Wii U - General Discussion Thread

[quote name='renique46']LOL @ someone saying a goddamn demo is worth buying a $350 console for.[/QUOTE]

Pretty sure he was saying that the actual game is worth buying the console for, and anyone who hasn't should check out the demo.
[quote name='blindinglights']Pretty sure he was saying that the actual game is worth buying the console for, and anyone who hasn't should check out the demo.[/QUOTE]

Bingo. That's exactly what I stated. I haven't checked the eShop in the past week or so, but there wasn't any indication the Rayman Legends demo was even available unless you did a specific search for it. Hopefully Nintendo gets a dedicated demo section up and running soon.
I honestly wish I could return my WiiU for a full refund, that last day to return was the 18th at Gamestop. For the $300 I spent on it I'm really not impressed and find the tablet akward for Assaisan's Creed 3. The only good thing is using the tablet for playon media streaming and posting on the wannabe facebook...miiverse it still does not justify the cost.
I missed out on the playon deal, sadly. Considered getting the lifetime offer of $29.99 or whatever it was, but after reading horrible reviews across the interwebz, it might not be worth the hassle.
[quote name='Strell']I hope Smash Bros Ubiquitous comes with hot evergoo videochat karaoke action.[/QUOTE]

Don't give me ideas Strell. Don't give me ideas.

P.S. You own a Wii U yet or waiting for that killer app?
I am really impressed with ZombiU. Is it groundbreaking, no. It does the whole Zombie genre justice. It's really fun because the zombies are tough but at the same time, you have to be cautious because if you die, your character dies, and you have to go kill the zombie who you turned into to get your gear back. There have been some oh shit moments because of the fact that I just can't reload my game so I have to be super cautious sometimes.

Also I applaud them for the uber crazy mode where if you die, your savegame gets deleted and you start at the beginning of the whole game. No getting another survivor to continue, it's you start the game from the beginning.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']Also I applaud them for the uber crazy mode where if you die, your savegame gets deleted and you start at the beginning of the whole game. No getting another survivor to continue, it's you start the game from the beginning.[/QUOTE]

Guess you've never played a roguelike.
Well can I sell it then? I wouldn't really call it return fraud, since I'm trying to exchange a perfectly working brand new Wii U. It's not like I'm gonna be wrapping up a 3DO in the box.

Or maybe the Wii U is more like a 3DO than people are willing to accept.
[quote name='Cognitive Dissonance']Well can I sell it then? I wouldn't really call it return fraud, since I'm trying to exchange a perfectly working brand new Wii U. It's not like I'm gonna be wrapping up a 3DO in the box.

Or maybe the Wii U is more like a 3DO than people are willing to accept.[/QUOTE]

You can sell it all you want, your just not going to get the $500, $600, $700 dollars you were hoping to get. That is your own fault for getting it from a place like that has that kind of return policy. Ask for $275 and just take it as a hit or go get store credit, your choice.
I would love to get $270. Obviously I'm willing to take a loss. Obviously nobody is going to pay $400 like they did six years ago. Obviously I acted stupidly. But it's okay, in the past I've acted intelligently. Hopefully I'll die in the black.

I'm just trying to make the best of a bad situation. Is it too much to ask, that I only lose 15%? That I give my loss to a fellow CAG, rather than 4 Gamerz with their terrible and appalling customer service?

Come on everybody. Low ballers welcome. Yeah yeah, maybe I should go create a for sale thread. Sorry.
I would just keep the console and wait for games you want to come out, meanwhile you could transfer your Wii stuff from it and play some of the Wii games you never got around to playing on it. If you are going to take a loss on the console then its worth keeping and buying a few games for during its lifecycle at least IMO. Keep in mind Nintendo seems to be on the trend of taking out backwards compatibility from their consoles at some point during the cycle of the machine so if you want that feature keeping a launch model may be a good idea.
Or he was just complimenting a game for offering the feature in addition to other games that have, or complimenting it specifically on the fact that it's a FPS offering the mode.
I had preordered the pro controller around sept/oct with the coupon at Newegg. They had changed the release date to 12/31, which sucked but I was still willing to wait. Now they are OOS :(
[quote name='bossman']I had preordered the pro controller around sept/oct with the coupon at Newegg. They had changed the release date to 12/31, which sucked but I was still willing to wait. Now they are OOS :([/QUOTE]

I know this isn't the point, but do you have a game that actually uses it?
[quote name='Corvin']I know this isn't the point, but do you have a game that actually uses it?[/QUOTE]

Which is why mine is sitting collecting dust... Ah well, I'm sure I'll get something that uses it at some point.
[quote name='Corvin']I know this isn't the point, but do you have a game that actually uses it?[/QUOTE]

Agree. I quickly cancelled my pre-order after seeing the now 'out of stock' at Newegg. With no demand for it, I hope it goes down in value soon enough...if I ever do care.
[quote name='bossman']I had preordered the pro controller around sept/oct with the coupon at Newegg. They had changed the release date to 12/31, which sucked but I was still willing to wait. Now they are OOS :([/QUOTE]

I've seen some on shelves across different Wal-Mart and Target stores. I've also noticed quite a lot of Wii Us, especially the vanilla set, at various b&m stores too. :whistle2:(

I'm personally having a difficult time finding a place to buy the Hori Screen Protectors. Amazon's oos.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Which is why mine is sitting collecting dust... Ah well, I'm sure I'll get something that uses it at some point.[/QUOTE]

Mine's still sealed in the box. Had to get it with the forced WM bundle. Not sure when or if it'll ever get opened.
[quote name='Corvin']Mine's still sealed in the box. Had to get it with the forced WM bundle. Not sure when or if it'll ever get opened.[/QUOTE]

Don't get me wrong, the controller's amazing and all its just that there isn't much use for it right now particularly if you're playing mostly single player...
[quote name='evergoo']I've seen some on shelves across different Wal-Mart and Target stores. I've also noticed quite a lot of Wii Us, especially the vanilla set, at various b&m stores too. :whistle2:(

I'm personally having a difficult time finding a place to buy the Hori Screen Protectors. Amazon's oos.[/QUOTE]

I have been looking for a hori screen protector too. I just don't want to spend $18 for one on Amazon.
Well I have it a shot, I think it's pretty neat but there isn't anything about the WiiU that makes it worth the $350 price tag. I'm going to return mine later this week.

I'm thinking its more related to me playing fewer games than I used to, I was hoping this would excite me more but in the month I've owned it I've only played it 5 times.
I still use mine frequently to check out the miiverse and such for fun, don't have many games yet so not using it much for that, kinda expected to happen at launch at least, I know in a few months when Monster Hunter hits it will quickly become my most played system for a while, so mainly just waiting out for that to launch.
I think I am going to return mine. It has sat in a bag from when I purchased it at launch. If I haven't played it yet... With the backlog I have on other systems, 400 dollars (deluxe + Mario) is better in my pocket. Decisions decisions hmm...
[quote name='elessar123']Guess you've never played a roguelike.[/QUOTE]
Actually I have played a lot of rougelikes. My point was I applaud ubisoft for making a rougelike and not making some boring generic zombie game which ZombiU could of been. It's nice to see a return of roguelikes nowadays, and just harder games in general.
You need friends to enjoy this thing. If you're sitting lonely in your room right now reading this, then the Wii U is probably not going to be for you. For those of us who have friends and a social life where people come over to your place regularly, this thing is a fucking blast. It's literally the next incarnation of the Nintendo 64.
Obviously if you dont have friends over on a daily basis to play the Wii you have zero social life.


Also, I'm posting this on my tablet while dancing at the club. Not sitting on my computer alone like some nerd.
[quote name='SEH']Obviously if you dont have friends over on a daily basis to play the Wii you have zero social life.


Also, I'm posting this on my tablet while dancing at the club. Not sitting on my computer alone like some nerd.[/QUOTE]

His point is valid, playing together locally would make this more fun.

You being on CAG on a tablet while at a club has to be be a joke I'm missing or the saddest thing I've heard in a while.
[quote name='ZForce915']His point is valid, playing together locally would make this more fun.

You being on CAG on a tablet while at a club has to be be a joke I'm missing or the saddest thing I've heard in a while.[/QUOTE]

Its a joke saying he is not at home by himself.

It is definitely much funner with friends/ family to play with. Wife and I play scribblenauts :)
I'm trying to sell mine on Craigslist but it's flooded out there. I have the deluxe with a Wii remote and nunchuck, zombie u, and Mario, I'm asking 400 which i think is fair but I've only been offered 325. The only other two people i know in person who own the system are also selling it. Commercials have stopped, or at least aren't playing where they used to.

I'm sure the system will pick up a year from now, but right now it's kind of barren. With all the money nintendo has, couldn't they have had a better launch window lineup?
Well excuses don't help. I think they should have put something better together is all, break the mold so to speak. In my humble opinion, the vita launched with good stuff, I was hoping nintendo could match or top that.

The gaming world is changing, people aren't gonna sit on their thumbs and wait for stuff to come around, they want options quickly, they want to consume right now! I don't think we should make excuses for companies not giving us fresh content in a timely manner, we should ask more of who we consume from, especially when it's something like a console. They ain't just selling games, they are selling a brand, they are competing with other consoles, the PC market, mobile gaming, content coming out everywhere you look!
I guess id just rather wait and let them take their time to produce good games then just rush out with crap to make people feel like they have games.

People some how expected the Wii U to launch with Metriod, Zelda, Mario 3d, Pikmin, Donkey Kong etc. Was never going to happen.
I don't think anyone was expecting all that, and I don't think anyone wants them to just rush out shit games. That being said, I would've expected a bit more than a lone Mario game and a pack-in to be the only things truly worth grabbing on launch. It just would've been nice if they had a bit more foresight and got a handful of really great games out to knock peoples socks off, rather than just going "hey guys, new Nintendo system...uhhh...we'll have games worth playing in a few months".
Again though, most systems don't launch with a game like that. What did the 360 or Ps3 have that was like that?

And i'd say Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge, Scribblenaughts and ZombiU are up their for worth grabbing.
[quote name='Deader2818']And i'd say Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge, Scribblenaughts and ZombiU are up their for worth grabbing.[/QUOTE]

Of those, only ZombiU is really an exclusive, so still not enticing enough.

Scribblenauts is ok, but certainly not worth the price of admission on the Wii U, imo.
I love all the idiots sulking that theirs is collecting dust or still in the bag. There's nothing to play. Maybe in a year or two... lol
This system had a launch. Great games. Big boy games rated(gasp!) M.
But people like to complain. They like to be disappointed. And then they tell us all about how it doesn't do anything for me... Awwwww. Single player is great. Multiplayer is better. ACIII with the pro controller in 3D is amazing. Mario is great. Zelda mini game in NLand is the best group game I've played in a long time. Nano Assault is great(Hard!) soon I will get Trine and Zen Pinball. Nothing to be complaining about with this thing. Unless you were a flipper. And that's it isn't it? Yup.
jedi0077 needs to put the Kool-Aid down. Mario is a fantastic exclusive. Nintendoland, notsomuch. ZombieU, by all accounts, seems to be a great exclusive. And?...

All those big boy 'M' rated games you are referring to, anyone with a PS3/360 already played. Same goes for Trine and Zen Pinball, great for anyone that didn't play them 4 years ago.

If anything you're just reinforcing the fact that the WiiU launch is lacking anything exclusive.

Before you jump to the reply/flame button, I really like the WiiU, but there's nothing wrong with calling a spade for what it is. The WiiU definitely has a killer launch lineup... because it's the PS3/360 greatest hits of the past few years(albeit with a price markup on every game). Assuming you never owned either system, then yeah, definitely nothing to complain about. For everyone else, the launch lineup could have been stronger.

I think there would have been zero complaints if Pikmin and Rayman made the launch. (and no a 3-4 month launch "window" doesn't count).
I don't understand how anyone could complain about the launch lineup when it was communicated very clearly ahead of time exactly what retail and downloadable games would be available in 2012. The Pikmin and Rayman delays were announced prior to launch. Lego City Undercover is the only game I can think of where the release was left unclear.

I completely understand someone being underwhelmed by the lineup and choosing not to buy the system now, but spending the $350+ and then claiming disappointment just doesn't make much sense.

Also, Nintendoland is awesome, especially Donkey Kong Crash Course!
Only thing I am complaining about is the price of these ports. I got Darksiders 2 for Christmas, but also want Batman and AC3, but refuse to pay $40-60. That's just me, though. In another month or so, the price will go down on those games, so no worries. Also, I still need to finish Trine 2 and really just started Darksiders.

So, I'm not really complaining about anything.
Forgive me if it has been stated before in this thread, but with all of the people complaining of lackluster launch titles for the Wii U, has anyone ever provided a comparative list from another console that was exceptionally better? In my opinion it seems to be at least on par if not slightly superior.

In my own memory, from what I remember playing at or near launch (NES, Genesis and SNES too long ago for me to recall correctly):

PSone: Ridge Racer, Battle Arena Toshinden, Twisted Metal, Warhawk, Wipeout (arguably a good list, though to be fair the platform was already out for almost a year in Japan before US launch)

N64: Super Mario 64, Pilotwings 64, and a bit later Shadows of the Empire (pretty weak launch, though the aging cartridge format didn't help for third party support)

PS2: Ridge Racer V, Armored Core 2, Time Splitters (PS2 had a good launch, but these were the only ones I remember playing)

Gamecube: Luigi's Mansion, Rogue Squadron II, Wave Race: Blue Storm (quality games, just not as much quantity as PS2)

Wii: Wii Sports, Zelda TP (essentially a port), Trauma Center SO (another port / remake of sorts), Excite Truck (decent launch, comparable or worse than Wii U)

I have hardly touched PS3 / 360, so someone can shed some light on what were those console's memorable titles at launch.
bread's done