Who do you want in 2008?


6 (100%)
I troll: Who do you want for president in 2008? They don't have to be a politican to be applicable.

My vote is Michael Savage. We agree on most if not all subjects of interest. I just don't like how he runs his show. He'll never run, though. :cry:
[quote name='weimerwanger']Hillary or Arnold, either would rock.[/QUOTE]

Either would suck copious amounts of ass is probably what you meant to say.
[quote name='Rich']Jon Stewart. :( He would so win if he ran..[/QUOTE]

Unqualified hollywood idiots with a following of blind sheeple can always win. Just look at Arnold.

I don't see any politician who is wholely committed to ALL of the things that our country needs right now.
[quote name='Scrubking']Unqualified hollywood idiots with a following of blind sheeple can always win. Just look at Arnold.[/QUOTE]

If any a "hollywood idiot" was ever qualified, it's Jon Stewart.
I dont think the enthusiam level is going to be good for anyone really. John McCain is a good choice for a republican. He's a hell lot smarter than Bush (in my opinion)
[quote name='Rich']If any a "hollywood idiot" was ever qualified, it's Jon Stewart.[/QUOTE]

Really? I would have thought good old Ronnie would fit under that banner as well.
[quote name='Scrubking']I don't see any politician who is wholely committed to ALL of the things that our country needs right now.[/QUOTE]

So what are you doing about it? Oh that's right, you're just voting the same old idiots into office and then bitching and moaning like an impotent jerk.
I wish Colin Powell would change his mind and run. The Iraq situation would have been a lot smoother if he was in charge.
[quote name='jlarlee']I wish Colin Powell would change his mind and run. The Iraq situation would have been a lot smoother if he was in charge.[/QUOTE]

He destroyed his credibility when he pimped the war for Bush. He'd still have a shot though.
[quote name='Tiphireth']Morpheus is dead, though.[/QUOTE]

Maybe to you. He can never really die no matter what some video game says.
From my perspective, it doesn't seem like most of the politicians have any idea of what they're doing anyway, so really anybody could do it with a little training. I think Jon Stewart would make a great President, because he's shown that he has a lot of common sense. I haven't seen anybody in Washington that has any of that lately.

I'd like to see McCain on the Republicans' side. I'm a democrat, but I wouldn't feel alienated if McCain took the presidency.

On the Dem's side? Tough question, as I don't think we have any stellar standouts.

Except for Obama, but I don't think he'd get it because he's a rookie. 2016 though, he's my man.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']He destroyed his credibility when he pimped the war for Bush. He'd still have a shot though.[/QUOTE]
a Black republican would win by a landslide. All he diod was follow orders he did what he could to avoid the mess
[quote name='jlarlee']a Black republican would win by a landslide. All he diod was follow orders he did what he could to avoid the mess[/QUOTE]

It just ain't going to happen anytime soon. If the republican party put a black person up for president, the Democrats could throw up the dumbest person on the face of the planet and he would be the one that wins by a landslide. Race is still too big of an issue in America

and crymnyl is right, he lost a ton of support from people on the left that would have voted for him by pimping that war. If he would have kept his mouth shut, he had the presidency in hand, because a ton of lefties would have broken ranks and voted for him.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']It just ain't going to happen anytime soon. If the republican party put a black person up for president, the Democrats could throw up the dumbest person on the face of the planet and he would be the one that wins by a landslide. Race is still too big of an issue in America

and crymnyl is right, he lost a ton of support from people on the left that would have voted for him by pimping that war. If he would have kept his mouth shut, he had the presidency in hand, because a ton of lefties would have broken ranks and voted for him.[/QUOTE]

I think most republicans would still vote for him but what you are forgetting is that most african americans vote democrat. Amajority would change their vote to get a black president in office. If Powell ran he would win with 70% of the vote easily
[quote name='jlarlee']I think most republicans would still vote for him but what you are forgetting is that most african americans vote democrat. Amajority would change their vote to get a black president in office. If Powell ran he would win with 70% of the vote easily[/QUOTE]

The problem with that is most black people don't vote. And while most vote democratic and that would probably see a shift in how they vote, the older middle and upper class white guy sure as hell ain't voting a black person into the office of the presidency. Most older people grew up in periods of segregation, and they are the ones that hold the power since they are the ones who vote on a consistent basis. Though it may have been a long time ago these people were taught throughout their youth to hate those who are different and while most would probably state publicly they have no problem with those of a different color, when they walk into a private voting booth I bet a ton of them change their tune.

The only way a black person is going to win the office of the presidency in our current system is for the KKK to put up a prominent candiate and syphon off some of the vote from those who are going to vote for the other person based solely on race.
I think most of the white republicans feel comfortable with Powell and would vote for him even with the race issue. Also I bet the number of African Americans voting would double if Powell ran.
John McCain is more moderate, but I think he'd be a good choice. We don't really need an extremist from either party right now.

I really don't want Hillary.
[quote name='jlarlee']I wish Colin Powell would change his mind and run. The Iraq situation would have been a lot smoother if he was in charge.[/QUOTE]

He was going to run in 2000, it was his wife that didn't want him too. She is smart because he would be killed within 2 years.

I think everyone who will run sucks, just look at the last 15-20 years. I'm still for John McCain through.
[quote name='weimerwanger']Hillary or Arnold, either would rock.[/QUOTE]
I thought that people who weren't born in the US couldn't become president.
[quote name='Kaijufan']I thought that people who weren't born in the US couldn't become president.[/QUOTE]
Didn't you see Demolition Man? :lol:

I don't think Colin Powell's credibility was completely shot from being in the Bush administration, though I still think race is still too big of an issue in this country for him to become president regardless of how moderate he is, unfortunately. If he would consider it, I would like for him to run and I would vote for him, but I can totally understand why he would not want to.
[quote name='Pylis']John McCain is more moderate, but I think he'd be a good choice. We don't really need an extremist from either party right now.

I really don't want Hillary.[/QUOTE]

What you say about extremists is the goddamn truth; I don't think we ever need extremists, but at the risk of taking that route...

The OP wants to see Michael Savage run? Man, if there is anybody of the face of the planet who is a closet facist, I'll put my money on him. Even though I do believe that who he plays on radio is not his "real" persona, just like Limbaugh.

...fuckin' Savage.

...I would like to see Howard Dean run; I think he would do very well domestically. However, he'd need someone with qualifications similar to John McCain, b/c I don't think that Dean could handle the situation in Iraq and elsewhere very well.
[quote name='evilmax17']

I'd like to see McCain on the Republicans' side. I'm a democrat, but I wouldn't feel alienated if McCain took the presidency.


Agreed. I’m pretty liberal myself, but I feel comfortable with McCain. He has a certain level of credibility, as well as moderate enough stance to be appealing to folks who would otherwise shy away from supporting a Republican candidate.
[quote name='Rich']If any a "hollywood idiot" was ever qualified, it's Jon Stewart.[/QUOTE]

John Stewart/Ben Stein 2008!

A Democrat and a Republican, both very intelligent and loaded with that there common sense.

And just imagine the campaign ads!

Edit: Though, in all seriousness, I agree 100% with McCain. He got a raw deal in 2000, and I really think he could get the country stable again. However, I don't ever see him getting the nomination, because he's TOO moderate for the Repubs.
I think the largest problem McCain has is that, to the best of my knowledge, he doesn't have much to use to connect with the religious case of the Republican party, and he's too moderate to connect with the big business side of the GOP.

I think we need a good moderate to bring the country back together; I'm just not sure that a moderate will be appealing in the primaries.

...although I fuckin' despise Joe Liebermann, due to his baseless accusations at video games desensitizing society. Although he did appropriate $9 million to research the socializing effects of games, if you want to do government funded research.
[quote name='mykevermin']
...I would like to see Howard Dean run; I think he would do very well domestically. However, he'd need someone with qualifications similar to John McCain, b/c I don't think that Dean could handle the situation in Iraq and elsewhere very well.[/QUOTE]

Just like how Bush can't now either.
[quote name='David85']Just like how Bush can't now either.[/QUOTE]

While I won't argue your point, I somehow don't think that "I can't do anything in Iraq either!" is a workable campaign slogan.
[quote name='Rich']I honestly can't believe there are even liberals who support Hillary. This scares me.[/QUOTE]

Like to know the justification on this one.
Hillary vs. McCain would be interesting but I think McCain is (unfortunately) too moderate to make it through the GOP primaries.

How come Republicans, who derided Dems in '04 as "Anybody But Bush" voters implying that we only hated the man personally, still get their panties in a wad over Hillary? What exactly has she done or supported to warrant such hatred? Just curious.
[quote name='MrBadExample']Hillary vs. McCain would be interesting but I think McCain is (unfortunately) too moderate to make it through the GOP primaries.

How come Republicans, who derided Dems in '04 as "Anybody But Bush" voters implying that we only hated the man personally, still get their panties in a wad over Hillary? What exactly has she done or supported to warrant such hatred? Just curious.[/QUOTE]

Universal health care? Nobody wants *that*!
When George Bush Jr launches Martial Law at the end of term and declares himself dictator and ruler of America they'll be no need for stupid elections. Come on people, get with the times. When he rules all and forces us to love God or die, we'll all be happy.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']When George Bush Jr launches Martial Law at the end of term and declares himself dictator and ruler of America they'll be no need for stupid elections. Come on people, get with the times. When he rules all and forces us to love God or die, we'll all be happy.[/QUOTE]

That has about as much of a chance of happening as me Donkey Punching Angelina Jolie. Exaggerate much?
I hate Hillary, would have much more respect for her if she left the dumbass, but she can't be single and run for president. Then of course she ran in NY even through she never lived there. She's a power hungry bitch like 99% of others in office, but I want someone in that 1% to win.
[quote name='David85']I hate Hillary, would have much more respect for her if she left the dumbass, but she can't be single and run for president. Then of course she ran in NY even through she never lived there. She's a power hungry bitch like 99% of others in office, but I want someone in that 1% to win.[/QUOTE]

What politician is in that 1%? Furthermore, what politician is in that 1% *and* someone in the mainstream (for instance, I like Dennis Kucinich, and I don't see him as power hungry as much as he is someone who wants to promote justice and equality; but I recognize he has zero mainstream appeal).

[quote name='David85']I hate Hillary, would have much more respect for her if she left the dumbass, but she can't be single and run for president. Then of course she ran in NY even through she never lived there. She's a power hungry bitch like 99% of others in office, but I want someone in that 1% to win.[/QUOTE]

So someone who actually practices family values by keeping her family intact and raising a daughter who isn't an embarrassment like the Bush twins, get derided.

The NY residency argument is old. New York does not require long-term residency for Senate candidates.
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