Wii: Nunchuck! Newb question..


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So I am finally in the road to buy a Wii.

A newb I am when it comes to Wii, what's the nunchuck controller for?

Do you need to have it? For which games do you need it to enjoy the needed gameplay?

Right now, I am looking to get Super Mario Galaxy and RE: Umbrella Chronicles.

Thanks for the input!
You need it for Mario Galaxy. I don't know about RE: UC, but I would think you need it.

Basically, it has the analog stick on it. Any game that requires you to use the analog stick will require you to use the nunchuck.

edit: Also, the Wii comes with one nunchuck. So unless you are planning on any sort of multiplayer use, you will already have all you need.
It comes with one out of the box.

The nunchuck has its own motion sensor (it knows when you're shaking it), a thumbstick, and two trigger buttons. In most FPS games on the Wii, you move with the thumbstick while aiming with the Wiimote.

If you're getting a second wiimote, I'd get a second nunchuck; its worth it just to be able to do two-player boxing in Wii Sports. =)
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Strell's Wii FAQ:

Bookmark it if you're buying a Wii and know nothing about it - that FAQ will do you good. :)

And congrats - you'll love it.
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