Why did I wait this long to play RE4? (tiny spoiler inside)

I think the control for the older REs are meant to be that way. Personally I liked all the RE's, because I have played every single one of them and beaten it. The old, "Tank" like control also adds the survival horror experience ( i guess by making camera and control not as user friendly, ha), If you would want better camera angle or easy control, stick to adventure games like tomb raider. RE4 is more towards the action side, which the game tends to be longer, larger area to explore and more enemy spawn. (If you picture playing the old RE's in RE4 style, the game would end in like 3 hours probably)

To me, old REs are similar to Kuon (ps2), or old onimusha 1, except Oni got more action, less puzzle. But the control, camera and lack of ability to interact with scene are all the same.

RE4 is in it's own category, cold fear is closest but has mixed camera mode so quite a bit different right there.

I think SH3 is a great showcase that combines good camera angle and good amount of action. I do not like SH4 camera angle personally as somehow it reminds me of tomb raider.

I like all the RE's, maybe i am the only sucker that enjoys the tank like movement.
[quote name='jkam']I played a few of the older RE's for a few minutes but probably the only reason I didn't play longer was lack of time...kind of like now. As for the controls...no they aren't bad they are just different. If you play for about 5 or 10 minutes playing becomes natural at least that's what I found with those games.[/QUOTE]

We have a winner, folks. I agree with Pinkkirby as well.
People get upset at the controls because they limit your movement. Unfortunately for them, that's exactly what they're SUPPOSED to do.
Well I just finished RE4 today. It was really a great experience from beginning to end. The more I played the more I wanted to play. I'm so glad I finally took the time to play through the game. This one is definitely a keeper.
[quote name='jkam']Well I just finished RE4 today. It was really a great experience from beginning to end. The more I played the more I wanted to play. I'm so glad I finally took the time to play through the game. This one is definitely a keeper.[/quote]

That's funny, I just beat RE4 last night as well. What a great game! I also played through Assignment Ada, but could not beat the final boss after around 20 tries and since there are no saves, I just had to give up. I was totally pissed that I wasted that hour.

Anyway, as far as the controls on the "old school" RE games go, they are supposed to be that way. I know this has already been stated in this thread but it is worth repeating. If you had true analog control, the RE games would be way too easy. I agree that it can be incredibly frustrating at times, but it really balances out the difficulty.
I love plenty of games with crap controls...

Resident Evil series...
Armored Core series...
the older Tomb Raider games...

When I first played Tomb Raider 1&2, I thought they were the greatest games ever and had no idea what people meant when they said it has crap controls.

Last fall I went back to play TR2 again and I could not believe how bad the controls were! Its like they had a contest for the worst way to control a 3D game. I gave up after 20 minutes of running into walls and not being able to turn around in less than 30 seconds.
[quote name='Vegan']People get upset at the controls because they limit your movement. Unfortunately for them, that's exactly what they're SUPPOSED to do.[/QUOTE]

It's terrible game design; the complaints are justified. It's called artificial difficulty and thankfully, for the most part, game design has evolved past that. The difficulty should lie in challenging puzzles and intelligent AI; a player should never have to struggle against awkward camera angles and frustrating controls.
What do you propose that the intelligent AI of a shuffling zombie could be? They only came up with a new solution in RE4 by having multitudes of fast-moving enemies. They had to get rid of zombies, period, to fix it. Not that that's bad, but the point remains that in so many years no one has yet figured out how to make a zombie game without a gameplay handicap. The N64 version of RE2 has an option for non-tank controls but that just makes the game unchallenging and thus not fun.
[quote name='Vegan']What do you propose that the intelligent AI of a shuffling zombie could be? They only came up with a new solution in RE4 by having multitudes of fast-moving enemies. They had to get rid of zombies, period, to fix it. Not that that's bad, but the point remains that in so many years no one has yet figured out how to make a zombie game without a gameplay handicap. The N64 version of RE2 has an option for non-tank controls but that just makes the game unchallenging and thus not fun.[/QUOTE]

For all intents and purposes, the enemies in RE4 are still zombies.

And everyone I know prefers the N64 version of RE2 because of the analog controls. The "gameplay handicap" didn't make the games fun; people just weren't that discriminating with the controls and camera angles simply because the technology couldn't handle realtime graphics in RE1 - 3. Now that the technology is there, we have RE:Outbreak and how many people can stand playing that game? Most people hate it.
So what is everyone's fastest completion time for RE4? I just finished playing it through my 5th time and focused on nothing other than completing everything as fast as humanly possible, and finished the game in 2 hours, 58 minutes, 59 seconds. It may sound like a lie, but i swear it to be true. I also did have the tommy gun, infinite rocket launcher, and PRL (i have the PS2 version). Anyone come close to that? I would be blown away if anyone has beat it faster.
bread's done