who's getting the Vita COD pack-in?

you know the game is going to be horrible right?


these guys haven't made a good game in the 14 years they have been in existence. They are now retiring from retail video games and making mobile games.....
these guys also made the resistance game for vita which wasn't too hot.
this game is probably going to suck.

they even "reorganized" and changed the name of the company so their shitty reputation doesn't carry over into their digital mobile plans

it might be feasible to say that they totally skimped on the production of burning skies to concentrate on this game, but I think thats giving them too much benefit of the doubt.
I thoroughly enjoyed Burning Skies. I guess I'll keep an eye on it. I forsee a shitload of the pack-ins from the bundles ending up online after xmas. i'll just grab one then when its cheaper.
yea, the pack-ins are not so great so far; Madden, AC3, and now COD from a turd-rate company, but currently, it is the best option for getting a vita, with $200 being the pack-in price for BF, hoping to see better for the vita next year...
bread's done