Wii U - General Discussion Thread

The Nyko U Boost for Wii U on sale from Amazon for $11:


Saw this on slickdeals and I thought it might be helpful for those interested. Really nice accessory in my opinion. It's a battery extender for the Gamepad and doubles as a kickstand which is great for watching videos or for games that use the Gamepad as a menu screen.
I got a notice from Amazon about it arriving December 2, just as an FYI to people who did order it.

So, I'm sure no one here knows the answer to this, but my son (who will be 11 next week) has gotten 2 accounts temp banned on Mii Verse and another perma-banned. I don't think he's doing anything too bad except maybe annoying people (this is what he admitted to). He is on it every day and I was happy he was making use of the Wii U so much - he's been using it for months so this is a new thing, though he did get 2-week banned 2 or 3 months ago.

Tonight he asked me to set up a 3rd account for him (since one is perma-banned and other banned for 2 weeks). I've told him he needs to stop doing whatever it is he is doing and I think he got the message. But does anyone know if Nintendo can console ban and/or ban all accounts from the same system/IP? I figure the plus side of their primitive online infrastructure is that they probably can't do that - but you never know. They also tend to be overly cautious with that sort of thing and I could see them going overboard. I just don't want him screwing up my account, even though I never use MiiVerse.

Actually, I need to check to see if he's banned from just MiiVerse or from all online interaction... Hmmm...
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Honestly, IO, I wouldn't bother with a 3rd account. Make your son wait out the 2 week ban.

(Please don't take this as preachy)
I agree. Plus, with that 3ds thing they had going on, I imagine they're going to, eventually, implement a way to completely ban people.
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I did make him wait last time it happened. I'm giving him one more chance with it now since he's off school for the next 9 days. If he gets this one banned then no more accounts of any kind. He's a good kid though and I know he's not doing anything really bad. He just probably posts too much.
I did make him wait last time it happened. I'm giving him one more chance with it now since he's off school for the next 9 days. If he gets this one banned then no more accounts of any kind. He's a good kid though and I know he's not doing anything really bad. He just probably posts too much.
Kids are all good, but they all do weird things, just like we did (and do!). He won't tell you what he's done to get banned? And Nintendo doesn't provide some kind of notification of what they're banning for? Might be a good opportunity to teach him some netiquette. :) If you can find out what he's doing "wrong", at least.

I ordered a Windwaker console today. You can use the gameplad plugged in, right? If so I'm thinking I'll pass on getting a Uboost, at least until it drops to $11 again.

Can you update the Wii U without first creating an account on it?

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You can use the gameplad plugged in, right? If so I'm thinking I'll pass on getting a Uboost, at least until it drops to $11 again.
Yes. And it has it's own charger cable/ac adapter (as well as a cradle you can plug that into), so it's easy to plug it in by the couch and keep playing (don't have to reach a cord to the console etc.).

It charges pretty quickly too, so you can keep going by putting it on the cradle during bathroom/food/phone calls etc. during long gaming sessions pretty easily.

That would be good, then. Once I get this thing I'll update it. Or I suppose I should wait until closer to xmas to update it in case there ends up being newer firmware.

That would be good, then. Once I get this thing I'll update it. Or I suppose I should wait until closer to xmas to update it in case there ends up being newer firmware.
whatever! u just wanna play now dont u!!!

I remember when I got my SNES Christmas of '91, I don't remember when the actual purchase was made, but I had that thing out of the closet, out of the box, hooked up to the TV so many times, and I was an expert at packing it back up as soon as I heard a card in the driveway. (Now I can't even get a damn blender back in the box to return it.)

Can you guys Wii U educate me?

This is all my son has asked for this holiday season and frankly I am just not sure its worth it to do or what I even need to get outside of the main bundle.

At the moment the best options seem to be the

Mario/Luigi Bundle from Target with the $25 GC = $259.99 after Red Card and the GC (not including tax at the moment)

Ebay Zelda deal at $289 (no tax)

Mario/Luigi Bundle from Best Buy with the Nintendo Land and an Mario controller = $310 (not including tax at the moment)

If I got one of these what else do I need assuming both my kids want to play this thing.

Thanks in advance

FYI my kids are 11 and 14.


Can you guys Wii U educate me?

This is all my son has asked for this holiday season and frankly I am just not sure its worth it to do or what I even need to get outside of the main bundle.

At the moment the best options seem to be the

Mario/Luigi Bundle from Target with the $25 GC = $259.99 after Red Card and the GC (not including tax at the moment)

Ebay Zelda deal at $289 (no tax)

Mario/Luigi Bundle from Best Buy with the Nintendo Land and an Mario controller = $310 (not including tax at the moment)

If I got one of these what else do I need assuming both my kids want to play this thing.

Thanks in advance

FYI my kids are 11 and 14.

Hopefully other people will be able to chime in. I believe there is going to be an eBay deal for $250, but no one knows which bundle it will be. That's a good price, though. I don't think the Target or Best Buy deals are very good, but they're better than nothing.

You might need a few extra controllers, such as the Wii Remote Pluses. That way both kids, and maybe you and others, can all play Mario Bros. U. (Zelda is single-player.) I'd also recommend you get Super Mario 3D World, and, again, you'll want more controllers.

That should be all you need, though. The big hitters, in my opinion, are New Super Mario Bros. U, Zelda Wind Waker HD, New Super Mario 3D World. You guys might have fun with Nintendo Land, too, and Pikmin 3 is great if you like that type of game; maybe you guys like the Wii waggling of Sports, too, but there is a free trial of Wii U Sports or whatever it's called.

So, to sum it up: $250 for a bundle with no tax is a good deal.

Must-have games (in my opinion): Mario/Luigi U, Zelda, Super Mario 3D World, and maybe Nintendo Land

Just my opinion, though, based solely on... my opinion.

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We have at least 4 wii-motes now (with our Wii).  All of our wii-motes have the motion plus adapter on them.

So am I correct in that they are all I need for extra controllers?  I don't another one of the pad controllers right?



We have at least 4 wii-motes now (with our Wii). All of our wii-motes have the motion plus adapter on them.

So am I correct in that they are all I need for extra controllers? I don't another one of the pad controllers right?

Nope! It comes with a gamepad, and that's all you need. Can't even buy them separately. And yep, your old Wii Remotes with Wii Motion Plus will work just fine.

If it came with Mario/Luigi, you wouldn't even need anything else. but if you want to be the hero of Christmas, Super Mario 3D World... :) And Zelda is a can't miss, too.

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We have at least 4 wii-motes now (with our Wii). All of our wii-motes have the motion plus adapter on them.

So am I correct in that they are all I need for extra controllers? I don't another one of the pad controllers right?

Correct. No games support multiple gamepads. Not all games seem to require WM+, but it seems to be the standard going forward.
Question: Is a WiiU bundle with system, GamePad, all cables, 2 Wiimotes, 2 Nunchuks, a Classic Controller Pro, Nintendoland, Smash Bros. Brawl, Assassins Creed 3, Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, and Mario Bros. U for $440 ($400+$40 shipping) a good deal? I also plan to immediately sell CoD and Smash Bros if I get it, and maybe AC.
Correct. No games support multiple gamepads. Not all games seem to require WM+, but it seems to be the standard going forward.
Seeing as how the Wii U can support 2 gamepads, it would be amazing if they enabled it in SM3DW!

Then, finding that second gamepad at a reasonable(whatever that means) price.....

Seeing as how the Wii U can support 2 gamepads, it would be amazing if they enabled it in SM3DW!

Then, finding that second gamepad at a reasonable(whatever that means) price.....

And if it can be a LE Zelda pad ... all the better ...
Have any of you figured out how to get that YouTube app to function on the gamepad? Some vids don't play through the web browser. 

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Perhaps the system lacks the ability/power to push content to two gamepads at once?  Especially different content like play calling for offense/defense in madden?

They said it would work, just at 30 fps (to the two game pads) instead of 60 fps. I think the problem is more the economics of it. Not many people would buy a 2nd one if it costs over $100, which I imagine it would cost, perhaps quite a bit more than that.

I think we're at a point where even if they did introduce the option to buy a second gamepad the support would quickly end up being like the circle pad pro.
I almost bought Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Wii U for $25 on Amazon (gold box deal), but then I remembered it was $20 on the eShop back before I had a Wii U.  I hope it is again some time.  I'd really like to just have it on the console rather than on disc.

Yet another "Is this a good deal?" Q.

Nintendoland bundle + Monster Hunter Tri Ultimate for $273.54.

Yes, I know I am impatient.
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Yet another "Is this a good deal?" Q.

Nintendoland bundle + Monster Hunter Tri Ultimate for $273.54.

Yes, I know I am impatient.
New, maybe; used, no.

You're not one of those people that's going to buy one, then trade it in to Gamestop 5 months later towards an Xbone or something are you? :)

really tempted to get Mario/Luigi bundle with that $25 GC at Target.  i have a 10% off coupon at Target good for anything in the store as well as some GC's so I would be out under $250 altogether.  Any thoughts?

Unbelievably, I think the YouTube app only plays videos on the TV.
That'll be changing soon. Nintendo announced in one of their recent Directs that a YouTube app update is coming in the next few weeks that will allow for video watching on the GamePad. It took them a year, but they're finally fixing it.

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really tempted to get Mario/Luigi bundle with that $25 GC at Target. i have a 10% off coupon at Target good for anything in the store as well as some GC's so I would be out under $250 altogether. Any thoughts?
I dno. You'll get hit with sales tax, and you could use the GCs on something else. Isn't there going to be a Wii U bundle on eBay for $250? A $25 GC and 10% off is nice, but it barely pays sales tax. Better than paying full price plus sales tax though, I guess.

Ah, yes. The mystery $249.99 eBay bundle.
I wonder if it's actually going to happen. I'm glad I got mine when I did (also an eBay bundle which ended up $240 due to my whining about a shipping error), because there haven't been any very compelling deals as of yet otherwise.

With the Best Buy one, if you add in tax, it's about like getting a Wiimote for $20 and Nintendo Land for $20. That's not bad, but it's not great either. Saves about $20 off list, I guess, and beats Target's $25 GC (which would just cover sales tax).

I just picked up the WiiU Mario & Luigi Bundle from Best Buy (choose that deal due to gift cards). I was originally planning on saving up gift cards and getting a Xbone after the holidays, but decided since I already had a PS4, the WiiU would be a better choice for a "family" console.

It's currently updating, so I haven't been able to dive in yet. One question I do have right off the bat is, what's the point of a Game Pad stand if you also have the cradle? The cradle serves as a stand and charge, so i'm unsure what I would use the stand for.

Is that really Reggie, or is it that fake Reggie account?  Seems like they're promoting PS4 with that.  Makes me want one just so I can put that skin on it!




It's currently updating, so I haven't been able to dive in yet. One question I do have right off the bat is, what's the point of a Game Pad stand if you also have the cradle? The cradle serves as a stand and charge, so i'm unsure what I would use the stand for.
Just if you want to stand it somewhere other than where you have the charging cradle to watch a movie or play a Wii game off screen etc.

So it's pretty useless for most, especially given that the range on the gamepad isn't great anyway. Even in my fiance's 1,200 square foot place, it really only works in the bedroom it's in, the attached bathroom and the office across the hall. It loses signal in the living room or kitchen on the other side of the house.

Seems like it has a hard time going through walls.  :(

But for me, I can sit at the kitchen table, or put it on the arm of the couch while playing Xenoblade or something when the TV is occupied.

I do wish the range was better.

bread's done