wii bundle at gamestop available now!!!

i wish you could return the games and accessories of the bundle that you dont want(like i did with my walmart bundle). but its game stop, theyre seasoned at anal rape.
Pricewise, I don't think that the price is that bad....you would pay close to that for those items anyway. Of course, forced bundles suck.

If anybody is going to buy that and doesn't want all the games, maybe we can work something out where i buy some games off you. Pm me.
[quote name='TheBlueWizard']Pricewise, I don't think that the price is that bad....you would pay close to that for those items anyway. Of course, forced bundles suck.

This one is bad because of the Wii 1GB card (overpriced), the product replacement plan (waste of money), Game Informer (ditto), and the we're-not-making-enough-obscene-profit surcharge of $10.
Wow up for almost a full day without selling out!
Maybe this will teach Gamestop that people aren't going to fall for fucking $700+shipping+tax bundles of stuff they don't want.

Hopefully this means Nintendo will be getting a ton more of them out on the market really soon.
[quote name='josh_animebum']Wow up for almost a full day without selling out!
Maybe this will teach Gamestop that people aren't going to fall for fucking $700+shipping+tax bundles of stuff they don't want.

Hopefully this means Nintendo will be getting a ton more of them out on the market really soon.[/QUOTE]

First, the shipping date is farther in the future than most people want. Second, the price of the bundle is not so great, even if it is comparable to other bundles. This is because of point #1. Third, there is a lot of time until Xmas, and a lot of Wiis have been sold. That means there are less people needing to buy Wiis for Xmas than before. Many people may feel they can snag on before the ship date on the Gamestop.com order. I really think that everyone who wanted a Wii for Xmas will get one. The people who are going to wait until next year will continue waiting.

On that note, after one full day, the bundle is not coming up on the site :)

Oh the stupidity of the Xmas buyer.
I really want a wii, but this is just rip off. I usually never get a system at or near launch because of bundles that don't give me what I want.
wow, that bundle is still there!! they must be expecting an assload of units. i know not many people from here bit on it, but mr and mrs smith that had to have one for there son johnny are usually all over this. hopefully, its a good sign that they will be on the shelves of b&m stores everywhere soon.
We all hate these bundles, but let's face it, just like the dumbasses who pay $3,000 for PS3s, enough people are going to buy this.

At least the games are OK, it could be a lot worse.
you should contact your local gamestop/eb games store and ask the MANAGER on duty if he/she will allow you to return games that you don't want from the purchase, or exchange it for games/accessories that you do want. Some mangers will let you do it, since they can take returns from online purchases. You might not get your money back on your credit card, but you could probably get in store credit.

I thought we were getting rid of these threads in the Video Game Deals forum since the Wii and PS3 have been out for a while...

"Fight the bun-dle! F-f-f--fight the bun-dle! In order to make the game stores see, we gotta fight the bundles that be!"
bread's done