Will you get pokemon FIRERED/LEAFGREEN?

Eh, I doubt it. I just tried pokemon gold and while it was fun, it looked like it would take up wayyyy too much time to capture and evolve all of those little fuckers. My stack of games to play is large enough already, I don't need that game slowing me down too. Although if you have the time to spare, pokemon games are a lot of fun (at least the one I played was fun).

Edit: It appears to come with the wireless GBA adapter. For the price thats not really a bad deal. I Just don't have the time to spend on those pokemon games though. Oh well.
yea, we are CAG's we should never say "buy for retail" ever again :D. ima get it if i see it really cheap, and if it comes with something extra :D
You know, not buying this one for retail is like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Thanks to the inclusion of the wireless adapter with the game, I'll be more than happy to pay FULL retail for both Fire Red and Leaf Green.

Look at the Saphire and Ruby.. they've barely dropped in price... add in the extra hardware you basically get for free, and Leaf and Fire are already better deals.
Yeah, A turn based RPG style game with multiple character classes with advancement in just about every base character class, elemental affilations and a myriad of different attacks. Who in the world would want to play that?

I'm sick of the people that can't see Pokemon for what it is due to the thick sugar coating on it.
Gold was my favorite out of all of the versions. I never really liked Red and Saphire.
Fire Red = Red, Leaf Green = Blue. That said, I already own a Pokemon Blue and Ruby. I skipped the Gold/Silver/Crystal, and I have given up on Ruby (although I did play it for a rather long time when I first got it). I doubt the wireless adapter will be used much, if at all, so that doesn't make it any more worth it for me.
[quote name='Sheik Rattle Enroll']If I get hit by a mental retardation beam! Joke :( But seriously, I think the series has been milked plenty.[/quote]

Yet I bet this guy runs out to buy Madden 2005 the day it comes out.
huh? pokemon green guacamole salsa? i dono.

but y would you buy madden 2005 when you can trade in 5 games and get it for free at EBgames. tahts roughly $27 if u use all CC buys.
[quote name='JSweeney'][quote name='Sheik Rattle Enroll']If I get hit by a mental retardation beam! Joke :( But seriously, I think the series has been milked plenty.[/quote]

Yet I bet this guy runs out to buy Madden 2005 the day it comes out.[/quote]Is buying ESPN NFL Football 2K5 for $15 with GGC the day it comes out bad? :wink:
i dont care if the series was milked, im not gonna runout and buy both of em, if its a good game ima get it, and some people wont buy it because of its kiddie image thats bs.
[quote name='JSweeney']Look at the Sapphire and Ruby.. they've barely dropped in price... add in the extra hardware you basically get for free, and Leaf and Fire are already better deals.[/quote]

Better games too.

I didnt like Sapphire when I got it.
I'll probably end up getting Leaf Green one of these days...when it's cheaper.

Ruby version can keep me entertained until then.
If it didn't have that wireless adapter, I would probably pass. By since it comes with a new gadget, I'll probably get it.
ive only recently got a pokemon game (ruby about a month ago) and i will definitely be getting leaf green, but i probably wont get it until a few months after release. and like r/s i will only get one version.
I was hooked on Blue when it came out, played it to death and haven't paid much attention to the series. Pokemon was too much of a bad habit for me back in highschool. Initially I bought a Gameboy for commuting back and forth to school on the train but then I started playing in class and not doing my homework because I just had to catch em all! Everquest has nothing on Pokemon!

My girlfriend picked up Ruby a few months back and after she beat it I started up a game. The games just didn't catch me like they did when they first came out. Pokemon is looking mighty tired and I doubt I'll ever play it obsessively like I used to
My brother and I will probably pick up either version. I'll probably get green and he red, since i loved blue. The wireless adapter is a great add on and since I play the game boy multiplayer with a lot of my friends, it's great for getting rid of cables. But to tell you guys the truth, if it didn't have the adapter, then i would have passed since the series is not adapting or changing much.
I'm definitely gonna try and get one of these. I agree with JSweeney. Any gamer that doesn't pick up Pokemon because of it's "kiddy" nature is not a true gamer. I didn't include casual gamers or non-gamers since they'd just nod their head and say, "Whatever." Sure, all the games build on the same concept, but they add a fairly good amount of extra content each year that makes it worthwhile to get again. To the person who says it's getting repetitve: Yeah, so is Gran Turismo, Tony Hawk, and Final Fantasy if you say Pokemon is. My 2 cents, bitches.
i really wouldnt buy it because i played it for a little while and it plays just lik the red and blue. u start off the same way and u get the first pokemon the same way and u have to walk up by the big grass in the beginning for professor oak to come just like the first. the only difference is that its in color and better graphics.
definatly firered.. just need the money and money for sp or just use my brother's

i remember the days with pokemon red.. *daydreams* those many addictin hours... =]
[quote name='JSweeney']Yeah, A turn based RPG style game with multiple character classes with advancement in just about every base character class, elemental affilations and a myriad of different attacks. Who in the world would want to play that?

I'm sick of the people that can't see Pokemon for what it is due to the thick sugar coating on it.[/quote]

Amen! :) The Pokemon games are RPGs at heart and darn good ones at that.
Yup already pre ordered leaf green. I know kiddy gameI know but I picked up sapphire today and I've already put in hours to it. Sapphire grabbed me like blue did way back when and I know leaf green will as well. Anyways I'm a gamer and if its fun I'll play it. *shrugs*

No, I have Pokemon Yellow (bought it for $9.91 w/ guide at Sam's Club a few years ago) which is similar enough to Red and Blue and I don't want to spend, $20+ for an almost identical game.
I like Blue/Red the best out of all the Pokemon games, but there are so many games coming out at the time.

I'll probably end up giving in and getting it a week after it's release.
leaf green!!!!

it is a whole new color even though i know it is basically the same thing...... plus it will match my lime green sp
even though pokemon is lame like the card games (i used to go to the tornements and beat all the little kids and get lotts of prizes,) the game is soooo fun and imo the new ones are kind of lame and the new pokemon just arnt as creative as the originals this might be pretty cool. the olny thing is if i do get this when ever ash goes into battles im always gonna think about this retarded little kid who tohught he was ash. I mean this kid turned his hat back and everything. He even had like massive amounts of ash pokemon in his decks.
yes yes i want fire red!
I didn't get the chance to play ony of the original ones (only played crystal and sapphire) so I want to play this!
I dunno about the wireless adapter thing.. (you could supposedly IM other players near you?) cuz I wouldn't wanna be talking to some lil kids! :lol:
bread's done