Who actuall is going to buy PS3 when it comes out?

I think I will wait a couple of months...either that or a good trade-in deal at EB and get it cheap! :p I remember getting the PS2 right after I got back home from MCT during Christmas Eve...it was the last one they had in stock (I paid over 400 bucks cause they made me buy like the guarantee, extra controller, games and some other crap or no sale). Anyways I think I will wait just cause there are still plenty of PS2 and PSOne games I need to get to.
It's unlikely I'll get one. I'll either get X-Box 2 or PS3 new, and wait for price drops on the other, or simply wait on both.

The first year of release for the PS2 saw very few worthwhile releases, until October, when it started getting a decent number of solid titles. I loved Halo, but other than that the initial X-Box offerings weren't all that great either.

I'm more than willing to hold off on both, and continue to play older, $10-$15 titles until some quality releases start hitting the shelves (presumably close to the same time as the first price drop).
Not me. Gonna wait for the price drop. At that point, all PS2 games will be on clearance. Let's pray for a PS2 1.99 clearance like the DC and we can all rejoice!
I have never bought a console at it's initial release. I've always waited for that first price drop and will more than likely do the same for the ps2.
Ok, this is a stupid thread. Even asking who is going to get PSP would be stupid, because no one has seen any screen shots yet of the games or a list of games or even a price point. Just wait until E3 in May to say anything.
It's not a stupid thread...people will buy things even without knowing a thing about the game...take the millions that bought the Matrix game. We know Sony is not going to mess it up, so most of us know if we are going to get it or not. Price point, pretty sure will be up there, which is why many of us are just gonna wait for price drops.
I made my decision about the PSP, I'm not gonna get it...I don't need an expensive handheld game, which seems very delicate (for now, unless they change the prototype). I've made my decision on it, I don't need it...I'll stick to the gameboy, and whatever new version will come out to compete with the PSP.
Besides if games are so great on PSP I'm pretty sure that Sony will make PS3 compatible and make something of a PS3PSP player like Nintendo did with the Gamecube and did with the Super Nintendo...so I'll use that if games interest me. So we can say anything we feel like, and not wait till E3.
I'll probably get it right away, even though I should probably wait. I'm just too impatient to wait that long.
The GBA is not deliate in any way. Thats what is the difference between the two systems( PSP). Hell, Ive dropped my GBA SP TONS OF TIMES! It still works perfectly.
I'm getting the PS3 for sure. Still unsure of all the cool features, but it looks like ill be getting all 3 systems, for backwards compatibility etc, though 400$ msrp retail price for each system is WAAAAAAAAAAAY too much for my cheap ass blood. waiting until PS3 drops AT LEAST 250 and Xbox and GC 200.
Well it depends on the price. If I think it's too expensive, I'll use the money I planned to use and buy myself a new graphics card instead. ^_^
I tend to buy every system on release day. As a matter of fact I have been known to wait in line for up to 8 hours to get a new system. Since I am a small store right now I cannot order systems on release, so I have to wait till the morning of to get one. So I have already pre-ordered most of the new systems also.
No. I got a launch PS2, and the thing is a POS. I had to sell it and buy a newer model. There's bound to be some sort of problem with it.
I have been an early adaptor for every system since (and including) the Atari 2600. I will wait for the price wars to pick up the systems this time around. I am sure the current gen will have plenty to keep me entertained for a year or so until the next 3 consoles get their 1st price cuts.
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