Who here is 1080p ready?

I bought a Westinghouse LVM-37w3 37" 1080p LCD monitor for $900 back in December. I have my Xbox 360 connected to it via VGA (to take full advantage of DVD upscaling) and my PS3 through HDMI. Can't wait to see Metal Gear Solid 4 and Final Fantasy XIII.
Got me a Samsung 244T 24' 1200p Super HDTV (Technically a computer monitor, but whatever).

When it's in your face you can totally see the difference between 720p and 1080p, thats why I chose this beast!
I was going to buy the 42" 1080p Sceptre LCD from Costco for $1299, but went with a 720p 37" Olevia LCD from Frys.com for $669 shipped. It's going in my bedroom and the difference in quality will be minimal at that size, not to mention the TV I wound up with comes out to be less than half the price (after tax from Costco).
I used to have a sceptre 1080p 37" but I swapped out for the westinghouse one. Much more satisfied with the westinghouse.

Sceptre TV had a real ghetto feel to it in the menus and the design of the product.
Westinghouse TVs do have some issues but overall I really do prefer the westinghouse's

As for Olevia, i'd stay away. At work we had a few of the Syntax LCD TVs and they all broke.

But yeah with the ps3 out and in full force Content is already here. Or HD-DVD if you're goin there. also 1080p content has always been around in the form of PC games.
I got the 32" Samsung LCD TV that was on sale for $1399 at Best Buy last October... it's 720p, but like others have said, at that screen size, you're not losing terribly in quality.

The PS3 looks AWESOME on this TV, btw. :)

And the 360 looks phenomenal (I played it initially on a 24" Toshiba flat tube standard TV).. .BOY it's like night and day.

I'll go 1080p eventually... when I decide on how big I really want to go :)
1080p here as well.

Thought that I might as well jump in...

[quote name='MarkMan']1080p here as well.

Thought that I might as well jump in...

[/quote]what game and system is that. Can HD DVD do 1080p?
[quote name='pop311']what game and system is that. Can HD DVD do 1080p?[/QUOTE]

Yes HD DVD CAN do 1080p, via XB360 drive it can through VGA, IF your tv will accept 1080p through VGA, mine will not, but mine has such good deinterlacing that there is no difference between 1080i and 1080p

As for stand alone players, I only think there is one player out now that does 1080p

Id had been hoping my use of VGA on the 360 would free up a component slot for something else but my setup is like this

input 1 (component) XB360
input 2 (component) dvd changer, Wii, modded Xbox, PS2 via switch box
Input 3 (s video and VGA inputs) plan on running a dreamcast VGA into that opening, through an s video switcher have Sega Saturn (for Karaoke), and N64
Input 4 (composite) plan on putting my TG16 there when I can find a turbobooster online
HDMI 1 (this is for Directv HD in a couple weeks)
HDMI 2 upconverting RCA dvd recorder which I run DTV through at the moment
[quote name='pop311']what game and system is that.[/QUOTE]
Playstation 3 and Tekken 5: Dark Ressurrecton (PS3 store download).
According to this poll, it seems that 1080p from DLP is not the same as any other 1080p TV? What is the difference? I want to buy a Samsung DLP 1080p TV and all reviews were positive.

Here is a dumb question, what is the difference between 1080i and 1080p? Is it a huge difference in quality or what?
I bought a 61" Samsung, and I'm very satisfied with it.
Young & The Restless is one of the only shows I watch on TV, and it's broadcast in HD. =D

WWE needs to get their ass in gear.
[quote name='MarkMan']1080p here as well.

Thought that I might as well jump in...


Nice BRAVIA man! Is that the XBR2 series? Or is it the XBR3 series. I'm all confused now. Anyways, I'm 1080p ready with a Sony 50" SXRD XBR2 and a Sony 60" SXRD XBR2. 1080p really is that amazing in my eyes.
[quote name='dallow']To add a little bit:

It's nice to see HDTV owners starting to become the majority.

At the AV forum, with hundreds of votes, less than 10 still had a SD tv.
Hehe, well, that's expected over there.[/quote]

HDTV owners aren't even close to becoming the majority yet. The number is growing, though, but I'd expect it to take a couple more years.

As for the poll, I have a 480p/1080i TV, and I love it. The difference between HD and SD television is huge and I also believe it makes television more enjoyable to watch.

That said, I find the difference between 1080i and 1080p to be completely negligible and something that only technophiles are really going to notice/care about.
[quote name='Pootie Thang']Nice BRAVIA man! Is that the XBR2 series? Or is it the XBR3 series. I'm all confused now. Anyways, I'm 1080p ready with a Sony 50" SXRD XBR2 and a Sony 60" SXRD XBR2. 1080p really is that amazing in my eyes.[/QUOTE]

That's the XBR2 series (I'd imagine), the XBR3 series is basically identical though. I think the only real difference is it came standard with a black bezel instead of silver (but I think you can actually change the XBR2's bezel color anyhow).
Question for everyone. I'm gonna be graduating in may and wanted to take some grad money and get a hdtv. Is this a good tv for the price? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16889234001
It seemed to be getting some good reviews and I'm hoping the price drops a little by May if not i would still get it if it is a good tv.

I was thinking about picking a ps3 up this summer with it so I could take advantage of 1080p and then finally have all 3 consoles so I don't want to make a mistake on picking a bad tv to go with it.
[quote name='Lorddraco07']Question for everyone. I'm gonna be graduating in may and wanted to take some grad money and get a hdtv. Is this a good tv for the price? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16889234001
It seemed to be getting some good reviews and I'm hoping the price drops a little by May if not i would still get it if it is a good tv.

I was thinking about picking a ps3 up this summer with it so I could take advantage of 1080p and then finally have all 3 consoles so I don't want to make a mistake on picking a bad tv to go with it.[/QUOTE]

People have said (quite possibly in these forums) that the Westinghouse HDMI connector is quite cruddy in terms of handshake time (which causes issues when first booting up a PS3 and playing some games). Westinghouse seems to be aware of the issue and tells customers to wait for the fix by using component in the meantime... It's an issue with HDCP and HDMI as implemented by their TV, IIRC. (The TV requires an in-home firmware update to solve the issue, when they do fix it, assumedly..)

I have a Samsung 32" 720p LCD TV and I've not had the issues in question that the Westinghouse has with my PS3. The picture is phenomenal, no matter what TV brand you go with... I prefer the LCD TV's to projection or DLP's, but whatever looks best to you in person is probably your safest bet. :)
[quote name='Lorddraco07']Is the 42" any better from them? I found this on pricegrabber.com and looks be around the price of the 37".


If not could anyone recommend me a good lcd or plasma doesn't matter at 1.3k max? Thanks.[/QUOTE]

It's hard to say... the 2007 models do fix the issue with the HDMI dropout problem, but the problem is, you can't really tell (that I know of) if the TV is from 2006... and is pre-firmware fix.

It's a nice screen otherwise, as I've heard (and seen some places), but the only caveat is you might have to have an in-house firmware update scheduled if you don't get a 2007 model...

That might be worth the price difference, I'd wager... I know that as this segment of the market starts to become more mainstream... we're going to see quite the price war... :)
[quote name='Lorddraco07']Is the 42" any better from them? I found this on pricegrabber.com and looks be around the price of the 37".


If not could anyone recommend me a good lcd or plasma doesn't matter at 1.3k max? Thanks.[/QUOTE]

I have that set, it is quite fantastic. The only problem is depending on what firmware you get. It will probably be 1.00 which does have problems with the PS3 over HDMI, but DVI works ok. I'm going to westinghouse tomorrow to get my firmware flashed to 1.03 which fixes the HDMI handshaking issue with HDCP.
Ok seems like I'll pick up the 42" when the time comes and get the firmware changed on it to fix the hdmi problem. Thanks for the help.
[quote name='Lorddraco07']Ok seems like I'll pick up the 42" when the time comes and get the firmware changed on it to fix the hdmi problem. Thanks for the help.[/QUOTE]

If you end up waiting til summer you may check out their 2007 line. According to reports from CNet it'll have 3 HDMI inputs as opposed to the 2/3 DVIs it has now. Not a huge deal but chances are you'll use HDMI connections for most anything out now and I'm sure they'll have any HDCP hang-ups totally cleared up for the new line when it rolls out (or at least I'd hope so).
I just swapped my 1.00 Westinghouse 42" 1080p Set for a 1.03 firmware flashed set (I happen to live close to thier main HQ) and it works nicely now. HDMI port is now fully compatible.

For those who want this set I really recommend making sure you get the 1.03 firmware.

As for why this HDMI issue occurs, it's all because the whole HDMI thing is messy and there are all sorts of incompatibilities arising. As witnessed by this set because it works just fine with the Samsung bluray player but with the ps3 initially it had issues. I have a feeling it's an HDCP thing. But yeah with 1.03 everything works swimmingly :D
When HDMI 1.3 TVs are all mature with the latest marketing nomenclature and in conjunction >50% PS3 games run in 1080p, that's the time for true HD. Quite content with 720p NOW. Future definitely 1080p.
[quote name='jkam']I'm #4. HD is over rated. It basically gives people the chance to fill the void in their life by spending a ridiculous amount of money on a TV. They can show all their friends how cool they are and tell them how much money they spent on their latest technological wonder. I'm paying no interest at Best Buy for a year! In reality what you have is a nice TV with a sharper image. Yes I have seen and even played games on a HDTV and it looks nice but that is about it. For those of you who own one and say its so amazing I can never go back then I feel bad for you because you would have to throw away all your non-HD games which include some amazing games. Yes I can afford to buy a HDTV but I will wait until they cost about what TVs do now. Remember if a game looks good but sucks it still sucks.[/quote]

You have obviously never lived in a 25 year old neighberhood. The difference between HDTV and Regular TV is so ridiculous it's not even funny. It's 20x bigger difference than that between DVD and VHS.

BTW, I guess DVD's and CD'S are pointless to because all they give us are clearer picture, better sound and more accessbility....
[quote name='sononkyo']When HDMI 1.3 TVs are all mature with the latest marketing nomenclature and in conjunction >50% PS3 games run in 1080p, that's the time for true HD. Quite content with 720p NOW. Future definitely 1080p.[/QUOTE]

well not necessarily. Blu-ray and HD-DVD are both 1080p and tons of trailers online @ 1080p (tho quicktime sucks). Also playing quake 3 @ 1080p is still great and don't forget PC gaming in general.
[quote name='Zoglog']well not necessarily. Blu-ray and HD-DVD are both 1080p and tons of trailers online @ 1080p (tho quicktime sucks). Also playing quake 3 @ 1080p is still great and don't forget PC gaming in general.[/QUOTE]

IMHO none of those reasons justify paying double the price of a 720p TV.
[quote name='gofishn']IMHO none of those reasons justify paying double the price of a 720p TV.[/QUOTE]

Also forgot that 720p sucks for PC usage which is a shame because that's one of the greatest things about these 1080p HDTVs, they have adequate resolution for PCs. @ 720p it reminds me of using 800x600 on regular sized monitors.

And saying it's double the price is misleading. You can get 42" 1080p LCD TV for only maybe 1/4 more the cost.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Not yet. I wanted to be, but I got some problems along the way...

Damn you Westinghouse.[/QUOTE]

yeah, unless you have the 1.03 firmware it's a bit annoying.
I was just lucky enough to be able to live close to their factory. But I did start with a 1.19 set
Just ordered the LVM-42w2 from Crutchfield. I emailed their tech support beforehand and asked if these models would have the most recent firmware. He said there was no reason to believe they wouldn't. All I have to do is wait for it now.
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']That's the XBR2 series (I'd imagine), the XBR3 series is basically identical though. I think the only real difference is it came standard with a black bezel instead of silver (but I think you can actually change the XBR2's bezel color anyhow).[/QUOTE]

The XBR3 is not "basically identical" to the XBR2. There are many differences between the two models, besides the color of the frame. :rofl:
[quote name='rodeojones903']The XBR3 is not "basically identical" to the XBR2. There are many differences between the two models, besides the color of the frame. :rofl:[/QUOTE]

Care to elaborate then instead of just trying to be a know-it-all ass without revealing anything (and succeding). The only differences I know of between the two models are the bezel color and the correction of a possible "cloudy" picture problem resulting from the backlight or somehting (mura defect, IIRC, which I've been told is still around for the XBR3s somewhat). Maybe there is a small difference like I'm sure the chipset for video processing has been refined somehow or maybe slightly different parts on the insdie, but for everything I've seen the specs are damn near identical, making the 40", 46" and 52" "basically identical" to me. The way the two operate didn't change much at all that I can tell.

Edit to back me up from people who actually know something:

[quote name='CNet']
Finally, the company will ask an even prettier penny for the flagship KDL-XBR3 line, which again comes in 40-inch and 46-inch versions. These 1080p sets distinguish themselves from the rest with a glossy black frame, again ringed by floating glass -- and that's the only difference. Sony's press release pimps these models as being compatible with its forthcoming BDP-S1 Blu-ray player, but of course any 1080p-input-capable, 1080p-resolution HDTV could claim the same level of synergy. You'll pay $4,300 for the privilege of owning the 40-inch KDL-V40XBR3 and $5,300 for the 46-inch KDL-V46XBR3. [/quote]

[quote name='Crutchfield']The features and performance of the 46" KDL-46XBR3 are identical to the KDL-46XBR2 — the only difference is the XBR3's gloss-black cabinet, which looks extra stylish encased in Sony's clear "floating glass" case.[/quote]
[quote name='getmyrunon']No reason to own a 1080p television until you have a true 1080p source to go along with it (and even then the differences are negligible on the smaller TVs).[/QUOTE]

Well if you send 1080i to a 1080p tv you will see 1080p on the tv I believe. Nearly all 1080p tvs convert the interlaced signal to progressive. There is no such thing as an LCD interlaced screen after all.
[quote name='donth8dre']Umm yeah there is such thing as a interlaced display on an LCD[/quote]

Don't believe so. Every LCD tv I have ever seen is either 720p or 1080p. Their native resolution is 720p, they can merely accept a 1080i signal and convert. Now I could be wrong, but thats how I understand it.
That's right, LCDs are inherently progressive because it's a fixed pixel display.

Interlaced signals are de-interlaced. Progressive signals bypass the internal de-interlacer.
[quote name='dallow']That's right, LCDs are inherently progressive because it's a fixed pixel display.

Interlaced signals are de-interlaced. Progressive signals bypass the internal de-interlacer.[/QUOTE]

yeah... what he said lols
bread's done