Why Don't You Shop at Wal*Mart?


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Okay gang - I know there's a lot of CAGs who really, really don't like to shop at Wal*Mart - and some who just *don't*.

I'd like to know why.

However, if your answer is the "Wal*Mart is an evil Mega Corporation that is destroying the planet, killing small business and eating babies", please don't reply - as that isn't really helpful for what I need. Additionally, please keep your replies "PG"-friendly. :)

Wal*Mart is an evil Mega Corporation that is destroying the planet, killing small business and eating babies.

Also, it's always full of freaks. And they've destroyed completely excessive amounts of beautiful property here in Tallahassee.
I shop at walmart all the time at 3am. I wouldn't dare go there during peak hours... i just feel dirty.
And if anyone's small business is ruined by walmart, well they didn't have a great business model then did they?
The only time I go to walmart is when there is something cheap I need from them. Most of the time it's stuff under 20 dollars. Just stay the fuck clear of them on Blackfriday. My walmart is located in the same shopping area as Target, TRU, BJ's, and BB...so blackfriday's on til the end of the year it's a freaking mess!
The local Wal-Mart is always full of smelly, dirty, poor mexicans who speak little/no english. That's why.
The deals on games suck. $19.82 for 2001 PS1 sports games, $49.96 GCN launch games, rollbacks making Tiger Woods 2006 for the PSP $29.82 (this was last week) etc.

Not to mention the lines are long, the store is dirty. I go to Walmart once in a while but would rather shop at Target.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']Wal*Mart is an evil Mega Corporation that is destroying the planet, killing small business and eating babies.

Also, it's always full of freaks. And they've destroyed completely excessive amounts of beautiful property here in Tallahassee.[/QUOTE]

That really about sums it up, lines are always long and its just easier to go somewhere else.
depending on my mood, when the cc swipe machine asks "Was this store cleaned today? OR Did your cashier greet you today?" I say NO!

do I get a discount? Nope... Is the store a mess the next time I come back, yep... why bother? *sigh*
Oh, I forgot to mention in the OP, I'm looking for reasons why you don't shop at Wal*Mart for your Gaming needs. :) If you just shop there for TP, but won't buy games there, why not? :)

Some good answers so far. Just remember to keep it "PG" please. :)
[quote name='skid']The local Wal-Mart is always full of smelly, dirty, poor mexicans who speak little/no english. That's why.[/quote]

Like it's any better when the Wal Mart is full of smelly dirty poor white trash.;)

I try to avoid Wal Mart, I swear every time I go in that place some slut is smacking her kids around.
[quote name='skid']The local Wal-Mart is always full of smelly, dirty, poor mexicans who speak little/no english. That's why.[/quote]

skid, so i'm smelly and dirty. I wish I could see ur redneck wisconsin face.
I wont buy clothes or video games there, unless I want to pick up a game at midnight to return later once ive found a better deal. No problem going in there for general needs though. I dont see why everyone runs around with their nose in the air like they are above shopping at Walmart. I would rather shop at Target, but in the end who really cares. You're probably only in there for a handful of minutes at a time anyway.
I'm not saying all mexicans fit that description, the ones who do just stand around Wal-Mart all day.
And at least the white trash speak english.
Seriously, have the time I see a Mexican checking out they need to bring over someone because they don't understand something or want to ask something.
[quote name='skid']I'm not saying all mexicans fit that description, the ones who do just stand around Wal-Mart all day.
And at least the white trash speak english.[/quote]

so you are basically saying that you stand at walmart all day, since you think Mexicans do. But, you do not fill in that white trash description. lol
My local walmarts are all in complete disarray at all times. I can't stand wading thru a total mess of items thrown here and there. Besides that it often takes upwards of 15 minutes to get any sort of help in the electronics department. Also it seems most departments are littered with 6-10 abandoned children who are running around screaming and more then likely causing the disarray.
I actually do not mind walmart, they are one of the few stores who will not try to sell you extras on a purchase such as a video game console, and they also offer a FREE 90 day warranty (as long as you have the receipt) on video game consoles which is something many other retail stores do not offer (gamestop only gives you 7 days for example). I appreciate knowing that I will not be charged for something I did not intend on purchasing such as a warranty or magazine subscription and stores like best buy like to add these things to customers orders automatically. I would much rather shop at wal-mart than best buy for these reasons.

They also basically do hassle free returns on anything as long as you have your receipt, so if something breaks shortly after you buy it or you just don't like it, its a breeze to return it.

I really don't shop there much though, maybe once a month, and not during peak hours, if you avoid peak hours its just fine.

Lines are shorter than kmart and the lines seem to move much faster due to the fact that kmart only has 2 employees working the registers at most times and walmart employs quite a few more than that.

Their photo lab is also good, despite being the only digital photo lab that I know of in the city. A few weeks ago I received a slide of a very precious photo from a friend and I took it to walmart and they got the prints made no problem and they came out very good. Who would have thought you could get prints made from a slide at your local walmart?

Walmart like many other retail stores is a self-service store, if you want to go in and grab something and know what your buying its fine, if your looking for advice on what video game console to buy for your kids or which digital camera is right for you its the wrong place to be shopping.
I shop at Wal-Mart because groceries aren't any cheaper in my area. :(

I've only seen a few video game/entertainment stuff for cheap there -- like Raiden III for $19.82 for instance. And Taito Legends 2 for $12.99 as well.

Most of the time I go in there, I want to get the hell out of there. Most of the people who shop there (regardless of their race, ethnicity or national origin) haven't heard of a shower, seem to walk slowly and like they are cattle, and sticks of deodorant seem to be well in stock. The people who work there are as bad and a few seem to yell gibberish over the intercom (your car has its lights on, your fuckin' kid is lost because you wanted a carton of cigarettes, etc.).
I usually don't go there to buy videogames, it's usually movies or something similar.

I don't like going there because the parking lot seems a bit unsafe, and the general sense of being dirty when in the store.

I once needed to replace a lightbulb for one of my headlights, but the book that indicated which one to buy had had the page with my make on it torn out. They didn't have another, and so I went to an autoparts store to get it.

Their customer service was surprisingly better than I had thought, even the day after Black Friday.
I've just never liked big-box stores. If I want something, I like going to a store that specializes in what I want so I have a bigger selection to choose from.

I don't mind going, really- but it's more of a 'this friend/relative needs to go, so I'm tagging along' thing. I'll buy stuff there when it's convenient (I want CD, sister goes to Wal-mart, I go buy CD and save a trip to Best Buy/FYE later.) I also like digging through the dollar DVDs for old butch-dub anime.:D

of course, from about now through Feb. 1st, I will begin avoiding Wal-Marts entirely... since i only go for convenience, there's no point when I have to spend 2 hours wading through a sea of human trash to get anything.
The only time I like Wal-Mart is when they release a CD in a two pack deal thing.

Like I bought Matchbox 20 GH (with six new songs) with a DVD tonight
I can deal with Walmart, but my big gripe is the clientel they attract. It's a huge spectrum of society, but it tends to be the worst of each demographic all in one place. We lack a really good grocery store around here, so the super walmart tends to have the most stuff.

As far as "evil killer" mentality, they aren't any worse than most places. Very rarely do you find retailers who actually do their part (recycling, community, etc.) I'm fortunate enough to work for one that does, but the vast majority would rather just make money everywhere than have an entire department dedicated to breaking even.

Target isn't much better really. Cleaner, quieter, and clearance stuff, but they pretty much knockoff all of IKEA's stuff without the good prices.

Don't get me started on Kmart. If it weren't for their incompetence, which leads to fantastic clearanced game deals, I'd never step foot in one.
lol I went to K-Mart tonight to, they had "clearence" games for the first time, but they were all 06 sports games and they wanted 20 bucks each..
i usually shop walmart for dvd. but 99.9% of the time there is no one in eletronics to help people and when someone asks about a certain game no one can answer so i help them out and say it 5 bucks cheaper at best buy just to show the eletronic employees that customers are stupid
I dont go after 9 period, after 9, thats when all the trash end up showing up, at least around here anyways, maybe its different in other areas, but around here you dont wanna go or you'll end up being hassled by a mullet on meth or thuggin and buggin
There is only 2 reasons I go to walmart, My cat will only shit in their "special kitty" brand litter (she craps on the floor if I get another brand) and the good clearance deals I find sometimes like the brand new xbox 360 HDD for $25 and the Wii/DS wifi connectors for $2 I got last week.
Walking into a Wal Mart is the quickest way to lower your social status. Seriously, the people who shop there just look dirty.
[quote name='dpadilla4']I love Walmart becuse they support us troops, while Target does not.[/quote]
They support the troops by selling ribbon magnets made in China!

Also, Wal-Mart sucks because;

Always full of disgusting looking people
Smells like urine
Parking lot is always littered with trash
People that work there are about the dumbest fucks you will ever see
Nothing like walking through one at 3am and watching school age kids walking with their trash parents when they should be in bed.

Ever since the Walmart became a Super Walmart its become a much dirtier store as well. It just looks like they never clean the place.
I shop at Walmart, just not for games... lately I've been buying a lot of games online since I can get free shipping and no tax.

When I go, I go really early in the morning when there's no one there. I pick up most of my food and all of my toiletries there. Prices are cheaper, and if not I can price match anything, it's much better than having to drive around burning gas to get the various deals when I can get everything at Wally World.

I don't get the "I don't go to Walmart because the people there are dirty" comments, I don't know about where you live but most retail establishments have dirty looking employees, it comes with the job. If you don't like it, then buy your groceries online like a true hermit.
I don't shop there because they hardly ever have any deals on stuff I buy. 5 cents off a game or beating the competition by 1$ on a 200$ purchase just doesn't qualify as a deal to me. The fact that their clearance sales are so YMMV and have no uniformity with other stores is a major strike against them also. On top of that I don't particularly like the type of people that frequently shop at Wal-Mart.
[quote name='skid']The local Wal-Mart is always full of smelly, dirty, poor mexicans who speak little/no english. That's why.[/quote]

LOL You live in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, skid? No wait, you don't even live in PA, but we have Wally Worlds like that around here.

And yes, they kind of tend to take the slow cattle approach too. They move in herds around the damned store and since they don't understand English, you can say 'excuse me' all the live long day to get them to kindly move so you can get by and they are oblivious.

As for me, I just laugh at their bargains, since the best one I ever found were the American flags, made in China. But, I guess in order to provide such low prices, they had to forgo the 'Made In The USA' branding, huh?

As for the worst time to go to Wally World, that's during a summers night around here, since the one kids camp used to bring the campers in @ midnight to wreck....er..shop the store. Kids would leave the place a mess and the counselors would get on the PA and keep telling them they had 1 minute to get to the registers to get checked out or they'd be left.

Sadly, none were ever left in the store unattended, as some of us had rolls of clear packing tape and plastic shrink wrap ready to ship them back off to camp with.
Watch this movie and be disgusted for having ever given Wal-Mart a single cent.

So Walmart is evil for being a successful business?

How are stores like Best Buy any different? You don't think they have put mom & pop electronic stores out of business?
[quote name='yukine']So Walmart is evil for being a successful business?

How are stores like Best Buy any different? You don't think they have put mom & pop electronic stores out of business?[/QUOTE]
If you watch the movie, you would know it's more than that.

It shows workers from their sweatshops around world. They pay them $3 a day and have hundreds of them corralled in a small dorm that they charge them rent for, even if they choose to live somewhere else. They only allow them to have one fan in a hot room with 9 people living it.

They force them to lie to inspectors who come to check the working conditions. If they don't lie, they are either fired or punished at work.

The inspectors who do find out about the inhumane conditions, are fired when they report their findings.

There is much more in the film. It's very interesting and disturbing.
I've seen the movie and somewhat felt it was as much as anti-capitalistic as it was anti-Wal Mart.

Most of its problems with Wal-Mart has to do with, like you said, the sweatshops, but also the poor working conditions and the intimidiation and harassment tactics used by the company when workers voice their opposition and want to form an union. If Wal-Mart would change a lot of what people voice their displeasure with, then I think a lot of it (especially the union stuff) would be solved or changed.

And I would say most of the management (especially Lee Scott) need to be gotten rid of. With Wal-Mart's stock prices going down and fewer people not wanting to invest in Wal-Mart, then maybe that will be a reality.
[quote name='yukine']
I don't get the "I don't go to Walmart because the people there are dirty" comments, I don't know about where you live but most retail establishments have dirty looking employees, it comes with the job. If you don't like it, then buy your groceries online like a true hermit.[/QUOTE]

It's not the employees, it's the people that shop there. I have two different Wal Marts in my city and they're on opposite ends of the area. They both have a lot of really, really questionable people. There's a Target right next to one of them, and if you go there, it's an instant improvement. I'm really not sure what it is.

But as for not liking it -- it's not that I don't like it. I'm mildly amused by some of the people I see there, and a little afraid for the future as well.
[quote name='UncleBob']However, if your answer is the "Wal*Mart is an evil Mega Corporation that is destroying the planet, killing small business and eating babies", please don't reply - as that isn't really helpful for what I need.[/QUOTE]

I'm curious why these kinds of responses aren't needed. It's the exact reason I don't shop there often. I don't believe in abstaining from all places at all times, but I shop at WM perhaps 4 times a year, and that's typically for nothing big (basically, I go there when I need to buy something on the fly at 3AM).

I also don't buy games there, unless they're mispriced to my advantage. There are ample people (few who will admit it here, though) that are more than happy to take advantage of WM's lax exchange policies to flip games bought at other stores on the cheap for credit that can be used to buy full price games.

Well, WM and Target are two different demographics. Market research from the mid-summer showed that WM's own firms discovered they were losing ample sales to Target and similar chains because of the "dirty" and "cheap" perception. Basically, people shopped at Target and paid the marginally higher costs at Target so as to avoid the stigma that they give themselves for shopping amongst the plebians. Also, since it's well documented that WM uses their market monopsony to dictate the terms of their distributing relationships, they often get "custom" goods - more and more consumers know that, if a product is available at WM, it's cheaper than everywhere else, and it has an exclusive model/item# that can't be found elsewhere, it's a piece of shit that won't last. Not all people know this (after all, roughly 1 in every 4/5 consumer transactions in the US takes places in a WM), but a growing number do.

EDIT: http://www.harpers.org/archive/2006/07/0081115 An excellent read.
The biggest reasons I don't shop at Wal-Mart are there are too many people there and the lines are too long. Plus Target isn't that much more expensive, and at least around here their prices are not all that much higher (and on a lot of the stuff I buy they are more expensive).
I stopped shopping at the local Supercenter(s) Because they put shit in their meat.

I only go when I need something I can't get someplace else. Damn you Chibi Robo!!!
bread's done