Who eles is addidicted to buying video games?


27 (100%)
I have several games for Christmas that my brothers got that I never even played including Dark Angel, State of Emergency, The Bouncer, and ESPN NBA 2K5. Despite this, I have bought more games since including a DS with Mario and Driv3r. I still want to buy more because I still have holiday money. Am I alone, or do other people share this problem?
[quote name='evilmax17']"Who else is addicted to buying video games?"

At the top of the screen, click memberlist.[/quote] :rofl:
Darn, you beat me to it!
Count me in... I got over 50 games from TRU because of the sale... It seems that I go there everyday now, because TRU always brings out new games at the clearance price... I even about games such as MicroMachines (the game sucks, but at $3 I just can't help it).
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I'm addicted to buying anything.[/quote]
thats probably a more accurate description of me too, i dont limit myself to just games
I'm actually trying to cut down.

I realized that I should really start being a better steward of the money I have...
I hate to hijack the thread, but I'm instead going to list games I've bought, but haven't touched.

ESPN College Hoops 2K5
Tenchu: Return from Darkness
Star Wars: KOTOR
Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders
Rallisport Challenge
Dead of Alive 3
Soul Calibur II

Most of the games I picked up for cheap after playing a friend's copy.
I have the disease as well...I've got about 20 games I haven't even looked at, thanks to the TRU coupon and 75% off EB PC game sale. Somebody take away my credit card! Oh wait, I've been using my spare change to buy these cheapies...
I was...but then I realized that, not counting the money that I got for Christmas and haven't cashed yet, I had $6 left in my wallet. :shock:

It could be worse; my parents pay for things like clothing and food and gas, since I don't have a job. it was still a bit of a wake-up call, though.

I'm going to try playing through the giant stack of PC games I have, as well as my sister's PS2 games before I leave for college. I'm not going to promise not to buy anything - I know I won't be able to keep that, because I'll break as soon as I find a good sale - but I'm going to try to be much more careful from now on.
Hell, I've had this longer than most of you have been making your own purchases. I have SNES games, bought when the SNES was still major platform, that I haven't gotten around to yet.

Fortunately I paid so little for everything I've still spent less over the years than a thorough player who buys all his games new at SRP. In the current generation it only takes 20-25 game to sink $1,000 into purchases, leaving aside local tax. It was even worse in the SNES days of mask ROM prices. That same thousand bucks is closer to 60 new games at the prices I'm accustomed to finding. On top of this I've had many occasions, especially before eBay became too influential to take additional purchases from those price levels and sell them at a profit. There used to be a lot of value in finding bargains that other people didn't have time to pursue, so they'd gladly pay me a chunk to still get it at a deep discount.

IGN places a value of $20,000+ on my collection but my net cost to date is well under a third of that for purchase going back up to fifteen years ago.
At one time, having 157 games in the corner of my room? Yeah... I think I'm a bit obsessed... the number is down to 90 but is steadily rising...
Almost 1500 games and counting (I think I'm not sure because I haven't updated my list in a couple of months) last actual count was 1487 ... I stopped for a while and then I went ape shit again right before xmas and I bought Ace Combat 5 w/flightstick the other week :(
yeah...new games are like my comfort food...especially when I can buy one or two at my TRU for ~$5. My collection is small, but has been growing explosively of late...

And Best Buy...man. It takes some major restraint every time I go there.
To give you an idea.

For Christmas, I recieved

Ratchet & Clank 3
World of Warcraft
Sonic Mega Collection +
Myst: Uru
Pop: SoT
MegaMan AC

And, in a couple of minutes, I'm leaving to purchase RE4. Color me addicted.
I have more games unplayed than played. Way more.

I go through spurts -- some weeks I can hold back and pass on a good deal, other times I buy because I feel like I need certain games in my collection. I'll never play them all.

Its a sickness.
I have over 200 PS2 games now. Whenever pay day comes around. I feel the need to go out and buy a new game even though I probably wont play it.

My cousin has an Xbox and he had it for 2 years and has about 7 games. I just got one 2 weeks ago and already have 14 games for it. Double the amount he has.
This is rather scary. I was addicted for awhile (I had 7 unplayed games at my max). I fought that number on down though. I have 1 unplayed now, and I really bought it in a package of games from someone, so I don't know if I'll ever play it (though, it is Deus Ex on the PS2, so I ought to try it at least).

What's scary is, even if you are only paying $10 a game, if you have 10 games unplayed, that's $100. That's a lot of money (at least once you move out on your own, and there are those sneaky bills like $20 for some strange shelf you need to keep crap on).

So, I feel better about myself now though.

Though, if anyone is serious about spending a month or 2 without buying a new game (gamefaqs had a string going from a guy who was giving up buying games for a year. I haven't seen it in awhile, so I don't knwo if he caved or not, but its a novel concept) you should not frequent this site as much. This site fuels wanting to buy a new game very much (how can you say no to a $5 game you were interested in). But, if you can go 2-3 months, you can play down those stacks a bit, and you really won't miss much (assuming those games are worth the price that you paid).
I spend more time buying games and hunting for games then playing them. Example. I still haven't played more then ten minutes of RE:4, MGS3, FFX-2, BG&E, MGS:TTT, Metroid Prime 2, NFSU2, Killzone etc. I believe the ultimate culprit of this is trustcompany, I mean look at his collection. No human on earth who sleeps could put any time into all those games.
I still have CC games from last summer that I haven't opened not to mention games from the last CC $5 error sale a couple months back. I'm trying to be a lot selective and now my cut-off is $15 or less, those still anything $5 is fair game. I do think that the thrill of the hunt is actually more satifying than the games themselves.
I'm sitting on:

Metroid Prime 2
Demon Stone
Katamari Damacy
Kingdom Hearts Chains
Zelda - Minnish Cap
FF 1&2 - Dawn of Souls
Pikmin 2
Zelda - 4 Swords (GC)
Viewtiful Joe
Arc the Lad (PS2)
Shadow Hearts (the first one)

All great games, but just not enough time. I'm trying to finish Shadow Hearts 2 now. This website is the ultimate enabler for people with our affliction. It's a disease, people, a disease. It cannot be helped.
So are people buying cheap games just for the sake of buying cheap games and growing their collection?

During the clearance sales I try to only purchase games that have been well received by the gaming press and feel I owe it to myself to experience (i.e. ICO). Occasionally I'll purchase games I really wanted but weren't well received (i.e. 1080 Avalanche) and couldn't justify spending $30 - $50. I'll pay full price for a game I really want, Halo 2 and RE4 being the latest examples, but I try to leave crap games sitting on the shelves regardless of price, even if it is free.

While many of my non-gaming friends would consider me addicted, amongst this community I think I would be considered to have my purchasing habits under control.
Yep, games and you can add DVDs to that for me too. Though I've tried to cut down on DVD purchases recently.
I buy decent to great games, but there are just so many, especially after the holiday rush I don't have enough time to play em all, I'm overwhelmed.
[quote name='Eric467']Yep, games and you can add DVDs to that for me too. Though I've tried to cut down on DVD purchases recently.[/quote]

same here...
[quote name='rawisjericho']I can't stop buying Xbox games right now. Need help to stop doing it too.[/quote]

I have the same problem...:wink:
[quote name='SEGA128DC'][quote name='rawisjericho']I can't stop buying Xbox games right now. Need help to stop doing it too.[/quote]

I have the same problem...:wink:[/quote]
Strike 3, and we're out... of cash.

That Gamefly sale gnawed away at my patience pretty hard. I still can't bear to look at that site without experiencing flashbacks.
I think I'm basically over the addiction...for now. I'm at the point where I basically have everything I really want (except Snatcher). As I get stuff from companies, I can usually keep my spending down. Also, I've relied on my GameRush credit to fuel my recent purchases (RE4, Zelda Minish, Mercenaries).

I think we all start strong. I joined here during the $5 CC sale, and bought way too many games. Same thing when I first discovered GameRush and was getting fat cash for trades. Until the next big thing comes, I think I'm pretty chill.

I'm at the point where I buy some games just to have in my collection. I've resigned myself to the fact that I won't play the majority of them, but I still wanted to have them for collection sake. I guess that's pretty creepy in and of itself, eh?
yeah I'm mega addicted. the problem is I buy games for cheap and then sell them later, usually at breaking even prices, the games are usually still sealed and to be honest I usually had no intention of openeing or even playing the game in the first place. Since I'm breaking even or losing money most of the times I'm paying money to have them sit on my shelf... sick, I know.
[quote name='lordxixor101'](gamefaqs had a string going from a guy who was giving up buying games for a year. . .) [/quote]

I was wondering about if you went cold turkey like this (so to speak) whether or not you could "cheat" a little by renting/borrowing games you didn't have or if you'd have to strictly play just the games you already owned before attempting to quit.
Out of my big collection about 50-60 sit unopened... another 200 or so I have not played or played sparingly (lots of old NES titles)... i dont think I have beaten too too many of them, probably got through about 8-10 games last year...

and yet I just went out and got Mario golf this morning (got free from trading in penny guides).. yeah... I do have a slight problem...
I think I do also! There are just too many cheap games and they take too long to play them all. So you have to pick and choose. I am in the process of moving and relize I have too much stuff.
bread's done