Who wants to play Achievement Games with me?


CAG Newbie
I am en route to becoming an Achievement Gamer, idk why but I find it kinda fun.

Anyway I have the following games that I've been struggling to get achievements in due to the lack of skill my brother has in Video Games.

Halo 4

Madden 25

NBA 2K14

Stuff like that, I'm wondering if any of you guys will help me with some achievements, Kinda like "ill let you do this!"

I'm willing to help with achievements as well, ik someone is gonna give me crap about this thread but it's serious for someone as weird as me haha. Reply or PM me what you need help with and or what you can help me with

My 360 GT is: YogiGarebear89
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I'm here to give you crap about this thread.

I checked your Xbox profile and don't see any games in your playlist that are over 58% (NBA2K14) completion. If you're serious about becoming an "achievement gamer", there are websites out there that you can link up with other people who have the games you do and schedule gaming sessions. 

Check out xboxachievements.com. It's a great place to find gaming sessions and achievement guides that will help you with becoming an "achievement gamer". You'll know you're there when you're collecting some stupid shit in a kid's game so you can get an additional 1000/1000 to add to your gamerscore. Then, you're officially an "achievement whore" and there is no going back. 

[quote name="Stoic Person Eater" post="11903675" timestamp="1404838601"]I'm here to give you crap about this thread.

I checked your Xbox profile and don't see any games in your playlist that are over 58% (NBA2K14) completion. If you're serious about becoming an "achievement gamer", there are websites out there that you can link up with other people who have the games you do and schedule gaming sessions.

Check out xboxachievements.com. It's a great place to find gaming sessions and achievement guides that will help you with becoming an "achievement gamer". You'll know you're there when you're collecting some stupid shit in a kid's game so you can get an additional 1000/1000 to add to your gamerscore. Then, you're officially an "achievement whore" and there is no going back. [/quote]haha no and I understand that, I actually just started going HAM on achievements like a little bit ago so right now I've been focusing on halo not so much NBA, and I do watch guides and stuff just hard with a sucky gamer in my bro haha
Most of the achievements come from just playing the games.

I saw your Halo 4 progress and it's definitely a start. Halo 4 is a huge game for achievements and half of the MP achievements require you to purchase other packs that they don't have playlists for. 

Also, the more games you have, the more achievement opportunities you have. I'm not sure if you've been on Xbox Live Gold for long, but check out the Games with Gold program to download free games each month. 

The website I mentioned also allows you to see the estimated number of hours and difficulty for getting all/most of the achievements in the guides roadmaps. I use this for deciding whether or not to play a game. 

[quote name="Stoic Person Eater" post="11903719" timestamp="1404840083"]Most of the achievements come from just playing the games.

I saw your Halo 4 progress and it's definitely a start. Halo 4 is a huge game for achievements and half of the MP achievements require you to purchase other packs that they don't have playlists for.

Also, the more games you have, the more achievement opportunities you have. I'm not sure if you've been on Xbox Live Gold for long, but check out the Games with Gold program to download free games each month.

The website I mentioned also allows you to see the estimated number of hours and difficulty for getting all/most of the achievements in the guides roadmaps. I use this for deciding whether or not to play a game. [/quote]im currently just using trial codes so I don't have any access to the games with gold unfortunately, the other problem is I only have a 4GB Xbox, that didn't come with a hard drive so I'm stuck in that regard with what I can download. I enjoy Rooster Teeth's walkthroughs(Achievement Hunter)
I want to get the DLCs for halo cuz then that Would make getting more achievements much quicker! I honestly don't even know what you get for High gamerscore. But it kinda intrigues me so I'm trying to get as many achievements as I can
And I expect to be at 4500 soon considering I'm almost done completing Halo 4 campaign on Legendary, you'll get the achievements like completing it on Normal, Heroic and stuff so yeah haha.
[quote name="Garrett Little" post="11903828" timestamp="1404842125"]And I expect to be at 4500 soon considering I'm almost done completing Halo 4 campaign on Legendary, you'll get the achievements like completing it on Normal, Heroic and stuff so yeah haha.[/quote]just got this today, ugh now the only achievements I can basically get are the ones I need the DLCs for, Anyone have any codes;) haha
[quote name="Rodimus" post="11908305" timestamp="1404954491"]Sounds like someone has very little to do this summer vacation.[/quote]Haha well, yeah you may be right hahaha
[insert obligatory "hey man, you should play games because you enjoy playing them not for some made-up fake score that doesn't mean anything!"]

I'm just playing with ya.  I'm what I'll call a weekend achievement hunter.  I only try to 100% the games and franchises that I love, like Mass Effect or Fable. 

I agree that you'll need to be all over xboxachievements.com and trueachievements.com.  I really enjoy the content at xboxachievements.com and there are a lot of CAG's that frequent their boards, as well. 

Good luck, man, and don't forget to get some sun every once in a while.  :joystick:

Yeah you should check out trueachievements.com and sign up there. There's a CAG leaderboard too.

I've been spending most of my gaming time for the past couple months with Final Fantasy XIV on the PS3 and my gamerscore has really suffered, but lately I've been jonesing to get back into the achievement game. :)

bread's done