Will Nintendo and Square Ever get on the ball?


Sure, they may have kissed and made up, and are releasing a new Final Fantasy game on the Gamecube, but will they ever realize that the majority of people who actually remember square games pre-playstation are waiting for GBA remakes. This sounds like a win-win situation for square as A: Easy porting job (most likely, its not that complicated) and B: The games are already made. I think FF3 (6) cost something close to 30 Million to make and produce, and sqaure still owns the rights. But the only thing they have done with them is re-released them as part of the playstation collections. Now, if they charge $30 for something like the FFV or Chrono Trigger, these would easily become some of the most sought after GBA games, not to mention FF6 which would probably make a kajillion dollars for Square alone.

Im just mad no one at Big N or Square notices this. Hell, they re-released FF1 on the WonderSwan Color in Japan. But does America get any FF portable games besides Tactics Advance? noooo.[/b]
First comment: it doesn't necessarily apply to you, but isn't it ironic that the people who whine about the GBA being home to a bunch of SNES ports are also the same people who bitch about Square not rereleasing the Final Fantasy games on GBA?

That said, the flaw in your argument is, in fact, the reason why you said it would be easy for the games to be ported...

[quote name='Ben_F']This sounds like a win-win situation for square as A: Easy porting job (most likely, its not that complicated) and B: The games are already made.[/b][/quote]

If the games ever were released, there's not a chance in hell Square would do straight ports. Why? Three reasons:

1.) Like most games of the era, the translations in the SNES Square games isn't quite right. Odds are that Square would rewrite a good hunk of the dialogue so that it both sounds better and is truer to the original Japanese plot.

2.) If Square DOESN'T go through and enhance the game somehow (spiffier graphics, better sound, what have you), then they'll be slammed by both the media and fanboys for not making the game even better than it once was. This process would take a fair amount of time. (Even if they did enhance the game, they'd be blamed for making the game worse by changing it. It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.)

In any case...porting games to the GBA isn't as easy as everyone says. The GBA's contrast and screen ratio are different than a TV is, so colors and graphics have to be tweaked or redone to work on the GBA. And since the GBA doesn't have a sound chip, the developers must find a way to squeeze the music out of the system while still maintaining everything else. This can be done (see Mario and Luigi), but it's not always easy.

Besides...what's the point of rereleasing the games again? As you said, they're on the PS now, and still readily available (yay for Greatest Hits!).

It's not like Square isn't developing GBA games. Kingdom Hearts, FFTA, SoM...be thankful that there are ANY Square GB games.

If the games ever do come out on a handheld (not bloody likely), then it'll be a few years down the line on a GBA successor. Definitely not anytime soon.
[quote name='Ben_F']but will they ever realize that the majority of people who actually remember square games pre-playstation are waiting for GBA remakes. [/b][/quote]

Where did you get this "majority" figure from?

I couldn't care less if square released an old FF game for the GBA. It would probably be nice, but I don't care either way.
[quote name='Gothic_Walrus']First comment: it doesn't necessarily apply to you, but isn't it ironic that the people who whine about the GBA being home to a bunch of SNES ports are also the same people who bitch about Square not rereleasing the Final Fantasy games on GBA?


I bought my GBA for NES and SNES remakes. That was the main selling point for me.

And yes, I do realize there is some work involved with porting and fitting in on their with different hardware to work with, but c'mon, We all know it could work, we have seen what the GBA is capable of, the DooM port was better on GBA than SNES.

And i concede you are probably more right than me, not the majority of people want these games, but i think they would still sell a bazillion even if they werent spiffed up as long as they were faithful to the originals.

Overall, im just not happy GBA doesent have alot of the good SNES games ported so far.

Now, back to SMA4:SMB3.

Also, i know everone loves how i mispelled square.
Am I the only one who misses the original Super Mario RPG on the SNES? That was the game that got me interested in RPG's, and shame on Nintendo and Square for not bringing Mallow, Geno, and more cool characters that appeared only in that game back in another game. Sure, Nintendo has released Paper Mario and M&L Superstar Saga, but they just aren't the same.
No you're not alone...that is a game that I would like to see a true sequel made by Square Enix. Personally I would not mind seeing some old ports of RPGs on the GBA...I would love to see games such as Chrono Trigger, FFVI, Mario RPG and play them on the go.
When I first heard that Square was teaming up with Nintendo again this was the first thing I imagined. I would love portable versions of FF1-6, Secret of Mana, and Chrono Trigger. Growing up these were some of my favorite games. I never played Mario RPG, but I always wanted to. I would think with all the compilations and nostalgic games getting published there have got to be people in Nintendo and Square-Enix land that are thinking the same thing.
I'm surprised they are not making the ports when, indeed, they would make a ton of money off of it. However, am I the only one that could care less if they do? I've just played through the originals enough that I can't justify forking over 30 bucks a pop for them again. They are great games and I can see why other people would pick them up though. I'm not going to buy them, even if they do. Make some new 2D RPGs. That's where they will get my money.
[quote name='NintendoFanGirl']All I can say is, SECRET OF MANA!! Can you imagine an updated version of that game.[/quote]

You're speaking my language, that's probably my favorite game of all time!!!
[quote name='Ben_F']B: The games are already made. I think FF3 (6) cost something close to 30 Million to make and produce, and sqaure still owns the rights.[/b][/quote]

30 million. I think you are a tad bit off on that number...
I think it would be worth it, I consider at least ff4/6 to be better than the first bof games, and although they were not blockbusters on the gba, they did pretty well.
There is no way any game back then cost even close to 30 million to produce, I would say with utmost certainty it was less than 1 million. Multi-million dollar budgets first started showing up during the life of the Playstation. Even today I don't think there has been a game that cost 30 million to produce, that kind of money is just too risky except for a sure fire hit based on a popular series. A game would have to sell 2 million + copies to even break even, and each year there are typically only 2 or 3 games that sell over 1 million copies.

I would imagine also to port the game it would take more work than you are thinking. Resurrecting some old code written in assembly for whatever processor was driving the SNES, making sense out of it (I'm sure no one remembers exactly how that code works 10+ years later), and then porting it either to another assembly language that would run on the GBA's processor or into C (there are GBA compilers for C) would be a painful and long task depending on the size of the code base.
[quote name='technic']
I would imagine also to port the game it would take more work than you are thinking. Resurrecting some old code written in assembly for whatever processor was driving the SNES, making sense out of it (I'm sure no one remembers exactly how that code works 10+ years later), and then porting it either to another assembly language that would run on the GBA's processor or into C (there are GBA compilers for C) would be a painful and long task depending on the size of the code base.[/quote]

Even at that,they have a storyline dialoge{sp} and kno excattly how the game should go.That alone is better then starting with a clean slate even if they have to recode it.
[quote name='Gothic_Walrus']And since the GBA doesn't have a sound chip, the developers must find a way to squeeze the music out of the system while still maintaining everything else. This can be done (see Mario and Luigi), but it's not always easy.[/quote]

Excuse my ignorance about hardware, but what does this mean? I mean, every GBA game has sound. Was the sound in snes games programmed differently or something?

Anyhow, I don't really understand why anyone would want a port of the games that are already available for the psx. The psx remakes have additional cutscenes and stuff that weren't in the originals and can't be ported to the GBA. (I know the cutscenes in the FF ports weren't much, but everything they added to Chrono Trigger was great.)
Okay, im sorry, i think i remember correctly now, FFVI had a PRODUCTION BUDGET of 23 Million dollars. For real, when you work at least 2 years with tons of people on teams specialized for music, graphics, code, animators, I personally think it would not be hard at all for a game to cost that much to produce.

BTW look it up, Square alloted (I dont know if it was all used) immediately 30 million for their next RPG, FFVII. And i think it went to good use. :D
[quote name='"NintendoFanGirl"']All I can say is, SECRET OF MANA!! Can you imagine an updated version of that game.[/quote]
Definately one of THE BEST games of all time! :D I would love to see Secret of Mana as a port.
If I recall correctly the terms of the Nintendo/Squeenix deal that created Designers Studio was for NEW games not ports. This means that even if Squeenix felt the production budget was worth it Nintendo would probably say no just because they;d rather have an original game than a port of someting people can get for a full sized system for half the price of a GBA version.

And while the GBA may not have the same sond chip of the SNES it's of comparible quality presuming developers take the time to use it.
PORTS were your selling point? Geez.. Just download the old games that you want... If you were around during the time you would have already PLAYED the games... The MAJORITY does NOT want remakes... We want new games.. Not rehash after rehash! I want NEW games.. not to live in the past... If i wanted old game and didn't want roms, I would find them on the SNES...
30 million to make ff6???? i cost just over 2 million to make FF7!!!

i think you've been hittin' that bowl a little to often. or maybe its what you been putting in it.
[quote name='Simon Adebesi']30 million to make ff6???? i cost just over 2 million to make FF7!!!

i think you've been hittin' that bowl a little to often. or maybe its what you been putting in it.[/quote]


The development budget for Final Fantasy VII was reported to be a whopping US$45 million.

http://www-cs-students.stanford.edu/~geksiong/papers/sts145/Squaresoft and FF7.htm

i hate hate haaaaaaaate people making things up and others believeing it, do some research before you say something so stupid, this took me ~1 min to find
bread's done