mmmmmmmmmmm, shiny.
spidey193 CAGiversary! Feedback 24 (100%) Nov 20, 2012 #1,002 Who wouldn't love a new 360? Here's hoping...
demonchylde CAGiversary! Nov 20, 2012 #1,004 I think that thing looks awesome, my wife will no doubt disagree.
Discofrog CAGiversary! Nov 20, 2012 #1,013 Thanks for the shot(s) at the limited edition Halo 4 console.
M melancholyvagrant CAGiversary! Feedback 2 (100%) Nov 20, 2012 #1,017 With luck, I might finally get a 360.
ThisiznotEvan CAGiversary! Nov 20, 2012 #1,018 sweet, I hope I get this prize from CAG, love you guys!!!
Bawb CAGiversary! Nov 20, 2012 #1,020 I too am still on the old pro unit, I'm very lucky to have only experienced one RROD so far. ::Fingers crossed::
I too am still on the old pro unit, I'm very lucky to have only experienced one RROD so far. ::Fingers crossed::
RandyNDee CAGiversary! Feedback 192 (100%) Nov 20, 2012 #1,022 We could realllllllllly use this!!!!!! *Fingers crossed*
Darvan CAGiversary! Nov 20, 2012 #1,027 Sweet, glad the link is fixed ! Thanks for CheapyD Now I hope I can win.
K kiluhs CAGiversary! Nov 20, 2012 #1,028 Nice contest. If I won, maybe I could gift my old 360 to someone.
S Sandmankev CAGiversary! Nov 20, 2012 #1,030 Oh, that would make my Thanksgiving and Holidays even cheerier!
L Loopah CAGiversary! Nov 20, 2012 #1,032 Thanks for the opportunity! Crossing my fingers! (of course, not both at the same time... that would be counter-productive).
Thanks for the opportunity! Crossing my fingers! (of course, not both at the same time... that would be counter-productive).
S stevex196x CAGiversary! Nov 20, 2012 #1,033 Why not? Good luck to everyone and thanks for the opportunity!
Bluesilo CAGiversary! Feedback 1 (100%) Nov 20, 2012 #1,035 Would love to win this limited edition Xbox
Chemicalgamer01 CAGiversary! Feedback 26 (100%) Nov 20, 2012 #1,038 i've never had a 360 before,i want to win this so badly
foreverjoe20 CAGiversary! Feedback 236 (100%) Nov 20, 2012 #1,040 Absolute gorgeous 360. It would be an honor to win such a prize.
J jspeak32 CAGiversary! Nov 20, 2012 #1,045 CheapyD is my favoritest tall bald white guy in Japan ever!!!!
PyrosMagus CAGiversary! Nov 20, 2012 #1,046 I really am surprised at how attractive the console is. Normally they are pretty lame.
C Chrasilis CAGiversary! Feedback 3 (100%) Nov 20, 2012 #1,048 Thanks Cheapy! You're always keeping CAG lively! Never a dull moment!
Dizzmantler CAGiversary! Nov 20, 2012 #1,049 I hope I can win this! I'm always so unlucky & never win!