Will you be getting KOTOR?

I am waiting for the reviews. I'm sure the game will be solid though. I'm probably not gonna go out of my way to spend $50 on it either.

IF I can get it for 30 dollars or so, and if the reviews are glowing. I've been wary of "GUARANTEED to be GOOD!" games for a whille.

Hopefully a number of people will rush out and get it, decide they don't like it, and sell it back, providing me with numerous cheap copies to choose from.
I am bit skeptical on wheter it is good or not, I will also wait for the reviews. I also have that blockbuster pass so I can easily rent it to check it out.
not anymore

I was going to get it,until my physical therapist was running late last week, and then I got stuck in the waiting room reading magazines.

There was a magazine called "PC gamer" or something very similar, and one of its columnists got some juicy in person quotes from the Lucas Arts team on how they were deliberately curtailing storyline development . After the disaster that was tomb Raider angel of darkness, I'll take any warning very seriously when it comes to a design team screwing up.

I'll just rent this one
the reviews are in!
IGNXBOX gave it a 9.5/10
Game Informer gave it 9.5/10 and 9.5/10 (two GI reviews)
Yeap. If Gamespot gives it a 8.9 or better then Its a must buy for me. Although with my luck Jeff will review it and give it a 8.1. LOL!
[quote name='AzN_BaLLeR']30$ and then maybe... I never did like star wars..[/quote]

You kind of have to be a fan of Star Wars to really enjoy the game. If you want a kickass RPG for XBOX and aren't a big SW fan, wait for Fable.
[quote name='kal123']the reviews are in!
IGNXBOX gave it a 9.5/10
Game Informer gave it 9.5/10 and 9.5/10 (two GI reviews)[/quote]

I just read the IGN review...it sounds awesome.
I'm not an RPG fan, hell I hate them but I give games like KOTOR a chance, so far so good with the reviews.
Heh. Have you guys been to gamerankings? Check out the scores. Counting XBox exclusives.
#1 Halo 95.2%
#2 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 94.8%
#3 Panzer Dragoon Orta 90.3%
#4 Jet Set Radio Future 87.1%
#5 MechAssault 87.2%
#6 Project Gotham Racing 86.9%
#7 Dead or Alive 3 85.6%
#8 Steel Battalion 85.6%
#9 Outlaw Volleyball 85.4%
#10 Unreal Championship 84.7%

Although I guess I should have thrown in Morrowind considering that's a console exclusive although It's on the PC, cause Halo is going PC to. Morrowind has a 86.7%. I've been told Knights of the Old Republic is supposed to go PC to.

Anyways, if KOR keeps scoring high it will be considered the second best game on the system, behind Halo.
I don't think Im gonna get it...from what I've heard the combat system is totally turn-based and that kind of takes the fun out of weilding a light sabre for me.
bread's done