Why I F*@k#ng Hate U.P.S.


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this is shopping related which is why i posted it in this forum.

does anybody else HATE UPS? I fuckING HATE UPS! i have had more problems with that damn company and the customer support is so goddamn awful i cannot believe the company is still in business. i cant believe retailers actually use them to ship things... man, i hate them. i am going to tell you about 3 awful experiences i have had with UPS in the past 3 months. for all you math majors, that's an average of once a month.

1) i ordered two triple cymbal expansion packs for RB2 from madcatz store when they were RARE and going for 80+ on ebay. they came in stock for a couple of hours on gameshark.com and i jumped all over them... ordered 2, 1 for myself and 1 to flip on ebay. guess what, i never got them.

tracking info said there was a problem with my address and they were going to send me a post card so i could correct it. first of all, my address was correct... 100% correct, ive been using it for years. secondly, does it make one fucking iota of sense to send someone a post card to correct their (presumably) incorrect address?! i mean, wtf.... if my address is in fact incorrect, how in the fuck am i going to get the post card you send to it? and if my address IS correct and i do receive the post card, what the fuck good is that going to do? THE ADDRESS IS ALREADY CORRECT... HOW AM I GOING TO CORRECT MY ALREADY CORRECT ADDRESS?????

well, i never received the goddamn post card anyway. the cymbals was eventually returned to madcatz since it was "undeliverable" and i was issued a refund... not to mention i lost out on getting a free cymbal set (after the ebay flip mine would have been free... or damn close to it).

2) ordered psp3000 ratchet and clank bundle from dell.com. once again, my tracking info said that there was a problem with my address. i called UPS this time and apparently they didnt have my Apt. # on file. i checked on my dell account to make sure i put my apt. # in my shipping info, and i did. i gave UPS my apt. #, which they should of already had and my package was delivered the next day (although it was 2 days late due to the "incorrect" address).

3) this is my latest experience which has inspired this post. i ordered a 20' HDMI cable from monoprice.com. It was scheduled to be delivered today. I have been at home ALL day. the only time i stepped outside of my apartment was to get the mail. at 7:50 PM, UPS still had not shown up with the package so i decided to check the tracking info. the UPS tracking info shows that the package was delivered at 7:29PM. thats strange... i didnt hear anybody knock or ring... UPS always knocks when they drop a package off at the front door. so, i open my front door.... guess what? no package. i look on all my neighbor's stoops... no package. WTF? i go back and look at the tracking info again to make sure i read it correctly... yep... 7:29PM. Then i see a tiny little link that says "Proof of Delivery"... PERFECT! I click on it. This is what is presented to me:

GROUND Weight:
2.00 Lbs Shipped/Billed On:
03/05/2009 Delivered On:
03/11/2009 7:29 P.M. Delivered To:
TAMPA, FL, US Location:

nice "proof". I call 1-800-PICK-UPS (nice fucking phone number assholes) and have to listen to this stupid automated robot of a bitch for 10 goddamn minutes before i finally get through to some asshole named Charles. i tell Charles the situation and he responds by telling me that i need to contact monoprice.... thanks fuckwad... that's a huge help. note that, i contacted UPS 30 minutes after the package was supposedly delivered. you would think they could contact the driver and find out what the hell is going on, i mean, he has to still be out on deliveries... nah, UPS wouldnt be able to do something that logical. so, like the polite guy i am, i tell him thanks for his help.

so, i get on monoprices website and explain the situation to their "Live Chat Customer Service Rep." she calls UPS and tells them that i said i never received my package. some other asshole from UPS calls me and tells me that they are going to open an 8 day investigation on my claim. he then tells me to ask monoprice about any progress with the investigation. ok asshole. i get back on the chat and tell her UPS contacted me and to let me know if she finds out any additional info.

and that's where im at right now, and thats why I HATE UPS. i vowed never to use UPS again after the 2nd time they fucked my shipment up. unfortunately, UPS was the only option i had to ship the cable... i would have PAID A PREMIUM for them to ship the 2 pound cable via USPS but it wasnt an option when i checked out. i have a feeling that i just got screwed out of 35 dollars.

fuck UPS.
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Wow that sucks ups has never given me a problem. Maybe from now on you should just have them send packages to a relative or friend that lives near by and see if that fixes anything.
There is USPS and UPS, they are like a block away. I used to frequent at UPS but realize they are so expensive, it's because they offer the fast shipping but USPS seems to do the job just the same so I decided to go USPS for relatively cheap cost.
[quote name='greenrocks']There is USPS and UPS, they are like a block away. I used to frequent at UPS but realize they are so expensive, it's because they offer the fast shipping but USPS seems to do the job just the same so I decided to go USPS for relatively cheap cost.[/quote]

even when my shipments though UPS are problem-free, i still seem to get things faster when they are shipped with USPS. oh yeah, UPS also broke a well-packed stereo receiver that i shipped to someone through a CL sale... one more reason I hate UPS.

sorry about my excessive profanity in this post folks, i just had to get this off my chest.
UPS gave me problems when i was in an apartment. I used to have to go pick everything up on the other side of town.
Not a single issue since I bought my house though.
UPS apparently hates renters.
Weird. I have package delivery difficulties with FedEx. The UPS guy figured out how to get into my apartment, so I usually hope the retailer uses them instead. Apartments always seem to present a challenge when the landlord takes it upon themselves to make the place a fire hazard.
Yeah, UPS can be somewhat of a crap shoot. I should know. I used to work there.

Stuff goes "missing" literally all the time. When I worked the night-shift I witnessed people stealing everything from rings to shoes to laptops. There's no cameras (or there didn't used to be) so you could get away with it as long as you weren't caught.

The thing is, UPS is so hard-up for cheap labor that they'll hire anyone. There's no drug test involved if you want to load the trucks. Don't get me wrong, the benefits are great and the money is okay, but the people you deal with are .... something else.

Ship through USPS. At least they're federally regulated.
I've had tons of issues with UPS in the past... so I always preferred FedEx. But that was until FedEx decided to leave one of my packages right outside of my apartment door while I was out for the weekend.

I come back home and find that my pack was opened and left by my door. I can only guess that someone stole it, opened it, saw that there was nothing valuable in there, and then put it back.

So now, I avoid both whenever I send out, especially if it's to an apartment. All 3 make mistakes but so far, the USPS has been the least troublesome for me.
Never have problems with UPS. I also live in an apartment building and they're usually pretty good about not leaving stuff where anyone can get to it. FedEx has delivered things in the past that I've never seen and had to contact the seller about it. They've also claimed I've signed for a package and left it at the door. DHL was always a pain in the ass since I'd never be around when they tried to deliver and would have to drive about 50 minutes roundtrip out of the way to get my package. At least with UPS, they're right down the street. I guess USPS usually works best since they can leave packages in a locker for me.
The person that delivers packages to me from UPS is actually really nice. I've never had any problems with him at all. Sorry that happened to you, OP.
The UPS guy that delivers to my parent's house is really nice. My parents tend to gone during the day a lot, so he'll leave inexpensive items by the door or take expensive items next door where my mom works, and both are out of courtesy. The UPS place is to pick up undelivered packages is 30 mins away and has god-awful hours, so it easier just to have him leave it at the door.
Wow, that sucks. Sorry you're having such a hell of a time with UPS, man. I've never had any major issues with them myself.

Now, USPS? That's another Shaq-fuin' story. Buncha assholes.
I've luckily never had a problem with UPS, FedEx, or USPS. My parents had a problem with FedEx that ended up being a screw up on HP's fault.

I visit a local comic shop every weekend. I'm on pretty good terms with the owner since I'm a good customer who keeps his tab under control and paid up, so he's been trying to order back issues of recent comic series that I've missed for whatever reason. I went in one weekend to pick up a first issue of War of Frogs to find out that UPS had somehow drenched the box carrying the comics and refused to deliver the package. I :lol:, but I still don't have my comic...:bomb:

Best of luck to you in sorting this out!
I have two or three UPS guys who stop here and they're all nice. I've gotten to know them some from getting so much through club.live search and my dad and I okayed them parking in our neighbor's empty garage (like a service-business garage) instead of standing on the side of the highway. My only problem is they usually don't leave slips that say they stopped. Plus, the one I knew a good bit from work (I worked right near the door he came in so I'd have to page my dad or another boss out to sign for stuff).

The USPS guy is a bit of an ass, though. Ours is the second to last house he delivers to, yet he'll constantly walk past our house to hit the last and talk to the neighbor. The other day, he stood there for a good 15 minutes with a big white box I figured was mine before finally dropping it off. I wanted to say something, but my mom was right there and I was taught to respect my elders and all that jazz.

Also, it's a bit sad that every vacation he takes, the mail comes an hour to an hour or a half EARLIER. These are people who don't know the routes as well... c'mon. Hell, even two weeks we had with a woman on foot (and the post office is right around a mile away) got it here around the same time and I know from my frequent trips downtown, that she had to head back for more mail.
Location makes a HUGE difference with shipping options- even a few blocks can mean all the difference in the world.

My BF's address is almost the same as 2 other address within a few blocks (I believe it's excactly the same except for Ave/SE/NE at the end.) He has a lot of issues recieving boxes becuase they get mis-delivered to the other houses. One guy's cool, the other is a trophy wife who throws out any mail that isn't hers. As a result, he has me order most of his stuff so it gets sent to my house- no problems with anyone for me (I use USPS just for consistency of delivery time.)

This wasn't always the case- in school I lived about 10 blocks away, next to an apartment. People constantly parked in front of our mailbox. If someone was blocking it when the mailtruck came by, gues what? No delivery that day. It got so bad we switched to a PO box for awhile becuase we'd go 3 and 4 days at a time without mail.

Talk to your friends, see if one of them has better luck with UPS than you, and send your stuff there. Best option you've got.
Sounds like they are definitely having a problem finding you. My only real gripe with ups has been sometimes the driver can leave a valuable item just sitting out in the open. But ive never had any problem getting what i ordered, sorry for your situation, though...
I have no problem with USPS but add me to the UPS haters club. They can't even deliver a package to the right address here. A package that was properly labeled was delivered to a neighbor, thankfully he brought it over and was honest about it. Also thankful that it was ordered from newegg and they were more than happy to send out another product thanks to their excellent customer service. I understand they have a ton of deliveries to make but you could at least wait and give me 5 seconds to get to the door before running and leaving my package on the porch.
[quote name='SaraAB']I have no problem with USPS but add me to the UPS haters club. They can't even deliver a package to the right address here. A package that was properly labeled was delivered to a neighbor, thankfully he brought it over and was honest about it. Also thankful that it was ordered from newegg and they were more than happy to send out another product thanks to their excellent customer service. I understand they have a ton of deliveries to make but you could at least wait and give me 5 seconds to get to the door before running and leaving my package on the porch.[/quote]

im glad im not the only one. UPS has also delivered my package to a neighbor of mine... fortunately, they brought it over to me. i have also had packages that arent mine left at my front door... luckily for my neighbors, im not a thief.
[quote name='lolwaut']im glad im not the only one. UPS has also delivered my package to a neighbor of mine... fortunately, they brought it over to me. i have also had packages that arent mine left at my front door... luckily for my neighbors, im not a thief.[/quote]

Yeah. At my old place, I lived out in the country surrounded by old folks who didn't have the internet, let alone bought anything from catalogs. So the UPS guy got to know us fairly quick as my dad was buying a lot of stuff from Tiger Direct and others.

Then another younger couple moved in after an old lady retired to Florida. One day the UPS guy stops and asks me to sign. I glance over it and tell him he has the wrong address and he doesn't even look and admits he knows and has to go. I sign and then take it up to their house and set it inside their porch after knocking and seeing noone was home.

A few weeks later I go outside to get the mail and see two boxes sitting outside. Yep. Neighbor's. They weren's signature required so apparently it's okay to just drop them off at the wrong address. :roll: I took them up and the woman was thankful I brought them over but IRATE about the UPS guy and said she was going to call. I mentiond the other packages which she didn't know about as I only ever saw her or her husband in their cars when they were heading down the lane. Needless to say when I mentioned that, she had the phone in her hand.
You know who I hate? FedEx. There's a guy who lives in front of us- different address- and they apparently tried delivering my seasons 1-5 set of 24 on DVD to him- again, different address. He told them they had the wrong house, and they listed the product as "Delivery Refused" and sent it all the way back. :(
Ouch, I would hate UPS too if they jerked me around like that on so many shipping orders. I don't tend to have too much of a problem with them. Living in a condo sucks though since most times they either need a signature or won't leave my packages outside the secured entryway to the building, even though I don't see how that's any different than leaving it on someone's porch, other than the fact that it isn't technically the owner's property. Other times, I've come home and my package is sitting in front of my door inside the building, leaving me to assume that they just started buzzing everyone's doorbell in the building until someone let them in so they could deliver the package instead of having to come back (even though I always have them hold the package at the facility after that since it's only a quick five minute drive). Still makes me feel bad for the rest of the folks in the building since they might've thought they were getting something only to be told that the UPS delivery guy/gal was leaving it at my door.
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