Why do EBgames employees scare away potential customers?

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I was at EBgames the other day to get the Punisher demo, and I overheard a conversation an employee was having with a customer. The customer was a mom wanting to buy a DS for her 11 year old son. The customer had her credit card in hand and was about to hand it over to pay for the DS when the employee starts saying that the DS breaks very easily. He says that it has a touch screen and if you use the stylus a bit too hard on the DS, it breaks. He obviously wanted her to buy an extended warranty, but she got freaked out and said she does not want to pay $150 for a defective product. She ended up just leaving the store.
Because they make a killing off product warranites and there are another 10 people who will come in and buy that DS. But yes he pushed the warranty a bit to hard.
He is just doing his job, not trying to scare away potential customers, i work in a retail store where we have to push extended warrenties as well and unless you work at one of these places where it is required that you sell x number of warrenties than i dont believe you could understand his rationele for doing this. You just see it as mean when in all reality its not his fault, he's just doing his job.

Now if he was being mean, like his tone and what not then i can understand. Cause sometimes im mean, having a bad day or what not.
Well, it depends on how you attribute the defect.

"This product is a piece of shit and will scratch easily. You should buy a warranty." WRONG.

"Any electronic equipment handled by a young child should have an extended warranty, because we all know how children treat things." RIGHT (kinda, it could be worded better).

You don't tell a customer they are buying a piece of shit. That's not such a good idea (and one that game stores are frequently accused of violating). You should make sure a customer knows that children behave like children, and that menas that they will, in all likelihood, fuck up something expensive. In other words, buy the warranty because you have a child, not a lousy product.

Sounds like he got owned by someone who had heard the extended warranty sales pitches too many times. Good for him!

Although I'm sure EB has long lists of people wanting one of those, isn't the DS one of those "impossible at game stores, everywhere at department stores" items?
It's so true. In sales its all about what words you use.

It's not "cheaper"
It's "less expensive"

As far as the EBGames employee, the worst thing you can do is let a customer who was willing to buy the product, walk out the door empty-handed.
i am personally really f'n sick of that 'extended warranty' sales pitch, especially from BB. last month i bought the MK:DD GC bundle at BB; I didn't even speak to an employee when i picked it up off the shelf. As i'm headed towards the registers, this tool stops me and says, "I know you aren't going to buy that GC without the 'performance service plan,' now are you?!?" I politely said "no" and kept on walking. He was then hollering after me, "I sure would hate for that thing to break and then you'd be wishing you could bring it back." AAARRRGGHHHH!!! I turned around and said, "Look man, I'm not gonna spend an extra $20-30 on a $99 console just on the odd chance that it will break. I'm an adult, and I don't have to worry about this thing getting abused, so any defects i might get will be covered by the manufacturer's warranty." To whcih he replied, "You'll be sorry!"

What's up with that?!? I mean, did he honestly think he was going to convince me with THAT attitude? I know he's just some 17 yr old retail monkey doing his job, but I just wish that BB would not allow their employees to harass people to that point. it's damn irritating.
nothing will ever beat the time me and my little cousin were at target, and the sales guy was trying 2 sell this lady a digital camera..and he kept contradicting himself...instead of getting a digicam..she settled for a disposable...
Not dealing with service plans, but I went with my Dad to pick up a middle of the road TV a year or two ago at Best Buy. I think it was a 27" model Sharp brand maybe (can't really remember) certainly not HDTV ready.

Salesman found out he was going to hook it to a DVD player so he starts pushing the Monster component cables on him. I just pulled Dad over and told him he'd be just fine picking up decent RCA brand cables at Wal-Mart for
I bought a 17" LCD monitor on Black Friday. The warranty was like $60 on a $200 monitor. I told the person I wasn't worried if it broke after a year I would buy another one, its disposable to me.

The girl looked dumbfounded, but didn't pitch it anymore. LOL
One time, a Best Buy employee tried to sell me the ESP on a $5 third party PS2 controller.

Me: No, thanks.
Her: Why not?
Me: A) it's a $5 dollar item, and B) I'm going to void the warranty as soon as I get it home.
Her: How are you going to do that?
Me: I'm going to take it apart, I only want the circuit board.
Her: Why?
Me: I'm building an arcade cabinet and I use the board to interface my controls.
Her: *Looks somewhere between dumbfounded and certain I'm a terrorist who's really going to use it to build a bomb.*
Me: *Takes recepit from the hand and walks out of the store*
[quote name='abrannan']One time, a Best Buy employee tried to sell me the ESP on a $5 third party PS2 controller.

Me: No, thanks.
Her: Why not?
Me: A) it's a $5 dollar item, and B) I'm going to void the warranty as soon as I get it home.
Her: How are you going to do that?
Me: I'm going to take it apart, I only want the circuit board.
Her: Why?
Me: I'm building an arcade cabinet and I use the board to interface my controls.
Her: *Looks somewhere between dumbfounded and certain I'm a terrorist who's really going to use it to build a bomb.*
Me: *Takes recepit from the hand and walks out of the store*[/quote]


That's great, so how'd the construction turn out?
People who work at EB are stupid.

The whole extended warranty thing is bullshit, and people forget to realize that most products come with a standard 1 year warranty anyway.
Oh man, this one time I saw a guy at Sam Goody buying some headphones. Now these were just standard, average-quality headphones that he just grabbed off the rack; at the very most a $20 purchase. I watched in open-mouthed amazement as the chick talked him into paying $5 extra for an extended warranty.

lol, watching that whole scenario take place just really got to me for some reason... like five minutes after walking out of the store I was still thinking of how much of a tool the guy was. The mindset of a true Cheapass at work, I guess.
I'm careful with my words, but after working at EB, I don't shop there that much anymore. If something rare is there, I'll get it though (I actually found a used, cheap, and complete copy of Intelligent Qube there the other day) but there's two employees that I worked with that I will not deal with.. one doesn't work much, and the second left.. yeah, well, he's back for the holidays and still a dick, so I am not shopping there this season.
A friend of mine bought an Xbox a couple of weeks ago at Best Buy and the same thing happened.

The floor rep and the person at the counter both gave him the sad story about how the Xbox can break - until he said "Yeah, the other guy said the same thing. It sounds like I shouldn't buy one."

They backtracked and finished the transaction without asking again.

He had talked his wife into getting an Xbox so that they could move the other DVD player into their bedroom for her this winter - and I guess she was less than enthusiastic about the purchase after they had left.
Sorry about the extended warranty sales pitch, those of you tired of it. I am too...but we have to do it. It's our job. Understand that, please. Interrupt us, tell us you're not interested, but don't be an ass about it (at least, as long as we're not an ass to you...I try not to be, but apparently there are a lot out there who are). Understand it's our job, and we need our jobs.

That said, dude has no idea how to sell an extended warranty.
[quote name='organicow']i am personally really f'n sick of that 'extended warranty' sales pitch, especially from BB. last month i bought the MK:DD GC bundle at BB; I didn't even speak to an employee when i picked it up off the shelf. As i'm headed towards the registers, this tool stops me and says, "I know you aren't going to buy that GC without the 'performance service plan,' now are you?!?" I politely said "no" and kept on walking. He was then hollering after me, "I sure would hate for that thing to break and then you'd be wishing you could bring it back." AAARRRGGHHHH!!! I turned around and said, "Look man, I'm not gonna spend an extra $20-30 on a $99 console just on the odd chance that it will break. I'm an adult, and I don't have to worry about this thing getting abused, so any defects i might get will be covered by the manufacturer's warranty." To whcih he replied, "You'll be sorry!"

What's up with that?!? I mean, did he honestly think he was going to convince me with THAT attitude? I know he's just some 17 yr old retail monkey doing his job, but I just wish that BB would not allow their employees to harass people to that point. it's damn irritating.[/quote]

Listen no offense to you(hate your avatar but love those Gba covers) but im tired of all these people getting on retail workers. I worked at Best Buy and honestly you dont want to try and trick someone into buying the prp(its replacement not service for video game hardware) but its our job we have to do it or we get fired. Do you know how much i hated being yelled at by my manager because it always seems the store is doing great but my department is in the red all the time on prp? Also if you took the time to just think about it, its not that bad of a deal. It would be 10 bucks to cover your gamecube for 2 years and to many people thats a good thing to others they see it as a bad thing. I myself dont think 10 bucks is bad because its like 5 bucks a year to cover a 100 buck investment.
Would i get a prp on a gamecube? No. On a ps2? Hell yeah. I had customers come back and complain about their ps2s not working(DRE) when coming in to buy a new ps2 and they wish that i had helpped them in the first place instead of buying it wherever they had like a year or 2 ago.
I understand we are all cheapasses but stop calling us 17 year old monkeys when we deal with hundreds of customers and you only deal with us. You might not have a problem with your systems but plenty do and then they are the ones who really are sorry and come in and start bitching about their item when they have to spend either 80 bucks to send it to sony or buy a new one. If you ever work at best buy then you will know(at least i did) that some times you present things well and keep the person happy and other times you wish didnt say something the way you did, it all depends on time and mood, things like that. That 17 year old monkey might have seemed wrong not to help you while getting the darn thing but if he hadnt at least mentioned it to you before it got to the front lanes and people found out, he would be getting bitched at.
Once again no offense just please people stop hating
[quote name='Death2Sanity']Sorry about the extended warranty sales pitch, those of you tired of it. I am too...but we have to do it. It's our job. Understand that, please. Interrupt us, tell us you're not interested, but don't be an ass about it. Understand it's our job, and we need our jobs.

That said, dude has no idea how to sell an extended warranty.[/quote]

I think we all understand its your job. The problem is when we say no and employees keep going on about it.
[quote name='Scorch']I'm careful with my words, but after working at EB, I don't shop there that much anymore. If something rare is there, I'll get it though (I actually found a used, cheap, and complete copy of Intelligent Qube there the other day) but there's two employees that I worked with that I will not deal with.. one doesn't work much, and the second left.. yeah, well, he's back for the holidays and still a dick, so I am not shopping there this season.[/quote]Oh man. There is this psycho woman manager at one of my local EB's. I try to avoid her at all costs. Someone should post an article about "Devil Managers."
[quote name='Weedy649'][quote name='organicow']i am personally really f'n sick of that 'extended warranty' sales pitch, especially from BB. last month i bought the MK:DD GC bundle at BB; I didn't even speak to an employee when i picked it up off the shelf. As i'm headed towards the registers, this tool stops me and says, "I know you aren't going to buy that GC without the 'performance service plan,' now are you?!?" I politely said "no" and kept on walking. He was then hollering after me, "I sure would hate for that thing to break and then you'd be wishing you could bring it back." AAARRRGGHHHH!!! I turned around and said, "Look man, I'm not gonna spend an extra $20-30 on a $99 console just on the odd chance that it will break. I'm an adult, and I don't have to worry about this thing getting abused, so any defects i might get will be covered by the manufacturer's warranty." To whcih he replied, "You'll be sorry!"

What's up with that?!? I mean, did he honestly think he was going to convince me with THAT attitude? I know he's just some 17 yr old retail monkey doing his job, but I just wish that BB would not allow their employees to harass people to that point. it's damn irritating.[/quote]

Listen no offense to you(hate your avatar but love those Gba covers) but im tired of all these people getting on retail workers. I worked at Best Buy and honestly you dont want to try and trick someone into buying the prp(its replacement not service for video game hardware) but its our job we have to do it or we get fired. Do you know how much i hated being yelled at by my manager because it always seems the store is doing great but my department is in the red all the time on prp? Also if you took the time to just think about it, its not that bad of a deal. It would be 10 bucks to cover your gamecube for 2 years and to many people thats a good thing to others they see it as a bad thing. I myself dont think 10 bucks is bad because its like 5 bucks a year to cover a 100 buck investment.
Would i get a prp on a gamecube? No. On a ps2? Hell yeah. I had customers come back and complain about their ps2s not working(DRE) when coming in to buy a new ps2 and they wish that i had helpped them in the first place instead of buying it wherever they had like a year or 2 ago.
I understand we are all cheapasses but stop calling us 17 year old monkeys when we deal with hundreds of customers and you only deal with us. You might not have a problem with your systems but plenty do and then they are the ones who really are sorry and come in and start bitching about their item when they have to spend either 80 bucks to send it to sony or buy a new one. If you ever work at best buy then you will know(at least i did) that some times you present things well and keep the person happy and other times you wish didnt say something the way you did, it all depends on time and mood, things like that. That 17 year old monkey might have seemed wrong not to help you while getting the darn thing but if he hadnt at least mentioned it to you before it got to the front lanes and people found out, he would be getting bitched at.
Once again no offense just please people stop hating[/quote]

Word. There should be a CAG retail-worker union or something around here.
I used to work at CC and we made about 25-30% commission on the Extended Warranties. I always hated pitching them, and ended up quiting because of it.

One thing I learned though is by law you are not allowed to talk badly of a product. Part of that Bait and switch thing, so anyone doing this is breaking the law regardless of it being true or false.

However if I knew a problem existed I would drop a unofficial hint. Which wasn't legal either.
[quote name='dwsscs']I used to work at CC and we made about 25-30% commission on the Extended Warranties. I always hated pitching them, and ended up quiting because of it.

One thing I learned though is by law you are not allowed to talk badly of a product. Part of that Bait and switch thing, so anyone doing this is breaking the law regardless of it being true or false.

However if I knew a problem existed I would drop a unofficial hint. Which wasn't legal either.[/quote]

Im pretty sure CC is no longer Comission and i know most game stores and places like Best Buy Target arent
No need to call any retail employee "stupid" for just doing their job. All you have to do is say no and 75% will stop the pitch. Just as a previous poster said, these employees are people also. This is their most hectic and stressful time, why make their life any more difficult just because your a little tee'd off that they hard sell you something you dont want.
Always remember, you may one day have to go back to that person in need of something and Karma does have a way of biting people in the ass.
[quote name='abrannan']One time, a Best Buy employee tried to sell me the ESP on a $5 third party PS2 controller.

Me: No, thanks.
Her: Why not?
Me: A) it's a $5 dollar item, and B) I'm going to void the warranty as soon as I get it home.
Her: How are you going to do that?
Me: I'm going to take it apart, I only want the circuit board.
Her: Why?
Me: I'm building an arcade cabinet and I use the board to interface my controls.
Her: *Looks somewhere between dumbfounded and certain I'm a terrorist who's really going to use it to build a bomb.*
Me: *Takes recepit from the hand and walks out of the store*[/quote]

Actually, if what they say is true, the warranty would still be good. I never buy extended warranties, but they may not be a bad deal after all. Think about it - the EB warranty guarantees protection for two years against ANYTHING. So, if you're buying a system at launch, knowing that most first-generation systems have problems that are corrected in later models (at least that was the case with the original PS, PS2, and XBox), not to mention the fact that after two years, they usually include pack-in games and other inticements, you could get a system at launch, play it, then before the warranty expires, smash it, and get a new one. You'd get a system at launch, yet not have to deal with the drawbacks that start showing up in first-gen systems after a few years.
I'm adopting a one strike policy against it from now on. I understand it's an employee's job, but to hound a customer about it or make up shit about a product (that's another story) to try to sell the stupid things is too much. So I say, you get one time asking me if I want it and if I hear about it again after that, I'm dropping whatever I'm buying in the aisle and walking out. Then not only is there no replacement plan sold, but there's no sale period.
Sorry about the extended warranty sales pitch, those of you tired of it. I am too...but we have to do it. It's our job.

If you were in a Union, Management wouldn't be allowed to set extended warranty sales quotas.
[quote name='Weedy649'][quote name='dwsscs']I used to work at CC and we made about 25-30% commission on the Extended Warranties. I always hated pitching them, and ended up quiting because of it.

One thing I learned though is by law you are not allowed to talk badly of a product. Part of that Bait and switch thing, so anyone doing this is breaking the law regardless of it being true or false.

However if I knew a problem existed I would drop a unofficial hint. Which wasn't legal either.[/quote]

Im pretty sure CC is no longer Comission and i know most game stores and places like Best Buy Target arent[/quote]

This was over 10 years ago! My main point was not to talk badly about a product.
[quote name='jmcc']I'm adopting a one strike policy against it from now on. I understand it's an employee's job, but to hound a customer about it or make up shit about a product (that's another story) to try to sell the stupid things is too much. So I say, you get one time asking me if I want it and if I hear about it again after that, I'm dropping whatever I'm buying in the aisle and walking out. Then not only is there no replacement plan sold, but there's no sale period.[/quote]

That's exactly what I do when faced with a sales pitch, maybe if more people were to do that they wouldnt sell them so hard.
[quote name='NatakuARN'][quote name='jmcc']I'm adopting a one strike policy against it from now on. I understand it's an employee's job, but to hound a customer about it or make up shit about a product (that's another story) to try to sell the stupid things is too much. So I say, you get one time asking me if I want it and if I hear about it again after that, I'm dropping whatever I'm buying in the aisle and walking out. Then not only is there no replacement plan sold, but there's no sale period.[/quote]

That's exactly what I do when faced with a sales pitch, maybe if more people were to do that they wouldnt sell them so hard.[/quote]

It's either that or agree to buy one if they can tell you why you need it without using a randomly picked letter.
[quote name='Death2Sanity'][quote name='Weedy649'][quote name='organicow']i am personally really f'n sick of that 'extended warranty' sales pitch, especially from BB. last month i bought the MK:DD GC bundle at BB; I didn't even speak to an employee when i picked it up off the shelf. As i'm headed towards the registers, this tool stops me and says, "I know you aren't going to buy that GC without the 'performance service plan,' now are you?!?" I politely said "no" and kept on walking. He was then hollering after me, "I sure would hate for that thing to break and then you'd be wishing you could bring it back." AAARRRGGHHHH!!! I turned around and said, "Look man, I'm not gonna spend an extra $20-30 on a $99 console just on the odd chance that it will break. I'm an adult, and I don't have to worry about this thing getting abused, so any defects i might get will be covered by the manufacturer's warranty." To whcih he replied, "You'll be sorry!"

What's up with that?!? I mean, did he honestly think he was going to convince me with THAT attitude? I know he's just some 17 yr old retail monkey doing his job, but I just wish that BB would not allow their employees to harass people to that point. it's damn irritating.[/quote]

Listen no offense to you(hate your avatar but love those Gba covers) but im tired of all these people getting on retail workers. I worked at Best Buy and honestly you dont want to try and trick someone into buying the prp(its replacement not service for video game hardware) but its our job we have to do it or we get fired. Do you know how much i hated being yelled at by my manager because it always seems the store is doing great but my department is in the red all the time on prp? Also if you took the time to just think about it, its not that bad of a deal. It would be 10 bucks to cover your gamecube for 2 years and to many people thats a good thing to others they see it as a bad thing. I myself dont think 10 bucks is bad because its like 5 bucks a year to cover a 100 buck investment.
Would i get a prp on a gamecube? No. On a ps2? Hell yeah. I had customers come back and complain about their ps2s not working(DRE) when coming in to buy a new ps2 and they wish that i had helpped them in the first place instead of buying it wherever they had like a year or 2 ago.
I understand we are all cheapasses but stop calling us 17 year old monkeys when we deal with hundreds of customers and you only deal with us. You might not have a problem with your systems but plenty do and then they are the ones who really are sorry and come in and start bitching about their item when they have to spend either 80 bucks to send it to sony or buy a new one. If you ever work at best buy then you will know(at least i did) that some times you present things well and keep the person happy and other times you wish didnt say something the way you did, it all depends on time and mood, things like that. That 17 year old monkey might have seemed wrong not to help you while getting the darn thing but if he hadnt at least mentioned it to you before it got to the front lanes and people found out, he would be getting bitched at.
Once again no offense just please people stop hating[/quote]

Word. There should be a CAG retail-worker union or something around here.[/quote]

Whoa there ladies, don't misread what i said! Let me clarify that I did not slam all retail workers - nothing of the sort. I even noted that this particular jackass was just doing his job, and I can appreciate that. However, once a customer politely declines to buy the PRP, the employee needs to step the fu(k off. Any retard with a pulse who works at a game store (or BB that sells games) should be able to tell the difference between me and the 45 year-old mother who doesn't know about video games. My whole point is that while i do understand the point of the PRPs, I as an adult customer have the right to politely decline the offer. If the employee becomes pushy or rude, I will not apologize for being rude in return.

And FYI, I meant no offense to average people who work in retail; to suggest that I did is ridiculous! :roll: I am 27 years old, worked in retail during high school (TRU, Kroger, etc), and have worked in the restaurant business all throughout college - trust me, I understand the plight of that type of worker.

[quote name='ukhoops']No need to call any retail employee "stupid" for just doing their job. All you have to do is say no and 75% will stop the pitch. Just as a previous poster said, these employees are people also. This is their most hectic and stressful time, why make their life any more difficult just because your a little tee'd off that they hard sell you something you dont want.
Always remember, you may one day have to go back to that person in need of something and Karma does have a way of biting people in the ass.[/quote]
I really hope this was not directed at me, because if so you are way off base. I did not call anyone "stupid" and my whole point was that when I did say 'no' the salesman got real pushy.
And if Karma bites me in the ass for not falling for his pushy-ass sales pitch, then so be it. :roll:
I hate going to Eb or Gamestop, they are always trying to get you to buy extra crap. I just order online as most as possible.
Personally, I don't by warranties. I've heard they are the most profitable part of most industries.

Now for my PRO WARRANTY story. My wife buys warranties when she is allowed to go into BB without me...for bdays and xmas shopping. A couple of xmas ago, she bought me a xbox and a $20 warranty/replacement plan. She bought the xbox for $200+tax.

Fast forward 2 years just before the warranty ran out. I had the Thompson drive and the dirty disc errors were getting worse. I called the return number, they sent me a return kit. I shipped the unit off, and they sent me a gift card for $200. At this time, xboxes were down to $150. The moral of the story is that I got a new xbox with a samsun drive and $50 to blow.

I still don't buy extended warranties. I just save receipts. When an item breaks, I buy an identical item from Walmart if possible. At home, I repackage with broken item, then take it back to Wally World and get a refund. That is my "poor mans warranty".
[quote name='gaelan']I still don't buy extended warranties. I just save receipts. When an item breaks, I buy an identical item from Walmart if possible. At home, I repackage with broken item, then take it back to Wally World and get a refund. That is my "poor mans warranty".[/quote]

uh oh. here come the flames. :?
[quote name='gaelan']Personally, I don't by warranties. I've heard they are the most profitable part of most industries.

Now for my PRO WARRANTY story. My wife buys warranties when she is allowed to go into BB without me...for bdays and xmas shopping. A couple of xmas ago, she bought me a xbox and a $20 warranty/replacement plan. She bought the xbox for $200+tax.

Fast forward 2 years just before the warranty ran out. I had the Thompson drive and the dirty disc errors were getting worse. I called the return number, they sent me a return kit. I shipped the unit off, and they sent me a gift card for $200. At this time, xboxes were down to $150. The moral of the story is that I got a new xbox with a samsun drive and $50 to blow.

I still don't buy extended warranties. I just save receipts. When an item breaks, I buy an identical item from Walmart if possible. At home, I repackage with broken item, then take it back to Wally World and get a refund. That is my "poor mans warranty".[/quote]

Been there and done that, and got the Tshirt.
[quote name='gaelan']I still don't buy extended warranties. I just save receipts. When an item breaks, I buy an identical item from Walmart if possible. At home, I repackage with broken item, then take it back to Wally World and get a refund. That is my "poor mans warranty".[/quote]

You suck at life.
[quote name='BustaUppa']Oh man, this one time I saw a guy at Sam Goody buying some headphones. Now these were just standard, average-quality headphones that he just grabbed off the rack; at the very most a $20 purchase. I watched in open-mouthed amazement as the chick talked him into paying $5 extra for an extended warranty.

lol, watching that whole scenario take place just really got to me for some reason... like five minutes after walking out of the store I was still thinking of how much of a tool the guy was. The mindset of a true Cheapass at work, I guess.[/quote]

A couple of years ago I bought my friend a CD walkman-type at BB. Just a plain cheapy-brand that cost $20. While I was paying the CSR talked me into getting the extended warranty which was just an additional $5 for 2 years of coverage.

Not even a year later, my friend tells me about some problem with the headphones and there's no sound and the disc skips, etc. Since I had the warranty, I took it back and after a few minutes they issued me a GC equaled to my original purchase price + tax. They no longer carried that model so that's why I wasn't given a replacement.

Not a bad investment. I ended up keeping the GC for myself and getting another (better brand) CD player elsewhere for about $10 more.
[quote name='organicow'][quote name='gaelan']I still don't buy extended warranties. I just save receipts. When an item breaks, I buy an identical item from Walmart if possible. At home, I repackage with broken item, then take it back to Wally World and get a refund. That is my "poor mans warranty".[/quote]

uh oh. here come the flames. :?[/quote]

Don't worry, I've become quite flame retardant (no not retarded). My wife throws a fit and burns my arse everytime I commit this unethical act.
My favorite experience with BB and the extended warranty happened a couple years ago. They were getting rid of all of their dreamcasts for $30 a piece. I decided to buy 2 of them as backups for the one I already had. (They are still in the box since my other one is still going strong) They were trying to get me to buy the extended warranty for both of them and saying that if they broke, I could just bring it in and get a new one. I said no and they kept going on about how a lot of people have had problems with them and it would be a good idea. I just asked them why I would need it since they are not being made anymore and BB was clearing out their stock, and If one did break down, would they have one to replace it. They just looked kind of confused and rung it up.
Kind of off-topic, but I recently went engagement ring shopping. You should hear the lies that pour out of these salespeople mouths. It's truly sick.

And yes, once I walked away from a computer purchase at Best Buy bacuse the guy said, "60% of these computers come back defective. I would highly suggest the Protective Service Plan".

I said ,"60%, huh? That's a lot of defects"

I walked away from the basket filled with CPU, Moniter, Printer, etc. saying, "You should sell such cheap shit. Thanks for the advice.

The guy followed my all the way to the door trying to get me to change my mind. I hope he changed his tactics as he put all the stuff away.
I think an extended warranty is a good investment on certain products, such as computer based stuff, or higher priced electronics. My general rule of thumb is that if an item I'm buying is over $100 and has a tendancy to break down, I will consider buying a warranty.
Organicow: Sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound like you were outright attacking all retail employees. It was an undirected statement; there are those on here who make it sound like they are. You didn't, and I certainly didn't intend to single you out.

I agree with the one-strike policy...I drop the pitch as soon as the customer says he/she is not interested. I really do sympathize with you, being fed all this, because I buy this stuff too and I know how annoying it is.

As for literally unionizing...no. I'm sorry, no. But we shan't get into politics here.
I bought a $465 microwave at HH Gregg over the weekend, the guy asked me if I wanted an extended warranty for $39.99, I said no, and he said, it's ten years. Ten years for $39.99?? I bought it.
[quote name='gaelan']Personally, I don't by warranties. I've heard they are the most profitable part of most industries.

Now for my PRO WARRANTY story. My wife buys warranties when she is allowed to go into BB without me...for bdays and xmas shopping. A couple of xmas ago, she bought me a xbox and a $20 warranty/replacement plan. She bought the xbox for $200+tax.

Fast forward 2 years just before the warranty ran out. I had the Thompson drive and the dirty disc errors were getting worse. I called the return number, they sent me a return kit. I shipped the unit off, and they sent me a gift card for $200. At this time, xboxes were down to $150. The moral of the story is that I got a new xbox with a samsun drive and $50 to blow.

I still don't buy extended warranties. I just save receipts. When an item breaks, I buy an identical item from Walmart if possible. At home, I repackage with broken item, then take it back to Wally World and get a refund. That is my "poor mans warranty".[/quote]

I think we are all (unfortunately) familiar with the Walmart scam. Don't talk about it here. And (thankfully) people can't do the Walmart scam with consoles anyway, because they scan the serial number.
[quote name='gaelan']I still don't buy extended warranties. I just save receipts. When an item breaks, I buy an identical item from Walmart if possible. At home, I repackage with broken item, then take it back to Wally World and get a refund. That is my "poor mans warranty".[/quote]

More of a "crook's warranty" IMO. You don't feel bad for the chump that buy's your broken POS when it is put back on the shelf?
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