who got a wii this sunday


8 (100%)
suppossedly there, i guess u could call it the 3rd shipment, was supposed to arive today. were there any lines.? did you get one.?
I got one today from target , apparently most targets in the U.S. received a decent sized shipment. I got their 10 minutes after they opened and I still got one , they had 58 wii's. Walmart (locally) will be selling more wii's on the 6th at 8am , so you guys might wanna call your local walmarts and see if they are participating in this because they were gonna do it today but changed it since other stores were doing it today.
My Gamestop is supposed to be getting between 3-30 according to wiiseeker. I'm going to check it out when they open.
I got one. At least a voucher for one. Just gotta go back when the store opens, which is an hour and a half away. I was the second person to get one, I was really surprised to find that no one was really there yet. Two moms and some 20-something guy were the only ones there as of 8:15 AM.
I got one in Lexington Kentucky, they had 31 systems and I was #25 in line. I waited for 3 hours. If I would have been 10 minutes later then I wouldnt have gotten one.
Got one today at the Circuit City in by Union Sq, NYC. I was number 44 out of what I hear was about 100-150. The store was supposed to open at 10a, but they started taking people in small groups at like 9a.
[quote name='azn_s14']suppossedly there, i guess u could call it the 3rd shipment, was supposed to arive today. were there any lines.? did you get one.?[/QUOTE]

I'm frustrated. I was all set to wait in line this morning to get one, but on Friday my wife, who often needs to travel for her job, tells me she needs to leave 5 AM Sunday rather than on Monday as originally planned. She'll be gone for two weeks, and in the meantime I'm at home doing the single parent thing with my two boys (six and five), and my little baby girl.

I can't stand in line with the kids, because the Wii is supposed to be a surprise for them -- ok, it's for me too, but they'll play it as much as me, promise.

I need to be able to go to a store during Mon-Fri, leaving work around lunch time while the kids are in school and day care, but most stores are too stupid to actually sell things during the week it seems. And by the time my wife gets back, there'll only be a couple days left.

My best bet seems to be to keep checking in and calling the local GameStop and EBs that are putting them out as they come in.Target, CC, and Best Buy aren't plying by rules I can follow anymore.
my buddy and I were #16+17 out of 75 systems. we got there at about 6:30 am. noone knew how many they had...numbers ranged from 15-25 so you could imagine our surprise when they said they had 75. there were about 70 people in line by the time store opened and a few were able to get one 5-10 min. after opening.
Got my Wii from Fairlakes (Fairfax), VA today. Went in line at 5:40AM and I was 29/57. Toys R Us next door only had 40.

The last unit (#57 )was spoken for at 6:40am
I went to Best Buy, because I was expecting a stealth Wii sale. Unfortunately, a 90 minute wait only yielded a sore back from standing in the same position so long.
[quote name='Xellos2099']Is it me or Wii is even harder to find than a ps3 during this season?[/QUOTE]It's you. Where have you seen PS3's, ESPECIALLY in shipments of upto 150?
[quote name='Xellos2099']Is it me or Wii is even harder to find than a ps3 during this season?[/quote]
I think Wii is going to be harder to come by the closer we get to Christmas. Even though the PS3 has a way lower supply... the initial cost will prevent or steer most people from buying it except of the early adopters or the semi-wealthy who wants to blow $500-600 on a new and high-tech gadget. The Wii, as of now, is appealing to a larger audience than PS3 because of its price and fun factor. PS3 will not get a price drop anytime soon considering that they're losing about $300 per unit. That's why even with Nintendo's promise of ample supply, it's still selling out the moment retailers get them in.

I saw many parents/grandparents who were looking to buy a Wii for their kids. I was able to score a Wii today at my local Circuit City which had 15 Wii and 6 (3 20GB and 3 60GB) PS3. They ended up having 1 PS3 voucher left and nobody wanted it, even though there were about 10-15 people who didn't receive a voucher so I'm guessing they were there for the Wii.

In the end, pice and fun factor will keep Nintendo competitive in this round of console wars. Because people will get hooked once they have had a chance to play the Wii. I decided that I wasn't going to buy the Wii until either after the first price drop or when Mario Galaxy is released. However I had a chance to play Wii Sports Tennis for like 10 minutes and afterwards I was hooked and just have to get a Wii for myself, which I'm glad I was able to today.
Picked up a Wii and a voucher for a 20 GB PS3. Gave the 20 GB voucher to a friend for a Christmas present for her son.
I lied. I got to my CC at 8:00 AM and was #17. I think they had around 25-30 Wii's in today from what I could tell. I got the $40 off too, the CSR just punched in like like she had seen tons of them already.
Got mine today at CC. Got there at 6:30 and was number 6 in line out of 12. It was cold and raining, but definatly worth it!
I'm happy to hear that most people are getting their Wii with relative ease at this point. This, of course, means that sites like EBGamestop's will be able to get that many less customers to succumb to their bundle 'ransom'. It also means that eBay hoarders...okay, you've already heard what I have to say about that faction.

P.S. Why are corporations selling bundles that equal the price of the items or less unequivocally evil, but Joe Deadbeat hoarding game consoles for resale is just a capitalist and an entrepeneur? Don't give me that "Robin Hood" bullshit here.
MY target opened at 8am, me and a friend got there at 7:45, I got voucher #32, he got voucher #31 out of a total of 33 vouchers. Got it home, and perormed the wifi updates, and got my Wii code, and then turned it off.

Stupid term paper that I need to finish today. Stupid stupid quantum mechanics.
I got my launch day, walked right into eb showed my preorder slip and got it in less than a min. preordering was so easy and oly took me 5mins :)
[quote name='jollydwarf']I'm happy to hear that most people are getting their Wii with relative ease at this point. This, of course, means that sites like EBGamestop's will be able to get that many less customers to succumb to their bundle 'ransom'. It also means that eBay hoarders...okay, you've already heard what I have to say about that faction.

P.S. Why are corporations selling bundles that equal the price of the items or less unequivocally evil, but Joe Deadbeat hoarding game consoles for resale is just a capitalist and an entrepeneur? Don't give me that "Robin Hood" bullshit here.[/QUOTE]

I think CAG has done a marvelous job of positioning people to get a Wii without excessive hassle with the heads-up on ads. For example, I walked into a less-known TRU a week before launch and got a preorder ticket with no pain.

Likewise, I was able to steer a friend this weekend to a few stores that I knew were all stocking Wiis for Sunday, and he was able to secure one at the first store (TRU). The great part is, he had a reasonably good chance of getting it at the second and third stores (CC and Wal-Mart), but it didn't even get to that.

As for the bundles... they are designed to draw in uninformed or impatient gamers, and it works more than it should. At this point, there's no reason why a gamer should be forced to eat the cost of a Wii bundle.
Scored one here in Yakima, WA. First, I went to Fred Meyer. I was told they would have some in on Sunday morning. Got up at 5:30, arrived at FM at 6:15. Finally some one opened the door and said, "Sorry, we have no Wiis." Everyone in line walked into the electronics (me included) to make sure they didn't have any (LOL). Drove down to Target, but didn't want to take any chances and skipped down to Toys R Us. Got breakfast and then got in line about 8:15. The temp here is in the single digits, but at 9, I got my Wii along with a copy of Legend of Zeld TP. I am a happy guy, now if I could only get the feeling back in my ears and nose.
Got to Target at 7:15 this morning. Ended up being 12 person in line, and they had 18 Wiii's. And now, I'm off to eat and then do my math homework... very little Zelda for the next few days, it seems...
[quote name='munch']I got a whole lot of nothing, again. I think I'm about to turn emo about the Wii.[/QUOTE]

You're killin' me, munch! I wanna see you out there gettin' red dog mean with the next shipment! Tell yourself you want it more than the other guy! You can do this!!
[quote name='jonlubbe']MY target opened at 8am, me and a friend got there at 7:45, I got voucher #32, he got voucher #31 out of a total of 33 vouchers. Got it home, and perormed the wifi updates, and got my Wii code, and then turned it off.

Stupid term paper that I need to finish today. Stupid stupid quantum mechanics.[/QUOTE]

Yeah no joke. Lousy Calculus final.
Camped out at 4:30 am at a Target. I GOTZ ME ONE! I could only play for two hours though. Math exam and speech tomorrow, damn college.
[quote name='jollydwarf']
P.S. Why are corporations selling bundles that equal the price of the items or less unequivocally evil, but Joe Deadbeat hoarding game consoles for resale is just a capitalist and an entrepeneur? Don't give me that "Robin Hood" bullshit here.[/quote]

They are both evil and dirt :)
I got mine at CC, camped out six bloody hours before they opened. First in line.

Came home, played Zelda for about half an hour, collapsed into unconsciousness and just woke back up :D
Waited in line at Toys R Us since 12 AM last night. The store had 63 systems, some were bundles, picked up 2 bundles and a Wii Points card for myself at 9 AM. Was first in the line, the line constantly grew as time passed, with a huge line right before opening. Vouchers were passed out 5 minutes before opening.

I've already had the system since launch day, but only went today with a friend to get more as Christmas presents.

It was a very interesting morning/night.

Got mine this morning in Frisco, TX (DFW suburb). Went to Target at 6:40 for an 8:00 opening, was about 30th in line. They passed out tickets at 7:15ish and had only 21. There was practically a caravan of cars from that parking lot down 121 to the shopping area where BB/TRU/CC are located.

Nobody was in line at BB and I didn't know if they had them for sure or not. I despise CC so I skipped that one and got in line 18th at TRU about 7:30 or 7:45 for what I thougth was a 10am opening.

About 8am I was going to bail and just said screw this, i'll wait until they're on shelves when I heard they were opening at 9am not 10 so I stayed. One lady behind me in line was saying that the CC manager had come out and said they never gotten their shipment of them so he was going to FedEx himself to see if he could find them, heh glad I didn't line up there!

Anyways the manager comes out at 8 and tells us they have 31 units. He passed out tickets at 8:30 but asked us to stay in line (apparently he had a problem release weekend with tickets and no line people were coming up and literally swearing at him for not having a line). Picked up the system + Zelda.
Got mine today too. I went to target about 6:30 and was 31st in line at Target. They only had 25. A lady in line said that Target was the only place that had them in the ad. I was on the way home and decided to get a paper and found the Wii in the CC ad. Went there and I was 11th in line. They had 14. I bought Zelda as well! Good thing I didn't give up and go home.
I didn't snag a Wii today (didn't get up early enough to line up) but I did get a good laugh while shopping at a local TRU. I didn't get there until after 10:00AM so I knew there was no chance of snagging a Wii or PS3 but I still had to look. While in the video game section I saw about 10 Wii console display boxes on the shelf. All of the sudden this mom runs over and says "Wow I can't believe they have them! This is going to make my son's Christmas!!". She lifts up a box, discovers it's empty, and says "Oh I guess they're just for display. I guess you take them up to the counter to be filled!" So she runs over the counter thrilled that she had made this unbelievable find only to be told they were out of Wii systems. She then left he store furious that they would leave all of the boxes out when they had no systems. I felt bad because I was fooled by the PS3 boxes for a brief second at CC around launch but I also had to laugh.

Like you're going to stumble on a shelf full of Wii's hours after the store opens on a Sunday morning.
[quote name='Chitown021']I didn't snag a Wii today (didn't get up early enough to line up) but I did get a good laugh while shopping at a local TRU. I didn't get there until after 10:00AM so I knew there was no chance of snagging a Wii or PS3 but I still had to look. While in the video game section I saw about 10 Wii console display boxes on the shelf. All of the sudden this mom runs over and says "Wow I can't believe they have them! This is going to make my son's Christmas!!". She lifts up a box, discovers it's empty, and says "Oh I guess they're just for display. I guess you take them up to the counter to be filled!" So she runs over the counter thrilled that she had made this unbelievable find only to be told they were out of Wii systems. She then left he store furious that they would leave all of the boxes out when they had no systems. I felt bad because I was fooled by the PS3 boxes for a brief second at CC around launch but I also had to laugh.

Like you're going to stumble on a shelf full of Wii's hours after the store opens on a Sunday morning.[/QUOTE]

No, that would've been funny if she saw them and said, "Wow, I'm going to make a fortune selling these on eBay!"

The real story is actually kind of sad.
Target in Kalamazoo Michigan (West Main one) got THREE of them in. All sold in like 20 seconds. I got there at like 10:30 am thinking they might have gotten a big shipment like 30 or something. My brother is gonna try and score me one from Walmart on Tuesday / Wednesday.
I'm surprised more stores don't do the voucher system. My CC just gave out the vouchers and told people to go back home and come back when the store opened at 10. Everyone had until noon to pick up the system. It was quite a good surprise because I had prepared myself to camp for 2+ hours but fortunately I only waited 15 minutes to get checked out.

I think part of the reason why they did this is because my CC is one where someone got robbed at gunpoint during the PS3 launch...
bread's done