Who is your favorite mascot character?


Sorry for the lack of options; its been a busy holiday season for me. Ill try to keep things flowing.

Anyways, who is your personal favorite mascot? Mario? Sonic? Maybe Samus? Dont base your entire decision only on the games they have been in, and keep other aspects in mind.

Any requests will be added, but I can only fit 10 options on the poll. Suggestions are welcome. If some have 0 or 1 votes after a while, they'll be replaced.
For me, it's Mario. He was one of my favorite video characters when I was growing up and I really enjoyed all of his games.
Sonic for me. He came out when i was about 9. For some reason he's always struck a cord with me, and because of him im a Sega fan.
I just other because I can't decide on who is the best... Mario, Sonic, and the Ninja Turtles were my childhood favs, but I can't really decide which one is the best... especially when you throw in power rangers (which the games actually really sucked) and you can't forget the Zelda games...OH SHIT, link is on the list.. dammit, I should've voted for him... or... well nevermind, you get the point... I can't decide!
I'll have to say Samus although she is not a traditional mascot in the same vein as Mario or Sonic. I just like the Metroid games the best. I'm glad Nintendo has dusted off the franchise in recent years and I hope it continues...
It's not as hard as a choice for me. It has to be Mario, I grew up with Nintendo. Though I may have moved to other system, he still is my favorite mascot.
Holy crap... the last two posts have Avatars that make my brain twist like a contortionist! First the guy that says he likes mario has a pic of another new character(can't remember the name) that sucks, and Lstorm (who also has a crappy name) has a freaking purple rhino thing spanking itself... Whatever floats your boat man, BUT KEEP IT TO YOURSELF.
[quote name='noxious_locust']Holy crap... the last two posts have Avatars that make my brain twist like a contortionist! First the guy that says he likes mario has a pic of another new character(can't remember the name) that sucks, and Lstorm (who also has a crappy name) has a freaking purple rhino thing spanking itself... Whatever floats your boat man, BUT KEEP IT TO YOURSELF.[/quote]

sick bastard. this is coming from a person with a child molestor michael jackson avatar. .......pedifile!!!!! .....like you said whatever floats your boat.
I think Vladimir would have looked so much better in a St. Louis Cardinal Uni... *sigh* At least we got Pujols for 7 more years YIPPIE!!! :)
I was gonna say that I like transformers, but now I'm just gonna put my foot down and say... The pic is from the funniest game ever... LSTORM, sorry about before man, but if you haven't played Michael Jackson's moonwalker, all your senses as you know them will disintegrate... PLAY IT, IT PROVES THAT MICHAEL IS A MOLESTER! (i mean, come on, you collect little girls throughout the levels... EW!)
All hail Mecha-Jackson!

Mario, without a doubt. Mario 1 was the first game I ever played/beat. it still brings back all these fuzzy memories.
Mario all the way for me man. Back when I first booted up the NES with SMB1 was probably the happiest day of my life to that date. LOL
Mario! ...not luigi.... It used to be Sonic, before I realized how kick Ass old school Mario is. I haven't played the new mario, but the older Marios were bette rthen the 64 version. Anyway, anyone who bounces on enemies, eats 'shroom, shoots flames out of there nostrils, hits boxes with their head, and has a perverted turtle after their girlfriend is my hero!
I gotta pick Mario on this one. The Mario games were the first video games I've ever played, and he's still my favorite to this day.
I chose Sonic. I couldn't possibly fathom the amount of time I spent playing Sonic the Hedgehog games, reading Sonic comic books, and watching Sonic cartoons as a kid. And I still like the critter. Now that's staying power. :)

But of course, I also like most of those characters (especially Link, Samus, Mario, and Luigi) mentioned in the poll, but Sonic is the man, er, hedgehog!
I went with Sonic. He had a swagger about him that made him a little bit better than Mario. Plus his whole mission was to free his friends, all he wanted to do was have fun.
For me, Mario is the embodiment of classic video game skills and premise. I think the "In-Joke' of the Mario franchise is that outwardly he's still the unchanging simplistic plumber who can only manage to muster an occasional "Woo Hoo!" or phrase with a silly italian accent. Yet it takes a seasoned gamer with good skills to complete the most difficult of Mario's challenges.

Inwardly and at his best he requires from us a skill set that matches and at times goes beyond other more obvioulsy packaged icons. For example, I think that successfully controlling Duke Nukem or Mace Griffin (cough) is generally easier than getting Mario to his goal. Blasting baddies in Quake requires less skills from us than does Mario at his most challenging. The real hardcore gamer is the one who can breeze through the more difficult challenges of Super Mario Sunshine. No matter how hard a challenge will get for Mario, he wont be sprouting muscles, pointy hair, a catsuit or breasts any time soon.

I like Sonic and you have to bring skills to the table quite often in his games as well, but his added attitude is in my mind an unnecessary nod to a Power Ranger / WWF mentality coveted mainly by young kids. Mario is more rounded out. Mario has the necessary appearance for kids, a clever nod in style and substance for the adults and his skill requirements are universal to talented gamers of all ages.
im probably gonna be one of the only ones to think this, but Cloud and Sephiroth are the best Mascots. I mean come on, Spikey-Hair and the Biggest videogame Villain EVER!?

on a side note, fighters generation gave them a rating of 9.5(Cloud) and 10(Sephiroth) for the game Ergheiz.
Has to be samus or mario and luigi. Samus for she is the one of the original characters that is associated with sci-fi action games, and mario and luigi for the fact that they are the original mascots of nintendo which has given us so many fond memories and many of our first enjoyable gaming experiences
OH man, I was hoping it'd be like sports mascots, in which case the Carolina Panther is my favorite. Basically because it dove on a live ball once.
bread's done