales is that it has been so long I'm sure I've forgotten how to do the battles - and I'm in the harder parts now...
You said you like pretty games so just play Final Fantasy X. Regardless of how many people dislike it, it's deep and it looks good.

edit: Ico is more of a puzzle game than an RPG so maybe keep that in mind
I think Kingdom Hearts is an absolutely horrible game, and I would recommend staying away from it. It is too difficult for young gamers (especially those unaccustomed to RPGs), but too devoid of storyline for Final Fantasy fans. So what is the game's target audience? (answer withheld to avoid offending people..)

Avoid KH like the plague and play Final Fantasy X or Suikoden 3. My friends really enjoy Ico, as well, so that gets my recommendation too.
play ffx, then disgaea or baldur's gate. I don't know why people like kingdom hearts. I was excited when my brother got it. I played it for a while, put the game away, and haven't touched it since
A little hint of advice play La Pucelle before you play disgaea. I enjoyed La Pucelle quite a bit becaus eI did it this way. Disgaea improves on La Pucelle a bit.
FFX is a the perfect RPG for someone just getting into the genre or trying to get back into it. While the battle system at first appears to be very simplistic, once you get into the game, you will realize it has the greatest depth of any of the Final Fantasy games. It also has a good story and its graphics are still among the best of the genre.

Shadow Hearts: Covenant is another good turn based RPG. Good visuals, a interesting take on the turn based battle system and a decent story. It would be another good choice.
FFX was good for beginners but also a challenge to experts... kindom hearts was alittle too easy... but had a great story... i cant wait till FF VII for ps3 comes out... i loved FF VII... one of the best to me..
Best choice would easily be Shadow Hearts Covenant. However, if you ever want to be able to enjoy the original Shadow Hearts, I'd say play that first. Covenant makes so many improvements on the original game that if you play them so that you play Covenant first, you won't be able to enjoy SH.
My vote goes to Final Fantasy X.

Oh, and do make sure to play Dark Cloud 2 as well. I don't see any love for it here, but it really is a great game. I logged way too many hours on that thing. Dark Cloud 1 is a different story though... ugh.
I started my RPG infatuation with FFX, and I haven't looked back. Now I have a big 'ol back log, too. Right now I'm locked into Suikoden III, which is turning out to be one of my top three favortite RPGs. 65 hours and still going.

Shadow Heart: Covenant should be your next game to play.
[quote name='josherz']FFX was good for beginners but also a challenge to experts... kindom hearts was alittle too easy... but had a great story... i cant wait till FF VII for ps3 comes out... i loved FF VII... one of the best to me..[/QUOTE]

Kingdom Hearts easy? You didn't fight Sephiroth on hard. :censored::evil:
if you're looking for a turn-based rpg with awesome graphics, i'd have to go wtih final fantasy X. in addition to the graphics, the gameplay is really well done. you can't go wrong with kingdom hearts (action rpg) either. :)
Looks like the suggestions have tapered off so I'll just report my conclusions...

I'll save Kingdom Hearts to play with my son, since he is certainly familiar with platforming and the story part of it will make for a new experience for him. Right now he's playing Revenge of the Sith and he loves hacking droids apart, when he's not playing as General Grievous and thrashing me :D. A pseudo-RPG will be a nice change of pace for him.

Then, once I'm done with Tales, I will play Final Fantasy X. As I said before, I have never played any FF title, so I want to see what all the fuss is about, not to mention that I have FF XII preordered. That it was the top suggestion from you guys cinches it. I want to fit Baten Kaitos in sometime soon as well, if only because I paid $30 for it and want to play it before it becomes PC or bargain-bin fodder :D. So that will probably be next, followed by Shadow Hearts and Shadow Hearts Covenant.

I may also play Ico as a break in the middle of FFX.

Now, if I can just peel myself away from Star Wars Battlefront and get back to Tales...
[quote name='io']Looks like the suggestions have tapered off so I'll just report my conclusions...

I'll save Kingdom Hearts to play with my son, since he is certainly familiar with platforming and the story part of it will make for a new experience for him. Right now he's playing Revenge of the Sith and he loves hacking droids apart, when he's not playing as General Grievous and thrashing me :D. A pseudo-RPG will be a nice change of pace for him.

Then, once I'm done with Tales, I will play Final Fantasy X. As I said before, I have never played any FF title, so I want to see what all the fuss is about, not to mention that I have FF XII preordered. That it was the top suggestion from you guys cinches it. I want to fit Baten Kaitos in sometime soon as well, if only because I paid $30 for it and want to play it before it becomes PC or bargain-bin fodder :D. So that will probably be next, followed by Shadow Hearts and Shadow Hearts Covenant.

I may also play Ico as a break in the middle of FFX.

Now, if I can just peel myself away from Star Wars Battlefront and get back to Tales...[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't call Kingdom Hearts a "psudeo RPG".. while you don't get to customize the characters as i would have liked (in terms of KOTOR customize).. you do have to set stategies through your characters (you can choose how they attack how they use items how they use the magic) its not as "simple" as you judge it..

if you're playing SW battlefront Online.. good luck peeling away...

[quote name='urzishra14']I wouldn't call Kingdom Hearts a "psudeo RPG".. while you don't get to customize the characters as i would have liked (in terms of KOTOR customize).. you do have to set stategies through your characters (you can choose how they attack how they use items how they use the magic) its not as "simple" as you judge it..

if you're playing SW battlefront Online.. good luck peeling away...


Well, I don't know anything about KH beyond what people here have told me. Seems to be wildly different opinions on it - can't wait to play and see for myself :D.

I actually haven't been playing SW Battlefront online but I was considering doing so - I've never played a game online before. I have just about tapped out the novelty of the single-player though. There really isn't too much there - I'm looking forward to the sequel though. Hopefully they'll add a little more depth to the single-player with more unlockables, etc... as it is now, there's no incentive (that I can see), for example, to completing Galactic Conquest with each faction - it seems like once I won one of them, all the second group of battles were unlocked. But hey, I got the game for $5 at GR, so I've definitely got my money's worth out of it!

Oh,I also did just pick up Phantom Brave (used at GR with the buy 2 get 1 free deal) - I'll put that in the sequence after La Pucelle and Disgaea. Should get to it around Summer 2006 :D.
[quote name='io']Well, I don't know anything about KH beyond what people here have told me. Seems to be wildly different opinions on it - can't wait to play and see for myself :D.

I actually haven't been playing SW Battlefront online but I was considering doing so - I've never played a game online before. I have just about tapped out the novelty of the single-player though. There really isn't too much there - I'm looking forward to the sequel though. Hopefully they'll add a little more depth to the single-player with more unlockables, etc... as it is now, there's no incentive (that I can see), for example, to completing Galactic Conquest with each faction - it seems like once I won one of them, all the second group of battles were unlocked. But hey, I got the game for $5 at GR, so I've definitely got my money's worth out of it!

Oh,I also did just pick up Phantom Brave (used at GR with the buy 2 get 1 free deal) - I'll put that in the sequence after La Pucelle and Disgaea. Should get to it around Summer 2006 :D.[/QUOTE]

the game is much better online.. i haven't played the PS2 online but the xbox one is great you can also get a new map (its on the PS2 version to.. its Jabba's Palace).. yeah its so much fun online.. it definately adds more replay value especially if you don't have a bunch of people to gather round and play it (i hear it supports up to 24 people at once on the PS2.. but for xbox it works great at 16 player games definately fun.
[quote name='urzishra14']

if you're playing SW battlefront Online.. good luck peeling away...


Hey - thanks to the above post by Rob and subsequent follow-up in PM, I have finally gone online and started playing SW Battlefront online on my PS2. Man, that was EASY to do (I had always stayed away from online because I thought it wouldn't be easy to setup and wouldn't work well). Of course, I had already wired my house for Ethernet so it wasn't too hard to hook up the PS2 with my router. And after that it was a snap.

In any case, I have put off the RPG's for a while as I experience this strange new world of online gaming... But I WILL finish Tales this summer and then start FFX and Kingdom Hearts!
bread's done