Windows 8

[quote name='Megazell']They must be new to PC tech.

They are advocating to get a new OS, crossover your existing software, test those software to make sure they work...then work on getting rid of a feature using a 3rd party program hoping that it does not get patched out....

New PC Users are so cute :)[/QUOTE]

You do realize that all Classic Shell is doing is by passing Metro UI and going to the desktop on bootup, right? I doubt that MS is going to suddenly patch away the traditional desktop any time soon on Windows 8 otherwise they would really get a big backlash for doing that. And mind you I'm suggesting Classic Shell for people who happen to say buy a new PC that has Windows 8 installed but wants the traditional desktop. Or those who want the improvements that Windows 8 offers in some areas. So relax and keep the "new PC users are so cute" snarky comment to yourself.

For the record my main OS is Windows 7 Ultimate x64. Windows 8 Pro x64 is for right now on a secondary partition but honestly I'm still not really that wowed over it. Yeah it does boot faster than Windows 7 but I still feel Windows 7 for my needs is better at this point. Maybe when service pack 1 comes then Windows 8 might be better but at this point looks like Windows 7 will be my main OS.
One thing I did notice is that is is like 4 times faster when uninstalling a program from w8.

Also I am annoyed by something and I can't figure out why it is doing this. On windows 7 in my folders with videos or pictures I was able to see a thumbnail preview. This doesn't have that on my windows 8. I just get big ugly blue boxes for all pictures and red for videos. The videos and pics open ok. I find it very annoying. I tried the different views in the folder to no success.
Really sucks for pictures.
This is in desktop mode. All are stored on external hard drives so going to my videos on the metro just show me stuff I've purchased through zune. Not sure if other stuff is supposed to show in there.

EDIT: Nevermind fixed it thanks to google
Next, click on the View tab and uncheck the box that says Always show icons, never thumbnails.
Don't know why anyone would want it set to those ugly boxes.
Just a heads up that you can get Windows 8 for $14.99 upgrade. I might buy it and just keep it until that update to it later after it is on SP1 or everything is Windows 8 compatible.
I hope they don't take forever coming with new apps. Dropbox and Paypal are two that are supposed to be coming soon. Also hope my credit card company and bank get an app. I have them on ios and android. Think wp7 got 1 or 2.
[quote name='headpiece747']Just a heads up that you can get Windows 8 for $14.99 upgrade. I might buy it and just keep it until that update to it later after it is on SP1 or everything is Windows 8 compatible.[/QUOTE]

What isn't Windows 8 compatible now?
Yes; Windows8 is faster than windows7. Specially for gaming performance. I am using windows8 now for that performance. If anyone wants to play game on PC then they should use that operating system.
[quote name='huwenks']Yes; Windows8 is faster than windows7. Specially for gaming performance. I am using windows8 now for that performance. If anyone wants to play game on PC then they should use that operating system.[/QUOTE]

Post up some pics with benchmarks or stats. So far from all of the major mags everyone is reporting no difference. With the exception of hiccups on 8 for games that work on 7 or XP with no problem.
I personally won't be picking up any time soon. :\ I understand you can get rid of metro, but I still find it funny that all the commercials for win8 you see computers with touch screens. No one I know has a touch screen, and I know people with some high end, 3d monitors. (Though I personally wouldn't want a touch screen, just because it'll get dirty so fast, not worth the money and the time I'll spend cleaning every 10 minutes)

I've heard a lot of mixed things about it.. people tend to either love it or hate it, and I don't really want to deal with disabling metro, and making sure every driver I have works with it. (last I heard, my mouse driver is not windows 8 compatible.)
razer's tron mouse. I was recently talking to their mediocre support trying to figure why my mouse isn't being detected by their program. The first thing they ask is if I'm running windows 8, saying their drivers don't work with windows 8 at the time.
I find it kinda strange that Razer even needed to make new drivers! My mouse is covered with ridiculous DPI buttons and such but Windows just treats it like a generic mouse. That stuff is handled by the mouses internal logic as far as I can tell. I looked and indeed, Razer seem not to be certain when that's happening. Their Windows 8 compatibility page doesn't even list it as coming soon! Considering the Windows 8 previews have been out forever, they really dropped the ball there. I've always thought their products were overpriced fluff. Looked like they've proved it here. Too bad about your mouse, though. Honestly, you can't pin that one on MS! Even Creative had a Windows 8 driver ready months ago and they're notorious for bad support.
i should ask this on a tech forum but when i upgrade, but can i upgrade do i only hjave to do it once then free to clean install after that?
[quote name='darkling23']I find it kinda strange that Razer even needed to make new drivers! My mouse is covered with ridiculous DPI buttons and such but Windows just treats it like a generic mouse. That stuff is handled by the mouses internal logic as far as I can tell. I looked and indeed, Razer seem not to be certain when that's happening. Their Windows 8 compatibility page doesn't even list it as coming soon! Considering the Windows 8 previews have been out forever, they really dropped the ball there. I've always thought their products were overpriced fluff. Looked like they've proved it here. Too bad about your mouse, though. Honestly, you can't pin that one on MS! Even Creative had a Windows 8 driver ready months ago and they're notorious for bad support.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, their pricing is ridiculous.. I'd get a new one, but I really like my current one, works really well for the way I hold/move it. It worked fine on my laptop, I figured something is up with my pc's ports but I don't know. It recently got worse: if I use the buttons to lower dpi in games, it makes my game laggy and messes up the mouse's dpi completely and the buttons become unresponsive until I unplug and plug back in.. (this is mainly happens in bf3, I've just decided to stop lower dpi on my mouse and use in game whenever I switch between tank/heli).

I don't think they really care. About the drivers, or customer support. :( They have no excuse, I'm sure they've used windows 8, and it isn't like it popped out of no where with no announcement. I contact them about stuff, it takes them a while to reply. They finally tell me they'll RMA my mouse, and ask for the information for it. I supply them with the requested information, and more than a month later they never replied to the email with the info they asked for. I don't think I'll ever buy another product of theirs.
I was thinking it was ok but there are things that are annoying me more and more about it. I stopped bothering with metro apps since several made me watch ads or had annoying ads that I couldn't block yet in them.
Question if I watch a video from the desktop mode is there a way to stop it from going to xbox video in the metro when you stop it? Guess I'll switch to vlc which I liked the default until that happened.
And I'm back on 7 after a nasty round of blue screens. (drivers not hardware)

Looks like I'll be waiting on some driver maturity before going back to 8. Hopefully by then the micro-stutters will be sorted as well.
I installed 8 on my work laptop and so I far I like it more than I expected except for one pretty big thing...
I really don't like how some applications run in start screen view and some are desktop. It really takes away from what they want to do on the Start screen if half of the apps switch you over to the desktop view. Office 2013 is a good example.
[quote name='Draekon']However, yes, there's no reason to upgrade to 8 at all for pretty much any normal user. I still stand by the stance of not really feeling the need to recommend it to anybody over Windows 7. The next version will likely be significantly more user friendly on desktops/laptops.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for this direct appraisal, it's good to read from someone who has a lot of professional experience with 8. Reviews are suggesting as much, but they can be wishy-washy at times.
And...back on 8 (again) and have been.

The nVidia drivers are a total crapshoot I've found but, to be fair, I do use the beta drivers. So far: The 310.64 drivers are the most solid and always always always do a clean install.

I just updated to the 310.70 beta and the very first thing that they did was nearly blue screen and then, thankfully, crash as they are supposed to in 8. (it was that point where my audio went wonky and you can just feel a blue screen coming but then they properly crashed and all was well) Ripped them off manually, restarted, clean install of 310.70, restart, and so far all is well.

I'd still say that it's mostly Microsoft's fault but man do driver makers need to get their shit together as well as AV makers in regards to Windows 8.
My new laptop comes with pre-installed Windows 8 and so far I didn't encounter any issue.

I boot up faster (about 8 seconds), shut down and even opening any programs is a lot more faster than my previous OS (Windows 7).
Rolling back to 7 after some issues: Synaptics touchpad driver constantly fails (only way to get gestures on non-touch screen lappy) and now having issues with statically assigning IP address.
bread's done