Will Burnout 3 be released for GCN?

EA will probably pass on the GC version of Burnout3. Weaker consumer base, no online, and the time and money it would take to develope it.
ea does put out a majority of its releases on all platforms, but in this case (and with ea coming on board late in the development cycle), burnout 3 will probably not be forthcoming.

A good resource for cube questions is planetgamecube.com
Ah, that's too bad. I think it's kinda weird how they released Burnout 1 and 2 but not Burnout 3. Thanks for helping.
[quote name='jacobv']Anyone know if Burnout 3 will ever be released for Nintendo Gamecube?[/quote]

Before Criterion got bought out by EA, a GC version of Burnout 3 was in the works. But, when EA took over the killed the GC game and just had them focus on the XBOX and PS2.
Well Suppossivly BO1 and BO2 did absolutly horrible sales numbers for NGC and that's why they passed on BO3.

But, anythings possible (look at the MK:D port). Who knows, maybe they'll release the port with Mario in his kart as a playable character :lol:
[quote name='-Never4ever-']But, anythings possible (look at the MK:D port). Who knows, maybe they'll release the port with Mario in his kart as a playable character :lol:[/quote]

Ahahah! I guess I'm going to have to settle for Burnout 2.
[quote name='dschroll'][quote name='jacobv']Anyone know if Burnout 3 will ever be released for Nintendo Gamecube?[/quote]

Before Criterion got bought out by EA, a GC version of Burnout 3 was in the works. But, when EA took over the killed the GC game and just had them focus on the XBOX and PS2.[/quote]

See I always heard it was the other way around... that criterion refused to port it over to the GC even though EA was pushing for it. Who really knows though, I always loved the first two and having only one system I'm left out regardless of who made that call.
Companies have a lot of internal debate over this. EA has often touted their efficiency in producing a base IP that is ported across plaforms so that as long as the weakest platform sells enough to be even minimally profitable it lowers the overall cost of that base IP.

For example, say the shared elements of a game cost $3 million to develop. If that game is only on PS2 and Xbox, both of those version have $1.5 million charged against them in addition to their platform specific costs before they can show a profit. If a GameCube version is also done the shared cost per platform is only $1 million. That starts each version $500,000 closer to achieving the goal of profits. The accountants are all smiles.

The downside is the media production and PR costs for that weakest platform. If it doesn't at least break even it drags down the title as a multiplatform whole. So if the weakest platform's sales performance are in doubt and the product is expected to be a major hit on the other platforms, it may be time to give #3 a miss. Making this decision can be a lot easier if the project in question is a franchise sequel, as is the case here.

It says something I think, that my copy of Burnout is on GameCube. Not because of a platform preference but because that version turned up cheap while the others were still holding a higher price. Not a good sign.
[quote name='The Successful Dropout']no, but EA will buy Nintendo, because EA is evil :-({|=[/quote]
:lol: I don't think EA has enough money to buy Nintendo.
^^ go Nintendo

I thought about this too and I wonder why BO3 wasn't on GC, but then it came to be no big surprise to me it would go on it anyways. =T It's like I'm already use to GC being leftout I stop wondering why >_

Gamecube versions of Burnout 1 and 2 outsold Xbox versions.

Source: PlanetGamecube, in one of those mailbag things. Don't remember which one, though.
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