Who own's [or used to] a Sega Master System

Simon Adebesi

other than the DC, this is my favorite system of all time. made me the serious gamer i am today. games like phantasy star, Y's and Miracle Warriors got me hooked on RPG's. other great games like shinobi,alex the kidd[all 4 of em],golden axe warriors,r-type, govellius,zillion 1+2,many more.

i got master system one [base system] with the card slot. only had 3 card games though. ghost house, my hero and........cant remember. also have a master system II, no card slot, but it came preloaded with alex the kidd in miracle zone.

ahhh classic gaming.

oh yeah i always thought the SMS controller was better than the snes. more comfy
Yeah, I have a SMS. The shooting gallery and safari games are so much better than duck hunt, IMO... have a lot of hours racked up in all 3 games, but I just get into Shooting Gallery so much more (the baloon physics for back then were just amazing). Looking back, SEGA is deff my favorite Dev/Publisher ever.

Thanks for the memories, SEGA... those that attack you know don't understand your past...
I got one. It's busted and looks like it was thrown to the dogs but it still works.

Some of my favorite games were Quartet, Shinobi, and Gangsta Town.
Quartet in particular, it's nothing like the arcade version but it's still addictive and has kick ass music.
The closest thing I came to a SMS was the converter that went in the Game Gear. I never got around to getting any games for it.
I once had a Sega Master System that my brother gave me with a ton of games but I traded it for 7 dollars of store credit. Doah !
I still have mine. Wonder Boy 3 is my favorite, just played it through again a few months ago. Space Harrier, Ghost Busters, Aztec Adventure, Penguin Land, and Miracle Warriors are some other good ones. Miracle Warriors is actually my favorite RPG for SMS, I could never get into Ys or Phantasy Star.

The 3D glasses were pretty neat. Zaxxon is my favorite of the 3D games.
Defintely have one, though for some strange reason, i just don't play it that often. I love it, it just never seems to make it's way into the rotation. If it does, 3-D Space Harrier all the way. Nice ports of Shinobi and R-Type, one of the only home versions of Rastan, and some great original stuff though.
Ah sweet master system, how for me you were better then nes. Playing your great sega arcade ports (shinobi, golden axe, out run and space harrier) and the 3d glassses made you that much more sweeter. Yep my sega master system has a special place in my gaming life.
I liked the card games. Oh yeah guys did you know every sega master system has a free game built in! Turn the power on na d let it sit with out a game in it. Mine had a snail maze game and a friends had the ski shooting game. Not many people know about it though!
I have my Master System also! I originally got one for Christmas back in 1986 or 1987. I eventually sold it in the early 90's so I could pick up a newer system. But, low and behold, I found a brand new one on ebay just before Christmas 2000! It will never leave my possession again, as it is my all-time favorite console. Miracle Warriors and especially Zillion hold places as two of my favorite games ever. I'm looking forward to playing the Wonderboy III I picked up a few years ago (Wonderboy on the Genesis was an excellent game as well).

Who here thinks Sega should remake Zillion or a sequel for Miracle Warriors (I was always holding out for this as the ending was left open for the possibility of a sequel) for a next-gen console...it will never happen...but it could be cool!

I had a Power Base Converter (can use SMS games on Genesis) and used it until recently when I decided I wanted the real thing. I have 2 SMSs now and a lot of games. Very nice system. My fav game is Golden Axe Warrior, even if it is a Zelda rip-off.
remember the x-mas of 88. the commercial that sega was running. had phantasy star,shinobi and free by mail you got double dragon if you bought a master system. thoses were the days....

im actually playing Y's right now.
Simon....what was the sequel to Miracle Warriors? Was it released for the Mark III in Japan? I'm wondering because I have a Mark III and would love to pick up this game if it exists!

I never knew about the ski shooting game but i did find the snail game on accident. I was so shocked and suprised that i tried to find something on my nes (of course it didn't work).
Yeah...I remember findiing the snail maze game way back in the 80's when I first got my Master System. Pretty cool idea to hide games in the system if you ask me!

I never owned one, but my cousin did and I would play the hell out of it when I was little. I especially loved Space Harrier, and a game no one's mentioned yet Rastan(sp?). That game kicked ass.
mm Wonderboy 3: The Dragon's Trap. that was a fantastic game. I played the HEY-YELL out of it.

I still do think to this day that Phantasy Star was the best game for that system.

LOL I still have the ALF game for it too. talk about a slice of the Cheesy 80's

jeugder, I too love Zillion. :cry:

^tears of joy.

Anywho, I still have my system but I need a power pak. Probably have to go ebay for it. My system does have a free game built in. It was a shooter using the gun, you had to shoot missles down. Good times.
I was always a fan of the SMS but I'm always surprised at the amount of kick ass titles on the system I never payed much mind too. I just bought Golvelius (I know I spelled that wrong) from a pawn shop and I love it.

I still need to get Cyber-Shinobi though.
alex the kidd taught me how to play rock paper scissors.

tihink i learned more from my sega master system than i did from 12 years worth of school.
hmm Lets see. Miracle Warriors was great.

Zillion was actually turned into an anime. The US company had the rights only dubbed 5 eps and an OAV. Maybe someone will pick it up sometime. *I wish*

Golvellius: The Valley of Doom was downright awesome. It had an open ending, and makes me wonder if there were any sequels made in Japan.

Cant Wait for the Phantasy Star remake, one of the few games I'm actually looking for with baited breath, had to make a screenshot avatar.

Phantasy Star was one of the only memorable SMS games I played. Never got to try most others...but then again I didn't own a SMS of my own.
you did not own a SMS......thats bad decision making.

you got an uncle jessie avitar.........thats also bad decision making.
Just got me an SMS. Should arrive shortly. Never owned one as a kid and it's time to make up for the lost time.
I had a friend who had an SMS back when I was 7 or 8 years old. He had about three games for it. I remember playing Golden Axe but forget the others he had.
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