Why is she ignoring me?

[quote name='Apossum']I kind of appreciate the stuff...if my roomate didn't use it in place of showering, the room would always wreak of last night's beer and urine (he's the "get drunk and pee on stuff and steal pieces of public property" type)[/QUOTE]

Haha. College is awesome.
[quote name='sblymnlcrymnl']:applause: :applause: :applause: :lol:[/QUOTE]

Make this your avatar, so the kids can see you a mile away:

[quote name='Number83']When starting a conversation, try some of these lines:[/quote]

You must be an unpayed parkin' ticket- You got fine written allllll over you. *hipthrust*

Nope, never been turned down or beaten with a purse with that line. :D
[quote name='mykevermin']One thing: shy girls don't put out. When they do, you usually have to keep them from crying afterwards.[/QUOTE]

O RLY? I'm painfully shy in social situations, but... :lol:
Unless you're subby :lol:;) , high school is probably the only time any guy will get to tap teen ass so every guy should make the best of it. It's not even being about a jock or a nerd. High school is just about the most inane & vapid period of anyone's life and anyone who takes it too seriously is going to end up hating it. Sit back, relax and enjoy it instead of contemplating whether or not your life is over because the girl you 'like like' is going out w/ the captain of the football team. Despite what the old farts tell you, life is long when you're still a kid in high school. There's enough time for cynicism & self-loathing once you enter the real world. Pussy is and always will be plentiful. You've just gotta learn how to get it. Just get good enough grades to get into the school you want (or barring that, ace your entrance exams). Shyness is for people afraid of finding out what other ppl think of them and the build-up is always worse than the actual encounter. Man up and ask the girl out on a date. If she says yes, then relax. She's interested enough at that point to go out w/ you so you don't have to feel so uptight and shy. If she says no, c'est la vie, move on to the next girl.
[quote name='Number83']When starting a conversation, try some of these lines:

"How bad did it hurt when you fell down from Heaven?"

"Is your father an astronaut? How else can you explain those beautiful stars in your eyes?"

"If I told you that you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?"

"What's your sign?"

"If I try on your glasses, can I see you home?" (NOTE: Only use if she wears glasses, otherwise you'll just sound like an a$$)[/QUOTE]

As opposed to using any of those lines in the first place how?
[quote name='Tiphireth']You must be an unpayed parkin' ticket- You got fine written allllll over you. *hipthrust*

Nope, never been turned down or beaten with a purse with that line. :D[/QUOTE]

lmao, reminds me of my friend who put a fake parking ticket on this one girls car. Basicly it said that her violation was running around in my friends head/heart all day, and the fine was to go out on a date with him. Oddly enough it worked and they were together... for 2 weeks. Also, this was senior year in high school... so youd think by the nature of this attempt we would be in middle school at the oldest, lol.
[quote name='jaykrue']Unless you're subby :lol:;) , high school is probably the only time any guy will get to tap teen ass so every guy should make the best of it. It's not even being about a jock or a nerd. High school is just about the most inane & vapid period of anyone's life and anyone who takes it too seriously is going to end up hating it. Sit back, relax and enjoy it instead of contemplating whether or not your life is over because the girl you 'like like' is going out w/ the captain of the football team. Despite what the old farts tell you, life is long when you're still a kid in high school. There's enough time for cynicism & self-loathing once you enter the real world. Pussy is and always will be plentiful. You've just gotta learn how to get it. Just get good enough grades to get into the school you want (or barring that, ace your entrance exams). Shyness is for people afraid of finding out what other ppl think of them and the build-up is always worse than the actual encounter. Man up and ask the girl out on a date. If she says yes, then relax. She's interested enough at that point to go out w/ you so you don't have to feel so uptight and shy. If she says no, c'est la vie, move on to the next girl.[/QUOTE]

So true. fucking Catholic HS and lame coaches.

:::sings::: I wish that I knew what I know nooowwwww, WHEN I WAS YOUNGER! :::sings:::

Albeit I'm only 3 years removed from HS....
[quote name='TheTrueSephiroth']"hmmmm...waah...we're both shy, and she doesn't say anything, what could I possibly do?.....wahh!" How about you finally remove the shrink rap from your testicles and use them. SAY SOMETHING TO HER!!! CHRIST![/QUOTE]

Given the source, I find this comment beyond ironic.
[quote name='LiquidNight']Juniors shouldnt even acknowledge the existense of freshmen...[/quote]

QFT. It has been 14 years since HS though so maybe the rules have changed... I don't know. What I do know is that none of this matters because you are just a kid... well, I mean in the grand scheme of things - it does matter if you're looking to get a handful of tit.

How about this - when you see her in the hall next time *gasp* stop and talk to her! Just ask her what the deal is - no games or anything. You have to learn sometime to get over the fear of rejection and/or looking like a jackass in front of some girl you like. Even if only one out of every ten hot chicks want to bang you it's still worth the nine rejections to bang the one chick.
the person you are talking to online and the person you are seeing in the hallway are probably not the same...think about it champ.
I'll take the more optimistic approach to this. Dead silence goes both ways right? So perhaps she's thinking exactly the same thing. Talk to her, say hi, say something! The worst thing she can do is blow you off and believe me, that's not the end of the world.
[quote name='javeryh']QFT. It has been 14 years since HS though so maybe the rules have changed... I don't know. What I do know is that none of this matters because you are just a kid... well, I mean in the grand scheme of things - it does matter if you're looking to get a handful of tit.

How about this - when you see her in the hall next time *gasp* stop and talk to her! Just ask her what the deal is - no games or anything. You have to learn sometime to get over the fear of rejection and/or looking like a jackass in front of some girl you like. Even if only one out of every ten hot chicks want to bang you it's still worth the nine rejections to bang the one chick.[/quote]

It's changed...definitely. I know a lot of Jr.'s going out with freshmen. Their getting hotter and dressing skankier than ever before. You can thank MTV and Daddy's credit card for that.
[quote name='ph33r m3']It's changed...definitely. I know a lot of Jr.'s going out with freshmen. Their getting hotter and dressing skankier than ever before. You can thank MTV and Daddy's credit card for that.[/quote]

=P~ 21 year olds can still go back to HS, right? :lol:
My friends are the same way. They all like freshmen (were sophomores though) and none of them can talk to the freshmen. Do your friends ever have bonfires or do anything in like groups? Thats the way to go. Invite somewhere with a bunch of people, invite her friends too, and just make sure you let her know your into her more than her friends. It works everytime. I should make a topic called Dylan's Dating Advice. HA
My friends are the same way. the all like freshmen (were sophomores though) and none of them can talk to the freshmen. Do your friends ever have bonfires or do anything in like groups? Thats the way to go. Invite somewhere with a bunch of people, invite her friends too, and just make sure you let her know your into her more than her friends. It works everytime. I should make a topic called Dylan's Dating Advice. HA

P.S. And no she doesnt hate you, she just doesnt know what to talk about and is shy as hell probably.
You dumbass(es). They're underclass(wo)men. You don't ask them out; you tell them you're going to let them polish your knob. You're going to pop in their mouth and they will say, "thank you, SIR!"

[quote name='kennistond']My friends are the same way. the all like freshmen (were sophomores though) and none of them can talk to the freshmen. Do your friends ever have bonfires or do anything in like groups? Thats the way to go. Invite somewhere with a bunch of people, invite her friends too, and just make sure you let her know your into her more than her friends. It works everytime. I should make a topic called Dylan's Dating Advice. HA

P.S. And no she doesnt hate you, she just doesnt know what to talk about and is shy as hell probably.[/quote]
"That's what I love about these high school girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age. "
lol alot of fucked up replies..honestly it could be cause of ur a junior im going to assume that ur nerdy to the point where her freinds mock her a bit about u 2 talking that could be the issue.

Perhaps she likes u but someone disaproves teenagers are followers they try not to do anything that will get them made fun they dont want to look 'unpopular' even when they are.
[quote name='javeryh']QFT. It has been 14 years since HS though so maybe the rules have changed... I don't know. What I do know is that none of this matters because you are just a kid... well, I mean in the grand scheme of things - it does matter if you're looking to get a handful of tit.

How about this - when you see her in the hall next time *gasp* stop and talk to her! Just ask her what the deal is - no games or anything. You have to learn sometime to get over the fear of rejection and/or looking like a jackass in front of some girl you like. Even if only one out of every ten hot chicks want to bang you it's still worth the nine rejections to bang the one chick.[/quote]

Yep. Playing the percentages often reaps the best benefits.
Read through the volumes of javeryh and jaykrue's posts on the matter, and you'll even see through jaykrue's anecdotes the inherent raw value of just playing the numbers.

You'd better start now if you want to reap the benefits of the easiest time... the degree of difficulty only goes up after high school.
[quote name='JSweeney']Yep. Playing the percentages often reaps the best benefits.
Read through the volumes of javeryh and jaykrue's posts on the matter, and you'll even see through jaykrue's anecdotes the inherent raw value of just playing the numbers.

You'd better start now if you want to reap the benefits of the easiest time... the degree of difficulty only goes up after high school.[/quote]

It's not just about the numbers (though they do make a significant portion of it). I always think of it in terms of role-playing - the more you level yourself up early by gathering a lot of experience, the easier the later levels will be. In other words, the more you play, the more experienced you become in a social setting and thus develop a certain degree of comfort around persons of the opposite sex which, in turn, lead to confidence and a diminished sense of shyness.
[quote name='javeryh']QFT. It has been 14 years since HS though so maybe the rules have changed... I don't know. What I do know is that none of this matters because you are just a kid... well, I mean in the grand scheme of things - it does matter if you're looking to get a handful of tit.

How about this - when you see her in the hall next time *gasp* stop and talk to her! Just ask her what the deal is - no games or anything. You have to learn sometime to get over the fear of rejection and/or looking like a jackass in front of some girl you like. Even if only one out of every ten hot chicks want to bang you it's still worth the nine rejections to bang the one chick.[/QUOTE]

QFT. Gene Simmons would go up to 100 girls in one night knowing he would get rejected by 99. He was just looking for that one.

The problem is that guys are scared to talk to girls. I used to be that way, I don't have to worry about anymore since I'm getting married, but once you stop acting all nervous is when you can pick up chicks. Grow up to her, act like you don't give a shit, and see what's up. If she says no, so what, move on. You're 17 years old for Christ's sake!
[quote name='jaykrue']It's not just about the numbers (though they do make a significant portion of it). I always think of it in terms of role-playing - the more you level yourself up early by gathering a lot of experience, the easier the later levels will be. In other words, the more you play, the more experienced you become in a social setting and thus develop a certain degree of comfort around persons of the opposite sex which, in turn, lead to confidence and a diminished sense of shyness.[/quote]

You are such a fucking nerd its amazing you've ever gotten laid. :lol:

[quote name='munch']Gene Simmons would go up to 100 girls in one night knowing he would get accepted by 99. He was just ignoring that one.[/quote]

fix'd :lol:
[quote name='Kayden']You are such a fucking nerd its amazing you've ever gotten laid. :lol:[/quote]

Well the reason I get laid is I don't give a shit if one girl thinks I'm a geek because another one down the line will find that a quirky part of my personality. :lol: Plus, I can't deny my childhood though I admit it is getting more difficult to find time to actually 'geek out' as my time is consumed by the girls wanting more attention. :roll: It's probably time to rotate out the stable for some fresh meat. :cool:
You poor bastard... :cry:


[quote name='jaykrue']Well the reason I get laid is I don't give a shit if one girl thinks I'm a geek because another one down the line will find that a quirky part of my personality. :lol: Plus, I can't deny my childhood though I admit it is getting more difficult to find time to actually 'geek out' as my time is consumed by the girls wanting more attention. :roll: It's probably time to rotate out the stable for some fresh meat. :cool:[/quote]
You need a good ice breaker. Just walk up to her and start a conversation, but make sure shes alone so you dont look like a total goofball. Be sure to mention something about being online.
has he actually responded to anything after we got to page 2? If not, what a cunt licker. Can't even respond to the serious comments.
Um, I didn't read everyone elses post, but if you talk to her online or whatever find out something you both have in common (eg: like a movie you're both into...) then you can say you want to see it but none of your friends are into it and then... uh... hey do YOU want to go? make it casual. i think once you hang out once in person on a nuetral ground the tension will be cut and you can better assess the situation.

Also, you're going to look back one day and realize how nuerotic and unpredictable high school girls are. I never thought I'd say that when I was in high school but now, holy god I'm glad I'm through that phase, especially a freshman.
bread's done