Wii U $199.99 @ EBAY (new, Skylanders SWAP Force Starter Pack Limited Edition Bundle) DEAD USNOOZE ULOOSE



wii u is by far the best system on the market and this is a steal. i got the mario version for $180 so ill still be better than all of you haha but enjoy 

not sure if u can sell the skylanders stuff but if u can then your welcum for that #hustlin #alwaysthinkingofyouguys

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If it was the Deluxe I'd be all over it. Not sure about this bundle. Is 8gb enough without a memory upgrade?
u can buy a 32 gb sd card for dirt cheap u livin in a box dawg memory aint nuffin ya feel me. 8 geebee plenty unless u plan on buyin digi which is wack anyway ya feel me

You can also plug in a usb stick from what i heard. Really there is no reason to get the black one unless you have to have black.

This might be a dumb question, but can I get rid of the gamepad after I do the initial set up? I already have super cheap pro controller from a clearance sale. I see the pads selling anywhere from 100-150 with bids on ebay. Sell the additional skylanders/nintendoland and you end up with semi next gen console priced from free-$50 without the gamepad. 
Just an thought. 

This might be a dumb question, but can I get rid of the gamepad after I do the initial set up? I already have super cheap pro controller from a clearance sale. I see the pads selling anywhere from 100-150 with bids on ebay. Sell the additional skylanders/nintendoland and you end up with semi next gen console priced from free-$50 without the gamepad.
Just an thought.
not all games support the pro controller, only some and most games require the gamepad if even for a little so if you get rid of it then you going to be risking having a unplayable system for a good chunk of games. You also need it for the eshop and any of the apps on the wii u as well as games such as super Mario 3d world and nintendoland, zombi U and many others. It is the only way you can navigate the menus and stuff on the system to.

Too bad I can't use GS credit on this.

Use GS credit to buy Amazon Cards, Sell them to get Paypal monies and finally use that on eBay?


that and plus iwata already said he wont cut prices of hardware no more this year only software of Nintendo systems if needed. He said couple months ago the earliest he would cut hardware prices would be march 2015

not all games support the pro controller, only some and most games require the gamepad if even for a little so if you get rid of it then you going to be risking having a unplayable system for a good chunk of games. You also need it for the eshop and any of the apps on the wii u as well as games such as super Mario 3d world and nintendoland, zombi U and many others. It is the only way you can navigate the menus and stuff on the system to.
Spot on response.... I wish Nintendo would system update and allow for navigation on eshop and to play most games with just pro controller. Lame that I gotta get off my ass to grab the pointless gamepad just to bypass 90% of the time.
u can buy a 32 gb sd card for dirt cheap u livin in a box dawg memory aint nuffin ya feel me. 8 geebee plenty unless u plan on buyin digi which is wack anyway ya feel me
I thought you couldn't store actual Wii/Wii-U games on an SD card, just saves and stuff?

So basically we are left with slow ass USB 2.0 for game data. No thanks. I assume the minimal amount of internal storage is at least much faster than externals, every GB of that is precious (it's like we're living in 2004 here). The 32GB is a huge inconvenience, but you can probably at least work with it if you minimize downloads. I'm just pretending the 8GB models don't even exist.

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I thought you couldn't store actual Wii/Wii-U games on an SD card, just saves and stuff?

So basically we are left with slow ass USB 2.0 for game data. No thanks. I assume the minimal amount of internal storage is at least much faster than externals, every GB of that is precious (it's like we're living in 2004 here). The 32GB is a huge inconvenience, but you can probably at least work with it if you minimize downloads. I'm just pretending the 8GB models don't even exist.
Some of the storage space is used by the system software. The 8GB Basic Set has approximately 3GB available for data storage and downloads. The 32GB Deluxe Set has approximately 25GB available for data storage and downloads. and no you can not store actual games on a sd card

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If you like, or love Skylanders, an all white system and don't mind missing out on the 10% back Deluxe Digital Promotion, then this is a great deal. I have the Zelda WWHD black Deluxe Set that I got for $282 (no tax) last year at Newegg, but if I didn't have one now I'd more than likely go for this bundle.

Aside from the yellowing or dingy brown looking color left behind on the nubs of the analog sticks over time if not protected, I actually prefer the all white system. Not only that, but fingerprints are harder and damn near impossible to see on white systems. A major plus there.

And honestly, looking back, the 8GB only isn't a big deal, IMO. I have a 250GB (232GB usable) Click-free portable external HDD using the "Y" cable setup and it works like a perfectly. 32GB on the Deluxe isn't really that much to brag about. It's obviously better than 8GB but at the end of the day it's still a crappy amount of space.

Again, worst thing here if you buy this model is you miss out on the 10% back Deluxe Digital Promotion. I'd highly recommend it otherwise! :). That green artwork is pretty awsome too! LOL.

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If you like, or love Skylanders, an all white system and don't mind missing out on the 10% back Deluxe Digital Promotion, then this is a great deal. I have the Zelda WWHD black Deluxe Set that I got for $282 (no tax) last year at Newegg, but if I didn't have one now I'd more than likely go for this bundle.

Aside from the yellowing or dingy brown looking color left behind on the nubs of the analog sticks over time if not protected, I actually prefer the all white system. Not only that, but fingerprints are harder and damn near impossible to see on white systems. A major plus there.

And honestly, looking back, the 8GB only isn't a big deal, IMO. I have a 250GB (232GB usable) Click-free portable external HDD using the "Y" cable setup and it works like a perfectly. 32GB on the Deluxe isn't really that much to brag about. It's obviously better than 8GB but at the end of the day it's still a crappy amount of space.

Again, worst thing here if you buy this model is you miss out on the 10% back Deluxe Digital Promotion. I'd highly recommend it otherwise! :). That green artwork is pretty awsome too! LOL.
are you serious bro. digital is the biggest scam going around and if you lack da brain cells to think coheremently on this subject than i feel for u. i dont mind digital for indie games cus dey usually cant afford goin retail but buyin digital for aaa games is the dumbest thing goin. u cant trade it in, lend it, touch it. sure u get da experience but to think that 10% back on a non existant entity beats u bein able to trade the game for over half the purchase price or lend it to a friend or share it is a disgrace to this cummunity that i lead

are you serious bro. digital is the biggest scam going around and if you lack da brain cells to think coheremently on this subject than i feel for u. i dont mind digital for indie games cus dey usually cant afford goin retail but buyin digital for aaa games is the dumbest thing goin. u cant trade it in, lend it, touch it. sure u get da experience but to think that 10% back on a non existant entity beats u bein able to trade the game for over half the purchase price or lend it to a friend or share it is a disgrace to this cummunity that i lead
Where are my 5/25-5/31 Target and Best Buy ads? Go get them now so I can see those weeks deals! No excuses about trying to outrun the cops either! :shame: :nottalking:. Now get a move on!

u can buy a 32 gb sd card for dirt cheap u livin in a box dawg memory aint nuffin ya feel me. 8 geebee plenty unless u plan on buyin digi which is wack anyway ya feel me
Its like all of your posts start off making sense just with some typos but then half way through you remember you have a silly persona on CAG to maintain and try to be funny.

But for the guy asking about 8GB, you can just buy a cheap 32GB-64GB USB flash drive for $15-$30 most places and use that for extra memory. The 8GB will likely only have 3GB available after updates.

Twitter I'd like to see you try to stick to 140 characters just to make what you say even crazier... example

are you serious bro. digital is the biggest scam going around and if you lack da brain cells to think coheremently on this subject than i feel for u. i dont mind digital for indie games cus dey usually cant afford goin retail but buyin digital for aaa games is the dumbest thing goin. u cant trade it in, lend it, touch it. sure u get da experience but to think that 10% back on a non existant entity beats u bein able to trade the game for over half the purchase price or lend it to a friend or share it is a disgrace to this cummunity that i lead
R u srs bro? digi is big scam go round lack cells this sub I feel you. Indie game dev 4 life Digi for 3a? Psh. Cummunity I'm out (129 characters)
Anyway thanks for the post.

Looks like a good deal.

Though I'd like it in black, and have no real use for Skylanders, I don't see a better option anywhere.

The 3GB cap is what is keeping me from buying it right now, but if external support is that good, I may have to pull the trigger at some point today.

Looks like a good deal.

Though I'd like it in black, and have no real use for Skylanders, I don't see a better option anywhere.

The 3GB cap is what is keeping me from buying it right now, but if external support is that good, I may have to pull the trigger at some point today.
3GB cap? You mean the 8GB cap? I don't think I would need more space than that. I don't see myself downloading any games from the VC on it. Plus with the expandable storage option, this bundle is a no brainer.
3GB cap? You mean the 8GB cap? I don't think I would need more space than that. I don't see myself downloading any games from the VC on it. Plus with the expandable storage option, this bundle is a no brainer.
5 of the 8 are system storage from what I've read. Even Nintendo's website says you're only really getting 3.

3GB cap? You mean the 8GB cap? I don't think I would need more space than that. I don't see myself downloading any games from the VC on it. Plus with the expandable storage option, this bundle is a no brainer.
Well, the OS features and latest update will leave you with around 3GB of usable space. With the 32GB Deluxe you'll have around 25GB usable.

i wait till the 99 buck say  at thanksgiving... Sad to see nintendo leave the video game market but their days are numbered.

i can see them going 100% into handhelds or making games for other systems  (like sega)

I grabbed pretty much the same deal off of Groupon last week, just waiting for it to arrive now.  BTW, if you do grab one don't forget to hit up TRU for some cheap clearanced accessories.  I got an official charging cradle for $2.xx, a battery pack to extend the controller's charge time for $10 & a headset for $10 - and I think all of that stuff is even cheaper now.  

Guys Im pretty sure well see a Pricedrop on E3. Just wait or buy the Mario Kart Bundle. I mean thus is the 8GB version and after the uodates youll end up with like 2GB o.0
While I agree with you, waiting is not my strong suit.  

Besides, I'm almost thirty and have little want for plastic steering wheels - much like the Swap Force.

I actually got this.  I have it now but You kinda need a external HDD.  I got a 1TB,  independent powered one from WD (my book) for like 60 refurbished.  Seems to be fine and I got it for "~260."  Seems worth it for the console that SSB will be on and other good Nintendo 1st party.

Although I will say I wish I kinda rather got that mario kart bundle (get that! less hassle)

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i wait till the 99 buck say at thanksgiving... Sad to see nintendo leave the video game market but their days are numbered.

i can see them going 100% into handhelds or making games for other systems (like sega)
Oh man, you sound like people in the GameCube era, back before Nintendo responded to not dominating the market for a generation by making one of the best selling consoles of all time.

Until you see Nintendo hang an "Out of Business" sign on their front doors, do not count them out of anything.

Guys Im pretty sure well see a Pricedrop on E3. Just wait or buy the Mario Kart Bundle. I mean thus is the 8GB version and after the uodates youll end up with like 2GB o.0
You can't be serious. That means the updates are taking up what, 4GB?

So anyone who's got the basic model is screwed. Hell, so is anybody who's downloaded pretty much anything.

Oh man, you sound like people in the GameCube era, back before Nintendo responded to not dominating the market for a generation by making one of the best selling consoles of all time.

Until you see Nintendo hang an "Out of Business" sign on their front doors, do not count them out of anything.
.....sigh. WII. WAS. A. FLUKE. How many times must it be said? Nintendo caught lightning in a bottle and rode the fad train as hard as they could. Don't get me wrong, I love my Wii (well I love the offline single player games on it anyways), but it's the exception, not the rule. Aside from that one instance, Nintendo hasn't been top dog since the SNES days.
I'm not saying Nintendo is out of the console business yet, but Iwata is certainly leading them there. And it will happen sooner than you people think if things continue this way. Just because they allegedly have billions stashed doesn't mean much when the investors pull out and revenue continues to drop. Do I really need to cite the Blackberry example?

Nintendo can lie about dying before "selling out" all they want, but when the time comes, they will look out for themselves and go third party (or at least handheld only) before they risk going out of business.

WiiU may be thoroughly smoked right now but there's still time to turn the ship around. The only problem is Iwata, and the company at large, doesn't seem interested in that.

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There's not going to be a price drop.  If you checked the fiscal earnings report that was released by Nintendo themselves a week ago, you will see that they had forecasted expected sales for the next fiscal year.   They estimated to sell 3.6 million Wii U consoles, which is pretty low for an entire year.

This means if you are holding out for a price drop, it's not going to happen until after April 2015, if it happens at all.

There's not going to be a price drop. If you checked the fiscal earnings report that was released by Nintendo themselves a week ago, you will see that they had forecasted expected sales for the next fiscal year. They estimated to sell 3.6 million Wii U consoles, which is pretty low for an entire year.

This means if you are holding out for a price drop, it's not going to happen until after April 2015, if it happens at all.
I'm not so sure. Nintendo is hurting, badly. They NEED to move more units. And right now, they are profiting on each WiiU sold (hell, I think it's safe to say that despite Nintendo's claims they've been profiting off every unit sold since launch).

Obviously a price cut wouldn't hurt Nintendo that badly, and would help get the system into more homes, which in turn would help move software (which as we all know is where the real money is made).

I'm not so sure. Nintendo is hurting, badly. They NEED to move more units. And right now, they are profiting on each WiiU sold (hell, I think it's safe to say that despite Nintendo's claims they've been profiting off every unit sold since launch).

Obviously a price cut wouldn't hurt Nintendo that badly, and would help get the system into more homes, which in turn would help move software (which as we all know is where the real money is made).
actually nintendo made a statement not long ago no price cut until march 2015 at the earliest. But if needed price cuts on the software could happen instead which could happen as we seen with the price drop of 5 3ds games not long ago.
The competition is the PS3/Xbox 360. So no, it's not cheaper. Yes, exclusives are coming out for it, but the controllers suck way too much. Sticking to my 3DS for Smash Bros. That was the one thing that would have made me consider a purchase, and I won't need it for Smash. Gosh...That cruddy controller. Even with the PRO. It's actually $300-$350 then if you think of that added price for just a decent controller. At least the other consoles come with One.

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I'm considering this now (AKA a few days), but I don't know what the Black Friday bundle would be.  Does anyone think it will be $200 plus Kart 8 or $225 plus Smash Wii U and like...32GB or something?

.....sigh. WII. WAS. A. FLUKE. How many times must it be said? Nintendo caught lightning in a bottle and rode the fad train as hard as they could. Don't get me wrong, I love my Wii (well I love the offline single player games on it anyways), but it's the exception, not the rule. Aside from that one instance, Nintendo hasn't been top dog since the SNES days.
Are you serious? THEY PLANNED TO BRING MOTION CONTROLS TO GAMING because they couldn't compete otherwise. It was INTENDED to sell well, which is NOT what "fluke" implies. It was so successful that both Sony and Microsoft had to come out with motion controls of their own, and the Kinect is STILL shitty on the One. And do you realize that Microsoft came out with Smartglass technology right after Nintendo revealed their Pro controller? Obviously they had seen it as a threat and used existing technology to contend with it. Unfortunately for Nintendo, Microsoft knows how fucking lazy the obese western world is and was able to capitalize on it with a system that does everything for the user.

Nintendo has epitomized the handheld market for decades, with its DS selling more than three times the amount of PSPs and Vitas combined. Even the original Game Boy outsold the 360 and PS3. They'll have a firm grasp on the handheld market until Android and Apple are capable of some idiotic 3D Candy Crush Saga bullshit, which mindless Americans will gobble up.
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Nintendo has epitomized the handheld market for decades, with its DS selling more than three times the amount of PSPs and Vitas combined. Even the original Game Boy outsold the 360 and PS3. They'll have a firm grasp on the handheld market until Android and Apple are capable of some idiotic 3D Candy Crush Saga bullshit, which mindless Americans will gobble up.
Oh please God no...I can't think of anything worse that could happen to video games than that.

EDIT: On topic, I still have to wait until the 16th-17th to get one anyway and that's hoping I don't buy any other large items soon. I'll probably miss this.

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Can we turn this idiotic derail around and focus on the real matter at hand?

HOW much does this Skylanders stuff sell for that's with the WiiU? I want to flip it and buy more storage. Thanks in advance.

The free game with MK8 took me off the fence on Wii U... And this is a good price even if it is an 8gb model... I have a 4tb drive sitting around that will get some use...
in for one
btw I'm only planning on playing first party games
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I don't know, I think this is a pretty good deal considering what you get with it and MSRP.  But the best deal is to not buy something if you aren't going to sell it or use it, so I'm not going to buy it yet. 

Grabbed it. Thx dude!

For those wondering the circumstances that make this one optimal:

- Sitting on a Wii collecting dust.

- Sitting on an external hard drive that I moved everything on to a bigger one and is doing nothing.

- Not into console DDL as the prices are usually ridiculous, especially on eShop.

- Not typically into buying games anyway unless they have online features, grabbed a ton of Gamefly gift cards on the cheap awhile back.

- Either not interested or already played the games in the other bundle packages.

New, at least $50 off retail, no tax, no shipping and by far the most expensive and unrentable pack-in. Worth it just for the 1st party stuff. Won't mind not having to miss out on Bayonetta and X either. Good lookin out, dude.

actually nintendo made a statement not long ago no price cut until march 2015 at the earliest. But if needed price cuts on the software could happen instead which could happen as we seen with the price drop of 5 3ds games not long ago.
Nintendo says a lot of things. Like any business, most of them are false, or at best half-truths. They'll lower the price and call it a "long term sale" or some other nonsense. But if they are really committing to this price a year in advance, especially without knowing what MS/Sony have planned for E3 and the holidays, then these people are even dumber than I thought.

Are you serious? THEY PLANNED TO BRING MOTION CONTROLS TO GAMING because they couldn't compete otherwise. It was INTENDED to sell well, which is NOT what "fluke" implies. It was so successful that both Sony and Microsoft had to come out with motion controls of their own, and the Kinect is STILL shitty on the One. And do you realize that Microsoft came out with Smartglass technology right after Nintendo revealed their Pro controller? Obviously they had seen it as a threat and used existing technology to contend with it. Unfortunately for Nintendo, Microsoft knows how fucking lazy the obese western world is and was able to capitalize on it with a system that does everything for the user.

Nintendo has epitomized the handheld market for decades, with its DS selling more than three times the amount of PSPs and Vitas combined. Even the original Game Boy outsold the 360 and PS3. They'll have a firm grasp on the handheld market until Android and Apple are capable of some idiotic 3D Candy Crush Saga bullshit, which mindless Americans will gobble up.

I don't think anybody at Nintendo knew how successful the Wii would be. Unless they planned all those shortages to artificially inflate demand? Either way, if they are so damn brilliant, why are they failing so hard with WiiU? Am I missing the genius behind their master plan, and WiiU is somehow toppling the competition behind the scenes?

Nobody is denying Nintendo is king of handhelds. Frankly I was surprised the 3DS had such a rough start, I fell in love with it the moment I demoed it. WiiU is completely different, I still can't fathom why they thought marrying an IPad to a console was a good idea, and I don't see how anybody thought that could be as successful as motion control gaming, or even a 3D handheld system.. They've certainly done very little to truly utilize it.

As far as Smartglass goes, I don't know much about it aside from the fact that it's barely utilized. Even then, saying they were blindly copying Nintendo is kinda ignorant. They have had similar apps that integrate into shows (and even movies IIRC) while they are on the air for years now, doing that with games was just the next logical step. It probably would've still come out at the same time, and equally underutilized, if the WiiU never existed at all.
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let me kill 20 birds wit 1 stone 

uno - sony has $1 bill loss, nintendy has $250 million

dos - nintendy loss mostly from making wii u consoles and not sellin enuff. IN OTHER WORDS, ITS A TEMPORARY LOSS #YAFEELME

tres - the goty cums out this month. mkwii sold like 30 million. if it even sells 20% of that that will move millions of consoles. this is a week before e3 my peoples.. nintendy will see the sales FOWERISH and no way would they price drop it ya feel me. PLUS THEY AINT PRICE DROPPIN IT RITE AFTER RELEASIN A NEW BUNDLE. WHERES DA BRAIN CELLS PEOPLE?

quatros - wii u is best next gen console. this is fact. u cant even run mk8 on ps4 or definatly not x1. FACT. the cumpetition is all ports and pc indie games and gaymes i can play on mah ps3.

sorry i had to burn all da haters but had to doo it #donthate #theplayer #appreciatetwitter

bread's done