Fear No Darkness

8 (100%)
Hey fellow Cags! When I first saw Cheap Ass Gamer, I was like OMG this is FOR ME. I am the definition of a cheap ass gamer. I love this community. Since I've been here (just over a month) and I've gotten a heads up on numerous deals, posted a list, got 100 free live points, and worked out a great deal for a sealed Marvel U.A. Gold Edition. I love it so much that I'm running a contest to win a FREE 12+1 Month XBL Gold Card!

Here's the deal! I'm an AVID Tolkien fan. I love LOTR and anything Tolkien wrote and the movies by Peter Jackson. I'm going to post 12 questions (Ranging in no order, from Easy to very Hard) concerning Tolkien's world of Middle-Earth. It could be from any book Tolkien wrote (The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, The Silmarillion etc) to Peter Jackson's movies or anything related.


CROWBB! :applause: CONGRATULATIONS TO CROWBB, please give him a round of caws! (groan I know lol) No one else entered after I posted the deadline so it was quite hard choosing a winner because they were all excellent, but alas no one got them all 100% correct. I'd say crowbb's entry was about 97% correct. Which is ok! I made it a challenge and you all did outstanding! Thank you for playing, I wish I had prizes for everyone because you all did so well. I'll try to have the answers posted after work tonight. I was just going to post the answers and be done, but I'd like to do a some commentary on them and some peoples answers.

NEW UPDATE: :wave:
THANK YOU to everyone for your participation! I'm glad everyone seems to like it and is having fun with it! You all have done an unbelievable job so far and I applaud all of you! :applause: I've now received over 15 entries and I'm thrilled. I expected less than 5 haha.

I've decided on a deadline. It is February 21st, 2009 by 11:59 PM EST. That's tomorrow evening so please have all entries in by then! 21 is my favorite number so I thought that was perfect. Good Luck.

RULE UPDATE: I guess I forgot to address one issue that seems to be coming up alot. Can you resend answers or correct them in another PM? Well, I guess to be fair to everyone I'd have to say no. The reason is: Mike sends me a PM of his answers gets one wrong. Dave sends me his answers gets them all right. Mike sends me ANOTHER PM and corrects his one wrong answer so now all of his answers are correct...who wins? Well in all fairness, I'd say Dave won. He submitted his with all of his answers correct the first time. I think that's pretty fair. Let me know what you think, but I'd say ONE ENTRY PER PERSON so make it your final answer and give it your best shot.

To win you must be the FIRST to Private Message me the 12 questions answered CORRECTLY, FULLY AND IN ORDER. Also, you must at least be a CAG in Training (Registered 30-269 days).
Sorry Lurkers :shame: and sorry to legit CAG Newbies.
I will E-mail the code to the winner. I reserve the right to choose (fairly & honestly) the winner based on the correct answers and I will post the Winner and his/her answers.

The Official Questions. :whistle2:k

1. Who was "The Necromancer" of Dol Guldur?

2. What three famous swords were found by Gandalf the Grey, Thorin Oakenshield & company in a Troll-hoard?

  • What were there three names & what did they mean?
  • What happened when orcs came near them?
  • What eventually became of each of them?
3. What were the 3 greatest works of craft ever made in Middle-Earth?

  • Who made them?
  • What became of them?
4. In one of the biggest changes from the book in Peter Jackson's Movie version of The Two Towers who came to aid the Rohirrim at Helm's Deep, where did they come from & who was their captain?

5. Five Wizards were sent to Middle-Earth to contest the power of The Enemy.

  • Who sent them?
  • What was the name of their Order?
  • What was the race of these wizards?
  • Name each wizard, their color of office & what did they all carry?
  • All failed in their mission except one, who was it?
HINT: Ok, 3 of the wizards are well known, the other 2 are near impossible for someone not steeped in Tolkien lore to know. The other two were known as "The (Color) Wizards" and I'll take that as an answer for their name and color of office.

6. When the Fellowship left Lothlórien, Galadriel gave each member a gift and article of clothing, what were they?

7. Who is the most beautiful maiden ever to walk Middle-Earth? (Full Name)

  • Who did she love?
  • What were each of their races?
8. There was one person in Middle-Earth who is an enigma.

  • Who is this?
  • What happened when he put on The One Ring. (Major hint as to who he is!)
9. On what date did The Fellowship of the Ring leave Rivendell to begin the Quest of Mount Doom?

10. In probably one of the single greatest feats of courage (some say madness) an Elf High-King challenged the greatest Dark Lord of Middle-Earth, Morgoth, to single combat. Who was he and did he win or lose?

11. Who is chief of the Mearas?

12. Gandalf said, "I think, Elrond, that in this matter it would be well to trust rather to their friendship than to great wisdom. Even if you chose for us an elf-lord, such as (name), he could not storm the Dark Tower, nor open the road to the Fire by the power that is in him."

  • Who was Gandalf referring to?
13. Do Balrogs have wings? JUST KIDDING! :rofl:

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Bah! I tried to gather all the information, but gave up after the three great crafts. Good luck to whoever does try to get this all together.
damn this is some str8 up super geek i even tried to google some of the answers and google search came back and said DAMN! I DONT KNOW.
Sorry guys, I know some of these are pretty hard, I didn't want to make it too easy. I had to make a choice and I'd rather it be a challenge.
DJAD: Hey just a few more days and you will be! Maybe no one will get it by then!
ndesent: OMG. :rofl: Yes, I am a Tolkien super geek lol. I mean seriously, my gamertag is LOTRforever21.
haha, Ill wait man.
My father and best friend love LOTR to death...
and DnD, I mentioned I didnt know LOTR's sword thing and they all stared at me in sheer disgust. Only to give a long lecture after it that I cant recall.
*facepalm* to all you guys who are CAG vet's, you can participate. It says you must be AT LEAST a CAG in training, vet is the step after that. :lol:
first i used now after a couple of hours i thought i tried came back and said $$$$A! PLEASE.....i dont know this
So yeah, I hope I win. I submitted around 2pm pacific. Learned alot about Middle-Earth that I didn't already know :)

I am still kinda confused about the question about helm's deep though.
Man you are a hardcore Tolkien fan. I could barely answer a quarter of these. I read like 2 books out of the series, (Including the Hobbit) and I barely watched one of them lol. For the most part the movies were too long for me.
[quote name='playing mantis']So yeah, I hope I win. I submitted around 2pm pacific. Learned alot about Middle-Earth that I didn't already know :)

I am still kinda confused about the question about helm's deep though.[/quote]

Which part?
DJAD- hahahah, your friends gave you a verbal lashing on your Tolkien knowledge?! I gotta meet these guys! I wish I could still play DnD with my friends, but between work & my son I don't have time. :(
Fuzion: Thanks man, I got New Wave for Christmas and it is freakin amazing.
Vet Cags: :facepalm with a smile:You most certainly can play as pointed out by the muffin man haha. You need to be AT LEAST a CAG in Training to deter Lurkers. SIGN UP ALREADY! It's worth it! :)
I'd like to personally answer everyone, but it's getting late and I got alot of PMS to check to see if someone won!!!
Oh man, some of you are so fucking close then you get one answer wrong:wall:and I'm like Noooooo! SO CLOSE! #-o
Arg, I wish I could give something to everyone for doing such a great job so far!:applause:
Are you able to tell us which we got wrong so we can re-submit? Or are we only limited to one submit each?

Either way, I'm just curious to know what I got wrong.
DJAD- hahahah, your friends gave you a verbal lashing on your Tolkien knowledge?! I gotta meet these guys! I wish I could still play DnD with my friends, but between work & my son I don't have time. :(

Ill ask the guy which sword it was again, I dont even remember the name of it...
Ah, Its name is Anduril. The shopkeeper guy, everyone that was with me except for my girlfriend, just stared at me in disdain. It was weird to see them all change facial expressions like I commited some unthinkable sin.
[quote name='DarkZion']Are you able to tell us which we got wrong so we can re-submit? Or are we only limited to one submit each?

Either way, I'm just curious to know what I got wrong.[/quote]

I updated the rules please give them a read, DarkZion you were one of the closest. You answered every question completely, but you got one full question wrong.
About the resubmission rule. I submitted my answers, but realized that there was one part I forgot. I tacked that last little tidbit onto a second message. Was that ok?
So far, no one has gotten all the answers 100% correct yet. I've got to go to work. I'm thinking about setting a deadline and the person with the closest to 100% will win. What does everyone think about that?
Jmac825, I updated the rules and you still got a couple wrong my friend, excellent job though.
[quote name='Fear No Darkness']So far, no one has gotten all the answers 100% correct yet. I've got to go to work. I'm thinking about setting a deadline and the person with the closest to 100% will win. What does everyone think about that?
Jmac825, I updated the rules and you still got a couple wrong my friend, excellent job though.[/quote]

Mmm, I see. Ah well, it was an interesting exercise anyway. ;)
[quote name='"Jmac825"']Mmm, I see. Ah well, it was an interesting exercise anyway. ;) [/quote]Agreed, Im probably the furthest from 100% though.:lol:
bread's done