Which Wipeout to Want?


6 (100%)
Wipeout Pure:D vs Wipeout Pulse:applause:
- Pulse coming Feb 12 but cost more...:bomb:
- Pure cheap but where to find?!:bomb:
I already have Pure, and I'm getting Pulse. I'm actually going to eventually sell my UMD copy of Pure and just going to download it from the PS Store.

Amazon/eBay/Half, all good places, saw some sealed ones on there today.
Pure is awesome, and I expect Pulse to be awesome too. However, getting Pure cheap is probably the way to go right now. Then if you really like it you can (i) pick up Pulse right when it comes out, or (ii) keep playing Pure (I am still playing that game and I got it at launch) and then pick up Pulse when it gets cheap.
Um I see Pure everywhere and even less than the $19.99 Greatest Hits price. Go buy Pure and then Pulse. That simple. OR just download Pure from the PS Store.
My UMD of wipeout pure is kinda messed up, it has scratches and stuff. I rebought it through the Playstation Store, but i may hold off on wipeout pulse, because i just got Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness for the PSP and i made a "vow" not to buy any more videogames or big purchases until Super Smash Bros. Brawl comes out, and then i will wait one more month or so before buying another videogame,,, i have so many games that i have not beaten yet and i need to start saving more money.
I can't find Wipeout Pure anywhere. Anyone want to trade? I want this game. Tempted to just plop down the $20 to Amazon.
[quote name='J7.']Can you buy stuff for PSP using the PS3 PSN cards sold in B&M?[/QUOTE]There are no PSN cards yet, but they are coming this year (in $20 increments).

That's kind of strange, because I know of a few retailers in my area who carry Wipeout Pure (I know Meijer, which you probably don't have, has it on clearance, I think). But if you can't, you can eventually download it (I already own a copy, so I won't).

If I was in your position, I'd just wait for Pulse. Custom soundtracks seem too awesome along with online play (I think it has it). Although I'm mostly interested in Wipeout HD right now (since I'm a PS3 owner), I'm still going to get Pulse.
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