Wii U - General Discussion Thread

Sorry to hear people are having issues. I am not getting one but I hate to hear that people are not able to play their systems yet. Good luck and hopefully everything gets worked out.
OK, so right out of the box mine doesn't connect to the wireless signal that every other device in my house uses (including a couple of 3DS's)... OK, so I always had problems with the Wii in the same spot so I thought maybe the signal was just bad there. But my network was showing 2 out of 3 bars so I didn't think so.

I just found this info on the web:

Ok so far heres what works, entering in everything manually.

1. Go into connection types, Hit "Manual Configuration"

2. Input your SSID

3. Input the correct security type, this is key.

4. Put your password in properly

5. For ip address "Do not auto obtain".

6. open up cmd in your computer, type in ipconfig

7. Now input that ip address but add 10 to the last number so "" will be entered as ""

8. Enter the rest of your info inside such as subnet mask and default gateway exactly as you see it in your ipconfig.

9. Now hit next, hit configure now for your DNS. When asked about DNS hit "Dont auto obtain".

10. For the first server put in

11. For the second server put in

12. Hit Next, when asked about a proxy hit no proxy

13. Leave mtu as the default

14. it should work, if not check the ip and that it is the internet ip + 10. Good luck

and so far it is working - it is downloading the update now at least. But what has always sucked about Nintendo is the error messages. The stupid error says it "couldn't find the wireless network" (or something to that effect). Well, yeah, it actually could, but something else was wrong. Then in the detailed info it says to check the security setting. What I don't understand is can't they diagnose a little more precisely what the problem is? I mean, if the security setting is wrong or the network is out of range it would be nice to know if that is the actual problem instead of this half-assed handwaving error message that gives you all sorts of confilcting info. It was neither of those in my case since the instructions above (posted by a random user on the Nintendo support forum - not by Nintendo themselves of course) worked.

I'm not looking forward to the Wii system transfer since that means having both touchy systems up and running and on wireless at the same time.

Edit: fucking A! I spoke too soon. Just went back out to check on the progress and "An error has occured". Yeah, that's really helpful. Now it is back wanting me to reconfigure my network settings again #-o.

Now after "checking for update" for like a minute I get error 105-4011. The update never starts downloading. Really useful Nintendo.
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My family and I are having a blast with the system so far, we haven't even opened any games except Nintendo Land as everyone is having so much fun with it. My wife who has almost no interest in video games actually played some Nintendo Land with us and she loved it, so for a family I think the system is great.

I did notices that my Gamepad has a rattle under the buttons. Is there a problem with mine or do you all hear a little rattle there too when the Gamepad is shaken? Any feedback would be great.
[quote name='just joe']My family and I are having a blast with the system so far, we haven't even opened any games except Nintendo Land as everyone is having so much fun with it. My wife who has almost no interest in video games actually played some Nintendo Land with us and she loved it, so for a family I think the system is great.

I did notices that my Gamepad has a rattle under the buttons. Is there a problem with mine or do you all hear a little rattle there too when the Gamepad is shaken? Any feedback would be great.[/QUOTE]

Heard the rattle too. Not sure what it is but everything seems to work. Family likes it too. It would be hard for a family not to like this out of box so perhaps it ain't saying much. But plenty of fun on day one. The Gamepad makes it feel like a futuristic system.
The rattle is coming from the face buttons on the right-hand side. when you shake the gamepad. I have the same issue.

+ Enjoying Nintendo Land quite a bit
+ Mario is Mario
+ The Wii U upscales Wii games. It's not much, but still noticeable and good
+ The TV Remote feature is fantastic.

- Updates galore. Sheesh.
- Miiverse seems to have growing pains
- They really need to optimize/speed up this OS.
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Wow, it gets even better... I moved the system into my office so it can sit right next to the router. When I fired it back up and went into "Settings" it froze and I had to pull the plug. When I turned it back on the pad couldn't communicate with the system.

Finally got it back and now trying to do the update again - this time 5 feet from the router. OK, now it is actually showing a progress bar. I'm not confident at all that it will actually finish though.

Edit: and now "Unable to Connect to the Server" after the progress bad had made some movement.

What an utter piece of crap.
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[quote name='io']OK, so right out of the box mine doesn't connect to the wireless signal that every other device in my house uses (including a couple of 3DS's)... OK, so I always had problems with the Wii in the same spot so I thought maybe the signal was just bad there. But my network was showing 2 out of 3 bars so I didn't think so.

I just found this info on the web:

and so far it is working - it is downloading the update now at least. But what has always sucked about Nintendo is the error messages. The stupid error says it "couldn't find the wireless network" (or something to that effect). Well, yeah, it actually could, but something else was wrong. Then in the detailed info it says to check the security setting. What I don't understand is can't they diagnose a little more precisely what the problem is? I mean, if the security setting is wrong or the network is out of range it would be nice to know if that is the actual problem instead of this half-assed handwaving error message that gives you all sorts of confilcting info. It was neither of those in my case since the instructions above (posted by a random user on the Nintendo support forum - not by Nintendo themselves of course) worked.

I'm not looking forward to the Wii system transfer since that means having both touchy systems up and running and on wireless at the same time.

Edit: fucking A! I spoke too soon. Just went back out to check on the progress and "An error has occured". Yeah, that's really helpful. Now it is back wanting me to reconfigure my network settings again #-o.

Now after "checking for update" for like a minute I get error 105-4011. The update never starts downloading. Really useful Nintendo.[/QUOTE]

I don't think the issue is Nintendo's fault.

You can set any IP address within the range of your subnet. It doesn't have to be the IP your computer has + 10. Depending on your setup, that IP could be out of the subnet range. So, try +2. Make sure the subnet mask remains the same.

For DNS, try auto obtaining. You can't just enter any number you want, or "". If your ISP has a different DNS server than the one listed, then it's address wont be (Think of it this way, when you mail a package, you put the recipients address. Not some random address found online.)

The DNS belongs to Google. This could lead to problems if too many Wii U's (or other connections) are requesting Domain Name lookups from the server, AKA too many requests which could cause a timeout. (DNS = Domain Name Server. It turns "www.whatever.org" to the appopriate IP address. Without DNS, you'd have to enter a website's IP address to access it).

If you're still having issues, type cmd into start, then type "ipconfig /all". Scroll up to your ethernet or wireless adapter, and note down it's DNS. Try using this on the Wii U. (Will appear under "DNS Servers").

Just remember that all relatively new consoles have had issues on launch day. You're bound to encounter problems with the network as there's so many people using the Wii U, and they're all trying to connect and have fun. Just give it some time if the above steps and info didn't solve your problem(s).

To put it easily; It's the first day of summer. You're driving your car (information/packets) to the beach (server). But you get stuck in a traffic jam due to everyone wanting to visit the beach (too many requests from the server, so the server drops packets and/or denies information).

Does anyone know if the Wii U has a VPN setting in it's Network options? Would be nice to use it through my VPN.
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I think Lyth has a point with everyone using Google's public DNS. I've never had much luck with them over the years in various applications.

Sorry everyone is having trouble. I'm having Vietnam flashbacks to Brawl, which is immortalized in my sig.
[quote name='Strell']I think Lyth has a point with everyone using Google's public DNS. I've never had much luck with them over the years in various applications.

Sorry everyone is having trouble. I'm having Vietnam flashbacks to Brawl, which is immortalized in my sig.[/QUOTE]

Appreciated :). I've worked in IT, networking and such for a few years. Became certified, so I'm used to dealing with issues such as these :).

And I remember all the trouble with Brawl as well. Had it launch day, had to diagnose and fix a lot of issues for people online. Heh.
If you're looking for a solid DNS server, use or

Those are DNS servers that have been around forever. They are run by Level 3 communications now and have always been rock solid for me. (Been in IT since 1994.)
Alright, anyone else's WaraWara Plaza have like... nothing in it? I mean, aside from the normal built-in applications and pre-loaded Miis and messages? Like, I don't see any games floating, with people chatting about it.

Is there some option I've missed? I think I've set up Miiverse properly, and I'm definitely connected to the net, and I have some friends in the friend list...
Well I got mine up and running with my old Wii stuff and it seems to be free of freezes for the moment. Still, I've never experienced a console so prone to locking up and getting error messages. I'm chalking it up to growing pains and millions of people trying to get online at the same time. Still, not as smooth as I was hoping.

NSMBU is good but I don't like the waggle and it feels a bit floaty compared to something like SMB3. Nothing surprising though because I had pretty much the same issue with NSMB on DS.

I'll play more Nintendoland tomorrow at some point but it's adorable. I mentioned it somewhere but I'm not a huge fan of aiming by pointing the gamepad all over the place. Oh, and I wish I could invert the right stick for the Metroid game, I can't press up and expect an aircraft to go up, too many years of flight sims.
Well, the biggest problem for me is the lack of Ethernet jack. If I could connect it that way I'm sure all the problems would go away.

I have had to restart the update 5 times now and counting. AT LEAST, unlike with the Wii, it seems to have the previous progress saved (since the bar starts off where it was before). So I'm getting through it, but very, very slowly. I keep going to do other things (just watched the second half of Fellowship of the Ring Extended version with my kids) and came back down once again to see the error. So all told it is taking me 4+ hours and counting to do the initial update.

Would these DNS issues really be a problem for a continuing download of the update. It's not like I can't connect (once I did all the manual setup - again, not something required by any other device I have) - it just won't stay connected.

But, yeah, the fact that every other device (including my 3DS) connects just fine with default setting from my router indicates that this is indeed Nintendo's fault.
And the connection worked fine once I did the manual IP setting. I didn't do +10, I actually did +20 (since I have so many other devices). It connected ASAP once I did that. But why did I have to do that at all? Every other wireless device in my house auto connects and gets assigned an IP. The problem now is staying connected. Now about half way through the update download. But from what I'm reading I'll have to do other updates as well? That does not bode well. I also am afraid to do the Wii transfer thing since that depends on a connection. I could see that failing and losing my data in some way.
io: Gotcha. I believe it's a problem with too many people trying to access the servers at once. Tons of games, consoles, apps, etc have had issues like this when they first launched. I'd *try* and wait until the initial craze is over, and then try. The Wii U could have an issue with trying to keep a steady connection to your router for multiple reasons - but not limited to: Firewall (possible, but doubtful), too many connections on the Server (most likely), or an incompatibility with your router (doubtful). I know you're excited use the Wii U and try out all of it's exciting features, but so is everyone else, which is most likely causing this issue. Just take a break. Maybe try tomorrow or later on tonight. I don't even have a console, I'm getting my *fix* by watching videos online. I'd buy it, I have the money. It's just, they're not sold in China. D:

EDIT: I saw you mentioned the lack of an ethernet port. Do you have the Wii Ethernet adapter (USB)? It will work in the Wii U. If not, go buy it. :) Should be about $5 or $10.
Yeah... The Wii U really should have had an Ethernet port. I don't really get why Nintendo decided to do Wifi only with the Wii and Wii U. I've been thinking about getting a Ethernet adapter, but I'm going to wait for more online multiplayer games first.

I've been playing the heck out of Nintendo Land since it's my only game. I'm still waiting on New Super Mario Bros U and Assassin's Creed III from Newegg. I really like the Donkey Kong game and the ninja game. :)
Oh for fuck's sake....... really wish I had known that your NNID is tied to the system it is created on before making it. Nintendo could have said something to the effect during the process! Now the name I wanted is stuck on my friend's system?!?! Uuuuuuuuggggggggghhhhhhhh. Why can't NNID just function like any normal XBL/PSN account and let me login on any system???
[quote name='Nogib']Oh for fuck's sake....... really wish I had known that your NNID is tied to the system it is created on before making it. Nintendo could have said something to the effect during the process! Now the name I wanted is stuck on my friend's system?!?! Uuuuuuuuggggggggghhhhhhhh. Why can't NNID just function like any normal XBL/PSN account and let me login on any system???[/QUOTE]

You could always try calling them, although the lines are probably busy. I think they'll release another update (lol) that has the ability to transfer accounts and such. It'd make sense to do so.
Well, I'm on and have a Nintendo ID finally. Same as my XBox and PS3 ones if anyone is interested. Now I'm going to delve into the Wii system transfer, though I can't figure out where it is that I do that. The instructions have this strange text: "To begin, go to the Wii U menu, select To Wii Menu and select Transfer from Wii.".

I don't see a "To Wii Menu" anywhere...

I mean there's the Wii menu, but it wants to sync remotes and crap when I select that. What am I missing? :lol:
I LOVE this console! I've been playing Mario and Nintendoland all night. It's definitely next gen. Not current. It feels soooo fresh and new. Really feels like it advanced.

Mine didn't want to hook up to my wifi either today, so I bypassed it because I wanted to play the games. I'll try and understand the complicated process to make it hook up tomorrow....but I may be here asking for help, lol.
[quote name='io']Well, I'm on and have a Nintendo ID finally. Same as my XBox and PS3 ones if anyone is interested. Now I'm going to delve into the Wii system transfer, though I can't figure out where it is that I do that. The instructions have this strange text: "To begin, go to the Wii U menu, select To Wii Menu and select Transfer from Wii.".

I don't see a "To Wii Menu" anywhere...

I mean there's the Wii menu, but it wants to sync remotes and crap when I select that. What am I missing? :lol:[/QUOTE]

That's where you go. Go into the Wii Menu, your system turns into a Wii, which means you need to sync up a Wii remote. Once you are in, there is a Transfer app that walks you through the whole process.
^ D'oh, OK, thanks. Well, since I had to rip the system down out of the living room I don't have the bar set up or a remote in here. I guess I'll hook that shit up.

[quote name='Lyth']
EDIT: I saw you mentioned the lack of an ethernet port. Do you have the Wii Ethernet adapter (USB)? It will work in the Wii U. If not, go buy it. :) Should be about $5 or $10.[/QUOTE]

And yeah, I'm going to have to get one of these before I more the Wii U back out into the living room. I can't keep it in my office for very long (as no one else but me can use it in there).

I have a switch out there with my PS3 and 360 already hooked up, so I just need that adapter. I saw 3rd party ones at Best Buy for $20 but I'll look around for the $50-$10 ones you mention.
This is the only browser I'm comfortable using on my TV. Browsers on the big screen just didn't work for me before the gamepad. Best console or handheld browser I've ever experienced by far (haven't used IE on Xbox So I can't speak on that.)

And Netflix on here is hands down the best consoles have to offer, an honor previously bestowed upon the PS3.
Here's a question, and i'll post this in the preorder thread too. I went ahead and bypassed connecting to the internet because I didn't want to try to understand the complicated process. I wanted to get right to playing. I'll be hooking it up tomorrow and updating. But, I heard NSMBU forces another system update? Well, I already started playing that game, and have saved data.

Does anyone know if the console recognizes Mario needs a system update, will this cause my save data to be corrupted or erased? Thanks for any help.
How's the browser compare to the ones on tablets? No pinch to zoom, because of the no multi-touch capabilities, right?
[quote name='Drclaw411']Here's a question, and i'll post this in the preorder thread too. I went ahead and bypassed connecting to the internet because I didn't want to try to understand the complicated process. I wanted to get right to playing. I'll be hooking it up tomorrow and updating. But, I heard NSMBU forces another system update? Well, I already started playing that game, and have saved data.

Does anyone know if the console recognizes Mario needs a system update, will this cause my save data to be corrupted or erased? Thanks for any help.[/QUOTE]

Some games have their own individual game patches that aren't system updates. It's separate from the big, long one that'll take forever.
[quote name='Drclaw411']Here's a question, and i'll post this in the preorder thread too. I went ahead and bypassed connecting to the internet because I didn't want to try to understand the complicated process. I wanted to get right to playing. I'll be hooking it up tomorrow and updating. But, I heard NSMBU forces another system update? Well, I already started playing that game, and have saved data.

Does anyone know if the console recognizes Mario needs a system update, will this cause my save data to be corrupted or erased? Thanks for any help.[/QUOTE]

I don't know for sure (I made sure I updated that and NintendoLand once I got the Internet working on it) but I would think it would be like any 360 or PS3 update/patch and would not effect your save data.

I tried to do my Wii transfer and no dice. I was able to get the Wii Transfer channel from the Wii Shop on my Wii U (had no idea that was what it entailed - would have been nice for some site to mention that!). But I cannot get my old Wii to connect to the Internet for the life of me. I'm not sure how long it has been - I might have not done it since I got my new router 2 years ago.

I got it to connect long enough to say it needed a system update (of course). But it wouldn't even budge the progress bar on the system update before it errored out. Then every test after that failed. I tried the same thing as with the Wii U (manual IP address and DNS). That got it to work for that one time but then no more.

I guess I'm going to have to go to Fred Meyer and pay full price for a network adapter for the Wii and use it first on the old system, then use it on the new one. So the wireless is completely useless - nice going, Nintendo. I realize that some of that might be incompatibility with my particular router. But as I said earlier, I've had no problems with that router with any number of other devices (iMac, PC Netbook, Vizio Internet TV, 3 iPhones, an iPod, a DSi and 2 3DS's). Yet the Wii U and Wii are having fits over it. It definitely seems worse for the old Wiis though. At least I got the Wii U working consistently, though I did have to do the manual setup and park it practically right next to the router to do so. All the other devices work with default settings from 2-3 rooms away no problem.
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I worked all day yesterday(and I work in a grocery store and it's was the Sunday before Thanksgiving so of course it was insane all day), so only got a couple of levels in on Mario Bros before I collapsed, but it was surprising how fresh that felt. The level design right from the get go is far superior to NSMB 2: The search for more money. I have today off, but I'll be pretty busy cleaning up for Thursday so don't know how much I'll get in overall.
io: Why not try waiting a few days so that the initial rush is over? Or call and talk to Nintendo first? Might save you some cash.
[quote name='Erad30']I worked all day yesterday(and I work in a grocery store and it's was the Sunday before Thanksgiving so of course it was insane all day), so only got a couple of levels in on Mario Bros before I collapsed, but it was surprising how fresh that felt. The level design right from the get go is far superior to NSMB 2: The search for more money. I have today off, but I'll be pretty busy cleaning up for Thursday so don't know how much I'll get in overall.[/QUOTE]
That's great to hear with NSMB U. I gave up and sold NSMB 2 after like 3-4 worlds, so meh.
NSMBU's levels are much bigger than NSMB2's levels. I've gone below 100 seconds a few times. But I think thus far NSMB2 is much more difficult than NSMBU. I've played several levels where the game afterwards said 'you beat it without getting hit, wanna post about it on Miiverse?' In NSMB2 I usually got hit 2-4 times a level consistently. But I think the physics/tightness of the controls are better in NSMBU.

But the Challenges are fantastic. I've played almost all of them, and they're all really good. I hope there's more to them than I think there are.
In theory Best Buy has my pre-ordered (in-store pickup) Wii U Deluxe, but I'm worried that I might show up tonight and they'll say it's gone. Hopefully they don't sell pre-ordered consoles that weren't picked up day 1. In any case it will be an Xmas gift so I won't be playing it until then.
I probably won't get as much use out of my Wii U as most, since I'll stick to PC on the cross platform single player type stuff -- this is a family/Nintendo 1st party venture for me.

I will say that NSMBU alone was worth the price of admission, though. (Didn't have a Wii for the earlier version).

I'm romping around as Luigi, my wife is playing a competent Mario, my 8yr old step-daughter is stomping heads and doing ok, but letting me carry/throw her during tricky parts, my 4 year old daughter is having a blast placing blocks over pits and poking enemies on the touch screen, and my 2 year old daughter is giggling the whole time just watching it all.
[quote name='Lyth']You could always try calling them, although the lines are probably busy. I think they'll release another update (lol) that has the ability to transfer accounts and such. It'd make sense to do so.[/QUOTE]

I had to call the support line to set up my Wii U. It crashed on the create Mii page. All I had to do was restart the console. Anyways, I was able to talk to someone right away.

...This whole thing is really weird. On the first start-up menu I could have sworn that there was an option to use an existing Nintendo Network ID.
I am very impressed so far. My only complaint is that the OS seems slow. Perhaps that is something that can be addressed in and update.

If anybody wants to add me my id is pietermc
[quote name='KingBroly']NSMBU's levels are much bigger than NSMB2's levels. I've gone below 100 seconds a few times. But I think thus far NSMB2 is much more difficult than NSMBU. I've played several levels where the game afterwards said 'you beat it without getting hit, wanna post about it on Miiverse?' In NSMB2 I usually got hit 2-4 times a level consistently. But I think the physics/tightness of the controls are better in NSMBU.

But the Challenges are fantastic. I've played almost all of them, and they're all really good. I hope there's more to them than I think there are.[/QUOTE]
Now I am really fucking excited to play it. With the world map and all, this looks fantastic. Glad I decided to pick it up.
Out with the old.


In with the new.


I'm never gonna finish Halo 4 at this rate.

Most excitingly, I can now play Wii games on my iMac display. The HDMI adapter I purchased for my Wii previously didn't work. (It looks like poo, obviously, but my iMac is bigger than my TV and the panel itself is much nicer.)
[quote name='maximumzero']Out with the old.


In with the new.


I'm never gonna finish Halo 4 at this rate.

Most excitingly, I can now play Wii games on my iMac display. The HDMI adapter I purchased for my Wii previously didn't work. (It looks like poo, obviously, but my iMac is bigger than my TV and the panel itself is much nicer.)[/QUOTE]

Nice setup.
[quote name='maximumzero']Out with the old.


In with the new.


I'm never gonna finish Halo 4 at this rate.

Most excitingly, I can now play Wii games on my iMac display. The HDMI adapter I purchased for my Wii previously didn't work. (It looks like poo, obviously, but my iMac is bigger than my TV and the panel itself is much nicer.)[/QUOTE]

How do you output video onto the iMac?
[quote name='foltzie']How do you output video onto the iMac?[/QUOTE]

Kanex XD Around $85 on Amazon, only works with Mini DisplayPort iMacs that support Target display mode (2009 and 2010 models, listed on the "specs" page of the linked website.
So, after realizing that Wii games don't look amazingly better on the Wii U and that I can move my Miis with the 3DS, I decided against the Wii to Wii U transfer. Honestly, I don't see the benefit to effectively gutting my Wii and losing GC controller support for an only so slightly clearer picture. It's a nice option, but I'd rather just leave them as separate systems.

Oh, and seriously... best launch game? NintendoLand. The people who shit on it and traded it before even giving it a try are really missing out. Mario is great, and I'm enjoying Scribblenauts, but NintendoLand is easily *the* launch game for me. And, shit, I say that as someone who hasn't even touched multiplayer yet. If you own a Wii U and don't have NintendoLand, you've fucked up.
[quote name='pjb16']Maximumzero, why wouldn't you leave both systems hooked up on your desk?[/QUOTE]

Only one HDMI port on the adapter I have to use to connect a console to my iMac. I guess I could get a splitter but that's just more cables and clutter.

It's fine though, the 360 is going over to a 19" HDTV that's directly behind where the computer is. I didn't toss it out or trade it or sell it. (I've got too much invested in it)
[quote name='007']Honestly, I don't see the benefit to effectively gutting my Wii and losing GC controller support for an only so slightly clearer picture. It's a nice option, but I'd rather just leave them as separate systems.[/QUOTE]

I'm going to take the same approach. I think that feature is best for people who invested heavily in Virtual Console downloads on their Wii. Being able to transfer all of those over to a new, HDMI-enabled system seems like it would be more convenient. I only bought a small handful of VC titles on my Wii, and I feel quite comfortable leaving them there.

If anyone got stuck with a Basic Set instead of the Deluxe Set, go to Toys'R'Us for your game shopping. Their Buy 1, get 1 %40 off will allow you to pick up a title of your choice, and then get Nintendoland for $36. That will give you a bundle comparable to the Deluxe Set for just $336. The Deluxe Set is still the better deal, but the Toys'R'Us games sale is a good compromise.
[quote name='Drclaw411']Okay guys...how do I know what kind of security I have on my Internet? (WEP, etc)?

I have 0 idea.[/QUOTE]

You more than likely have WPA2 if you've set up your router within the last two years or so.

It should auto-sense the security though, AFAIK.
[quote name='Drclaw411']Okay guys...how do I know what kind of security I have on my Internet? (WEP, etc)?

I have 0 idea.[/QUOTE]

Easiest way to tell is to get a laptop and ask it to connect to the wireless signal. Normally it should say "WirelessNetworkName (WPA)" or something similar. Whatever is in the parenthesis would be your type of encryption. Of course, this isn't the most definitive way of knowing what security you use, but it's the quickest. Your laptop would probably show a lock icon next to any network with security (as in, a picture of a lock). If it's unlocked, it would still be a picture of a lock, but unlocked (i.e., think of opening a school/bike locker).

To get absolute information, you'd need to access your router's configuration. Most routers let you do this by going to,,, or something similar. You'd need to log in - try "admin" for the username and password, and then "admin" for the username with no password, and then "admin" for the username with "password" for the password. If none of those work, you'd need to check your router's documentation, or determine what was set up for the router by whoever set it up. Worst case scenario is that you have to reset the router, but I caution against this since it'll break connection with every device that currently connects to the router (which isn't a HUGE deal but would be annoying).

Once inside, the configuration screens will be different for every router, but you'd want to find something referencing wireless/wireless security/wireless configuration. In here, you should be able to find whatever security your router has (WEP, WPA, WPA2, etc).

WEP generally isn't used any more because it's easily crackable, so you're more than likely using WPA or WPA2. If you're using that, you'll need to get your security/network key, which you can also find by the configuration page.

/probably more information than you needed
[quote name='maximumzero']Only one HDMI port on the adapter I have to use to connect a console to my iMac. I guess I could get a splitter but that's just more cables and clutter.

It's fine though, the 360 is going over to a 19" HDTV that's directly behind where the computer is. I didn't toss it out or trade it or sell it. (I've got too much invested in it)[/QUOTE]

Or just swap the lone HDMI cable between them. Not saying it'd be ideal, and I'm not trying to sound like I am criticizing you, I was just curious, because I couldn't imagine not using all my systems on my main display if it were an option.
After initial growing pains, my console has been pretty smooth. The girlfriend has enjoyed NintendoLand with me. NSMBU arrives from Newegg on Wednesday.
bread's done