Wii Boxing discussion


61 (100%)

I have been playing this when I get time... I am in the 1500-1600 range and the PRO player Matt is insanely hard. I beat him a total of two times (but you must face him twice if you don't finish him quick enough) and I can never beat him the second time.

It comes down to combos at this level really. I can dodge this guy left and right BUT if he starts a combo on me I am lucky if I am standing at the end even with 3/4's of life left.

Does anyone have any pointers on this particular person or the boxing portion of Wii Boxing in general? If so discuss it here for everyone to see. I know there are others interested in this part of the sports package.
[quote name='Snake2715']Does anyone have any pointers on this particular person or the boxing portion of Wii Boxing in general? If so discuss it here for everyone to see. I know there are others interested in this part of the sports package.[/quote]

I think you should be giving the pointers. I'm currently stuck at around 900.

I still have yet to devise the perfect technique for throwing a punch. Sometimes my high punches go low, and vice versa.
yeah how does one do an uppercut...the traditional motion doesn't seem to work
and for some strange reason I have trouble throwing hooks with my left...is this a stance issue?

thanks in advance
The only things I know about Wii boxing are that it makes me really tired and watching my wife play it is the funniest/cutest thing I've ever seen.
I am about the 950 range, not pro yet. My problem is I can't get knocked down more than once otherwise I lose 6 skill points, even though I win the fight :roll:
My bf is obsessed with Wii Boxing; he reached 2000 :\ I remember him telling me what he did with Matt was dodge a lot and hit him right when he misses. But yeah, it took him a while to get past Matt also.
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']My bf is obsessed with Wii Boxing; he reached 2000 :\ I remember him telling me what he did with Matt was dodge a lot and hit him right when he misses. But yeah, it took him a while to get past Matt also.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I try that but man if he gets a hold of you.

I think he is the only opponent it specifically lists in the message center as defeated... In my message at the end of that day it said I defeated Matt (Pro) etc etc.
[quote name='jasongst']I think you should be giving the pointers. I'm currently stuck at around 900.[/QUOTE]

Heres a few pointers.

First hold the remotes in your hands like you are boxing... don't try to point the remotes sensor forward toward the TV (like many people in my family did). The sensor on the tip of the remote should point towards the ceiling.

Secondly we are punching at the air..... Our supposed Mii's are connecting (or missing) on punches and therefore they cant keep up with us if you throw to fast. Treat this like a game and try to get good at throwing punches in sequences and combos... (i.e. not as fast as you can as it wont register them all)

Remember dodging is important as well as counter punches. If you can dodge and then counter right away you will notice how effective those punches become.

I might even suggest to practice on the punching bag (in practice mode) to get good combos... I have found the brown bags to be two hit combo bags, the white to fall quickly if you can get a four hit combo and the Black bags I have not got down yet, but its either a double set of three hits or a four hit combo followed by a good two hit combo...

To answer the uppercut question and general boxing questions. I find that I am more efficient if I don't fully extend my arms. I notice it responds to me best at a 1/3 or even 1/2 arm extension then pulling back to set up for the next punch.

The most troublesome punches I have are the hooks to the head and left hooks in general.

Something I did last night was hold the controllers backwards and did some boxing... This helped me figure out what motions the nunchuk needs to do hooks and uppercuts.. for me its almost a straight up motion (no forward motion at all).

Some other things is there does actually seem to be some challenging people in the mix of boxers.... I got stuck around 700, then 900ish. Then around 1400-1500 ish... I have topped out at Matt and my rank varies when I challenge him from mid 1400's to low 1600's.

I also think they stay down longer or shorter depending on what you did to put them on the canvas. A good set of combos can take them out with one knockdown.

Combos are a very important part of the game. I find its easiest to show people a simple one/two (left/right or Right/Left jab depending on what you lead with) combo. You will know when you have scored a combo as it will beep at you and take a larger chunk of their life (pie). Once you get into the pro level you can get knocked down in a matter of seconds due to the opponents landing a solid combo or two..

Combos also are a balance of exactly when you throw you second or more punch in the squence... sometimes the exact same one/two punch can net higher life taken from your opponent.... play around with it in the training.

As far as getting up I look like a fool... I shake the controllers while pushing buttons and the analog stick... I am not sure if its helps or not but I have gotten up after a count of 9 so I have to believe it helps somewhat.

Thats all I got right now I will try to think of more info and or suggestions.

From my understanding to do uppercuts just roll your fists.
[quote name='Snake2715']
I might even suggest to practice on the punching bag (in practice mode) to get good combos... I have found the brown bags to be two hit combo bags, the white to fall quickly if you can get a four hit combo and the Black bags I have not got down yet, but its either a double set of three hits or a four hit combo followed by a good two hit combo...

As far as getting up I look like a fool... I shake the controllers while pushing buttons and the analog stick... I am not sure if its helps or not but I have gotten up after a count of 9 so I have to believe it helps somewhat.[/QUOTE]My bf did a lot of boxing in the training mode, so I'm guessing that really helps a person get better with their combos.

I'm also really curious about that getting up thing. It seems like violently shaking the controller does help getting up, but I can't tell if maybe that's psychological or what.
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']My bf did a lot of boxing in the training mode, so I'm guessing that really helps a person get better with their combos.

I'm also really curious about that getting up thing. It seems like violently shaking the controller does help getting up, but I can't tell if maybe that's psychological or what.[/quote]

Well, how 'bout we compare? I never shake the controller or press any buttons, and I'm usually able to get up from the first two knockdowns (maybe the first three). I'll have to start keeping track.
I'm pretty sure shaking does nothing to help you get up. I shook it for many matches and did many matches with no shaking. IT seemed the exact same although shaking is more fun.

I'm stuck at 960. I beat the pro guy 2 out of 3 but lost 5points each time.

It does seem that combos are good. Still can't do hooks unless they are to the feet. :p Uppercuts are a bit easier, but still hard. I'm most effective by dodging then countering with a 1-2 punchand dodging again. Also, as you can see by my score I'm no expert, but I think remembering the 'space' in which your punches register helps you be more consistent. Sometimes with dodging all around you get lose track of this and get sloppy.
My friend swears by holding up on the D-pad. Previous to this discovery, I'd one knockout win everytime. After he started doing this, he got up like three or four times in one round.
[quote name='Z-Saber']My friend swears by holding up on the D-pad. Previous to this discovery, I'd one knockout win everytime. After he started doing this, he got up like three or four times in one round.[/QUOTE]

Maybe its all confidence?!?
While reading the bit about counter punching, I remembered the scene in Cinderella Man where the manager (Paul Giamatti) is telling Russell Crow what to do while they are in the corner between rounds. "tap...tap...boom. Tap...tap...boom.

Which all reminded me there were some good boxing tips presented in that movie as well as Million Dollar Baby.

Boxing is the only thing I haven't done in Wii Sports yet. Time to lace up the gloves! :)
For uppercuts I use the same sorta method of switching to backhand in tennis. That is to say a very slow but deliberate move followed by a quick motion.

Bring the hand you want to uppercut with in towards your body and down. Do it too quickly and it will register the movement as a punch.

Once your hand is in snap your wrist upward. Usually this will launch an uppercut.

Practicing it will let you know exactly how fast you can move the wiimote without it performing a swing (which, again, is the way I move from forehand to backhand and vice versa).
[quote name='jasongst']Well, how 'bout we compare? I never shake the controller or press any buttons, and I'm usually able to get up from the first two knockdowns (maybe the first three). I'll have to start keeping track.[/QUOTE]It's hard to compare, because it's hard to control all the other variables that determine how severely you're knocked out. I also wish I knew what the other variables are; I'm sure how much you get beat up makes a difference.
Snake and judy, you guys gave some awesome tips! I was stuck at 900 but am now at 1570 or something (and rising). Practicing on the punching bags helped, and using Snake's punching style works well for me. I would suggest instead of straight vertical that you tilt the controllers inward just a tad, enough to cover your face a bit more for jabs. As judy said, dodging and counterpunching (Matrix-style) is the key. Once I started waiting for the counterpunch to present itself, I started winning.

Here are some tips I'd like to add:

- Take care not to throw accidental punches. The guys you fight depend on you throwing errant punches so they can countersmack the crap out of you, so don't do anything on accident. This means when you dodge, make it more of a sway than a jerk. This leads me to my next tip....
- Dodging isn't about reacting to their punches (in spite of what the tennis ball drill tries to teach you). Instead, it's all about anticipation and, more importantly, baiting them into throwing a punch. You do this by swaying one direction, then immediately swaying back. Your opponent will often try to anticipate your position and will punch at the wrong time. When it's a narrow miss you'll get the time-slowing-down effect (Matrix) and you'll have an opportunity to plant one right in the face.
- When you counterpunch, pay attention to your opponent. Sometimes you'll only have time for one punch before they come to their senses, other times you'll be too late for even that. Only take the combos when the situation presents itself, otherwise you'll get smacked back! It's better to throw one too few punches than one too many! A lot of times I only throw one counterpunch, especially if they are swaying out to the side.
- Try to keep your hands at the level of your opponent's hands. They like to throw quick jabs that are tough to avoid. Since their hand position usually telegraphs their punch height, you can block most of these just by keeping your hands in the right place.
- If you are impatient, you can usually get away with a single jab. More than that, and you are making yourself vulnerable. Earlier opponents can be dominated just by constantly pummeling them, but later opponents won't let you get away with that.

Fighting this way I was able to beat Matt the first time, and well enough to gain 40-something skill points. He was definitely faster than the other guys, and he had a wicked double-uppercut combo too. Bedtime now, the rematch will have to wait.
[quote name='Z-Saber']Heck, I'm stuck around 500 or so. Good job on tripling my score.[/quote]
Same here. I stopped when I won a fight and lost points.

I am curious how the rematch will go.... Keep us informed.


It all depends on how well you win. If you dont win with enough style,skill or by enough you can lose points at the higher levels... its loke any of the other games bowling etc..
[quote name='Snake2715']jasongst,

I am curious how the rematch will go.... Keep us informed.


It all depends on how well you win. If you dont win with enough style,skill or by enough you can lose points at the higher levels... its loke any of the other games bowling etc..[/quote]

I played another hour this morning before work. The rematch was another blowout. I haven't lost any matches since going on this streak, and my skill number is now 2013. During one of my Matt rematches my knockdown ratio was 4 to 0.

This is both good and bad news. The good news is that there's some learnable techniques that really make the game fun. The bad news is that the skill level of opponents pretty much tops out with Matt. There were a few guys with technically higher skill levels (1639 I think), but they were no more difficult than Matt. After beating Matt the first time they even start throwing the old 1500s guys at you again! In other words... once you get past Matt, the game is pretty much over and your skill level will continue to grow until you get bored :(
My rating is currently 1544. I'm not sure if I've faced Matt yet or not. My central strategy is to repeatedly dodge back and forth. The opponent, whoever they are, will try to hit you and often miss while you're dodging so that you get the 'bullet time' counterpunch opening. I basically win exclusively via counterpunches. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, etc. The constant weaving is very aerobic as well.
[quote name='gkrykewy']My rating is currently 1544. I'm not sure if I've faced Matt yet or not. My central strategy is to repeatedly dodge back and forth. The opponent, whoever they are, will try to hit you and often miss while you're dodging so that you get the 'bullet time' counterpunch opening. I basically win exclusively via counterpunches. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, etc. The constant weaving is very aerobic as well.[/quote]

That's exactly how to do it.
Here's a post (boxing mini-guide) from INdy83 over at IGN's Wii forums.

"I have seen it over and over and over again, complaints about how Wii boxing isn't responsive or sensitive enough yadda yadda yadda... I just beat my trainer and am currently at 1800 something points... after a VERY frusterating learning experience, as the training doesn't teach you how to play.


Wii boxing is the most complex of the sports on the disc, utilizing ALL of the mechanics introduced in the other titles, plus some more.

the biggest one: TIMING.
Then there is acceleration
and movement/positioning


1. Power
There are 3 levels of power to each punch, weak (but fast recovery) medium, and Strong (Power punches)

Weak punches have the fastest recovery time, meaning you can attack again very quickly, with proper timing your first glove should be ready to go again after you use the other glove. These should be used for starting combos, as a hit lets you continue, and a miss or block wont leave the blocked glove 'stunned' it just comes back

Medium punch, these do more damage than weak punches, but also take some time to recover, if you haven't caught on yet, if your glove is recovering you can't use it to punch. These are good to begin ending combos with, for the good old one two punch.

Power punches: These are the ones you all love to land, with the satisfying sounds coming from the speaker, and the red collision graphic appearing. These also have the longest recovery rate, and missing or getting blocked on a power punch leaves you open and your glove useless for what seems like forever.... Ideal for finishing combos, taking a fresh opponent down in one combo ending with a power punch is a garunteed KO... of course, this applies to you too. It does not take a lot to activate a power punch, as Nintendo has purposely set all max power levels to a rather low acceleration requirement to avoid people breaking things.... most people I see ONLY use power punches, which always leaves the gloves in recovery afterwards, which brings on complaints of lack of responsiveness.

These 3 levels of power apply to ALL punches.

Straight punches, just move the remote forward, you can actually control the angle of your punch, but it is REALLY sensitive, so starting off, just position yourself by leaning and throw perfectly straight punches. You can punch the head, chest, or gut by adjusting your glove position BEFORE throwing the punch.

Hooks: To perform a hook, simply move the controller left or right in a straightline, don't try to emulate a hook (I know, wah, get over it, I did) more powerful than straight power punches.

Overhand: Perform the hook motion when your glove is at it's highest position. Truly Devastating

Body Hook: Have your glove at body level and perfom the hook motion

Gut hook: Have your glove as low as it will go and perform the hook motion. These Hurt.

All hooks have longer recovery times than straight punches, and they take longer to hit. I suggest not overusing them, or making sure they are in the middle of a combo as they can be countered easily, and painfully. If a hook gets blocked or missed, that side of you is pretty much boned.

Uppercut/gut buster. Simply move your remote up. if your glove is down at body level, it's a gut buster, if it's higher, it's a chin smashing uppercut. Hard to land, but definately satisfying. Unless you have already hit your opponent, and they moved thier gloves in pain, or their gloves are no where near there face this will probably get blocked.

blocking: Blocking is pretty straightforward, to block a punch simply have your glove positioned so it intercept your opponents. In order to block hooks your glove must be out to the side... THis also means in order to score a hit, you have to expose a part of your body or face so that your punch wont be blocked. Also, when you block a punch, the glove used to punch with will be in recovery for a breif moment, use the other glove to counter the side of your opponent you blocked. Straightforward but definately not simple and easy.

Dodging. There are three dodges

Weaving: Angle both controllers towards the side like you were leaning.

Ducking. Angle both controllers forward, this can duck high punches, but you are begging for a brutal uppercut.

Lean back, lean both remotes back, and you will lean back, you can still get hit, but proper timing can make this very useful.

Matrix dodges: Dodge from on direction and then quickly switch to another to enable matrix counter mode, made noticable by a disrupted air flow around you, should an opponent miss you during this time, time slows down and you have a few brief seconds to land a devastating counter attack.

Hope this gets some people trying boxing again."
[quote name='jasongst']I played another hour this morning before work. The rematch was another blowout. I haven't lost any matches since going on this streak, and my skill number is now 2013. During one of my Matt rematches my knockdown ratio was 4 to 0.

This is both good and bad news. The good news is that there's some learnable techniques that really make the game fun. The bad news is that the skill level of opponents pretty much tops out with Matt. There were a few guys with technically higher skill levels (1639 I think), but they were no more difficult than Matt. After beating Matt the first time they even start throwing the old 1500s guys at you again! In other words... once you get past Matt, the game is pretty much over and your skill level will continue to grow until you get bored :([/QUOTE]

Yeah I went home and blew Matt out last night. I am well over 2200 points now.. I figure i will go till I get to the top of the screen (for my chart) as its out of the box now... if nothing new happens then I figure I beat it...

I did notice some new guys in the mix Pierre ( I had never faced him before) and sometimes they throw a new one at you but nothing like an end boss yet..
[quote name='Snake2715']Yeah I went home and blew Matt out last night. I am well over 2200 points now.. I figure i will go till I get to the top of the screen (for my chart) as its out of the box now... if nothing new happens then I figure I beat it...

I did notice some new guys in the mix Pierre ( I had never faced him before) and sometimes they throw a new one at you but nothing like an end boss yet..[/quote]

You know, it's actually starting to get interesting. I haven't still haven't lost since I took on Matt, but the game is starting to be far more critical of my performances. I'm at 2700+ right now, and if I get knocked down even one time during a match it has me lose up to 20 points! The most I can expect to make, even with a near-perfect match, is now about +20 points. I expect it to get even tougher on me as I approach 3000.

This is good news, since it means that it's still difficult to increase your score, even after you beat Matt.
[quote name='Snake2715']jasongst,

Keep me posted it may be a few days until I can get a go at it again.[/quote]

I played last night and after about 10 wins I made zero progress. I started at around 2780, lost a few points after a knockdown, and then I made the unforgivable mistake of getting knocked down twice during a match. 40 point mistake!!! I spent the rest of my time gaining back what I lost.
Use Roy Jones Jr's Signature move. Put your gloves down,lean your head forward, sway slowly left and right , when they throw the punch jerk out of the way and counter the crap out of em. :applause:
[quote name='jasongst']I played last night and after about 10 wins I made zero progress. I started at around 2780, lost a few points after a knockdown, and then I made the unforgivable mistake of getting knocked down twice during a match. 40 point mistake!!! I spent the rest of my time gaining back what I lost.[/QUOTE]

Maybe 3000 is the magic number..
Does this game have an "ending", or does it just go on indefinitely? Sounds from several of these posts that it just goes on indefinitely. If so, is there anything to be "gained" after reaching pro status?
[quote name='chosen1s']Does this game have an "ending", or does it just go on indefinitely? Sounds from several of these posts that it just goes on indefinitely. If so, is there anything to be "gained" after reaching pro status?[/QUOTE]

You'll gain self-respect and maybe an Oscar...

...And a chance at an ill-advised sequel 30 years down the road.
[quote name='chosen1s']Does this game have an "ending", or does it just go on indefinitely? Sounds from several of these posts that it just goes on indefinitely. If so, is there anything to be "gained" after reaching pro status?[/QUOTE]

A challenge? Matt is apparently more of a landmark character than the rest. If you get to close to 2000 then no I havent seen anything else to be gained but its not easy at this level. One bad move can cost you a few wins in points.

I am thinking I either hit the top of the screen with my points or hit 3000 and see what happens. When I do that I will post back.

[quote name='Cambot']Thanks, Apollo Creed.[/QUOTE]

No Problem!!
[quote name='Snake2715']I am thinking I either hit the top of the screen with my points or hit 3000 and see what happens. When I do that I will post back.[/quote]

That's what I'm going to do, and it's going to be tough.
[quote name='jasongst']That's what I'm going to do, and it's going to be tough.[/quote]

Well, I hit my goal of 3000 today, and I'm sitting at 3005. Talk about diminishing returns! Near-perfect victories were giving me 5 or 6 points, while a 1-knockdown victory had me losing as many as 26 points! At that rate it would take me a minimum of 200 more victories, but more likely the victories would dimish to a measley 1 or 2 points, which means you'd need 500+, not counting matches with lost points. No thanks.

Other interesting notes: For some reason they stopped pairing me up against Matt, even though I was still fighting people in his skill range. The skill chart keeps going right off the edge of the screen. Around 2850 I had about 3 flawless victories in the first round (never got hit). These gave me between 10 and 12 points each time (hah). I also lost a couple matches for 100+ points a pop :( One of my losses had me KO'd on my first knockdown! So maybe there's something to the notion of shaking the controls--who knows?
Oh wow I havent had time to go back at it but its nice to hear you did and maybe save me the work!!
Thanks for posting back.

I cant wait until another boxing game comes out for this system though.
Can anyone confirm that after defeating Matt you can use silver boxing gloves by holding (1) while loading Boxing? I'm only up to 600 points or so in Boxing, but it could be something to shoot for...

from gamefaqs:
[quote name='gamefaqs']
Silver Boxing Gloves
After you've beaten the Grand Champion, Matt, in a boxing match you'll be able to wear silver boxing gloves. To do so, hold (1) when the screen becomes black before a boxing match.
Contributed By: Raisins93
You can win pretty much every fight by constantly dodging and throwing a 3 hit combo when the little blur/sound effect happens. Beat some 1200ish guys doing this.
[quote name='wubb']Just read every word in this thread. Good stuff. Maybe I'll give boxing another go.[/QUOTE]


Wow good deeal let us know how it goes, seriously.
The right hook is the key to beating matt. If you master that punch, then you can jab/potshot him with your left, then follow with the right hook. That technique has taken me past matt and up past 2000 rank.
bread's done