Who got their Cube after the price drop & stopped playing their PS2


I loved my PS2, but haven't touched it since I bought my cube. I've even traded most of my PS2 games to replace them with the same title for my Cube. Anyone else done the same?
Well, that was stupid Petey :)

I actually owned my cube before i got my xbox, and when i got my box i still playe my cube more. it just feels...fun.
I picked up the Cube when they started giving away the free game bundles. I think that was about 7-8 months ago (?) Since then I've collected about 40 games and have barely touched my PS2.
I've had my cube since Christmas 2001 right after launch. I've had my Xbox for only 4 months and I have not played my Cube much since getting the Xbox. The FPS and racing games are so much fun. I did just start playing Zelda Wind Waker again. The 1 player action games are more fun on the Cube I must admit. Mario Sunsine, Zelda, Luigi's Mansion, Metriod. You just can't beat the classics.

I guess the theory is whatever you purchased last you are probably playing the most!
[quote name='Indiana']
I guess the theory is whatever you purchased last you are probably playing the most![/quote]

Yeah I think its only natural that once you have played many of the games on your first system then get another, you will play the older of the two much less as you begin playing the newer.
Actually I started playing my GCN more once I got my GBP. I started playing all my GBA games on it. Now I'm actually just been purchasing Gamecube games and increasing my collection. My problem is that not one game has caught my attention, so I tend to play a little of one game, stop then go to the next.

The only game that most definitely caught my attention and played just about non-stop was Viewtiful Joe. As I mentioned one time, it is the only game that I actually replay just for fun.
After i beat RE0,REmake there isnt really anything that's exciting. All of nintendo's main franchises(mario,zelda,metroid) have failed to capture my heart this generation.
I basically started buying and playing games for the Cube more because
the games tend to be cheaper, the graphics are better than on my PS2
and the load times are drastically reduced. I only bought the system because it was cheap, but it impressed the hell out of me.
I got a gamecube after I got my ps2 and I hate it. I love my ps2 and xbox, I actually let my brother take it with him to college.
I'm with scarface. Why not just enjoy all 3? I can't say which system I play more. Never really think about it. It depends on which game I decide to play that night. Tonight was Nightfire on the XBox. This game is loads of fun. Last night was Silpheed on the PS2. A very pretty shooter. I'll probably continue with Nightfire until I finish it. Was looking a Defender on the cube tonight also. That will probably be next to play. :)

I must have 30 games still in shrinkwrap, lol. I love CAG!
I have all 3 consoles, and I played Gamecube the most. Too many good games, like Zelda, Metroid, Resident Evil, Mario and spinoff, Final Fantasy, Animal Crossing, Viewtiful Joe and many others. They are all unique games you can't find on other console.
I love my Cube, but man, I'm *so* not in their target age bracket, and the control scheme for games *in* my age bracket are much better on the Xbox or Ps2. The former has better graphics imo, and the latter has more variety of games (I just reserved copies of Fable and Lifeline, for example). I should reiterate that I also own all three systems.

Now, to defend my cube, I want to say that I'm still a big nintendo fan. I own two SPs, and I play Crystal Chronciles with my friends and my fiance (4-player). I own Metroid, Link, the Cthulu mythos game, and a few other nice gems like the new MarioKart (which I think transcends age boundaries while still maintaining that "fun" feeling that was aforementioned here, something Nintendo needs to do more of). The GameCube is more "fun" feeling at times, but I just find myself using the other systems more, as I feel I'm closer to their target audience now. After the N64, I've always been a little wary of that. (and I dont want to get into an arguement about the N64, because to me it was a huge disappointment aside from Link games and Goldeneye and Perfect Dark).
I picked up a GC when it came bundled with the Zelda disc. I have picked up about 14 games from the CC clearance special and from some EB sales. I have more ps2 games than for the GC, but right now I play more on the ps2. I also have a genesis, SNES, NES, Dreamcast, N64, and PS1. I am currently working on Onishima, Wipout Fusion, Jak and Daxter, Timesplitters, Disaster Report, Hot Shots Golf 3, Tekken Tag, Breath of Fire Dragon Quarter, Star Wars Starfighter, and on the GC Pikman, Outlaw Golf and Starfox Adventures. It's hard to find time when you have an eight month little girl running around. :) I need more time. :) I also have a bunch of games I haven't even tried yet....ps2- Red Faction, Primal, Beyond Good and Evil, The Mark of Kri, Dark Cloud, Max Payne, Summoner, Bloodrayne GC - Lost Kingdom, Red Faction 2, Timesplitters 2, Balder's Gate, Luigi's Mansion, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets,. I know there are more, I just can't remember off the top of my head. So many games so little time :(
I got my GC before I got my PS2, but the only reason I bought a PS2 was for the RPG's. Other than that there really isn't anything else I play on my PS2 so most of my time goes to the cube.
Actually, I've been playing EyeToy a lot recently. I can't get enough of that Kung-Fu action!! Eye Toy is awsome, especially for parties. Much better than any other party game like Sonic Shuffle, Shrek, Disney, or the crappier than crappy, Mario Party games. Other than that, the Cube is seeing all other gaming action.
I stray once in a while to my PS2 (second one) I got rid of my Xbox (I have had two and may buy another with Gaiden Fable etc hit No broadband aailable where I am at)

I always always come back to my cube.

One of my friends traded his PS2 this past winter for a cube and games. He was talking to me last night before our workout and mentioned he has already "Completed" mor games for his cube than he ever did with his PS2.

I am curious if that holds true to most people. I think I will start a poll... out of curiosity.
I own an Xbox, PS2, Cube and GBA SP. Being a fulltime student and working when I'm not at school leaves me a very short amount of time to play. I have more games now that I want to finish than I've ever had! My Cube probably gets the least amount of attention but I go through phases where I focus more on one console than another based on what games are out. Right now the PS2 is getting my attention because of Castlevania: LOI and Champions of Norrath...but with Ninja Gaiden on the horizon, the Xbox will probably be my focus soon.
Not me, I play them equally.

Last five games I got:
Xenosaga (PS2)
Viewtiful Joe (GC)
Zone of the Enders 2 (PS2)
Midway Arcade Treasures (GC)
P.N.03 (GC)
[quote name='sadunclesnugglez']I own an Xbox, PS2, Cube and GBA SP. Being a fulltime student and working when I'm not at school leaves me a very short amount of time to play. I have more games now that I want to finish than I've ever had! My Cube probably gets the least amount of attention but I go through phases where I focus more on one console than another based on what games are out. Right now the PS2 is getting my attention because of Castlevania: LOI and Champions of Norrath...but with Ninja Gaiden on the horizon, the Xbox will probably be my focus soon.[/quote]

that's basically me in a nutshell, lol! Exact same games, systems, education and work situation and outlook.
I think its cheap how Nintendo made it the only way you can play GBA games on your TV is through the GBP. My friend just traded his GC to me for my PS1, and I haven't touched the Cube since I hooked it up. I don't think any of the Nintendo games are any better (well the 3 good ones that are out there) than any other systems top games, especially PS2. It all comes down to personal preference. For me.. I wouldnt choose GC over anything.

Oh yeah.. Dreamcast still kicks ass and takes names for $10. Thats an unbelievable amount of value, especially since you can brag to your friends about it
"DenisDFat"- just come out and say you like crap games,

Is the other half of your usual ignorant post coming or was that comma an accident?
my GCN basically collects dust unless once in awhile me and my friends wanna play some Super Monkey Balls.

GCN imo hasnt had many stellar games usually ill just pick up random titles when i see em around 20$ (SFA, Sunshine, MP, etc) and then place em on a shelf after a day or two.

I bought my GCN purely for Resident Evil and got burnt so if it was for PiKMIN and SMB 1/2 and my faith i have left for RE4 I would have sold my GCN

my time is mainly spent on Ps2 and XBL
I was playing Warioware and when I got home I decided to pop it in the old GBP. You know how much dust I had to clean? Then I had to play around with the system selector to remember which console it was. Think I'm spending a little too much time on XBox Live?
I love my GC. Problem is, I don't have any superbly compelling games. Zelda: WW was disappointing (although I'm still not sure what I expected to get out of it) as was SM: Sunshine. F: Zero GX was fun in the beginning until it got rediculously difficult. Mario Kart was fun to play when my fiance would join in and so was Mario Party 4. My cube basically sits there unless I get the urge to pop M&L: SS into my GBP. That's game has held my attention the longest and that includes a 10 hour game save that I lost... :(
[quote name='terrycloth']

GCN imo hasnt had many stellar games usually ill just pick up random titles when i see em around 20$ (SFA, Sunshine, MP, etc) and then place em on a shelf after a day or two.

Thats your problem. you arent giving it a chance by picking up games that are on clearence. Even though some people loved the games you mentioned. There are a lot of others that are great for quality.
oh well.
I have all 3 consoles and the Cube definitely has gotten the most playtime overall (I think SSB:M has gotten more playtime than all of my other Next Gen games combined), however, I haven't played a whole lot of it in the past 2 months as I picked up a ton of quality PS2 and XB games around Xmas that I'm still trying to work my way through. I still play the occasionaly Mario Kart or SSB:M on it but there haven't been many quality titles released since Mario Kart (I really didn't like FF:CC a whole lot, it was alright, just not my cup of tea).
You are judging your Cube on Cube exclusive title's. Take a title like POP for example or NFS Underground, and compair to the same titles on the PS2, I think the difference is huge. Now the GameCube does lack the online play, but that really dosen't interest me anyway. I prefer a good platformer with an interesting story than the type of games with online play that's available, except maybe sports titles. ( but I really suck at those anway)
[quote name='Ebraum']You are judging your Cube on Cube exclusive title's. Take a title like POP for example or NFS Underground, and compair to the same titles on the PS2, I think the difference is huge. Now the GameCube does lack the online play, but that really dosen't interest me anyway. I prefer a good platformer with an interesting story than the type of games with online play that's available, except maybe sports titles. ( but I really suck at those anway)[/quote]

My rule of thumb for multi-platform games is (barring a significant extra i.e. online play for PS2 EA games):
XBox then GC then PS2
I haven't yet purchased an X-Box. I bought my PS2 on launch day, and the Cube after the price drop. I will most likely get an X-Box if the price goes to $129, definatly if it hit's $99.
Was big on the Gamecube before I purchased an Xbox and PS2. Still play the Nintendo games, buy third party stuff for the other two. Will purchase Nintendo's next system. They have yet to fall off.
anyone who thought wind waker sucked has brain problems.

much better than that piece of trash OOT whihch nearly ruined the series

The only deceny game on the xbox is trivial pursuit.

"mature" games are for losers. they're ruining video games.
dont have a Ps2, but i will admit, i do play my DC a whole lot less now that i have a cube. [i got it a year ago and got metroid free]
bread's done