Why are international buyers such assholes?


102 (100%)
This has come up a few times now, and I'm getting kind of sick of it. Every once in awhile, I'll put up an item which I guess must be a hit with the overseas crowd, because I'll get a few questions asking if I ship overseas.

Usually, I just tell them I ship within the United States, and that's the end of it.

However, the last couple of times, these people are writing me back, claiming how stupid I am that I won't to ship to them, that it's "just a few dollars more", and how I'm a moron to not be willing to ship out of the United States.

It doesn't matter, because in the end someone from the US always buys my auctions anyways at the same price, but has anyone else ever encountered this? These international buyers get so damn hostile, like they think they can bully me into wasting my time standing in line at the post office for them, when someone else will just buy my item and I can print the label here and simply drop it into the box.

I actually had to block a few international buyers because they wouldn't stop harrassing me through the messages about why I won't sell to them.
ive had several problems with buying and selling internationally, so i just dont do it anymore. plus, the majority of scammers seem to be from overseas (espeically with high ticket items) so i just have them blocked now on my ebay account now. Since then I haven't had any problems with int'l bids or messages.
If they are harassing you, you can report it to ebay under harassment, there is no reason why you should be taking this type of abuse. Its your item and you define the terms, if you don't want to sell overseas then thats your choice.
I sell quite a bit internationally, and it always surprises me that they never seem to have a problem with shipping prices (I only ship guides on global priority envelopes). I have the occasional problems - just got my 1st neg in a year from what I suspect to be a dishonest Canadian, but they tend to buy things US buyers dont and they do bid up auctions nicely.

The assholes are the 0 feedbackers I will not ship internationally to, and for some reason Mexicans. I won't ship anything there regardless of how many feedback, since I think I'm 0 for 4 in successful transactions there, but they don't like taking no for an answer

[quote name='SaraAB']If they are harassing you, you can report it to ebay under harassment, there is no reason why you should be taking this type of abuse. Its your item and you define the terms, if you don't want to sell overseas then thats your choice.[/QUOTE]

Oh, believe me, one guy I had to, the guy I semi referenced in my OP who sent me Ebay messages about how stupid I was for not shipping to him, that he's the only one who will buy my item, and I should just sell it to him because I don't want to be an idiot.

It's just strange how they think that maybe if they write back and become insulting, I will magically want to sell them an item and enter a binding contract with them?
Damn, usually I get questions for retards overseas who can't read (I don't ship outside the US anymore... not even to Canada) and I tell them that I don't ship outside the US. And then they leave me alone. Never had any body actually attack me for it.
Never really had any troubles with international buyers. Only sold 3 items (all of them English guides to France for some odd reason, and not to native english speakers either), but every single one has been very cooperative. I usually charge $10 more to Western Europe for 4-6 week shipping and $20 more for 4-7 day shipping. Never a negative comment...
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