Why dont we have a... Hey are u trading that into GS? Ill buy it for $5 more+shipping


16 (100%)
random thought

After frequently visiting the GS 2/4/6 trade in thread, i see that some people trade in pretty good titles and get nothing for them.

for example someone traded in BlazBlue for 360 and got $18

im sure someone would willing give $25+pay for shipping for that.

i know we have trade threads and master tradelists... and gamestop provides the convenience, but even with the bonuses you would make more monies selling in somekinda thread like this, even if you undercut like hell.
[quote name='Furashu']
i know we have trade threads and master tradelists... and gamestop provides the convenience...[/QUOTE]

That's your answer right there. Pretty much everyone knows GS is giving them the worst value possible- but it's quick, easy, and they don't care about condition. You post here, you wait for replies, haggle about knocking off a few bucks becuase the case got scuffed, wait for paypal/MOs to clear, get a mailer, go to the Post Office... it's a hassle. It's not always worth it.

(Similarly, I don't often check the trade threads to get games, even though I could probably get a better deal than GS or Ebay... It's usually just easier to buy the jacked-up but complete copy with my Edge card at GS and fix it up myself than to track down something in the trade forums before someone else buys it, and then back-and-forth about prices and shipping and whatnot.)
true, just an idea! but we could just have a thread for games that were released the previous month and that current month?

a lot of the people that post inside of the GS trade in threads dont have too much ratings for their trades or none at all. it could help them build up their trading score + get them like 10 extra bucks.

i think it could work because u dont have to search endlessly through 100's of Trade lists for like that month's current releases.

since gamestop gives such bad values, and there wont always be the 25% off used
I actually like the idea...would need to streamline it, though...something like half.com maybe - where you have an existing 'stock'...
[quote name='chrisnsally']I actually like the idea...would need to streamline it, though...something like half.com maybe - where you have an existing 'stock'...[/QUOTE]

too much trouble with dealihg with half.com
and NON cags could buy from them, but ive never used half.com so im not sure.

we can just assign an OP every month to update once every five days or when they have time.. so it would be updated 6 times in one month or something.
someone traded in Phoenix Wright to GS for $4 because he doesnt want to deal with shipping. He could got more online.
People probably don't want to risk getting ripped off, and trying to sell online involves a decent amount of effort.
Interesting idea, but I don't really think it can work out here. When it comes to CAGers, usually the folks trading in at gamestop are doing it for convience and don't mind taking the $10 hit since they're still getting a nice bonus or other incentive. Once an online transaction or similiar process that requires more effort than trading-in is involved, I'd imagine most folks would just figure "well if I'm going through the whole hassle of shipping etc. I might as well get the most out of it". You could give it a shot though, or see what the rest of the community thinks.
most of the times u can just ship from your house.

normal game cases are always 7 ounces, u can just put 8 and mail it straight from your house. i doit with goozex all the time.

some people are just too lazy to do like 5 mins of reading.

the only time i ship stuff at the post office is like if its multiple games or weighs a grip.

Shipping via PayPal is cheaper then the post office and theres free DC#, u just need a scale, but if u put 9 ounces, its still like 10 cents cheaper then the post office, but most games are 7 or 8 ounces.
You have to remember that often times, CAGs are only trading stuff into GS when there is a promo they can take good advantage of. So, we might not to even want to pay the $5 extra and shipping.
The idea is good but implementing such a thing is something else, I trade lots of games into gamestop because like mentioned its easy,quick and convenient. Although like I said I think its a good idea as I see lots of games I'd never even consider trading in and would pay X2/3 the amount Gs is offering to obtain. We could have a 'list' where cag's can come and state what they'd pay for a certain game and then it can be added to the front page with their name next to it or something. Like this
'game2'-Cag B-$10
Then Cag A who's not up for the 2 dollars Gs is offering could check the thread see that Cag B is offering 10 bucks, etc and go from there.
I agree about the convenience thing, but you have to question someone who may have paid $40-60 for a game trading it into GS for $20 after promos just a month after it's release because they don't wanna deal with the 'hassle' on here.

If it's a choice between $20 in crappy GS credit or $30-40 in CASH that I spend ANYWHERE, I'd rather the cash anyday.
[quote name='Furashu']random thought

After frequently visiting the GS 2/4/6 trade in thread, i see that some people trade in pretty good titles and get nothing for them.

for example someone traded in BlazBlue for 360 and got $18

im sure someone would willing give $25+pay for shipping for that.

i know we have trade threads and master tradelists... and gamestop provides the convenience, but even with the bonuses you would make more monies selling in somekinda thread like this, even if you undercut like hell.[/QUOTE]

$18 is the base value. At the time it was traded, there was a 50% extra promotion running. So unless you want to cough up at least $27 + 5 + 5 for shipping, good luck getting any bites. Don't be so naive to think that people on here are as dumb as the general public bringing them one game at a time and not using any of their promotions.
[quote name='xdl']$18 is the base value. At the time it was traded, there was a 50% extra promotion running. So unless you want to cough up at least $27 + 5 + 5 for shipping, good luck getting any bites. Don't be so naive to think that people on here are as dumb as the general public bringing them one game at a time and not using any of their promotions.[/QUOTE]

i agree, but sometimes CAGS do just trade in games randomly.
i would have bought the game for $37 shipped, thats a steal. thats $20 less then used prices, and probably $10 less then ebay.

usually games that just came out that month go for like $40-45 used on ebay.
some cags are willing to cut down a little for other cags when selling games.
if a cag sells a game on ebay or amazon, they take liek a $3-5 loss on the game cause of the fees.

as a random example, lets say i buy Tekken 6 and i hate it. Ebay prices are $40-$45, if i sell it i make like $43-$5, $38, but i have to deal with posting it on ebay, dealing with ebay folk.

if we have a thread where the games will be a set liek i dont know $37 shipped or something, im sure there are cags that would be down.

i havent thought out any details lol, i just threw this idea out there and see how others would contribute/react.

i agree with u 100% though, id either sell my game on CL or goozex that beezy, but some CAGS wouldnt mind helping out a fellow cag.

@ XDL, im willing to bet u that people will pay $37 for this months/last months new release, if this said thread was made, it would be one thread, and no digging somehow.. lol

*waves magic wand*
[quote name='xdl']$18 is the base value. At the time it was traded, there was a 50% extra promotion running. So unless you want to cough up at least $27 + 5 + 5 for shipping, good luck getting any bites. Don't be so naive to think that people on here are as dumb as the general public bringing them one game at a time and not using any of their promotions.[/QUOTE]

lol, you act like people on here wouldn't pay
Assuming my lazy ass finally gets to the flea market and the kid working there has my DSL modem/router combo(actiontec model), I should be back online via my PC later this weekend.

That being said, if someone wants me to try and start up a trade thread under the deals/discussions board(for now), let me know.

Of course, we still have to figure out what base value for trade at each store is(Blockbuster, GS, GC, FYE/Transworld) and what that value jumps to after any applicable promos and what a somewhat reasonable price for the newer games would be after taking all that into consideration.

But to echo what others have said....I would certainly pay $37 shipped for Red Faction: Guerrilla rather than the gouged $55 from GS.

Furthermore, I think we'd also have to have different prices for those copies of games without original manual/coverart/case, since I know some(me) don't like incomplete games.

But that's a whole other topic completely....
I'd say it won't work because most people here won't even pay that much for a game. I've honestly had people offer me less than Gamestop gives on titles. That's just offensive.
I admit that I've been guilty of lowballing at times myself, though I try NOT to, but it's so hard not to when you normally can get games for $5-10 NEW.

We could just do it like most other trade lists/threads and have each person just set up their own prices versus demanding that they only sell/trade for X or Y price.

I know that when someone makes an unreasonable demand of me or wants what I feel is too much(or too little if I'm selling/trading), I just skip their trade post and go onto the next one.

It could work, as long as people aren't asking the going GS price of $55 before shipping for new releases.
I know I'll get flamed, but sometimes I get nosy and eavesdrop on people selling games to GS and then offer them $2 more if it's something I want. Some GS employees freak out and some are cool and just ask you to step outside.
I've done that a couple of times(offering more than Gamestop), but really it's frowned upon by the employees since they could get in trouble if you're making the deal IN the store.

But if it's something you want and they're initially willing to take the offer from GS, then offering a couple more in CASH should be enough to get them to give it up.

Then again, I had one guy the one time tell me he LIKED the GS credit when I offered him $5 over their values. I just looked at him like he had to be a little bit ummmmm how do I say this nicely....."slow" and just chuckled to myself and walked away.

I guess some people just like being taken advantage of.
[quote name='aw004g']I know I'll get flamed, but sometimes I get nosy and eavesdrop on people selling games to GS and then offer them $2 more if it's something I want. Some GS employees freak out and some are cool and just ask you to step outside.[/QUOTE]

I don't think many CAGs would flame you for that. If anything, a majority would probably say it's pretty funny. And yeah, some employees will flip out, and it's a good way to get banned from a particular store if you're in earshot of a nutty manager.
[quote name='aw004g']I know I'll get flamed, but sometimes I get nosy and eavesdrop on people selling games to GS and then offer them $2 more if it's something I want. Some GS employees freak out and some are cool and just ask you to step outside.[/QUOTE]

I've had something like this happen to me actually. I was in the store, trading in DVDs (obviously back when they still took them), when a guy came in the store looking for a specific DVD that I was trading in (Toy Story 1&2, wish I would have held on to that). They didn't have any in the store, so I asked what they were selling them for ($12) and what they would give me ($5). I sold it to the guy for $10, and everyone was happy.
[quote name='Chairman_LMAO']I've had something like this happen to me actually. I was in the store, trading in DVDs (obviously back when they still took them), when a guy came in the store looking for a specific DVD that I was trading in (Toy Story 1&2, wish I would have held on to that). They didn't have any in the store, so I asked what they were selling them for ($12) and what they would give me ($5). I sold it to the guy for $10, and everyone was happy.[/QUOTE]

Except gamestop I assume..

I've seen people get thrown out of a store for doing stuff like that.
[quote name='dmdragon']Except gamestop I assume..

I've seen people get thrown out of a store for doing stuff like that.[/QUOTE]

Actually, the employee was the one why facilitated the whole thing. I mean, I'm sure corporate wouldn't be too happy about it, but who cares?
[quote name='Chairman_LMAO']Actually, the employee was the one why facilitated the whole thing. I mean, I'm sure corporate wouldn't be too happy about it, but who cares?[/QUOTE]

Hey, I didn't say you were wrong. Just saying that it could happen.

Oh, how I have thought about it when someone brings in a wii and they offer like 100 bucks for it
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I've done that a couple of times(offering more than Gamestop), but really it's frowned upon by the employees since they could get in trouble if you're making the deal IN the store.

But if it's something you want and they're initially willing to take the offer from GS, then offering a couple more in CASH should be enough to get them to give it up.

Then again, I had one guy the one time tell me he LIKED the GS credit when I offered him $5 over their values. I just looked at him like he had to be a little bit ummmmm how do I say this nicely....."slow" and just chuckled to myself and walked away.

I guess some people just like being taken advantage of.[/QUOTE]

Well your also a odd (Because he does not know you) person offering a guy money, I have saw many customers become uncomfortable because of that.
I am cheap but nowhere near as cheap as most cags on here. A new release being sold on here vs gamestop....I'd pay no more than $38 shipped for it. A new release once traded in sells for $55 @GS. I figure I'll wait for the b2g1 or the weekly coupon for 20 or 25% off. When 25% off that game costs me about 38.50 from gamestop. Most times I will wait for a lower price. There are only a few games I buy at release and find the best deal I can to get them new at release. Is the hassle worth it for you to sell at $38.50? You net about $34 after all is said and done. GS is ussually offering 25 on new releases in the first month for trade in value. Add promos and I don't believe it is worth it. All this from an active trader/seller. Just some things to consider.
[quote name='dmdragon']Hey, I didn't say you were wrong. Just saying that it could happen.

Oh, how I have thought about it when someone brings in a wii and they offer like 100 bucks for it[/QUOTE]

That's actually how a friend of mine got his Xbox Elite. He was friends with an employee there though and didn't mind that he offered the guy $30 over what GS was. The guy didn't mind and sold it to him. Hell, it even had a game still in it >.
[quote name='Rollett']Well your also a odd (Because he does not know you) person offering a guy money, I have saw many customers become uncomfortable because of that.[/QUOTE]

While it may make some uncomfortable, you would think that instead of taking the crap credit that they're offered(which they HAVE to spend AT GAMESTOP)that they would gladly take a cash offer instead.

If anything, I would say HE was the odd one for actually taking Gamestop's lowball offer after I offered more in CASH.

But some people just like Gamestop, I suppose. I only like the company when I'm exploiting one of their deals. Otherwise, they're the worst company to ass rape people with junk merchandise since Wal*Mart.
[quote name='Rollett']Well your also a odd (Because he does not know you) person offering a guy money, I have saw many customers become uncomfortable because of that.[/QUOTE]

I hear what you're saying. If I was doing a transaction with them, and some random guy just came up to me, I would be kind of taken back, too. And honestly, in my heart, I really doubt he actually meant that he preferred the credit to cash. It was probably the first excuse that popped into his head. I know if it happened to me, I would probably just try to brush you off, too, Cheapest, only because the GS is so close to my house, and I wouldn't want to deal with the employees being any more pissy than usual.
I guess that could've been an excuse, but it seemed really, really genuine when he said he preferred the credit. But I did manage to score both Stubbs The Zombie and Ninja Gaiden Black for about $7-10 from someone else at a different GS about 2 months later.

The only thing that really worried me about doing the deal was if they would try and grab and run after I bring out the cash to make the deal. Otherwise, I have no qualms about making a higher offer for someone's games in a normal retail store, especially Gamestop since I feel like I'm saving them from being ripped off.

But if people are willing to take their offer, then they must not feel like they're being ripped off in the first place.
bread's done