[quote name='Richard Kain']Now you're just operating on pure speculation. There still haven't been any firm announcements about Microsoft's next system. It hasn't even been revealed to the public yet. The chances that it will launch in 2013 are actually pretty slim. We don't know anything about it.
I have two XBox 360s. And I recently acquired a Kinect as well. But I've never signed up for XBox Live, and do not expect that I ever will. I get my on-line multiplayer fix on my PC, not my 360.[/QUOTE]
Of course I'm speculating. No more than you are by claiming chances of a launch next year are "slim" though. My main reason for believing this is because of Arthur Gies from Polygon mentioned it on a Rebel FM podcast. I believe he has a better idea of what's coming than you do or I do.
[quote name='Deader2818']If a grandparent doesn't have a cell phone, why the hell would they have an Xbox, a Kinect, and subscription to XBLA?
And yes, Wii U has video chat.
Its not that I don't think no one needs it or not worth it, but you are touting it like its a system seller but its not.[/QUOTE]
Don't reply to posts when you don't read posts or the comments and have no

ing clue what you're talking about. If you had watched the video your entire post wouldn't have happened. Go back and watch the video. They have a laptop. Can a Wii u do that with video chat?
As to your baseless assertion that I'm touting it like a system seller, if you had actually read my initial post, I said XBL is still better than PSN because of this feature (and others I haven't bothered mentioning since this one is important to me). I in no way said that video chat is a reason to buy an Xbox.
I would like to apologize if my post is rude. I'm tired as shit from getting up at the ass crack of morning + I'm sick.