Why no Excite Truck love?


14 (100%)
Sure sure, in this day of games where every single racer requires tuning and other boring crap, I can see why no one is gushing about it. But as an arcade racing junkie, man oh man this thing rocks! It has taken bits and pieces of all my favorite racers ever (SF Rush, Rally Cross, and Hydro Thunder) and made a great new one. I love it! If only it had online...:cool:

I bought Excite Truck the day after launch and love it. It takes a while to get the controls down perfect but once you do its really awesome. The majority of people that diss it don't take the time to get use to the controls. Once you get past the learning curve it IS awesome.
I played Excite Truck and love it. I actually would like to trade Rayman for it but no one wants to trade. I don't understand why either, especially with as much ET hate that goes around here(and Rayman love).
Yes the controls definatly take some getting used to. It would have been nice if they offered more the one view of the car and gave you the option of seeing how the steering wheel was oriented.
I love excite truck! Working on getting all the S rankings. It has a great sense of speed and you always feel on the brink of losing control. Makes it that much sweeter when you get in the zone. It's simple, good fun.
I had started an Excite Truck appreciation thread about a month ago. the CAG server crash must have eaten it though.
That is the demo at EBGames here. Definitely got me hooked on the Wii. I'll get it when the price drops. $50 is too much in my opinion.
I do think this is one of the more underrated Wii games... I hear a lot of people say they wouldn;t pay $50 for it, but compared to some of the other games *cough*MonkeyBall*cough*, I think it's well worth it.
I got it for free and originally didn't think I would have paid the $50 for it. I'm still not sure that I would, but I do know that even at that price, I would have gotten my money's worth. It just takes a little while to figure out two things: 1) You're supposed to crash. A lot. 2) You're going for style points, not necessarily winning the race.

Really, I've had a ton of fun playing each track over and over, especially trading off with a friend. It's got a great one-more-time quality.

I also like how out of control you feel. Even when you're racing great, you know you're one twitch away from crashing. Still, the controls are definitely sharp, even though you drift a ton. Just gotta get used to it.

Highly recommended that you give it an hour.
[quote name='kmartbum001']i would buy it for $9.99 no more[/quote]

Ha Ha. Have you even played it? It's a blast. Have fun playing it in about 4 years
[quote name='PleasantOne']I do think this is one of the more underrated Wii games... I hear a lot of people say they wouldn;t pay $50 for it, but compared to some of the other games *cough*MonkeyBall*cough*, I think it's well worth it.[/QUOTE]

I actually have bashed SMB:BB a lot, but I will say that Hammer Throw on there is an absolute blast.

I loved ET. It's nothing amazing, but it's really a lot of fun. I wouldn't deem it a $50 purchase (outside of my splurging during launch excitement ;) ), but it's certainly worth $30. I got a solid 12+ hours out of it.
Probably the best arcade type racer ive ever played.

Controls are perfect, even the visuals look nice!
Its the first game in a while i had to beat, i just couldnt stop.

Love it. Cant for a sequal
If there is a sequel, I hope they give it a lot more content. While Excitetruck is good, it should have had more content.
[quote name='Kuros']If there is a sequel, I hope they give it a lot more content. While Excitetruck is good, it should have had more content.[/quote]
While I understand people often want more stuff, let's keep in mind that the number of tracks or extra features isn't what makes this a good or bad game. I'll agree with the previous poster who said it may be the best arcade racer ever. Time will tell if I continue to think so. They've created an awesome racing formula here, and that's why it's such a good game. What I like best are the layered techniques like getting a boost by landing on all four wheels, or using water to cool down your engines for constant turbo.

That said, I love stuff like online play, so next time bring it on!
It's a very good game. It's just lacking in the content department. I'm all over Excite Truck 2 with the (I assume) improvements that will come in that regard.
i wish i got Excite Truck for christmas instead of, *spat *spat NFS: Carbon. There's like ten games I'd wanna get for the Wii and I can't believe the two I've gotten (red steel is the other one) aren't any of them.
[quote name='jasongst']While I understand people often want more stuff, let's keep in mind that the number of tracks or extra features isn't what makes this a good or bad game. I'll agree with the previous poster who said it may be the best arcade racer ever. Time will tell if I continue to think so. They've created an awesome racing formula here, and that's why it's such a good game. What I like best are the layered techniques like getting a boost by landing on all four wheels, or using water to cool down your engines for constant turbo.

That said, I love stuff like online play, so next time bring it on![/QUOTE]

I'm not saying it's a bad game, I'm saying they could have done a lot better. I would have added:

Multiplayer with CPU
4 player multiplayer (not sure if it would work so well though)
More events
Multiplayer Crash Mode and Gate Mode
Free Race mode (for track practice without having to worry about coming in 1st)
Online Multiplayer for up to 6 players (This would have been great for the game)
[quote name='Kuros']I'm not saying it's a bad game, I'm saying they could have done a lot better. I would have added:

Multiplayer with CPU
4 player multiplayer (not sure if it would work so well though)
More events
Multiplayer Crash Mode and Gate Mode
Free Race mode (for track practice without having to worry about coming in 1st)
Online Multiplayer for up to 6 players (This would have been great for the game)[/quote]
I agree, those features would be great and aren't unreasonable. I guess my point is, a lot of reviews bring up a similar list and use it to argue that the game "lacks depth" and is ultimately mediocre, both of which couldn't be farther from the truth. What you have with Excite Truck is a true arcade racer. When you sit down at an arcade cabinet you don't start to complain about the lack of all those extras, you just play the game and observe its qualities. A rad game is still rad even if the multiplayer isn't what it could be.

So I'm not trying to harp on you specifically, but rather all the naysayers who want extra features for a game they haven't even fully explored yet. This is a common practice among reviewers lately, because it's easier for them to just count features and come up with a score that way than it is to actually play the game long enough to understand what it does right and what it does wrong. Somehow they've come to perceive value as the number of extras and nothing else. I blame Tony Hawk.
[quote name='jasongst']I agree, those features would be great and aren't unreasonable. I guess my point is, a lot of reviews bring up a similar list and use it to argue that the game "lacks depth" and is ultimately mediocre, both of which couldn't be farther from the truth. What you have with Excite Truck is a true arcade racer. When you sit down at an arcade cabinet you don't start to complain about the lack of all those extras, you just play the game and observe its qualities. A rad game is still rad even if the multiplayer isn't what it could be.

So I'm not trying to harp on you specifically, but rather all the naysayers who want extra features for a game they haven't even fully explored yet. This is a common practice among reviewers lately, because it's easier for them to just count features and come up with a score that way than it is to actually play the game long enough to understand what it does right and what it does wrong. Somehow they've come to perceive value as the number of extras and nothing else. I blame Tony Hawk.[/QUOTE]

Good points all around.

Just to note, I have played this game in depth, at least 20 hours or so.
I rented this from Blockbuster (free rental from Coke Rewards points) and it was the perfect game for a rental. I got all the 'S' ranks in Excite mode to unlock Super Excite, then played through that to the "hidden" bonus track at the end. I had about 1/4 of the 'S' ranks done in Super Excite and had all but the last truck unlocked (What does it take to do that by the way? I played a ton with the second-to-last one unlocked and the last one never unlocked).

I also had all 'S' in the Challenge mode except for that stupid second gate race, where I could get 'A' but not 'S'. That, to me, is by far the hardest part of the game because you have to go fast and have precise control. So I didn't unlock the Super Challenge.

Anyway, it was well worth it and I'm glad there's a few things left to do for when I pick this up sub-$20 again some day. I would definitely say it's worth a $20-$30 buy though if you haven't played it yet. Really, except for Zelda, nothing on the Wii is worth full MSRP (just as pretty much nothing for the last-gen consoles was worth $50). Elebits comes close I suppose, followed by Rayman and Excite Truck. SMB, not so much ;).
Excite Truck is certainly a good $20-30 pick up. I got mine by trading a few games to the local Rhyno for their 2 for 1 deal. If they do make a sequel, online play would be fantastic. I'd also like them to include a few mini games such as "Tag" which would be built from something along the lines of the Truck Check mini games. Add in a few other fun modes similar to the Monkey Ball style mini games, up the trucks from six to eight, and add in a bit more variety to the tracks (especially destructible enviorments) and we'll be all set.
I ordered the game tonight based on the things I've been reading in this thread. The reviews scared me off, but I enjoyed arcade-style games like the Saturn version of Daytona USA and Sega Rally Championship, and those games had very few tracks or cars to choose from. I think Excite Truck is going to be perfect for me.

May I ask how the controls compare to Need for Speed Carbon for Wii? I never gave NFS:C much of a chance because I didn't like the controls (or the street-racing theme), but I'm more willing to give Excite Truck a chance. Just wondering if the learning curve is comparable and if the controls are tighter or adjustable.
[quote name='boyward']I ordered the game tonight based on the things I've been reading in this thread. The reviews scared me off, but I enjoyed arcade-style games like the Saturn version of Daytona USA and Sega Rally Championship, and those games had very few tracks or cars to choose from. I think Excite Truck is going to be perfect for me.

May I ask how the controls compare to Need for Speed Carbon for Wii? I never gave NFS:C much of a chance because I didn't like the controls (or the street-racing theme), but I'm more willing to give Excite Truck a chance. Just wondering if the learning curve is comparable and if the controls are tighter or adjustable.[/QUOTE]

I played it for about 10 minutes at EB Games and would say that it takes a couple of minutes to get a feel for the controls. I'm guessing it'll take an hour or so to become really comformable with them.
I just rented this and I am so glad I didn't buy it. Don't get me wrong, I love the game but I've almost beaten it in a couple hours. If they make another that's a lot longer, has online and more stuff, it'd own
I think I can officially name last week as 'ExciteTruck week' at my house. We've spent countless hours unlocking stuff and everyone that's tried it has loved the game. Still missing 'S' scores in some platinum/diamond races in Super Excite mode, and have to do the gate challenges in Super Challenge mode. All of the trucks are unlocked (unless more get added with Mirror mode?).

I received this as a gift, but I would have been happy to pay full price for it. And I was skeptical because I hate realistic racers.

My hopes for an ExciteTruck 2:
- Lots of multiplayer modes (King of the Hill, Tag, etc)
- New ways to earn stars (more stunt type stuff?)
- Different powerups (unlimited turbo, higher jumps, force field that pushes other trucks away?)
- The option for a custom truck in single player mode that gets better as you progress (ie, you get to choose where the points go)
- Obviously online play or at least 4 player split screen
[quote name='GrimNecroWizard']I just rented this and I am so glad I didn't buy it. Don't get me wrong, I love the game but I've almost beaten it in a couple hours. If they make another that's a lot longer, has online and more stuff, it'd own[/quote]

I guess I just compare this to the Waverace games, which were equally as short if not shorter. I was happy with the length then and I'm happy with this one here too. I do think it would be cool to have tracks with more crazy elements, as with Beetle Adventure Racing.
with the exception of mariokart, i absolutely hate racing games...

that said, i LOVE ExciteTruck.

My girlfriend got it for me for christmas after I had played the demo at EBgames, and raved to her about it. Her and I both have been taking turns tearing through it, we've got normal excite mode pretty much beat. I know it was a gift, but even if it wasn't, after playing it and getting used to the controls, I'd have definitely sunk 50$ into it. Playing the 2 player with my girlfriend, who occasionally kicks my ass at it, is just awesome.
I picked this game up at launch with Zelda and Monkey Ball. Though I think I should've skipped on Monkey Ball until a price drop, I'm really glad I picked this game up at launch. I played this game for 7 hours over the 3-day weekend and unlocked mirrior and all the regular trucks.

I'm really looking forward to finishing the game and hanging on to it. My fiancee is really interested in it and most of my friends who tried it, love it, and want to play it when we get together so there's a lot replay for this game for me after I beat everything.

IMO, a well justified launch purchase. I hope Nintendo makes a sequel.
[quote name='jasongst']I guess I just compare this to the Waverace games, which were equally as short if not shorter. I was happy with the length then and I'm happy with this one here too. I do think it would be cool to have tracks with more crazy elements, as with Beetle Adventure Racing.[/QUOTE]

Speaking of BAR...can anyone confirm that this IS heading to the VC? That will allow me to sell my N64, so I am very interested in that.

On the subject of Excite Truck, the more I play it, the more I love it. I'd love to see more tracks too - and online is an absolute must. I just hope we get that sequel...I'm very concerned the bad reviews will scare people away from this awesome game.

i took back MUA after getting it through tru 3 for 105 deal as a filler. traded it for excite truck. wasnt sure if i had made a good choice since i already have zelda and smbbb and there wasnt much grabbing my attention. but so far i love it. not as deep as it could be but still a great game. i think unlocking some basic upgrades or buying them would be sweet.
imo, it got boring quick.
there's just other games i'd rather be playing.

i traded it in along with Rampage: TD a while back.
bread's done