Wii Classic Controller (Pic Inside)


10 (100%)

Link of picture from Nintendo's Website: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/n10/e3_2006/wii/img_con/photo_classic.jpg

Nintendo has long proclaimed that the Wii remote would not be the only interface for their next-generation console. To satisfy the control needs of their more button-intensive and analogue control enabled N64 and Gamecube titles available via the Virtual Console and backward compatability, you were always going to need something more robust than the Wii-mote to control the previous generation games.

Well, here it is; the classic Wii controller, courtesy of the Nintendo press site. Featuring just as many inputs as Sony's standard Dual Shock, this should take the edge off of those worried about scary futuristic moon controllers that can read your mind.

There is currently no word on whether the classic controller will be bundled with, or sold separately from, the standard Wii package*.

*LOL. Wii package.


Looks like Wii's controller shell has been revealed, even via Nintendo's website (see url). Wiigamer writes: "Our sources have confirmed to us that this is definitely real, however several questions still remain - why is there a cable, and does the remote simply click onto the bottom of the unit? Or is it now a stand alone unit?"

Nintendo made no mention of the controller shell at today's media briefing, but hopefully we'll learn more when the E3 show floor opens tomorrow.

[Thanks, Paul]

[quote name='Mookyjooky']Wish I could see the pic.[/QUOTE]

Just imagine a Retrocon controller for the PS2, but in the shape of a SNES Pad and replace the analog sticks with the analog stick from the Cube controller. Oh, and it's white. That should give you a general idea of what we're looking at.
i dont see the reason they added 2 analog sticks. The N64 never had it.

and its not even a shell anymore. i hope there ia wireless one availble in the future
This completely sells me on this console. As long as the Big "N" doesn't rape us on the cost of peripherals, this could be awesome.

BTW, what's up with the cord coming from the bottom of the controller?
[quote name='undyingforce5']i dont see the reason they added 2 analog sticks. The N64 never had it.[/QUOTE]
Because this basically means that any PS3 or 360 can be ported over to the Wii now. Yes, you could still use Cube controllers, but they're not laid out in the PS3 fashion, and they have one less button. Now, Tony Hawk 8 can be ported and played just like it were on the PS3...or, at least theoretically.
Saw a comment somewhere (maybe one of those two links) that said it hooked up to the Wii controller, basically in place of the nunchuk. So it's wireless with the remote as a base.
[quote name='elwood731']Because this basically means that any PS3 or 360 can be ported over to the Wii now. Yes, you could still use Cube controllers, but they're not laid out in the PS3 fashion, and they have one less button. Now, Tony Hawk 8 can be ported and played just like it were on the PS3...or, at least theoretically.[/QUOTE]

That would be true, if you completely ignore the technical limitations of the Wii that will come into play on a lot of 360 and PS3 multiplatform games.
[quote name='shipwreck']That would be true, if you completely ignore the technical limitations of the Wii that will come into play on a lot of 360 and PS3 multiplatform games.[/quote]

The same could have been said about the original Xbox. The Xbox version of multiplatform games was typically graphically superior to the PS2 and GC versions, but the core gameplay stays the same.

I don't see it as an issue, honestly. A lot of companies are probably going to try to incorporate the Wiimote into as many games as they can. Hell, if EA is doing it, others will.

I'm just glad they are offering a classic styled controller in the first place. There are some games that are not going to lend themselves to Wiimote-type control. I hope Nintendo doesn't try to shoehorn all games to use motion sensing. I'm wondering how Super Mario Galaxy is going to work.
[quote name='lebowsky']The same could have been said about the original Xbox. The Xbox version of multiplatform games was typically graphically superior to the PS2 and GC versions, but the core gameplay stays the same.[/QUOTE]

The gap between what the Xbox, PS2 and GC were capable of hardware wise was a heck of a lot closer than the gap that is now present between the 360/PS3 and the Wii. It's not going to be a simple port over on a lot of multi-console games. That's one of the reasons so many multiconsole games have been announced for the PS3 & 360 and not the Wii.
[quote name='undyingforce5']i dont see the reason they added 2 analog sticks. The N64 never had it.[/QUOTE]

The second one takes place of the C-buttons on the N64.
[quote name='shipwreck']The gap between what the Xbox, PS2 and GC were capable of hardware wise was a heck of a lot closer than the gap that is now present between the 360/PS3 and the Wii. It's not going to be a simple port over on a lot of multi-console games. That's one of the reasons so many multiconsole games have been announced for the PS3 & 360 and not the Wii.[/quote]

While your graphics argument is probably true, the Splinter Cell games were not simple ports to the PS2 and GC. The entire architecture of some levels had to be changed so that the machines could handle it without choking horribly.

I would say that the multiplatform games that have been announced for PS3 and 360 are probably of the same ilk as those that were only on the PS2 and Xbox, and for the same perceived reasons - that Nintendo does not have the userbase to make it worth doing.
[quote name='pdat2003']

BTW, what's up with the cord coming from the bottom of the controller?[/QUOTE]

looks like it's folded down. look at the top center on the controller. unless that's a new button, then it's where the cable is connecting to the controller.
[quote name='FFMooglestar']Did I post a broken picture?[/quote]

Naaa, just alot of us look at these from work, which websense blocks most big name gaming sites. Its not your fault, Linkin Prime posts tons of cool shit from sites too and I can never see those either, then I get home and forget.

Crap, I forgot about that pic. I was trying to figure out how exactly it would work, if they would make it an actual light gun or hook it up to it, or what.
That's exactly the kind of gun add-on I was thinking of when somebody said something about a gun peripheral. Looks great.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Hope it works with Red Steel.[/QUOTE]

I don't think it will as you have to pump the nunchuk to reload your gun and you have to hold the nunchuk up to parry when you are swordfighting.
The Wii Gun looks really cool.
The other controller looks fine, but I wish they would swap the d pad and the left analog stick.
Kotaku has a video asking people what they think of the Wiimote and at the very end, someone is playing a game with the classic controller. They don't show what they are playing though.
[quote name='lebowsky']Kotaku has a video asking people what they think of the Wiimote and at the very end, someone is playing a game with the classic controller. They don't show what they are playing though.[/QUOTE]
Probably one of the VC games they have on display - from the videos I've watched, those were the only games the classic controller was used for.
bread's done