Who is actually buying a PS3


So we've all seen and read and heard the news of PS3 costing a gazillioni dollars and games being possibly outrageously priced, etc. Who thinks that it's going to be worth the 2nd mortgate you'll need to get a hold of one of these systems and games? Who is actually going to be out there on day 1 to get one? I have been wondering. I used to be on the PS3 wagon but I'm pretty much fed up with all the garbage going on. I'm going back to coleco vision!!!

T. Foolery
I plan on picking one up in the Spring after they get restocked and I can snag one using Overstock coupons or something similar. I might get a 360 instead if something draws me in though besides Dead Rising.
I'll eventually get one, but not at launch. When games like Metal Gear and Tekken 6 start coming out, I'm not gonna be able to resist.
I'll probably get one at launch, I'm still waiting to see the official list for launch games in the U.S.

If there are at least two, original games I am interested in I'll buy.
I could buy one at launch... but I don't think I will. I'm real turned off about this whole next generation of consoles. I have a 360 and I'm thoroughly unimpressed.
[quote name='whoknows']I'll probably get one at launch, I'm still waiting to see the official list for launch games in the U.S.

If there are at least two, original games I am interested in I'll buy.[/QUOTE]
Same thing here. The one game thay I am interested right now is Resistence Fall of Man.
I'm really pissed off at Sony for all the garbage they have been spewing as of late. I'm considering a 360 but I have to admit I like having the backwards compatibility of the PS2 so the PS3 is tempting in that regard. The less consoles (with more games) the better. I'm also kind of waiting to see if the 360 will drop. I'm going to get the Wii and I still have a PS2/Cube backlog so even if I end up waiting a year or two to make the decision I'll be good to go. I think it might be awhile before the PS3 is readily available and I really don't want to be a guinea pig at launch. I think this gen has been the most annoying in terms of figuring out what to buy. I know some people like having all 3 consoles but I find it a bit redundant.
I got a 360 and I will get a Wii on launch BUT I am going to have to jump on the not getting one until Sony stops with stupid bull they have been pulling.

I usually get everything sooner or later, but so far I am not that impressed that I would lay down damn near 800 bucks for a system and 2 games on launch. The only games I have even seen that looked cool were Metal Gear and White Knight Story. I have heard games that may be cool, but am yet to see them in action. SO, that leads me to want to wait for about 3 years or so for a hopeful price drop and a bunch of games to be released.

Besides, Sony has a bad rap for putting out crap on first launches. By that I mean the stuff breaks way too easy. Yeah, 360 had its burns and breaks but mine is fine. EVERY Sony system(PS1 and PS2) has screwed up and stopped working right on me. Everyone I knew had the same thing happen with their PS1 as well, they had to turn the thing upside down for it to work right.
Im flying back to the states 2 days before launch. So hopefully i'll get one.

Im just hoping Sony doesnt decide to push back the date by a week or 2.
That would screw things up for me.

But yeah i plan on waiting 12-16 hrs or so to get one day 1.
Not bashing you or anything, just curious Ivanhoe>

If games are actually 80-100 bucks a pop, you are still interested?
What games are you actually wanting at launch?

By the way, what does Ivanhoe mean? There is a restaurant fairly close to where I live named Ivanhoe's. Probably just a name, but thought I'd check.
Ill buy one to sell on ebay.

Other then that it is a mistake to buy it at launch. Not because of the price (boo hoo it cost more then you get for allowance). Sony does not know how to build electronics that do not break. First models especially. Look at the PS1 and 2, both first few gens of them had disc read errors among other problems.

I will wait to buy my PS3 until the third model of it is released and they fix up most of the problems that the first models have.
[quote name='musha666']Ill buy one to sell on ebay.

Other then that it is a mistake to buy it at launch. Not because of the price (boo hoo it cost more then you get for allowance). Sony does not know how to build electronics that do not break. First models especially. Look at the PS1 and 2, both first few gens of them had disc read errors among other problems.

I will wait to buy my PS3 until the third model of it is released and they fix up most of the problems that the first models have.[/QUOTE]

Dude, I have never had an allowance and have worked since I got my driver's license. I am ABLE to buy a PS3 at launch, but just because I can does not mean I want one.
[quote name='Rags']Not bashing you or anything, just curious Ivanhoe>

If games are actually 80-100 bucks a pop, you are still interested?
What games are you actually wanting at launch?

By the way, what does Ivanhoe mean? There is a restaurant fairly close to where I live named Ivanhoe's. Probably just a name, but thought I'd check.[/QUOTE]

I dont think anyone would be interested in 80-100 dollar games for the ps3 or any system. But as of today they are all priced at 59.99. SO that shouldnt be an issue.

My nick Ivanhoe is takin from the novel. Sir walter scott's Ivanhoe.

More specific the A and E movie of the same name.
As was the case with every other console generation, I will eventually get it, but not until after significant price cuts and enticing exclusives.
[quote name='Ivanhoe']I dont think anyone would be interested in 80-100 dollar games for the ps3 or any system. But as of today they are all priced at 59.99. SO that shouldnt be an issue.

My nick Ivanhoe is takin from the novel. Sir walter scott's Ivanhoe.

More specific the A and E movie of the same name.[/QUOTE]

Ah...thanks for clearing that up. 60 is not too bad I guess, I will most likely pick one up after about a year or 2. I am certain there will be some awesome games, just hope they don't screw things over.

I think the place I am speaking of is a last name.
[quote name='Rags']Ah...thanks for clearing that up. 60 is not too bad I guess, I will most likely pick one up after about a year or 2. I am certain there will be some awesome games, just hope they don't screw things over.

I think the place I am speaking of is a last name.[/QUOTE]

I want resistance and call of duty 3 at launch.
And Maybe madden.
Have not seen Resistance(don't really keep up good until like the last month until release), I'll check it out.

Really the one thing I am looking forward to the most is Phantasy Star Universe(360). That is what really has my eye. Can't wait for it.

I am going to get a Wii on launch though. I am also looking forward to playing one of the PS3 kiosks at a store to actually play and see it in "real" action.
i was all gung ho about getting one at launch but have since calmed down about it. i LOVE playstation but i also KNOW playstation and i know this thing is going to be senselessly buggy. especially since this is all new technology they are using this time around. i dont want to pay $600 for something that is going to brick up on me after 2 weeks.

i will be waiting in line on the 19th though rather than the 17th. the wii just makes so much more sence right now. ill probably end up getting one next summer when they are more available, have a decent library, and no new wii games are coming out (since good games rarely come out during the summer). so its wii and zelda for me, at least until sony gets their acts together.
[quote name='B1gC72']i was all gung ho about getting one at launch but have since calmed down about it. i LOVE playstation but i also KNOW playstation and i know this thing is going to be senselessly buggy. especially since this is all new technology they are using this time around. i dont want to pay $600 for something that is going to brick up on me after 2 weeks.

i will be waiting in line on the 19th though rather than the 17th. the wii just makes so much more sence right now. ill probably end up getting one next summer when they are more available, have a decent library, and no new wii games are coming out (since good games rarely come out during the summer). so its wii and zelda for me, at least until sony gets their acts together.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like me, Wii and Zelda are what I'm picking up as well.
I'll buy a system... it's inevitable. I love Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Devil May Cry 4, etc... so I can't imagine not owning the system. The only question for me is when I'm going to get it. Given that all that's coming out at launch that I'm interested in is Ridge Racer 7, I doubt I'll get it on day 1... it looks like the first game to come out that I'm really, really interested in might be Ninja Gaiden Sigma so I'll probably buy the system when that hits.
I will probably get one after a few price drops and the bugs are fixed or in 2008. 2007 I plan to make the leap and purchase a HDTV.
NOPE!.............after going through 2 PS1's and 3 PS2's..........NOPE! Not this time,....at $600?....plus $150 for a couple games?.....NOPE.....uh-uh........NOPE!
[quote name='rodeojones903']I definately am. As soon as I find a place with the $600 one in stock im picking it up.[/quote]
Same here. I don't think I'll be lining up outside of a B&M retailer unless a) I know I can secure a unit, b) the wait is no longer than 4 hours, and c) I'm not compelled to purchase a bundle. If I'm pre-ordering, I need to know that if I'm among the first to pay in full, I can be guaranteed a unit on 11/17.
I have hopped on the Wii band wagon as well. As stated, I think it makes more sense and that it is going to make for a badass experience, especially now that nintendo is allowing M-rated stuff(like the GTA series) to be made and played on their system. PS3 I'm sure is going to be a killer system but the perceived value to me is not high enough to warrant that kind of spending.

As also stated, maybe down the road(years) I'll get one. I loved my PS2, just too bad I did the trade 3 get ten deal at EB for Wii games haha!

T. Foolery
[quote name='Kayden']I could buy one at launch... but I don't think I will. I'm real turned off about this whole next generation of consoles.[/QUOTE]

I agree, nothing original is coming out on any of the systems yet.
Yep I'm not too excited about this gen...I dunno its sad really I remember being so excited for the snes, n64, and cube...now I'm just ... bleh ... well I always wished Nintendo would have just gone with the normal controller and updated the graphics like PS3, but o well.
I plan on picking one up the same day Ninja Gaiden Sigma is released.
Team Ninja, Id, or Valve are instant system sellers for me.
Definitely, just not at launch. I'm going to pick up a Wii this year and I'll probably get a PS3 next year. The exclusive games are just looking too good to really pass up the opportunity to play them.
I would like to buy one but then i start thinking about all the other stuff i could get for $600 and i think ill pass. Ill definitely be getting the Wii though.
Without a doubt, I'll be picking up a PS3 at launch. I may pick up a Wii as well, though I'll probably wait a month or two to see what's available for that system before making the jump.
I'm seriously debating getting one at launch, the PSP's did alright despite the DP debacle, but if Sony throws in the the 1YR warranty again I'm sold...Sony killed me on the PS2 90 Day, I believe I'm on my third or fourth unit :roll: ...
I'll probably hold off till the price drops and all the problems with it (and you know there wil lbe) get fixed.
bread's done