Wii comfortable to use while lying down?


I got my Wii preordered today, but I just had a thought-will Wii be comfortable to use while lying down?

I normally play games while flopped on a couch or bed or something like that (I'm sitting in a chair all day at work, don't want to do that at home too).

With a normal pad, it works pretty well...but I'm not sure if the Wiimote will. You kind of need one if not two arms free to "aim" the thing at the TV, and it almost seems like you'd need to be sitting up or standing to do it.

Any thoughts?
While none of us know, I would generally say that trying to point/aim is not so convenient while you're laying down. Other applications that don't use the pointing aspect probably wouldn't be any different than any other control method, though.
Today marks the longest amount of time I've used the Wii controller (nearly six hours straight), and I have to say I really love it. The nunchuk attachment is the incarnation of a controller concept I've always wanted to see but never thought I would: the lazy man's controller. When you're slouching through a ten-hour gameplay session, it's really kinda weird to hold your hands close together in your lap and far more natural to just let them fall to side, which the nunchuk allows. I do think playing more traditional games with the Wiimote is going to be a little intimidating for casual gamers, but compared to a PC game where practically every QWERTY key is mapped to some function or another it seems pretty simple.
I hadn't thought about the separate controllers aspect for a while. Theoretically it could be better! I'm still just not sure what to think.

If nothing else, you could do an rpg that primarily uses the analog stick attachment plus it's two buttons. (Although I like the Dual Shock design where I can easily use the stick for movement, and then switch to the d-pad for selecting menu commands-it feels really natural and I don't even notice I'm going back and forth.
Hmmm...What else do I do while lying down and moving my wrist and arm rapidly up and down?

Now let me think...
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']If it isn't, Nintendo can kiss that "fat slobs who struggle to breathe" demographic they are shooting for.[/quote]

ohhhh lard smackdown (with extra jiggle) hahah Thats so funny. :spam:
I work out 3-4 days a week, but I lie down to play games all the time. I never thought about how lazy that makes me, but I just got done working out at the gym and got home to play some SSBM, and I lied down to play it for 30 minutes. I have a futon, so I lie on my side and play the game. Very comfortable.
I got a new job, and im going to be working 9 hour days. -_- AND when I get home from work im not going to want to fucking stand if I have been standing all day (retail). Im going to want to fucking lay down.

I hope it isnt to cumbersome that it would require me to stand.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']If it isn't, Nintendo can kiss that "fat slobs who struggle to breathe" demographic they are shooting for.[/QUOTE]
You mean kiss them goodbye, right? They way you said it, they should just kiss them. Nobody wants to do that.
[quote name='BIG5']You mean kiss them goodbye, right? They way you said it, they should just kiss them. Nobody wants to do that.[/QUOTE]

Can't we just give them a wave good bye? They taste like Mayonaise (plus they probably sweat it too).
The way you normally play games or are accustomed to are irrelevant. I never played games standing up until Guitar Hero. I cant play that game sitting down, I WANT to stand up while playing that game. I dont want to stand up playing anything else however.

You will probably WANT to stand up and get into a particular Wii game. No one is making you, you'll do it by yourself.
[quote name='White-Wolf']if you can still move your wrists, then it should be fine i think.[/quote]That's what my penis says to me every night, when I tell him I'm too tired to frap him.
the controller only needs sublte movements to work, so you'll be fine.

if your really that concerned go and laydown with a remote for the TV and let me know if you have to sit up to use it.
[quote name='Nomar1245']the controller only needs sublte movements to work, so you'll be fine.

if your really that concerned go and laydown with a remote for the TV and let me know if you have to sit up to use it.[/QUOTE]

That doesn't 't really show us much, since the way you use a TV remote and the Wiimote is totally different.

I'm semi-hopeful though because the controller is split in too, and because you're not supposed to need to move it much.
bread's done