Wii more fun than 360?

[quote name='bigdaddy']These threads are pointless and will only serve to make a mess.

Can't we all agree that the Xbox and Wii are both good in their own ways, and that the PS3 is an overpriced piece of garbage, and call it a day?[/QUOTE]

No. One must be better, and we need to argue about it.
[quote name='munch']No. One must be better, and we need to argue about it.[/quote]

Well then...

[quote name='bigdaddy']
Can't we all agree that the Xbox and Wii are both good in their own ways, and that the PS3 is an overpriced piece of garbage, and call it a day?[/QUOTE]

Yep. And I'd go further and say that they are both good in unique ways, and the only way to be a satisfied hardcore gamer (assuming you have broad gaming interests) is to own both. The 360 is always going to be short on platformers, party games etc., and of course lacking Nintendo's great first party games, and the Wii will never had good HD graphics, FPS games, great looking sports sims and racers, or western style RPGs (like Mass Effect).
[quote name='MarioColbert']If you're thinking about selling your 360, and you decide to "flip a coin" by asking a bunch of video game dorks (us!) which system they prefer you are:

1. suffering from severe dependency issues
2. out of quarters
3. have no intelligent friends who could be of real help
4. have not seen the E3
5. ready to make compulsive decisions based on stuff you read on the internets
6. all of the above.

As a Sony "hater" I missed out on tons of great games on the PS2. After finally getting my PS2 (for free) and about to secure the original XBOX (also free), I don't think I'll sell/trade those systems in until it's time to upgrade. Finally getting around to playing MarioColbert-proclaimed PS2 "classics" during the Next-Generation drought (which is way more thirst-inducing, because the drought is so high definition), and yet I have no regrets. Most people, however, would not want to wait this long to play Shadow of the Colossus (there has to be a story to it, and I'm told there is, but I'm 6 colossi into the game and there's been _nothing_). In other words, keep your systems: 2008 and 2009 have no reason not to be exciting.

EDIT: Before some asshole jumps my nuts, I used the word "hater" in jest. I've had not the means nor the time to play hardly any games last generation, and prior to my current PS2 craze I've been catching up on GameCube. The only title I'm missing on GC is Killer7 and I'm not too sure how much I would like to pay for it.[/QUOTE]

I am actually none of the above...Just very impulsive when it comes to purchasing games and systems...I owned every system from last gen on 3 seperate occasions....Meaning I bought an Xbox, sold it on ebay, bought a gc, sold that, then ps2, then repeat with xbox, etc....

You get the picture...I'm bored with my 360 now, but think I will hold onto to it, E3 looked great yeah, but I know that a year from now I'll regret getting rid of it, so I'm going to hold...

And, actually...I might have to get a PS3, because to me...The most impressive game I've seen from the E3 footage is GT5, I'm sorry, but that game looks sick...

On and on the merrygoround goes...I will be playing my Wii for the next couple of months...Back to Scarface, Zelda, Trauma Center, Tiger and Metal Slug...Can't wait for the Neo to hit the VC...
And just for the record, I'd don't think every thread that talks about advantages/disadvantages needs to be viewed as an argument...We are just sophisticated hardcore gamers who like to talk about this shit.
[quote name='dserafin1986']And just for the record, I'd don't think every thread that talks about advantages/disadvantages needs to be viewed as an argument...We are just sophisticated hardcore gamers who like to talk about this shit.[/QUOTE]

Well I am actually having more fun playing with the Wii than the 360. Ok well let me put it into perspecitve, I am having a blast or was playing Wii sports, Warioware, and other titles just because of the motion controll among other things. Now the 360 on the other hand I am not having as much fun playing but on the other hand I am enjoying better games all around right now that I am more into (gears, darkness, etc), so the good games on the 360 make up for the lack of motion controll. So basically the Wii is more fun to play sure, but the 360 still has great games to keep me playing on my 360. So the Wii may be more fun but I haven't played a game that kept me on my Wii for hours except Zelda.
utz is the most extream chip out there everyone knows that plus id deftinutly tap that girl on the bag id sure like to peal her potatoes
[quote name='PatricoSwavey9']utz is the most extream chip out there everyone knows that plus id deftinutly tap that girl on the bag id sure like to peal her potatoes[/quote]

the 3 xxx's are for the horible horrible things you wanted to do with that sweet little girl
[quote name='dserafin1986']FYI...I sold it last week for $450...Good thing I sold it before the price drop hit...I'm now all Wii[/quote]

good thing you sold it, my 360 broke, now i only have a wii wii
[quote name='CouRageouS']I don't know.. I love it but the Wii leaves a lot to be desired, like traditional gameplay and HD graphics. I still play a lot of PS2 to cover the traditional part. A year ago my mindset was to buy a Wii and eventually get a PS3 down the line. Now I want a 360, with a PS3 purchase pushed further. I'm just going where the games are.[/QUOTE]

That's how I feel. I have a wii, and my ps2. But I want a 360 and a ps3 but only if metal gear doesn't come out for 360.
I get my traditional gaming from the VC...How can you beat it?? The emulation is perfect...Tecmo Bowl, Mario, PunchOut...This system is the shiz
[quote name='io']Meh - I'd say they are dead even and they compliment each other so well...[/quote]

QFT, but i haven't played my wii since the begining of the new year...I hope some of there classics that are coming out this fall are worth keeping it
[quote name='dserafin1986']Where's the NEOGEO...Any word??[/quote]On the VC? I don't know if it has been formally announced for the US - someone can correct me if so. And while it has been announced in Japan, I'm not sure if they have a date for the first game.
The 360 because of the online experience and number of quality games. I am crossing my fingers that the Wii picks it up in both departments since I do not own a 360. Strikers charged wi-fi is a step in the right direction.
bread's done