Why did every single media outlet in America lie?


5 (100%)
This really just pisses me off.

The story about that "missing Boy Scout" is creating all kinds of bad press for Boy Scouts.

The icing on the cake?

He isn't a Boy Scout!

Why did the media lie? It just boggles my mind. I honestly can not understand why every television news show and newspaper told the same lie.
Can you cite to anything which says he isn't a boy scout?

How are you enjoying Neverland Ranch by the way?
[quote name='alonzomourning23']Who cares about bad press for the boy scouts, let them rot.[/QUOTE]

Do I sense someone was picked on as a WEBLO?

I am sure you would compare that treatment to the Nazis just like GITMO.

The Boy Scouts are an excellent organization. Merely because they aren't homo lovers doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with them.
[quote name='CTLesq']The Boy Scouts are an excellent organization. Merely because they aren't homo lovers doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with them.[/QUOTE]

Again I agree with CTL.

As an Eagle Scout and now a Boy Scout leader I can attest to the effects scouting has on building character in kids.
[quote name='Quackzilla']Again I agree with CTL.

As an Eagle Scout and now a Boy Scout leader I can attest to the effects scouting has on building character in kids.[/QUOTE]

Pound per pound there is no better organization for America's young men.

Ironically, the basis of that value are the prininciples the Scouts stand for which today's PC America would erode leaving Scouting a rotting worthless carcass.

I will never donate a penny to United Way, I will open my check book to the Boy Scouts and to Verterans.

[quote name='Quackzilla']Again I agree with CTL.

As an Eagle Scout and now a Boy Scout leader I can attest to the effects scouting has on building character in kids.[/QUOTE]

Yea, I never got to eagle scout, but pretty far...

Tell you one thing, if the end of the world came... I would want to hang with the boyscouts... You never know when you're gonna need a square knot.
I'm really shocked that Quackzilla is an Eagle Scout and a Scout leader. Seriously shocked, and no, I'm not making a joke to follow that up.

I was never a Scout. There was nothing in my school/area after Cub Scouts that I even remember.
I was in boy scouts and didn't have a problem during that time. My problem is I don't like how they bar (or, if already a member, remove) gays, agnostics and atheists.
How well did they handle their molestation cases? I'm not trying to be a smartass here, I just never followed the cases that closely. But I remember them having there share of problems.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']I was in boy scouts and didn't have a problem during that time. My problem is I don't like how they bar (or, if already a member, remove) gays, agnostics and atheists.[/QUOTE]

With respect to religion and sexual orientation they have every right to do so because they are a private organization.

Further, the very values that make the Eagle Scout rank and scouting valuable are undercut by allowing people who do not share those values as participants.

[quote name='MBE']How well did they handle their molestation cases? I'm not trying to be a smartass here, I just never followed the cases that closely. But I remember them having there share of problems.[/quote]

I don't recall the cases. I am not saying they haven't been sued for molestation issues but I don't recall it.
They have youth protection courses and 2 deep leadership policies.

No scout is to be left alone with one leader, and on any outing or meeting there mst be at least one youth protection certified leader (youth protection is a training course where leaders are trained to recognize all forms of abuse).

Boy Scouts of America has a rigid zero tolerance policy toward child abusers/molesters.

They even use background checks to weed out predators.

And under no circumstance is an adult allowed to share a tent with a scout.

As far as religion goes, it doesn't matter. I am an atheist. They are very accomodating, and you will only get the boot if you live in a very overzealous area. The Blue Ridge Mountain Council is very lax when it comes to the issue of atheism. Just don't start preaching it.

And as to sexual orientation, they ban gays to cover their asses. They don't risk having kids who are sexualy attracted to each other go camping.
I was in scouts for a long time, did everything for Eagle except the project before I qiut (that's pretty common I guess). Basically, at the time I quit my troop had turned into a bunch of whiny bratty little kids and I couldn't stand it anymore.

Scouts is probably similar to the Greek system in that way - the quality of the local group (Scout Troop or Farternity Chapter) varies pretty widely by location, and there are a few horror stories or stereotypes that unfortunately reflect upon the whole group, when both are overall good organizations.
With respect to religion and sexual orientation they have every right to do so because they are a private organization.

Further, the very values that make the Eagle Scout rank and scouting valuable are undercut by allowing people who do not share those values as participants.

Fine, but schools shouldn't be supporting them, and just like any private organization I can hate them all I want. I never said to forcefully close them down.

Though, to quack, I would assume the religious thing varies by area. But the reason you gave for not allowing gay kids, in my opinion, is ridiculous. They wouldn't be so forceful with it if that was the case.
I would hope that what was said about the quality of the organization varying by area is true, simply because the cubscout troop I was in was so amazingly bad. Our troop leader was a single mother who's kid had severe emotional problems - actually, most of the kids in the troop were weirdos, losers, troublemakers and rejects. Maybe the 'good' kids got to join another secret cubscout troop... Anyway, all I know is that all we ever did was make macaroni pictures, eat cookies and wait for the inevitable fistfight to break out. I would spend all week dreading those meetings...
There are good troops and there are bad troops.

It is usually an issue of leadership, my troop has very good leadership and it's a good troop.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']I was in boy scouts and didn't have a problem during that time. My problem is I don't like how they bar (or, if already a member, remove) gays, agnostics and atheists.[/QUOTE]

I would assume this applies to "non-mainstream" religions as well.
They actually have a different medal for every religioun, including but not limited to most branches of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism.

If you show that you are active in your religion than you can take a test to get the medal to wear on your uniform.

But if you aren't active in any religion they don't really care. It's one of those rules where people just ignore.
[quote name='camoor']I would assume this applies to "non-mainstream" religions as well.[/QUOTE]

I think you just have to believe in god, or some force. I had hindu friends who were in it. I don't think they'd do anything about non mainstream groups, unless they thought it was devil worship or something. I think the issue is people who openly don't believe in a god.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']I think you just have to believe in god, or some force. I had hindu friends who were in it. I don't think they'd do anything about non mainstream groups, unless they thought it was devil worship or something. I think the issue is people who openly don't believe in a god.[/QUOTE]

Damn, had I known this at 8, I would have totally gone for the "Jedi" badge. :)

IKIK, thx for the info.
You don't HAVE to believe in anything, alonzo is just a hater.

The rules pertaining to beliefs are ignored in almost all troops in the ENTIRE WORLD.
I hated my boy scouts leaders. All we did at the meetings was talk about camping trips we went on. :roll:
I quit after a year or so.
Camping is for Cubs, real Boy Scouts go backpacking.

I know I'm not the only one here who has been to the Philmont high adventure camp in New Mexico.
[quote name='Quackzilla']You don't HAVE to believe in anything, alonzo is just a hater.

The rules pertaining to beliefs are ignored in almost all troops in the ENTIRE WORLD.[/QUOTE]

The rules on religion are there and sometimes they are enforced, that's what the whole ACLU case was about.

Boy scout leader kicked out for being an atheist

The American Civil Liberties Union said Wednesday that the Portland School District should reconsider its practice of granting special access to the Boy Scouts to recruit students given a Multnomah County Circuit judge's factual finding that the Scouts discriminate on the basis of religion.

Multnomah Co. Circuit Court Judge Joseph Ceniceros issued a ruling Tuesday that rejected the ACLU's legal arguments that the school district's actions violate the constitutionally required separation of church and state. The ACLU had filed the lawsuit on behalf of Nancy Powell and her son, Remington, who is a student at Harvey Scott Elementary School.

The Powells are atheists and objected to Boy Scout recruiting efforts during school hours because the Scouts deny membership to boys who refuse to swear allegiance to God. The dispute began in the fall of 1996 when Boy Scout recruiters went to Scott Elementary School and placed a wrist band on Remington Powell's arm which advertised a Cub Scout recruitment meeting at the school.

Oregon ACLU Executive Director David Fidanque said even though he is disappointed by Judge Ceniceros' ruling, it had a silver lining for the ACLU and its clients.

Fidanque noted that in his ruling, Judge Ceniceros said the "most disturbing aspect of this case is the Boy Scouts' denial of membership to boys and scoutmasters who do not acknowledge the existence of God." Fidanque said the judge's factual finding is important because school officials have denied any knowledge of the Boy Scouts' long-standing policy of denying membership to atheists.

"For almost three years the Portland School District has danced around the facts in this case," Fidanque said. "The District has taken a 'Don't Ask, Don't Know' posture when it came to the issue of discrimination by the Scouts.

"Now is it clear for all to see," Fidanque continued. "The stock-in-trade of the Boy Scouts is discrimination against those who don't believe in God. When Portland schools give special privileges to an organization that discriminates against some of its students based on religion, they are promoting that discrimination. We sincerely hope the School Board will reconsider its position and enforce District policies and state laws that prohibit this kind of discrimination."

Nancy Powell joined the ACLU in asking the school district to take another look at the issue. She noted the school district's long-standing practice of denying access to the high schools by U.S. military recruiters because the Armed Forces discriminate against gays and lesbians.

"From the beginning, all I've ever wanted was for the District to enforce its non-discrimination policies equally," Powell said. "It's a ridiculous distinction for the school district to protect 17 and 18 year-old students entering the job market and not to protect 6 and 7 year-olds who can't cross the street by themselves from religious discrimination by the Boy Scouts."

Fidanque said the ACLU will appeal Judge Ceniceros' ruling on the church-state issue if the District does not change its practices, but he said the ACLU may also file a new legal challenge against the school district based on state anti-discrimination laws.

"We could keep arguing with the District in court for years about some of the legal and constitutional issues in this case, and we will if we have to," Fidanque said. "But that shouldn't be necessary if the School Board would just take a fresh look at the facts and do what they know in their heart is the right thing."

"The Boys Scouts may have a legal right to discriminate against atheists, agnostics, gays and others, but we remain convinced that as long as they continue that discrimination they have no right to receive special access to Portland elementary schools during the school day to recruit 6 and 7 year-old boys to join in that discrimination," Fidanque said.


Besides, even without the religious issue, the strongly anti homosexual stance taken would mean no softening in my view of them.

If they were like the girlscouts, then I wouldn't have a problem:

Why can't Girl Scouts be more like Boys -- Scouts, that is? That's what James Dobson and his conservative Christian group want to know when it comes to gays and God.
The Girl Scouts "welcome lesbians and made 'loyalty' and God optional long ago," according to Citizen magazine, published by Dobson's Focus on the Family.
Even worse, the Girl Scouts -- "2.7 million liberal feminists-in-training" -- have avoided controversy by "surrender(ing) to the same cultural forces the Boy Scouts are resisting."
The article was written by Kathryn Jean Lopez, an associate editor at National Review, where it first appeared.
Dobson has used his magazine and syndicated radio show to praise the Boy Scouts for suing and winning a case last June in which the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 that the group can exclude gays because opposition to homosexuality is part of its "expressive message" protected by the First Amendment.
Dobson gives the Boy Scouts credit for "the things that they are teaching and trying to defend -- moral principles -- vital to this generation of boys and they're not getting it other places."
The Girl Scouts have avoided such controversies with an inclusive nondiscrimination policy that doesn't deal with sex.........

Ach added that the group's 1994 decision to leave it to the girls themselves to decide whether to recite that part of their oath promising to "do my duty to God and my country" stresses the organization's inclusiveness.


Though, an interesting side note, I found that the canadian boy scouts permit gays, atheists, women etc. They get my support, but the one I was in and the one in the u.s. doesn't.
[quote name='Quackzilla']Camping is for Cubs, real Boy Scouts go backpacking.

I know I'm not the only one here who has been to the Philmont high adventure camp in New Mexico.[/QUOTE]

Good for you. I never made it Philmont. I did know people who went and really enjoyed it.

As a kid I never appreciated just how great Boy Scout summer camp was. But looking back on it, it was an excellent experience.

I was a Merit Badge Machine.

I have heard they have done away with skill awards and the metal skill awards are now collector's items. Any idea what they are selling for?

[quote name='Quackzilla']Camping is for Cubs, real Boy Scouts go backpacking.

I know I'm not the only one here who has been to the Philmont high adventure camp in New Mexico.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Quackzilla']They actually have a different medal for every religioun, including but not limited to most branches of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism.

If you show that you are active in your religion than you can take a test to get the medal to wear on your uniform.

But if you aren't active in any religion they don't really care. It's one of those rules where people just ignore.[/QUOTE]

Yep. I still have my Ad Alteri Dei medal around somewhere.
(I'm kind of expecting some flack after some people read that and figure out which religion that goes to :) )
[quote name='Kayden']Why would you get harassed about being Catholic?[/QUOTE]

Eh, seems kind of par for the course in the vs mode threads.
That, and I can't walk into one of the offices at work without one of the people breaking into the old Monty Python song.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']...[/QUOTE]
You are showing your true colors.

You are not a real American, you are just another faceless hippy liberal.
[quote name='CTLesq']Good for you. I never made it Philmont. I did know people who went and really enjoyed it.

As a kid I never appreciated just how great Boy Scout summer camp was. But looking back on it, it was an excellent experience.

I was a Merit Badge Machine.

I have heard they have done away with skill awards and the metal skill awards are now collector's items. Any idea what they are selling for?


Sweet - I think I have mine somewhere (the skill awards are those little metal loops that go on the belt right?)
[quote name='Backlash']Sweet - I think I have mine somewhere (the skill awards are those little metal loops that go on the belt right?)[/QUOTE]

Correct. I remember getting sick testing someone's cooking for the cooking skill award.

I didn't sign off on it.
[quote name='JSweeney']Yep. I still have my Ad Alteri Dei medal around somewhere.
(I'm kind of expecting some flack after some people read that and figure out which religion that goes to :) )[/QUOTE]

Well we already knew you were irish, so it's expected. :lol:
[quote name='Quackzilla']You are showing your true colors.

You are not a real American, you are just another faceless hippy liberal.[/QUOTE]

I don't really care what you call me, but I have no idea which statement you're attacking since all I see is "......".

Though why I have to like the boy scouts to be a "real american" is beyond me, considering they are hardly the face of tolerance.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']
Though why I have to like the boy scouts to be a "real american" is beyond me, considering they are hardly the face of tolerance.[/QUOTE]

You are incredibly intolerant. The Boy Scouts aren't out there lynching gays or athetists. They simply prefer not to associate with them.

They are the true face of diversity, they choose to be different, though you would like them to be just like everyone else and that is the height of intolerance.
[quote name='CTLesq']You are incredibly intolerant. The Boy Scouts aren't out there lynching gays or athetists. They simply prefer not to associate with them.

They are the true face of diversity, they choose to be different, though you would like them to be just like everyone else and that is the height of intolerance.[/QUOTE]

LOL, an organization that doesn't want gays, atheists and agnostics is the true face of diversity? Ya right. But here we go again, if you don't accept intolerant groups you get called intolerant, what a joke.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']LOL, an organization that doesn't want gays, atheists and agnostics is the true face of diversity? Ya right. But here we go again, if you don't accept intolerant groups you get called intolerant, what a joke.[/QUOTE]

No the joke is your "thought" process.

There is a material difference between not accepting people that don't support your moral views and would undermine them into your group and actively attempting to harm them.

Of course you would intolerantly require everyone to accept everyone - where is the tolerance in that?
[quote name='CTLesq']No the joke is your "thought" process.

There is a material difference between not accepting people that don't support your moral views and would undermine them into your group and actively attempting to harm them.

Of course you would intolerantly require everyone to accept everyone - where is the tolerance in that?[/QUOTE]

There are degrees of intolerance, but they are intolerant. I don't have to tolerate groups that discriminate on that basis of race, religion, sexual orientation etc.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']There are degrees of intolerance, but they are intolerant. I don't have to tolerate groups that discriminate on that basis of race, religion, sexual orientation etc.[/QUOTE]

And you are as intolerant of others as you claim them to be.

I am sure when a child rapist moves in next door you will embrace him with open arms and introduce him to your young son and daughter.
[quote name='CTLesq']And you are as intolerant of others as you claim them to be.

I am sure when a child rapist moves in next door you will embrace him with open arms and introduce him to your young son and daughter.[/QUOTE]

Wait, are you comparing a rapist to atheists and homosexuals? You think children need to be protected from homosexuals? From atheists?

Besides, no one claims to be, or really even wants to be, tolerant of the intolerant. I don't hear many rants about how liberals don't tolerate the klan and other intolerant groups, obviously the two groups are in entirely different categories, but the point of not tolerating intolerance is still there.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']Wait, are you comparing a rapist to atheists and homosexuals? You think children need to be protected from homosexuals? From atheists?[/quote]

No I am comparing your love of the PC groups de jure with a group that doens't have such widespread support.

So again are you going to embrace the child molester with open arms?

How tolerant are you going to be of him?

[quote name='alonzomourning23']Besides, no one claims to be, or really even wants to be, tolerant of the intolerant. I don't hear many rants about how liberals don't tolerate the klan and other intolerant groups, obviously the two groups are in entirely different categories, but the point of not tolerating intolerance is still there.[/QUOTE]

There is a material difference between a group that says they will kill you because of your race and another group that believes to be a member you must believe in a God (any God, so long as you believe).

Your attempts obsfuciate the issue have failed.
[quote name='alonzomourning23']I don't really care what you call me, but I have no idea which statement you're attacking since all I see is "......".

Though why I have to like the boy scouts to be a "real american" is beyond me, considering they are hardly the face of tolerance.[/QUOTE]

I thought you were Canadian anyway. :D

Still, I totally agree and I think that leaving BS intolerant policies on the books is bound to cause trouble later on down the line.
bread's done