[Winners Announced] CONTEST: Coded Arms (PSP) Prize Pack

I'd like to sign up for this contest. To be honest, I'm skeptical of the gameplay, but the NYCPSP group seems to be loving it for multiplayer, so I would really like to win.
Well I heard the controls were questionable, but for free I'd be more than willing to try out Coded Arms :) .
Yes! *signs up*

I've been looking forward for Coded Arms but I haven't played it yet. From what I've heard it's pretty good. Don't have a lot of money at the moment. By the way, is it true the controls are a bit confusing/hard to get used to? Oh well, I'll get used to it.

Hopefully I'll win this contest.

Wish me luck!
Coded Arms is fun, the only problems are with sony dropping the ball on not having dual analog on the PSP.. I want that game, and game informer rocks, except when it comes to reviewing nintendo stuff.. so biased..
I got my GBA just to have a portable FPS (Doom) and if the reviews were a little better it would be reason enough for me to go out a drop the coin on a PSP right now. So if I got the prize package it would be that last little bit of motivation.
i'd like to win this coded arms package as this would be the first psp game i would actually own. mmm. coded arms. looks neat.
From the horrid reviews I have read, this was going to be a game I wouldn't pick up til it got in the $5 range.

However, winning it would be perfectly acceptable as well.
Wow, another contest. I keep putting off renting Coded Arms for my PSP, but I may have too. I've read mixed reviews about it....but I'm easily amused. Dead To Rights amused me on the PSP, so this should too :)
bread's done