Win a $25 Gamestop Gift Card


CAG Veteran
Hey CAG users!

With a friend of mine we're the owners of a small, tightly knit community of gamers called Society Gaming. Recently we have decided we want to expand and meet some new people. We chose to do a contest where you log into the site, play Pacman, and the person with the highest score wins a $25 Gamestop gift card.

Here is the post my co owner made.

In celebration of the Society Gaming podcast coming soon, I will be holding a contest for the game Pacman.

I have installed an arcade modification onto the website, where you can play arcade games and earn scores. The player who has the highest score for Pacman by the day the podcast is taped, will win a $25 Gamestop gift card and have his/her user name announced on the podcast for bragging rights... but in all seriousness, yes I said a $25 Gamestop gift card for playing Pacman.

To enter, simply go to the link

Play Pacman, get a high score, and that's it. Winner will be posted, and will need to PM me his/her address for shipping.

If there are any questions or comments feel free to post below.

There will be a lot more contests and we will always be posting them on CAG and our site. Please register, post, and enjoy the contest. Good luck!
[quote name='wealthyassgamer']awesome contest, finally my hours wasted on pac-man was not in vain.[/quote]

Haha, thank you! Took us a while to come up with the idea. Brings some new faces to the site and is a great way to use our new arcade feature.
Sweet contest, dude! BTW: What's your username on the site so I can set you as the referrer?
Glad to see so many good reactions to the contest. Please stick around on the site because the winner won't be announced for another week... not to mention we'll have tons more contests for free swag, gift cards, games, blah blah blah
[quote name='wealthyassgamer']when does this contest end just so I know I don't miss trying one more time?[/quote]

Contest ends the day we record our first podcast. We're aiming for Sunday. If the podcast isn't recorded by then we'll just announce a winner.
[quote name='deadbodyman11']I set the new high score for Duck Hunt. Do I get anything for that?:D[/quote]

NOT ANYMORE! Seriously, I've been dismantling the other arcade games, but can't get a good play in pac-man. It's driving me crazy!
Havent played Pac-Man for ages but managed to get 3rd on the highscore table on my first try, Think it was more luck than anything as I cant ever rember doing that well in the past.
[quote name='jonfelkin']Havent played Pac-Man for ages but managed to get 3rd on the highscore table on my first try, Think it was more luck than anything as I cant ever rember doing that well in the past.[/quote]

That's still a heck of a lot better than most people. My score is just sad :(
bread's done