Who's getting the better value in this deal?


My buddy and I are splitting this find ($75 we are spending total). I should of prob bought it myself but its one hour and a half away from me so I didn't want to make the trip alone.
He is getting:
A. Yobo Nintendo top loader console thing (its red and white)
with these games:
1. Wrestlemania
2. Wrath of the Black Manta
3. Major League Baseball
4. Double Dribble
5. Mario brothers with duck hunt and track and field
6. Bases Loaded 2
7. Thunderbirds
8. Tetris
9. Ice Hockey
10. The Karate Kid
11. Zelda (gold)
12. Golgo 13
13. Off-Road
14. Double Dragon 2
15. After Burner
16. Tennis
17. Robocop
18. Terminator 2
19. Football
20. Bayou Billy
21. Bad Dudes
22. The Simpsons: Bart vs Space Mutants
23. Dick Tracey
24. John Elway's Quarterback
25. Track and Field 2
26. Marble Madness
B. SNES Console and these games:
27. Mickey's Ultimate Challenge
28. NBA Jam
29. Mario Paint
30. Football
C. And these games (not the console)
31. Diddy Kong Racing
32. Monster Trucks
33. Banjo Kazooie
34. Mickey's Speedway
35. 1080 Snowboarding

What I'm getting:
NES Games:
1. Metroid
2. Donkey Kong
3. Castlevania
4. Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
5. Super Mario 2
6. Ninja Turtles
7. Ninja Turtles 2: The Arcade Game
8. Godzilla
9. Metal Gear
10. Rampage
11. Tecmo Bowl
12. Tecmo Super Bowl
13. Rambo
14. Base Wars
15. Star Soldier
16. Star Voyager
17. Commando
18. Sky Dive
19. Golf
20. Defender 2
21. Roger Rabbit
22. Baseball
23. Kung Fu
24. Track N Field
25. NFL
SNES Game:
26. Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time
27. Jurassic Park
Nintendo 64 Console and these games:
28. Mario Kart
29. Donkey Kong Country
30. CruisN USA
31. Road Rash
32. California Speed
33. Extreme Bike
34. Ridge Racer
Let me know what you think, thanks. We held a game's draft where we actually drafted what we wanted. I have no use for the Yobo nintendo as I have 2 NES's and I wasn't even sure how valuable they are (I saw them on Amazon for $15). I know the SNES is a bit better than the other 2 consoles but I wanted an N64. I think we both did good overall but do you think I did good? Who got the better value? Thanks!
I'd say you did. Your NES games are better (overall), those NES knock-offs are terrible and Turtles in Time is better than his SNES games.

To me, the SNES console was his best pickup.
Thanks Rig. His SNES Console was his first pick. I had gone into it writing down values so I was mainly going after good games that i could possibly resell. I didn't go after the Nintendo console since I didn't think it was worth very much and chose to go after the games. Do you think we both did good overall with only spending $75 together on the whole lot?
IMO its about even game wise but id say your friend has you beat factoring in the system.

Specially if you plan to resell.
You forgot to factor in the gas it will take to drive an hour and a half away, which should be substantial and cut into the deal factor...

that said, if you are happy with your pick ups, good for you
Yes that is true. He would be spending the money on the gas. Do you think its a good deal for $38 for both of us?
[quote name='RenoTurk11']Yes that is true. He would be spending the money on the gas. Do you think its a good deal for $38 for both of us?[/QUOTE]

lol damn reno, print the list out, look up complete recent Ebay listings for the games .... add it up .... and the answer will be right in front of you in less than an hour....

that's a hefty list and you have been repeatedly guided to just look them up...

the info you will gain will be priceless going forward ...
it will be a great use of about 30 minutes...

hell, brag and report back here your findings...
Lol donut, I actually did this time :p Which is why I said I printed out the values on the games and drafted accordingly lol. I just wanted to know how u guys think I did vs him bc he was bitching that I got more than him when I think he kind of got more bc of the top loader. Thanks tho donut for replying :p What u think, how we do?

uiengineer- ok great, thank s;P
[quote name='RenoTurk11']Lol donut, I actually did this time :p Which is why I said I printed out the values on the games and drafted accordingly lol. I just wanted to know how u guys think I did vs him bc he was bitching that I got more than him when I think he kind of got more bc of the top loader. Thanks tho donut for replying :p What u think, how we do?

uiengineer- ok great, thank s;P[/QUOTE]

YOU tell us.;).. as you did the homework and have up to date info/research... it's not rocket science, trust your research!
Okay good idea. I like that :p I'm still new to this whole thing so scared I'm going to get ripped off.
Well Turtles in Time by itself says on vgc that it is $28
Mario Kart is $18.00
So those two alone are basically getting my money back plus Donkey Kong 64 and Road Rash are listed at $13 each. Donkey Kong for NES is listed at $20. So these games alone make me above the profit margin. Plus I'mg etting the N64 and other Nintendo greats like TMNT 1, 2 and the Castlevanias, etc.
My co-buyer just kept saying how I was getting the better stuff when in reality he was getting more but mine seems to be worth more as a whole lol
Yeah it was pretty funny, we figured it was a fun way to split the stuff up. It worked out pretty good I think. We both came prepared with notes lol.
bread's done