Wii availability question

Im going to target sunday, hopefully there wont be people waiting cause my mom will only take me a little bit before they open(we live 30 mins away). If we cant get one there I guess we will have to go store hoppin :cry:

If anyone buys 2 and wants to be cool and help a guy out then sell it to me retail :cool: probably not gonna happen :cry:
So CC, Target, and TRU are getting the Wiis in on Sunday. Where is the best place to get a Wii? My local Target opens at 8, and it is across the parking lot from the CC, which opens at 10. Should I go early to Target, or see if I can get one at CC or TRU?

Thanks a lot!
[quote name='bp_']I scored one on CC.com today w/ Zelda![/quote]

I thought they only had bundles yesterday :( mann... I guess I just looked at the wrong time.
[quote name='squirrel007']I thought they only had bundles yesterday :( mann... I guess I just looked at the wrong time.[/quote]
they did, but I deleted everything in my cart except the console and Zelda and it worked.
[quote name='bp_']they did, but I deleted everything in my cart except the console and Zelda and it worked.[/quote]

Dang man! Aghhhhh I wish I would have thought to do that XD. If I dotn pick a wii up tomorrow or monday I will be watching nowinstock.net for circuit city :p
Geez, I was hoping the scalpers would be gone by now but eBay prices are still going $100+ on most auctions.:whistle2:(
Gah! I have no idea what time I'm going to go wait. I thought about maybe 8am at TRU because I have a $40 gift card. Problem is I checked the Weather Channel's hourly forecast - 8am - 11 degrees, with a windchill of -1. This is going to SUCK.

I think the fact that in ANY part of the country people still have to camp is total bullshit. fucking hoarders.
[quote name='alleycat58']Gah! I have no idea what time I'm going to go wait. I thought about maybe 8am at TRU because I have a $40 gift card. Problem is I checked the Weather Channel's hourly forecast - 8am - 11 degrees, with a windchill of -1. This is going to SUCK.

I think the fact that in ANY part of the country people still have to camp is total bullshit. fucking hoarders.[/quote]

Get there first and drive your car up on the sidewalk :) tape a sign to it that says "first here bitch".

If I can get my mom to take me to sears today... they just MAY have one, otherwise im gonna follow the target plan :drool:
o is everyone paying the $250 + tax?? i never thought about getting a Wii, since i already have a 360. but i played Wii sports the other day and it was fun. i know CC had that $40 coupon before, but not anymore, any good deals now?
[quote name='squirrel007']Get there first and drive your car up on the sidewalk :) tape a sign to it that says "first here bitch".

If I can get my mom to take me to sears today... they just MAY have one, otherwise im gonna follow the target plan :drool:[/QUOTE]

I thought about doing Target or CC. I might actually have a friend willing to help me, may go to CC, get a ticket, then go to TRU. I'd really rather get one from TRU because I have a $40 gift card, but either way, I'll probably get the Wii and Zelda. I may actually do the bundle at TRU, just because I really enjoyed Rayman.

I just started a 40 hour a week high-stress (for now) job, so I need some mindless fun to come home to. The Wii is my promotion & raise reward!
[quote name='rly723']o is everyone paying the $250 + tax?? i never thought about getting a Wii, since i already have a 360. but i played Wii sports the other day and it was fun. i know CC had that $40 coupon before, but not anymore, any good deals now?[/QUOTE]

To me $250 +tax is a STEAL for a Wii. Basically you're getting a GameCube, NES, SNES, Genesis, N64, TG16, AND next-gen console for $250. Purty sweet deal if you ask me!!!
tomorrows gonna be a hit or miss

my mom and aunt are going to target for me(I have a sinus infection :roll:) and they are gonna get there as early as they can. Hopefully they will have enough consoles for whatever number they are.

Btw -.- I called sears and I asked if they had a wii in stock
"we dont carry no game systems" Im from NC XD
I think a lot of you will be surpised how much easier it will be to nab a Wii tomorrow. I'm betting in many areas you will be able to walk up to the stores an hour or less (maybe even right at open) and nab one. I still think they will sell out since there is still tons of demand but it's not nearly as great as it was before Christmas.

Of course that's totally YMMV. My area is probably a medium sized region (Kansas City) and the last time we had a big sale here I could've walked up at open and gotten one.
[quote name='squirrel007']"we dont carry no game systems" Im from NC XD[/quote]

He wasn't lying. That's a double negative, so in fact they DO carry game systems ;)
[quote name='Chitown021']I think a lot of you will be surpised how much easier it will be to nab a Wii tomorrow. I'm betting in many areas you will be able to walk up to the stores an hour or less (maybe even right at open) and nab one. I still think they will sell out since there is still tons of demand but it's not nearly as great as it was before Christmas.

Of course that's totally YMMV. My area is probably a medium sized region (Kansas City) and the last time we had a big sale here I could've walked up at open and gotten one.[/quote]
I think you are right. I saw a couple people mention on another site that the Nintendo Store in NYC was selling them today and still had them in the early afternoon. I'm just glad mine is on the way as I don't want to deal with lines or going from store to store looking to see who has it in stock.
[quote name='jlseal']He wasn't lying. That's a double negative, so in fact they DO carry game systems ;)[/quote]
I should have brought that up when he said that >.<

"sir do you realize that you just told me you do carry the Wii? So when can I pick it up and will you hold one for me?"

So yea, im just hoping the area where target is isnt Wii deprived so I can get mine :razz:
[quote name='Chitown021']I think a lot of you will be surpised how much easier it will be to nab a Wii tomorrow. I'm betting in many areas you will be able to walk up to the stores an hour or less (maybe even right at open) and nab one. I still think they will sell out since there is still tons of demand but it's not nearly as great as it was before Christmas.

Of course that's totally YMMV. My area is probably a medium sized region (Kansas City) and the last time we had a big sale here I could've walked up at open and gotten one.[/QUOTE]

That's what people said the last time, and in my area (Pittsburgh) there still weren't even enough for campers, let alone for when the stores opened. It's still a really high demand item here. We'll see how tomorrow goes.
i live in lynnwood,wa and im gonna try to get wii tomorrow hehe wii gonna look pretty next to my 360 and dusty ps3. i still havent charged my ps3 controller once since i got it on newyears day.
[quote name='Chitown021']So how did everyone's Wii hunts go today?[/QUOTE]

little too early for that.most big chains that sell video games generally open at 11 am on sundays
Looking good from some posts other sites, saw looks like people that showed up an hour before opening at targets where getting the low end of the vouchers with many still remaining after vouchers had been given out at Targets.

Maybe less success at CC though since they were seeming to have 15-20 per store in most, where the reports I've seen so far from target were 30, around 60 and around 100.

Looks like supply is finally catching up to demand, hopefully these will be on store shelves sometime in March for those not willing to hassle with the early morning lines.
got mine! my mom was 4th in line :p and there were 15 consoles at the target. She said at 8 when they opened about 10 cars drove up... too late :eek: so yea I will be playing now
[quote name='bp_']I think you are right. I saw a couple people mention on another site that the Nintendo Store in NYC was selling them today and still had them in the early afternoon. I'm just glad mine is on the way as I don't want to deal with lines or going from store to store looking to see who has it in stock.[/QUOTE]

Both our avatars are in contention.
I'm in Wichita, KS, and went to the Target on Maize Road. It was kind of an impulse purchase; I set my alarm last night just in case I decided to go to Target this morning, and was wide awake at 6:45 this morning. I drove 30 miles to town, and when I got there at 7:30 there were just two guys standing outside. At 7:45, the CSRs came out and gave us vouchers (they were real friendly, in fact). Looked like they had a stack of 15, so about 15 consoles. I asked if they had Wiimotes, to which they respnoded, "No, but we have several nunchucks and classic controllers."

With 15 minutes to spare before store open and with my guaranteed voucher in hand, I scooted over to Wal-Mart down the road, just for a look-see for Wiimotes. Lo-and-behold, they were out of nunchucks but had four Wiimotes. I picked up an extra Wiimote for a friend and one for myself, leaving two, then headed back over to Target to tell the other two guys ahead of me to act fast if they wanted Wiimotes.

So, long story short, I got my Wii, and extra Wiimote/nunchuck for myself and one for a friend, and there were only about five other Wii purchases at open out of 15 in stock. It was a lot easier than I expected, and the weather was actually favorable.I hope everyone else had it as easy as me. Today: Zelda will be mine.
SUCCESS!!!!!! Finally!!!!!!!!! Went to TRU at 8:30 figuring an hour and a half was more than enough time, got there, turns out the manager decided to open the store an hour early just for people wanting a Wii or DS Lite. They had 60, only 12 had gotten Wiis by the time all the early birds had gotten theirs.

So a big thumbs up for once to TRU, way to take care of their customers!!!!!!

And now back to the games....
My TRU opens at 10am. The BB opens at 11am. I went to BB at 10:55pm. went in to BB, no Wii. went straight to TRU, long ass line. they still got alot of tickets. i was number 149. they probably have at least 300 in stock. this is bayparkway brooklyn stores.
I thought it would be much easier this time around. I thought about getting out to see what the lines were like here in the Kansas City area but I was lazy and slept in. A couple weeks ago it was a breeze getting one but I wasn't sure if it was due to the weather (I think we had about 4 inches of snow the night before) or the demand decreasing, or both. I'll also be interested to see how this weekends shipments affect ebay prices.
Got mine at ToysRUs. Didn't want to get up for Target or CC and both those said they only got in 10-15 units each. Got to ToysRUs at 10am. Got a ticket just as they opened the doors. Was number 22. They had about 50 units. Wasn't even forced to buy the bundle. The girl at the at the register asked if I wanted the bundle or just the unit. Got the bundle since I wanted the game that was with it and it basically gave you the starter kit for free that way.

They still had about 10 units left when I left the store at 10:30am

Now I'm stuck at work and can't play with it until I get home around 10pm tonight. At lwast I'm off tomorrow.

Hope everyone else had good luck today.
Got mine today as well, at Target. I had gift cards there, so it was worth it. Got there an hour early and was fourth in line. I was glad to finally get a Wii!
I was at my local Target in Lake Jackson, TX this afternoon and they actually had about 10 Wiis just sitting on the shelf. This is only the second time I've seen Wiis on a store shelf since I got mine at launch...congrats to those who got one today: )
My brother and I got there at around 7 AM (PST) and were 8th in line to get our Wii's. The Torrance California Target had 50 units in stock.

Got the Wii and was really impressed by it.

BTW, I dont suppose there is a way to measure signal strength on the wireless connection?
[quote name='trunks982']My TRU opens at 10am. The BB opens at 11am. I went to BB at 10:55pm. went in to BB, no Wii. went straight to TRU, long ass line. they still got alot of tickets. i was number 149. they probably have at least 300 in stock. this is bayparkway brooklyn stores.[/quote]

300 in stock ! Was that the Times Square store ?
I honestly cant believe there are still lines for the wii. It came out in Novemeber and still is hard to find, hate to say it but it really is making the PS3 look bad. Went to my circuit City today, showed up fifteen mintues early and they had already passed out all the vouchers. This of course was two hours after Target opened, but decided to stop in anyways, to no luck. Not a fan of this Sunday early morning mess, its hard to do when your hungover. Gotta have some love for us college students, right? I wish they would just put them on the shelf. I showed up ten mintues after circuit city opened on friday because Itracker said it was in, of course the guy there simply told me they wouldnt have them till Sunday. I knew then I would be waiting another week or so.
[quote name='Gunch']I honestly cant believe there are still lines for the wii. It came out in Novemeber and still is hard to find, hate to say it but it really is making the PS3 look bad. Went to my circuit City today, showed up fifteen mintues early and they had already passed out all the vouchers. This of course was two hours after Target opened, but decided to stop in anyways, to no luck. Not a fan of this Sunday early morning mess, its hard to do when your hungover.[/quote]

agreed, there was no way i could wake up early after last nite.
Yeah I FINALLY got one... went to Target at 6am. I was first in line but not actually the first one there. When I came back at 8 (after getting a ticket) just about all of them were gone right away... and I know this has been said to death, but there was the PS3s looking on with jealousy as the Wii is still getting people to line up early in the morning for it months after launch.
We Accept Paypal And Most Major Credit Cards
I love the guys at Penny Arcade. They kill me. Before I get flamed I'm not a PS3 hater, I just thought this was funny since a Sony exec basically wrote a check with his mouth that he can't (or I guess I should say won't) cash... I love the PS3 but to blindly defend the system and say it's still scarce is just stupid. BTW I believe I read in another forum that this interview was conducted in either late Dec or Jan so the comic is probably taken well out of context but the interviewers immediately said they called around that same day and found stores with units in stock (I think it was in EGM).
The article is in the March issue of EGM. I laughed when I read it. The mag did state the the review was in January but even then I was seeing the PS3 on shelves. The interview is definately a Sony exec trying to bolster their systems slow start or in a state of denial.

Of course Penny Arcade made it funnier, love that cartoon.
I got a WII Sunday morning in Dallas, TX, 1 hour after the store opened. Got the 4th one in the locked case. Was told there was a lineup at the store and they had about 50 units.
[quote name='wolfhunt']The article is in the March issue of EGM. I laughed when I read it. The mag did state the the review was in January but even then I was seeing the PS3 on shelves. The interview is definately a Sony exec trying to bolster their systems slow start or in a state of denial.

Of course Penny Arcade made it funnier, love that cartoon.[/quote]

I haven't gotten my March issue yet but I'm looking forward to reading it. I got my PS3 in early Dec (lucked out and hit BB at opening when they still had about 8 on the shelf). I didn't see another one until just after Christmas (when BB did that circular advertising them on Jan 1st). Since then I've only seen them out of stock once.
Anybody get their Wii on yesterday ?

I went into no less than 4 Targets in 3 counties in Michigan and saw over 30 systems yesterday morning. I'm wondering if people in other areas of the USA had similar experiences.
[quote name='bmulligan']Anybody get their Wii on yesterday ?

I went into no less than 4 Targets in 3 counties in Michigan and saw over 30 systems yesterday morning. I'm wondering if people in other areas of the USA had similar experiences.[/QUOTE]

The Target.com page that someone mentioned said several near me had them yesterday. One still said "Limited Availability" today, but when I called they said they had none. Probably they did have them yesterday, and I almost stopped in there to get Wii Play (but I found it elsewhere instead). I just found out my sister-in-law wants to get one for my wife's brother for Valentin'es Day, so had I known they was a chance they would be there I definitely would have stopped in to check. But since they just had the Sunday sale I wasn't even thinking of Target. Oh well, they ought to be easier to find soon enough (though that doesn't help with the Valentine's gift :lol:).

But I think we've reached the point where the systems will be in a given store for most of a day, anyway, and not sold out within 5 minutes or hours before they open! But of course I'd like to see it keep selling out all over - need to get that critical mass of systems out there for more 3rd parties to jump in.
bread's done