Why the F--K did I waste my money?!

Kids like you're brother make me so unbelievably fucking mad. There is nothing in this world that I hate more then spoiled kids.

[quote name='LiquidNight']On topic:
I have to deal with the same shit, but only with my youngest brother.
My middle brother (I'm the eldest) and I are cool with most things, hell, I'll even take some of his clothes if all my stuff is in the wash. We can joke and hang out and its all good.
My youngest brother, on the other hand, is a total fucking spoiled brat. My parents ALWAYS side with him and allot him the same priveleges as I get (I'm 16 and he's 10). Its god damn ridiculous.
I know EXACTLY what you mean! I'm in the same situation; (except I'm the middle child). Me and my older brother get along so well. It's awesome hanging out with him and his friends. But adding my younger brother to the group spoils everything. We have serious problems with each other. We never get along. And, of course, my parents just think I'm being the "mean older brother."

[quote name='Apossum']I'm just going to stick to Miis instead of children :lol:[/quote]
You might wanna go easy with that. You could end up a very, very strange person.
you know, when I was 18 my parents told me I had to pay $400 a month rent or move out. I moved out. I worked at Target at the time making about $150 a week. I got a second job so I could barely afford rent, car payment and insurance and food when there was left over money. You both are spoiled and are both in for a shock once you realize what the real world is like. You need to stop being jealous of an 8 year old kid.
[quote name='d00k']

You might wanna go easy with that. You could end up a very, very strange person.[/QUOTE]

Yes....end up. :lol:
Just cause they aren't forced to move out at 18 doesn't mean they're spoiled, they are fortunate though to have parents that at least are more ... uh compassionate I guess. That's pretty tough, being charged 400 dollars a month when you turn 18...
[quote name='Biggington']Now. Before you start getting the wrong idea. I have, and love myWii.

Here's what went down...

Yesterday I worked a 10 hour shift and
didn't get much sleep the night before either. I passed out when I got home around 7.

Fast forward to this morning, I got up around 5 after taking a nice 10 hour nap. Jumped right onto the
Wiiand started playing some tennis.

Around 9:30 my brother comes down (hes 8 years old) and asks if he could play. I was in the middle of a game and I told him when I'm finished.

Naturally he
wasn't happy as hes a spoiled brat and decided to cry to my mom. She tells him to go into the closet and bring out whats inside.

Of course, she got him a brand new fuck
ing Wii! I was fuming. What the hell did I waste my money on this for? I spent my L-A-S-T $300 on this for us to play and I always let my brother play when I'm finished.

I was hoping when I got it maybe I could get $150 or $100 if my parents would buy him an extra controller so we could play
together. But no, they had to get him the special controller, THAT CAME WITH A SYSTEM! God damnit !

We seem to have a "sharing" problem in my house. My brother is jealous of everything I get and needs to use it constantly, naturally I want to get a chance to play it too. This is why we have 2 PS2s, 2
GCNs, and now.... 2 WIIS!

Isn't this unfair to the people who aren't able to get hands on one? Nobody needs two!

I wish I never got this thing now. I would be $300 richer, and happier. Besides, my brother would've never gotten it if I
didn't come home with my Wii that I just managed to get from the Nintendo World store on Launch Day. The only reason I have one was because I did a good friend a favor and took his brother 14 year old brother all the way into Manhattan to get a Wii from Nintendo World. I figured, if I gonna go there, I might as well try to get one so I don't end up going for nothing.

I was part of the last batch of people in there and just managed to get one.

In closing, now I'm losing out on half the
Wii money, which I really could have lived without, but it would've been nice, and any cool games that my brother might get for Christmas because I wont be allowed to touch them.

I hate my mom

fill all the household sinks & bathtubs with bleach and ammonia. and then leave. come back the next morning. your mom and bro should be dead and you'll be good to go.
[quote name='Biggington']Now. Before you start getting the wrong idea. I have, and love myWii.

Here's what went down...

Yesterday I worked a 10 hour shift and
didn't get much sleep the night before either. I passed out when I got home around 7.

Fast forward to this morning, I got up around 5 after taking a nice 10 hour nap. Jumped right onto the
Wiiand started playing some tennis.

Around 9:30 my brother comes down (hes 8 years old) and asks if he could play. I was in the middle of a game and I told him when I'm finished.

Naturally he
wasn't happy as hes a spoiled brat and decided to cry to my mom. She tells him to go into the closet and bring out whats inside.

Of course, she got him a brand new fuck
ing Wii! I was fuming. What the hell did I waste my money on this for? I spent my L-A-S-T $300 on this for us to play and I always let my brother play when I'm finished.

I was hoping when I got it maybe I could get $150 or $100 if my parents would buy him an extra controller so we could play
together. But no, they had to get him the special controller, THAT CAME WITH A SYSTEM! God damnit !

We seem to have a "sharing" problem in my house. My brother is jealous of everything I get and needs to use it constantly, naturally I want to get a chance to play it too. This is why we have 2 PS2s, 2
GCNs, and now.... 2 WIIS!

Isn't this unfair to the people who aren't able to get hands on one? Nobody needs two!

I wish I never got this thing now. I would be $300 richer, and happier. Besides, my brother would've never gotten it if I
didn't come home with my Wii that I just managed to get from the Nintendo World store on Launch Day. The only reason I have one was because I did a good friend a favor and took his brother 14 year old brother all the way into Manhattan to get a Wii from Nintendo World. I figured, if I gonna go there, I might as well try to get one so I don't end up going for nothing.

I was part of the last batch of people in there and just managed to get one.

In closing, now I'm losing out on half the
Wii money, which I really could have lived without, but it would've been nice, and any cool games that my brother might get for Christmas because I wont be allowed to touch them.

I hate my mom

I'm sorry, but I only have one thing to say.

I thought the same thing too...\

Back in 1982 when I bought ET.

I can't fucking move without falling back into that damn pit. Every time I get out, I walk a step forward then I'm back in there again. WTF? And what the hell was up with the FBI agents being in the bottom of the same freaking pit? Were they able to track me there since I was unable to leave it?

And why do the Reese's look like ET shit? I'm not eating those! I don't care what they taste like.

Anyway, I await the next Wii-drama thread, cause I've got a bitchin' story about me playing Superman on the 2600 on a B/W 4 inch TV with a dial tuner.
bread's done