WiiU Games Available for Preorder @amazon $49.99

Now before you say...WTF WHEREZ DA DEAL!

You can preorder for $49.99 before they raise the price to $59.99( which they wiil)

Darksiders 2
Tekken WiiU
Batman AC
Dirt Wii U
Aliens Colonial Marines
Metro Last Light
[quote name='strait edge follower']It's that when new hardware is revealed we want to see it running on stage. See what it can do or can't do. Just cause a tech demo was shown doesn't mean the final product will be like the tech demo. next e3 is really important for nintendo cause its put up or shut up. I'll say this though, this past e3 basicly showed that they are done with the wii period. They didn't even demo skyward sword. After skyward swords bad showing last year it would have been cool to see if the kinks were worked out. It is comming this year after all[/QUOTE]

You mad bro? Would you rather nintendo not reveal anything to you at all and have people come up with false rumors? When the PS3 was first shown at E3 05' they didn't explain to everyone all the features that it had. Nintendo still has the Tokyo Game Show and such. Besides the WiiU will probably be released in Japan before the US so you can decide if it meets your standards before its released.
[quote name='au7oma7ic']To strait edge, I understand your worries, but you can't base everything off a press conference. You must watch the dev interviews with other media outlets and follow those media outlets coverage of games on the floor.

Time is only so sparse, and they did the right thing by focusing on the 3DS (whose sales were not what nintendo expected), and to focus on getting the hype wagon going before the holidays on the wiiu. Think about it, before xmas time, you may have poorer people wanting a game system but can only afford one system. Maybe getting the hype going before the holidays can sway potential microsoft or sony console buyers into waiting to save their money for the wii u...this is just one reason on why you gotta ge the hype wagon going.[/QUOTE]

Getting the hype train started is one thing but what hype is there for something we really don't know much about at all ? There's more scepticism then anything else. just imagine if sony, Microsoft or both reveal their next console with full specs next year ( imagine if both revealed their next console at the same e3 ! ) nintendo would probibly be cooked before the hype for the Wii u can start.
I love how when Nintendo fanboys compared the Wii to the PS3/360, it was about how much funner the gameplay and games were and how graphics didn't matter, but when comparing the Wii U to the PS3/360, all of a sudden it's all about how better the graphics are.
[quote name='chunlirocks']There are A LOT of butthurt fantrolls in here who had to stare at 480p graphics for the last 6 years.

Let them save their 10 blades on each game so they can buy bandages for their asses and their bleeding eyes/


OUCH!!! :fridge: :hot:
[quote name='XxNinjaStaRRxX']You mad bro? Would you rather nintendo not reveal anything to you at all and have people come up with false rumors? When the PS3 was first shown at E3 05' they didn't explain to everyone all the features that it had. Nintendo still has the Tokyo Game Show and such. Besides the WiiU will probably be released in Japan before the US so you can decide if it meets your standards before its released.[/QUOTE]

Tell me it wouldnt have been awsome to see it running on stage, That's what everyone wanted. And you are right about Tokyo game show but if you were going to show much more there then what was the point of showing something that clearly wasn't ready for showcase at e3 ? The way it was presented, it looked like something they came up with overnight. These things being said though ill still give them a chance to impress me ( and please nintendo as much as I love donkey Kong and zelda give us some more new and amazing characters and ips. You have the minds to do it )
[quote name='TraBuch']I love how when Nintendo fanboys compared the Wii to the PS3/360, it was about how much funner the gameplay and games were and how graphics didn't matter, but when comparing the Wii U to the PS3/360, all of a sudden it's all about how better the graphics are.[/QUOTE]

So.fucking.true :applause:
[quote name='Saix_XIII']How do you/we know the games are going to retail for $60. Wii games are $50 so I would think WiiU games would remain at the same price point. Maybe it has been confirmed that WiiU games are going to be $60 and I missed it though.[/QUOTE]

As has probably been pointed out, being as the Wii was still a last gen system (bitch all you want; it was, get over it), the games still had last gen prices. Now that Nintendo is finally joining 2005 in 2012, they WILL be charging $60 for everything that is not a budget title. Remember how 360 first-party games were supposed to be $50? Yeah, that lasted about five minutes. Even if some Wii U games are $50 when the system comes out, I assure you everything that is not filler crap (which hopefully will be less with the new system, due to the higher production cost), WILL be 60 bucks.

And no, I'm not trolling, just realistic. I'm actually planing on buying one, if it's not absurdly over-priced. After E3, I actually want this and not the Vita, which surprised the hell out of me, being as I have detested Nintendo since the SNES. Not saying there haven't been good games, there have, but that was their last decent system, IMO.
[quote name='Paladinion']Everyone is entitled to their opinion, no matter how wrong it is. This is a good deal if the games really do go above the 50 dollar mark so there's no sense in being rude about it.

My personal opinion, all consoles are garbage and just PCs for the stupid and poor. But thats just my opinion, and doesnt matter to anyone but myself...they are still fun to play when I feel like being a console peasant.

In4 1 Metro, BATMAN AC, and Darksiders 2 for the gf[/QUOTE]

[quote name='confoosious']I propose a rule that any fanboy/trolling in any nintendo deal thread should just be an instant ban. This shit has gotten ridiculous.[/QUOTE]

Oh but the OP calling people names and spitting venom isn't? Just saying.
The bottom line is you're a dumbass if you don't pre-order all of these games. It takes 2 seconds to cancel an Amazon pre-order. Why not put 'em down now, just in case? I have like 8 pages of Amazon pre-orders. I'll end up actually buying 2 or 3 from the list. It's worth it since Amazon's price fluctuates before release. Hell, I've got Skyrim pre-ordered for $54.95.
[quote name='dudejeff22']The bottom line is you're a dumbass if you don't pre-order all of these games. It takes 2 seconds to cancel an Amazon pre-order. Why not put 'em down now, just in case? I have like 8 pages of Amazon pre-orders. I'll end up actually buying 2 or 3 from the list. It's worth it since Amazon's price fluctuates before release. Hell, I've got Skyrim pre-ordered for $54.95.[/QUOTE]

What great logic:roll:
If nintendo can pull this off then all the power to them. I however, will not be buying another nintendo console. I lost faith in them long ago. I'll stick with my ps3 thank you.
in for a preorder of every game amazon has listed for every system. the logic in this thread convinced me that was the best thing to do. i can just cancel the games i have no interest in or the ones for systems i dont own or never will own. genius!
[quote name='ritchardf']in for a preorder of every game amazon has listed for every system. the logic in this thread convinced me that was the best thing to do. i can just cancel the games i have no interest in or the ones for systems i dont own or never will own. genius![/QUOTE]

So glad you have seen the light!
Wow...just wow. Never thought people would freak out so much on something that doesn't cost them anything. I feel like I just went through a comment thread on GameFAQs or IGN, so much made up information and insults. Obviously, no one knows anything about the WiiU (even Amazon doesn't know much about the prices and just seem to be guessing) except Nintendo.

Let's all take a deep breath and enjoy some decent deals.
bread's done