Wii are headed into year 2. Predictions? Wishes?


41 (100%)
I still can't believe it has been a year already. Man. But that's entirely something different.

What games announced are you looking forward to the most?
What games HAVEN'T been announced, but would like?
What else? Wishes? Any predictions?

Clearly Smash Bros is my #1 for 2008. Mario Kart also makes me aroused. I just started looking into No More Heroes, and I have to say..I'm quite impressed.
I LOVE the Wii Zapper, so I am DEF waiting for HotD 2 & 3. I very much wish for more Zapper games. SO much fun!!

I hope we get a definite confirmation of Animal Crossing. It doesn't have to be released in 2008, however, I would love to know more about the game.

Star Fox & Kirby are pretty much the only other mascots who have not received any attention on the Wii? Sure, they are on the VC, but where's THEIR Wii games?! Star Fox could very well be an amazing game. LoZ:TP, MP3, and SMG have all been great games with great controls..so I feel VERY confident that a Star Fox for the Wii would be absolutely amazing. Even better if they make more of a sequel to Star Fox 64 ;)

As for Kirby, ::shrugs::. The only type of game that would be pretty awesome when using the Wii Remote would be a game like Canvas Curse. What an awesome game. However, I'd be open to any type of Kirby game. Ok, maybe not another racing game..

I'd like to get a few more channels. The DS Demo channel will (HOPEFULLY!!!) be out in 2008. But what else? I hope that on top of the DS channel, we can get say.. 3 more? (Premium WiiWare channels don't count)

I hope that we get SOME kind of answer to the storage "problem". I say "problem" because for some, it isn't. For others, it is. For those that do have this "problem", we have options to erase games or store them on SD card. I hope we get a confirmation letting us know if we WILL be able to play games off of SD cards, or they will release their own HDD. EVEN a confirmation stating "No. We will NEVER put out an HDD OR allow you to play games off of an SD card" At least we will know.

There's still quite a bit of (awesome) VC games not released. Surely we will get some super amazing awesome games..such as Super Mario RPG and Earthbound. More import titles and including other systems would also be appreciated.

In the end, if they can just announce a Sin & Punishment Wii Edition I will call 2008 a great year :)

What about you?
I really want a StarFox game on Wii(as in not a Virtual Console one). I wouldn't really mind if they had the "new" team from one of the StarFox Command endings, in which Fox's son is the leader, with one of Slippy's sons, Lucy's daughter, and Falco being the veteran team member. And thn if they have the same type of gameplay from SF64(ie on rails, but with waggle) that would make it great. I also would guess that Dash being the new emperor of Venom would make it great, so it is somewhat like Andross instead of Aparoids or Anglars(well the Anglars weren't that bad...) Also want to see the orignal SNES StarFox on VC badly...

And I also agree with you on a Kirby Wii game. However, I would love to see the Kirby Adventure game that was shown in like E305 to come to Wii(I think it was actually on a list of upcoming games in Japan, so fingers crossed.) Lastly, besides SSBB, I really want to see Animal Crossing Wii. It should NOT include Miis however, unless you unlock the ability of something, because Animal Crossing would not be Animal Crossing if you got to choose the hair of your character without going to the salon, or if your main character were to have normal noses.

Lastly(I guess I lied before), but I want a real Duck Hunt Wii, and that is all for now.
I have no idea what to expect. When the new Miyamoto franchise is Wii Fit, that means all bets are off.

I would like to see Pikmin for Wii.
Prediction: new Pikmin, new hints dropped for next Zelda game which has been in works before the Wii was released, fewer and fewer real games and more casual shit.

Wishes: no more friend codes!!! And can we get some RPGs... please?
Wishes: A half-decent online system, especially for the upcoming Smash Bros and Mario Kart. The wii could be fantastic online, so many people have them it would be a great way to stay in touch with my family away at college and stuff, chatting it up and playing some bowling or Mario Kart.

Predictions: Jack-shit nothing as far as online goes.
Not much I'm looking forward to that'd been announced--but mainly because hardly anything has been announced.

Smash Bros an obvious must buy. Mario Kart normally is, but I've not been a fan of the tilt steering controls so if that ends up being the only option I may pass.

As far as predictions, I really don't know what to expect. Either it will be like the DS and take off in terms fo 3rd party support and overall good games in its second year.

Or it will continue to see mainly a flood of shovelware, casual games, mini games, party games etc. and I'll likely sell it. Time will tell.
I'm hoping to get release announcements for some of the Japanese 08 titles. King Story, the new Vanillaware game, etc. Those are the games I'm most looking forward to at this point.

Both FF:CC games are looking good too (retail and WiiWare).

A hard drive would be nice, but I'm guessing it's one of those things I won't ultimately use enough to pay for (like online) unless something compelling comes out that requires it. Most useful to me would be support of playing VC games off SD cards and the like.

The DS demo channel may or may not be coming out in 07, but I expect the game recommendation/etc channel to be out in 08.
[quote name='lilboo']I still can't believe it has been a year already. Man. But that's entirely something different.

What games announced are you looking forward to the most?
What games HAVEN'T been announced, but would like?
What else? Wishes? Any predictions?


I'm looking forward to No More Heroes, Mario Kart (please give us the option of traditional controls), and King's Story are what I'm looking forward to most. Winning Eleven Wii looks interesting from a video I watched. Disaster Day of Crisis might be good as well. It's not that long a list so hopefully more stuff is announced for later in the year.

As for wishes...

- There are some tennis and golf games coming out (We Love Golf, maybe Tiger will improve in 09, a Top Spin game is coming) and hopefully one of them will turn out really good. Wii Sports tennis is fun but has no career mode or anything like that and none of the three golf games (Wii Sports golf, Super Swing, Tiger 07) I've tried have been all that good.

- Another MLB PowerPros would be great next year, I have no idea how likely this might be but if it happened online play, simulated stats, the option to use motion controls in other mods, and better player ratings would be nice.

- Demo channel.

- The ability to hook up a portable hard-drive, I think I'm going to run out of space once the WiiWare games start coming out. This would go hand-in-hand with another wish, Saturn and Dreamcast games on the Virtual Console.

- For the present some downloadable extra levels for Mario Galaxy, and in the future I would love another one, I don't want to wait five years, Galaxy is such an amazing game.

- New 1080 Snowboarding and Punch Out games using the Wii Fit balance board.
[quote name='ITDEFX']More official accessories from Nintendo[/QUOTE]

What other accessories would you see? Personally I can't think of anything off the top of my head. When I think accessories for Wii, I start thinking about the fishing rods and the tennis rackets, baseball bats, etc...:lol: We do not need any of this. At least the zapper feels good and there are games designed for the control type in mind.

I do agree that we could use a first party Wii Remote charger.
Announced and looking forward to most: Smash Bros. Brawl, Animal Crossing Wii

Not announced: Pikmin Wii. Come on, Ninty, this game is perfect for the Wii!

Wishes: Mario games in the vein of Wii Sports (Mario Baseball, Mario Tennis, Golf, etc.) using the same Wiimote mechanics, but with crazy power-ups.

More customization for the Mii's.


DS Preview Channel.
Looking forward to No More Heroes and Brawl. Kirby might be cool too, if it ever comes out; and I'm hoping for some more third-party support.

Wishes: Decent online system (no friend codes, possibility of voice chat, achievements, etc), cool indie games on WiiWare, more systems on the Virtual Console, more features on the VC (remapable controls, optional upgraded graphics, online multiplayer).

Predictions: Nintendo will continue to screw gamers with decisions tailored for people who don't like video games (especially soccer moms), but there will finally start to be more interesting, third-party games. WiiWare will be disappointing and won't come close to XLA in terms of selection of quality titles. Of course, after Hillary wins the election video games will be banned in America anyway, so it's all moot. ;)

I really need to save up and buy a 360.
I want to see more systems added to the VC. I still don't understand why there's no Master System games. And what happened to the Commodore 64 stuff that they announced like a year ago? Intellivision would be cool too (and hey, those Intellivisions Lives guys have to do something), but only if they provide good control options. Since we have Turbo CD now, we need Sega CD too. And lastly, I really want some Amiga support.

I want the Wii remote to be used as a mouse in VC games. Bring on Cannon Fodder, Syndicate, Lemmings, Populous, etc.

More adventure games! More FPS! Compilations of PC games would be perfectly acceptable. Even old ports -- gimme Deus Ex for Wii.
Already announced:

- Mario Kart
- Pro Wrestling Virtual Console

Not announced but likely to happen:

- Voice chat in online games
- Baseball Stars Professional 2 VC

Never to be announced but desperately wanted:

- Online in VC games. How hot would it be to play, say, Pro Wrestling against friends online? And how simple would it be for Nintendo to make that happen? Seriously, that should be like the easiest thing in the world...yet I bet it never happens.
- Beetle Adventure Racing VC

Truly wishful thinking:

- Wii Sports 2, featuring online play. Anyone up for a Wii Bowling League Night?

Wii updates of:

- Pro Wrestling
- Punch-Out!!
- RC Pro AM


Hardcore games will continue to complain as Nintendo expands the gaming audience outside the "normal" audience with more party games and a dearth of FPS and other hardcore games. I think a lot of this has to do with Nintendo capturing the folks that used to play games ("soccer moms"), but don't have time to play time eaters like MMORPGs and FPS's where you need to play for a month just to get good enough to not get killed every five seconds.

WrestleCrap'sRD;3622766 said:
Already announced:

- Mario Kart
- Pro Wrestling Virtual Console

Not announced but likely to happen:

- Voice chat in online games
- Baseball Stars Professional 2 VC

Never to be announced but desperately wanted:

- Online in VC games. How hot would it be to play, say, Pro Wrestling against friends online? And how simple would it be for Nintendo to make that happen? Seriously, that should be like the easiest thing in the world...yet I bet it never happens.
- Beetle Adventure Racing VC

Truly wishful thinking:

- Wii Sports 2, featuring online play. Anyone up for a Wii Bowling League Night?

Wii updates of:

- Pro Wrestling
- Punch-Out!!
- RC Pro AM


Hardcore games will continue to complain as Nintendo expands the gaming audience outside the "normal" audience with more party games and a dearth of FPS and other hardcore games. I think a lot of this has to do with Nintendo capturing the folks that used to play games ("soccer moms"), but don't have time to play time eaters like MMORPGs and FPS's where you need to play for a month just to get good enough to not get killed every five seconds.


I read that beetle adventure racing was heading to VC. but why do you want it? I heard it was an average racer, nothing special about it.
Wanted: Smash bros. brawl and Mario Kart

Hopefully: Nintendo knows what their doing with Wii Fit and more games like Mario Galaxy are made (fantastic level design!)

[quote name='mega_n00bzer']I read that beetle adventure racing was heading to VC. but why do you want it? I heard it was an average racer, nothing special about it.[/quote]

nostalgia dude, nostalgia
[quote name='Foo228']

nostalgia dude, nostalgia[/quote]

right then. I completely understand, as, even though I'm ashamed to admit it, I still love toy story on the snes, because it was one of my first games. along with the classics of course ( zelda: a link to the past, mario all stars, pilotwings ). also, I have a game with pac-man combined with tetris. its awesome.
[quote name='lilboo']Elaborate.
What other accessories would you see? Personally I can't think of anything off the top of my head. When I think accessories for Wii, I start thinking about the fishing rods and the tennis rackets, baseball bats, etc...:lol: We do not need any of this. At least the zapper feels good and there are games designed for the control type in mind.

I do agree that we could use a first party Wii Remote charger.[/QUOTE]

I was excited to finally get the zapper, but so disappointed using in within RE:TUC. Seems like it screws up the calibration of my wii mote. Something else is missing from Nintendo that the Wii needs................
Online classics.
A reward system of some sort.
More import games.
Expansion to f zero x.
Some new channels as cool as check mii out.
Baseball game that does everything right.
High quality sports titles and peripherals.
Fix some of the emulation issues.
Lots of ds downloads.
New colors.
VC needs more systems like the saturn and arcade classics playable online.
[quote name='tankexmortis']
I really need to save up and buy a 360.[/QUOTE]

Do it. I've been a MUCH more happy gamer since getting one in October.

Nintendo's big games are great, but just doesn't seem like the Wii will have enough variety and quantity of games to keep a serious gamer happy.
Animal Crossing Wii
Pikmin Wii
Mario Kart Wii

Super Mario RPG
Legend of the Mystical Ninja (N64)
Chrono Trigger

Those are my wants for Wii. Both formats.
[quote name='mega_n00bzer']I read that beetle adventure racing was heading to VC. but why do you want it? I heard it was an average racer, nothing special about it.[/QUOTE]

89% on Gamerankings, I'd say it's above average.

Not sure how it would hold up today though. Probably not well. There are very few N64 or PS1 games I can stand to play today.
Mother 3 on Virtual Console in English.

If they can bring Sin and Punishment over, why not Mother 3?

They can bring all the Square RPGs they want, Mario RPG, Chrono, etc. I don't care. I already own those and can play them when ever I feel. No need to spend money on them.

This is the only game that can sell me a Wii at the moment. I've got such a backlog of great RPGs that I can wait until $99.99 Wii if it comes to it.
[quote name='dmaul1114']89% on Gamerankings, I'd say it's above average.

Not sure how it would hold up today though. Probably not well. There are very few N64 or PS1 games I can stand to play today.[/QUOTE]

I personally havent plaged it, but thats what the vc-reviews site said. maybe it could be fun...hard to judge though.

*edit* vc-reviews said it is a great game, but an odd choice, because there are other classic n64 games that could be realesed, ie MM, SSB. nothing bad is said about the game though. my mistake, sorry. from the videos, it looks surprisingly playable, and the graphics arent too bad.
Announced Games

- Super Smash Brothers: Brawl
- Mario Kart Wii
- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
- Civilization Revolution

Wish List

- NCAA Football
- NCAA Basketball
- F-Zero
- Wave Race
- Star Fox
- Burnout
- Star Wars: Rogue Squardon Wii
- Flight game like Ace Combat / Crimson Skies
- Non cartoon RPG.
[quote name='mega_n00bzer']I read that beetle adventure racing was heading to VC. but why do you want it? I heard it was an average racer, nothing special about it.[/QUOTE]

Well, two reasons:

1) I really enjoyed it back in the day. It was by far the best of the N64 racing games. Nothing else really even came close.

2) It's my wife's favorite racing game ever. I am not allowed to sell the N64 until it hits the VC. I have no N64 games I play. EVER. I really want to get rid of it! ;)

- Pikmin 3. Loved the first two, and a third would be wonderful on the Wii.
- Luigi's Mansion Wii. Seems like the vacuum would be a good fit for the Wiimote.
- A way to buy VC games on a disc, like the Sega Collections. It's a cheap fix for the storage problem, and a good moneymaker for Nintendo.
- DS/Wii compatibility, be it a demo channel or whatever. The DS is HUGE in the US, and it'd be great for Nintendo (and for the few mllion DS owners) if there was added connectivity between the two.
[quote name='JJSP'].
- more DS/Wii compatibility, be it a demo channel or whatever. The DS is HUGE in the US, and it'd be great for Nintendo (and for the few mllion DS owners) if there was added connectivity between the two.[/quote]


there is connectivity, but only between pokemon battle revolution and diamond/pearl. and the upcoming wiiware title pokemon farm will connect to the DS games aswell
It's sadly ironic that the Nintendo portable system, i.e. the one inherently more well-suited for quick-session gaming and even the dreaded 'non-game games', is markedly superior for traditional games than the Nintendo console. This appears unlikely to change anytime soon.

They used up their Big Three, so Year One was solid from a 'top-tier' standpoint, but 2008, i.e. Year Two, appears primed to suffer as a result.

But hey, don't mistake that for Nintendo suffering. That's all on us, at least those of us that aren't self-deluded.

(Makes Neo-like 'bring it' gesture towards the hyperdefensive.)
[quote name='The Crotch']Chacrana always has at least one fully charged ComSat Station, and he has mines and turrets fucking everywhere. Until I tech to Carrier/Arb, he'll be safe.

Oh, but when I do...[/quote]

you show him!

also, steal his ho's hes keeping in the basement. then he'll be mad
[quote name='Chacrana']I want an RPG. Maybe even a good RPG.[/quote]

Have you not heard of Fragile: Farewell Ruins of the Moon? I think it sounds interesting anyway...
I'd like to see Nintendo release a Wii bundle without Wii Sports; I could care less about getting my fiancee to play videogames.

In it's place, bundle the system with a Classic Controller and a Wii points card.

Alternately (and this will never happen), release a "Mario Edition" bundle with... wait for it...

Super Mario Galaxy
a Classic Controller
codes to download SMB1, SMB2, SMB2J, SMB3, SMW and SM64 off the virtual console ala the Xbox cards for specific games.

I'd kill someone to get a bundle like that. They could do a Zelda one along the same lines.
[quote name='Chacrana']I want an RPG. Maybe even a good RPG.[/quote]
[media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvYFZGlMHQI[/media] OH MAN NO WAY!

Is there an official website, you ask?

BYAH! I did it, mom! (Japanese)
I say scratch friend codes.. and be able to make your own account. Account includes: Username, Password, and your Friends list. That way, each person can have a different friend list and doesn't all get jumbled around.
I want Nintendo to stop being so stingy with the Virtual Console.

They should lower the price of the least-downloaded games, and have monthly sales that encourage people to buy more.

Codes for VC games should also be given out as prizes. Maybe a free download for SMB when you register Mario Galaxy, or even a free download of SMW when you beat Mario Galaxy.

Free VC games wouldn't cost Nintendo a dime, but it would add all sorts of incentive to buy and play more Wii games.

I can feasibly see them doing all of the above at some point, but now let's go into wish territory.

I'd really like Nintendo to implement an Xbox 360 achievements style system into their games, except instead of winning gamer points, you can win Wii Points to use in the shop channel.
No more friend codes
Enable external storage via USB like they promised before launch
Fix the weather channel so it's not 18 hours behind
More third party games
More third party support on the Virtual Console (what the hell Square?)
Mother 3 on VC or Wii Ware
No more backwards moves like the Photo Channel nonsense
many of things already listed i would like to see as well. but i want to see a mario golf game, i love the series and if they can nail the precision down on the wiimote itd be fun as hell.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']many of things already listed i would like to see as well. but i want to see a mario golf game, i love the series and if they can nail the precision down on the wiimote itd be fun as hell.[/QUOTE]

Mario Golf has been around N64..and Gameboy Color (not sure which one came first)..so I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that Mario Golf will make a debut for Wii :)
I expect both an announcement in 2008 for Mario Golf AND Tennis.
[quote name='outlawmoogle']More third party support on the Virtual Console (what the hell Square?)[/QUOTE]

No what the hell about it. Why would they put their games out on the VC for $5-10 when people snap them up on the GBA/DS/PSP for $30?
bread's done