Winners Announced! The Top 150 Games That I Own and Have Never Played

[quote name='Tyvan']I can't believe more people aren't screaming ADVANCE WARS 2 at you!!
ADVANCE WARS 2 is the best game on that list by miles.

No other game out there has the replay value it has. There is so much to unlock in the game and the play balance can't be beat by any other game either.

Just play it now. Damn waiting on a date to get here. Open the damn gamenow and play it ship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Except that I think he should keep it sealed and sell or trade it, and then get Advance Wars: Dual Strike for the DS :D. I put over 100 hours into that and still have 100 medals to achieve. I finally had to put it aside so I could play other stuff that was piling up.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I still laugh at the people who recommend KOTOR. I bought it on a whim on Friday night to use up some credit I had left at EB.

I may well take it back, so I can buy something I'll at least play. The whole mix of action and turn based kind of turned me off.

I'd rather aim and fire my own laser pistol or use my own 'vibrasword' or whatever weapon it is they gave you.


I played KOTOR on the PC and loved it. I think I may have found my total and complete opposite (or my bizarro world twin perhaps) on CAG - and he is IAmTheCheapestGamer. I was going to comment on this earlier - every one of the games you suggested for Shipwreck you couldn't pay me to play :D. I don't mean that as an insult - obviously they are all highly-rated games and I'm sure are excellent to those who enjoy them. I just thought it was kind of funny how there would be NO overlap between our tastes whatsoever. :rofl:
[quote name='io']Except that I think he should keep it sealed and sell or trade it, and then get Advance Wars: Dual Strike for the DS :D. I put over 100 hours into that and still have 100 medals to achieve. I finally had to put it aside so I could play other stuff that was piling up.[/quote]

I do agree there. The ONLY game better than AW2 is AW:DS!
17 Deus Ex (PS2)
A good FPS with some RPG elements.

27 Fable (Xbox)
Kind of like Oblivion-lite.

56 Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past (SNES)
My favorite Zelda game to date.

80 Onimusha 3 (PS2)
Because part 2 was so awful.

116 Silent Hill (PSX)
The original and still the best one.
[quote name='shipwreck']Today's prize: Irritating Stick (PS1) (Disc only)

Should be good for a few laughs for whoever wins. :)[/QUOTE]

What is that? An educational game on the dangers of unprotected sex? :D
Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past (SNES)
- Nothing beats some good old 2D Zelda

Super Mario RPG (SNES)
- One of the greatest RPGs, very fun and not really a dull moment

Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night (PSX)
- Best Castlevania game I've played

Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (GCN)
- Very fun game, very intuitive as well.

Legend Of Zelda: Minish Cap (SNES)
- Top it off with some more 2D Zelda awesomeness
[quote name='shipwreck']
"The Top 150 Games I Should Play Before I Buy Another Game"

39 Final Fantasy X (PS2)
62 Lunar (PSX)
63 Lunar 2 (PSX)
76 Nights (Saturn)
88 Phantasy Star IV (GEN)
113 Shining Force II (GEN)
145 Xenogears (PSX)
146 Xenosaga (PS2)
147 Xenosaga II (PS2)

Don't even bother, please, don't even bother looking at the rest of the list. I realize I picked nothing but RPG's except for two games..but please..I know it's more than 5..but I need to give reasons? This list is no particular order..

Final Fantasy X: quite simply, it's one of the few games that demanded the purchase of a Playstation 2. More than anything though, it's the first time the Final Fantasy series was ever able to achieve what it wanted to so many years. The gameplay is deeper and more thought out than any other Final Fantasy, the story is absolutely epic, and the presentation is still hard to beat even after somany years. If you enjoy Japanese RPG's as a whole, there's no reason you shouldn't play this gam. Plus, some of the most memorable charactersin Square's history are in this game..

Lunar: I'm lumping them both together, because I can't separate them at all. Perhaps it's strange that I hold the polar opposite of something like Final Fantasy X so high, but this is the RPG pure and uninhibited. Straight forward battling, dungeon crawling, happy inviting characters, set in a limitless magical world, with a simple but very well written story of good and evil. But seriously, in its time this was as good as RPG's got. So many concepts that defined RPG's in this generation show up here for the first time: on screen enemies, long cinematics, voice acting, opening and ending vocal themes, huge gigantic bosses, etc. It's an old one but a good one, and surprisingly, feels less dated than some PSX/PS2 RPG's.

Phantasy Star IV: I don't think there is a 16 bit RPG more epic [Lunar doesn't count because it was on Sega CD and 1 out of every 1000 people got to play it] but I know that back in the day, if you played this first, there was no way you could enjoy FFVI. Beautiful still story sequences done through anime frames, multiple worlds to explore, HUGE dungeons, TOUGH bosses, hundreds of spells and skills, COMBINATION ATTACKS, different vehicles, FPS style fights INSIDE the vehicles, wonderful music, a huge storyline. There's not one thing about this game that was done wrong, the best Phantasy Star.

Shining Force II: there's tons of people on this board begging you to play Disgaea. And I have to say, please, don't. This is the original. This is what defined strategy RPG's. This is what began to change them into more complex games. And for lots of people this is still the bar that today's games are measured up to. There's two ways to play this game, one is to simply enjoy all the great battles [and some of them are quite great, the battle against the Kraken, the battle at the Nazca lines, the battle crossing to Granseal] and focus on the gameplay, but another is to actually enjoy the sweet simplicity of everything else surrounding the game. The music, the art, is some of the best I've seen in an RPG. I still think the battle sequences look good every single time. The story is beyond simple but it has its charms and give it the right chance and you will enjoy it. However, what makes the game shine, is the gameplay. Multiple promotions, hundreds of items weapons, more than a dozen character classes, huge battle maps, well thought out terrain diffeeces and stat modifiers, plus a pretty long game time, make for an incredible game. Please, don't play Disgaea, play this. Disagea is a game that wishes it was this game, added a hundred million stats and pointless characters in a shameless attempt to make up for it, and got recognition only because of how starved America's been for strategy RPG's as a whole.

Xeno[-----]: once again, I'm lumping them all together, only because in my eyes there's no way to play Episode I of Xenosaga or Xenogears without playing the other, I don't see why anyone would put time into one and not the other. As for Episode II, I'm only including it because of the story, episode II is nothing at all compared to Episode I or Xenogears. In fact, play them in this order: Xenogears, Xenosaga Episode I, then Episode II. On to the games though: the story in the Xeno Saga is in my opinion [and that of many] the most epic, most well written, most thought out story in video gaming, anime, sci fi, fiction in general. I realize the story is not for everyone. I realize some people hate story in games. And I realize some people just don't like anything even remotely anime inspired. There is no reason why you shouldn't PLAY this game. I said it: play. People accuse Xeno series as a whole of lacking gameplay, but I don't know WHY people believe that. Sure, it's not a platforming game, and it's not a 45 hour dungeon crawl, but what game play there is is down right incredible. The stat management and skill trees of episode I, the great mech play and fun on foot battles of Xenogears, the dozens of little secrets and sidequests in both, the huge boss fights, magnified by the story and visual/aural presentation, quite possibly the best game of all time. See, here's the thing, Grandia II, even Grandia III, not so much Grandia I, the gameplay is incredible, but besides wanting to play it more, you have no other reason for wanting to play it: the stories are weak and the characters are dull. However, with the Xeno series, it's both. You want to play the actual game more, but you want the story more, it meshes into this one of a kind experience that I haven't found anywhere else. The cut scenes in Gears and Saga are both long, but they're epic, and grandiose, and meaningful. Saga also has the distinction of being one of the few games with a strong female lead not wearing short short shorts and DDD breasts. Gears is like Eva, Star Wars, and The Bible combined, only better. I can't say enough about these, you owe it to yourself to give them a chance, and I hope that chance turns out to be one of the better gaming experiences you've had

And lastly, just because I don't even feel right putting NiGHTS in the same list as the above, NiGHTS.



That list, all 150, don't even begin to touch the beauty and wonder that is NiGHTS. Naka's sheer moment of genius has no equal, no succesor, and definitely no superior. i don't even feel right, coherent, trying to put NiGHTS in the same category as any other game.

It's a complete and utter crime that so few people have played this game. It's a travesty that people will remember Tomb Raider and Mario 64 and most people never even heard of NiGHTS.

Why you have this game and never touched it, who knows.

If video games are not art, then NiGHTS must not be a video game.

If video games are art, then NiGHTS must not be art.

Please, for the love of God, play NiGHTS right now.
oh sk8erlink7, I just put in at least a couple of hours of bionic commando tonight. I only have the original xbox, but hopefully you'll except a friend request from one BravestBurrito. Anyways, onto the task at hand.

Picking 5 is hard, but I'm going to stick with games I've played a ton of myself to make sure my votes are spent well.

In no particular order

Metroid Prime
Donkey Konga: Jungle Beat
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
Resident Evil 4
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem

I really do own systems that aren't nintendo, but these 5 games are simply awesome.
my suggestions would be (in alphabetical order):

castlevania: symphony of the night

final fantasy x

grand theft auto: san andreas

star wars: knights of the old republic (or the sequel)


i tried to vary my choices with different genres and games that would last you a long time. i chose a few action titles and three rpg's. castlevania: symphony of the night is the best of the castlevania series, and one of the best action games ever created. there is a reason why it used to go for so much on ebay :D. the gameplay is unparalleled for a side-scrolling action game.

final fantasy x was a great achievement for an early ps2 title. the graphics really push the ps2 to the limit and the story is intricate and emotional. there are a ton of things to do in this game and it will probably take a good portion of your time hehe.

i chose grand theft auto: san andreas b/c it's the best "sandbox" style game out there. if you can only choose five titles, you can already deduct games like mercenaries b/c san andreas easily eclipses the rest of the games in the genre. it provides many hours of gameplay and tries to vary the missions so that you won't get bored with the same thing over and over again. this game will also occupy a good portion of your time.

star wars: knights of the old republic (or the sequel) is not a typical rpg. you can play this game a few times and experience two totally different endings. the replay value of this game extremely high b/c you have many character types to choose from. the high production values, "choose your own adventure" gameplay/story and the high replay value makes this one of the best rpg's for the xbox era.

last but not least, i chose suikoden b/c it was one of the first rpg's i ever played, and i still consider it one of my favorites. this is also not a typical rpg. you can build your own army and recruit up to 108 people to bolster your forces! finding all the characters and utilizing all their talents is the best part of the game. you can spend hours just visiting all the different areas in your castle and experimenting with all characters in the game. if you can get your hands on the sequel for cheap, i would definitely buy it and use the save from your first games to continue the storyline.

good luck in choosing your 5 games! :D
Metroid Fusion
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy I & II
Tactics Ogre

But then, you'll probably die before you finish that list...ah well.
Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past (SNES)
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (GCN)
Tales Of Symphonia (GCN)
Golden Sun (GBA)
Metroid Prime (GCN)

Can't go wrong with any of these!
1 Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night (PSX) - start it off right with a shorter but definitely sweet game.

2 Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence (PS2) - Assuming you've played the other 2, or even if not, this game will amaze you.

3 Final Fantasy Tactics (PSX) - A long, challenging RPG with a great storyline and strategy.

4. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Xbox) - Another really fun game that will keep you busy for a while since there's so much to do in it.

5. Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past (SNES) - finish it off with a great classic, which is short but one of the greatest of all time. This will get you started on the next batch of 5.
go play eternal darkness now, you wont be disappointed.
My wife actually WANTED me to play this with ehr in the room its so good

and let them go nuts a few times.....its fun :whistle2:D

26 Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (GCN)
1 Advance Wars 2 (GBA)
19 Devil May Cry (PS2)
72 Metroid Prime (GCN)
100 Resident Evil 4 (GCN)
This is a unplayed list that rivals my own! Lots of great games for anyone's owned list, let alone unplayed.

My Votes:

1. Castlevania: SOTN - What's to say that hasn't already
2. Phantasy Star II - The best of the PS series and overall No. 1 on this list. Why haven't you played this yet?
3. Gladius - A great Tactical RPG and story. Once a team member dies, thier dead forever. You will get attached!
4. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - If only the prequel movies were as good. Stay away from KOTOR 2!
5. Morrowind - Only Oblivion can rival it's depth. Play this last though, you'll easily consume July playing it!
I didn't see God of War on there, so the other 2005 game of the year contender is obviously Resident Evil 4. This game simply must be played, hopefully sooner rather than later. I've played this through it more than a dozen times now and simply can't get enough of it.
Phoenix Wright- just to tell me what's like. I can't find the damn game anywhere around here!

Final Fantasy VIII/X- two of my favorites in the FF series. Pick whichever one looks best to you.

NiGHTS- this game remains the 1 major reason I'd ever buy a Saturn.

Shadow of the Colossus- Too damn pretty to ingore. Plus, Agro rocks. I want that horse! (and if you don't own Ico, find and play it with this one. It's more fun that way, and Ico only takes like, 5-ish hours to beat- if that.)

Klonoa 2- One of my favorite games EVER. Go play. NOW.
Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night (PSX)
- Mmmm. Music is the best part.
Metroid Prme (GCN)
- T'was the best day I ever spent playing a game like this.
Golden Sun (GBA)
- Great RPG and not too long. And it's portable.
Shining Force II (GEN)
- Ancient tactical fun.
Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic (Xbox)
- Longest out of what I listed. Something good if you just want to throw in a couple hours a day for a long time.
In no particular order...

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night -
Not to bad-mouth all the other Castlevania titles, but to me, this entry in the series is the standard. Not only is the game MASSIVE, but there is so much to find and to do and the whole system just works perfectly in terms of leveling, equipping items, and just every aspect. This game will make you constantly wonder "Why doesn't Konami stop with the 3D Castlevanias and just give us an even bigger version of this 2D masterpiece?"

Final Fantasy X - While FF8 and FF9 are acceptable entries into the series, FFX is the only one that's even in the same league as FFX. The sphere-system is the best leveling device since Materia, the story is interesting (although it can be confusing to the point of parody), and it's the last new Final Fantasy game I've played (FFXI and FFX-2 never seemed worth it).

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - Sensing a pattern here? While I've gradually come to accept Ocarina as the best entry in the Zelda series, I always remember that Ocarina is basically the 3D adaptation of this game. There are two worlds: light and dark. Actions in one world will affect the other. You must collect a red, blue, and green medallion/pendant/thingy in order to get the Master Sword. You must defeat seven dungeons to get to the final boss (I know Ocarina only has six) Still, despite the structural similarities in the story, both games are amazing and Link to the Past is still loads of fun after 14 years.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - Any Star Wars fan owes it to him or herself to play this game. You can go dark side or light side, you have loads of options in customizing your character, but the biggest appeal is in building your own lightsaber and using force wave to toss your enemies around. Oh, and the story is about a billion times better than the prequel trilogy. I'd put it on par with the original trilogy. Fun game + awesome story = the game that finally pushed me to buy an X-Box.

Super Mario RPG - This is the game that got me interested in RPGs. I rented it from blockbuster four times before I finally figured that I should just buy the damn thing (which I then lost; something that depresses me to this day). The game is funny, full of great mini-games, and the gameplay is one of those few RPG titles that manages to understand that it's better to have timed-hits so that the player just doesn't tape down the attack button and walk away to go and catch the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy while they level up.

This was fun. I look forward to seeing which titles win.
Sorry Shipwreck but you have so many good games your missing out on I just can't list 5. No Particular Order.

37 Final Fantasy Tactics (PSX) - Awesome Game. The Strategy Combat is very fun. All the classes you can unlock and become(Ninja, Dragoon, etc.) Played this game through 3 times and played it different all 3 times. My Rating: 9.5/10

39 Final Fantasy X (PS2) - One of my Favorite FF games right next to FF7. Great Story. Memorable Characters. I liked the Level up system and the Aeons Summons. Anima or Bahamut anyone? Played this game 4 times through. My Rating: 9.5/10

61 Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker (GCN) - Can't say any more then IT'S ZELDA! Very Very good game. The Cel - Shading threw me off a little at first but this game was one of the best Zelda Games I played. The story line was great and the game had a lot of laugh to go with it. My Rating: 9.5/10

100 Resident Evil 4 (GCN) - The Best game of 2005! Finally Capcom got away from the standard aiming and put in the Free Aim. Over the Shoulder 3rd person view is very cool and works with the aiming system well. The Story is different then regular RE games and it really action packed. My Rating: 9.5/10

104 Secret Of Evermore (SNES) - Awesome SNES adventure RPG. I loved this game since it got away from the Turned based battle system. Awesome story about a kid who goes into a telporter and gets sucked back in time at first. My Rating: 8.5/10

105 Secret Of Mana (SNES) - Same as above the free fighting mode. This game was better then Evermore since you can have up to 3 friends played along with you! My Rating: 9.5/10

109 Shadow Of The Colossus (PS2) - Great Game. Tring to take down the Colossus was very fun. Figuring out there weak points is challanging and fun at the same time. I loved the climbing in this game. You basically could climb anything that had a slight edge to it. My Rating: 8.5/10

113 Shining Force II (GEN) - The Best Strategy RPG ever made! Its uses Chess like combat ala FF Tactics. Thes best part of the game is the Story. Also you can use up to 12 characters in every fight. There are about 25-28 character you can get with secret hidden characters. Also once you get a single charcter to level 20 then you can do whats called a "Promotion" and make them turn into there upgraded class. My Rating: 10/10
12 Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night (PSX)
I haven't played it myself, but everyone else says it's great, and they can't all be wrong, right?

33 Final Fantasy Chronicles (PSX)
If you haven't played Chronotrigger yet, do yourself a favor and play it NOW! One of my all time favorites.

56 Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past (SNES)
If you like action/adventure games with some puzzles thrown in, then definitely play this one. It's a classic that shouldn't be passed up.

89 Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (DS)
I started playing this game thinking it wasn't going to be all that. Boy, was I wrong. I didn't play a single other game until I had finished this one. It's just that good.

100 Resident Evil 4 (GCN)
I haven't yet finished this one, but I played it for a long stretch. I'm not really into survival horror games, but this is almost like playing an interactive movie and is very hard to put down.
[quote name='MaxBiaggi3']I didn't see God of War on there, so the other 2005 game of the year contender is obviously Resident Evil 4. This game simply must be played, hopefully sooner rather than later. I've played this through it more than a dozen times now and simply can't get enough of it.[/QUOTE]

I actually do play some games, God of War happened to be one of them. :)

June 5th Prize: Kingdom Hearts: Chain Of Memories Strategy Guide
In no particular order:

25 Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind (Xbox)
27 Fable (Xbox)
48 Jade Empire (Xbox)
125 Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic (Xbox)
126 Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic II (Xbox)

Okay, so I tend to play Xbox more than my other systems. ;)
I decided to go with 10, since I really couldn't leave some of them out. The first 5 will be the ones that count, while the last 5 will just be the extras. I'll number them from 1-10, with 1 being my highest recommendation.

1. Final Fantasy IX (PSX)
My favorite console game ever, hands down. It was one of my first RPGs, and what spawned my love for them. Amazing graphics for it's time, amazing story, and loveable characters.
2. Final Fantasy X (PS2)
Almost as good as FFIX. It's my second favorite console game, and second favorite RPG. Just like FFIX, it has amazing graphics, story, characters, gameplay, atmosphere, ect. The story is very, very deep and interesting.
3. Super Mario Sunshine (GCN)
This game seems to be a hit or miss for everybody. I loved it, even moreso than Super Mario 64. The world's are amazing, just like in every other Mario game. The gameplay is fun, and it's a suprisingly lenghty game.
4. Golden Sun (GBA)
Golden Sun is, in my opinion, the best handheld game ever. There's just something about it that's extremely endearing and fun. The story wasn't the most interesting or original, but it's still good. Another lengthy game, plus you got The Lost Age to play next.
5. Mario Kart: Double Dash (GCN)
One of the ultimate multiplayer games. It seems no matter what sort of games somebody likes, they always like mario kart. Me and my friends have a blast playing this together, and it's probably our most played game.

6. Dark Cloud 2 (PS2)
One of my favorite PS2 games. There's so many things to do in this game, it's amazing. I'm not a huge fan of the gameplay, as it does get repetative, but it's not bad. It's biggest problem is the length. The dungeons seemingly go on forever, which can get very boring. But, if it can keep your interest, it's a very fun game.
7. Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal (PS2)
Addictive. I decided to try this game on sort of a blind buy, and I'm so glad I did. The story is interesting and funny. The gameplay is a blast. It's one of those games you pick up to play for a quick session, and end up playing for two hours. Lengthwise, it's long enough that you feel that you accomplished something, but not too long that it becomes boring or repetative.
8. Super Mario RPG (SNES)
A true classic. One of my first RPGs, and still one of the best. It's been awhile since I last played it, so I'm having a hard time remember everything about it. I do remember how fun and interesting it was, though.
9. Golden Sun: The Lost Age (GBA)
Same as Golden Sun. If you enjoyed the first, you will enjoy this one.
10. Castlevania: Dawn Of Sorrow (DS)
Probably my favorite DS game, and that's saying something. I never played a Castlevania game before this one, but I love it. It's a very fast-paced game, with good gameplay, and interest puzzles.
3 Armed & Dangerous (Xbox)
27 Fable (Xbox)
44 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Xbox)
48 Jade Empire (Xbox)
98 Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal (PS2)

As a self proclaimed video game historian, I therefore know nothing. Still I have played or heard of many games.
Here is my list for your enjoyment
Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence (PS2)
Now I’m heavily biased towards this game. It’s my favorite personal game of all time. The story of tragedy, betrayal, maternity and loyalty it weaves is simply beautiful. No game can touch it’s magnificent storyline.
Now if you don’t care about the storyline just press the button to continue, you cold hearted person. I kid. Anyway the game play is fun as hell and if you want a real challenge I say go online and start getting lost in mindless battle. It feels great to have a guy’s neck snapped. Well unless it happens to you as it does to me.
Resident Evil 4 (GCN)
This game used to be my favorite game till MGS3, it not only revitalized the RE franchise but it’s fun as hell to play. My friend hates the suspense of the Ganado circling you and surprising you. In terms of storyline this game lacks compared to other RE in my opinion but if you feel like shooting at crazy villagers and other insane monstrosities this game is for you.
Final Fantasy Tactics (PSX)
Now, I’ve never actually played this game. Just recently bought it and will be playing it very soon. I’ve heard it’s actually the best FF game out there next to FFVI, I can’t verify that. I’ve placed it as third in this list for the fact that I’ve heard that it was an absolute masterpiece. I trust my friends on the subject so go ahead and give it a try.
Killer 7 (GCN)
I love this game. I HATE THIS GAME! Why is this game on the list? Because Harman’s blood flows from the center of the dead man’s heart.
OKAY, let me just say this, THIS GAME IS WEIRD. You’ll love it and hate it. It’ll creep you out. It’s gameplay is insulting to you as a gamer, yet you still want to keep going. It’s like Salvador Dali made love to an orange. It wont be a classic or it might just be. I’m not sure. You must play this game because it will leave you saying….WTF?
I’ll leave to help you decide.
“Hello, my name is Harmon, and I’m looking for an identity, seven to be exact, with some blood and death. You don’t know who I am, and I don’t know who I am, so come play my psyche. Plot = character, and my gimped-out-Igor Iwazaru says we’re in a tight spot! Heaven smiles down on me, and I guess I better save the French Maid and go cut my wrists. Somebody’s laughing again. It’s time to kill.”
Super Mario RPG (SNES)
I started playing this game then it got erased. I’m going to download it when the Wii comes out. It was fun and quirky. The above games are either serious or disturbing so this game kind of contrasts the selection for further variety. Square should revisit this particular franchise.
Whatever you play, have fun. I’m in the same position but with far less games. I hate the fact that I have so many games to beat BUT WHOA! Do you have a lot to beat. Just have fun.
35 Final Fantasy IX (PSX)
61 Legend Of Zelda: Wind Waker (GCN)
74 Metroid: Fusion (GBA)
48 Jade Empire (Xbox)
14 Chrono Cross (PSX)
12 Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night (PSX) - this will probably get the most votes
53 Klonoa 2 (PS2) - this is an awesome game, everyone should play it
78 Ogre Battle 64 (N64) - another great game, highly replayable
83 Panzer Dragoon Orta (Xbox) - this game needs more love than it getes
130 Steel Battalion (Xbox) - this isn't a game, it's an experience: you owe it to yourself to set this baby up and play it
Normally I'd say to start 1 game however in this case I must suggest you start 2 games, first game would have to be Lunar 1, it is an experience unlike any other you will ever have, trust me!! Followed by that once complete time to go on to lunar 2, you will not believe the story line between the two and in the end you will be asking yourself the same thing I have been asking myself for the last few years. Where is my Lunar 3??
44 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Xbox)
125 Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic (Xbox)
126 Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic II (Xbox)
89 Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (DS)
Super Mario RPG

You're nuts for not playing any of these games.
1. Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past (SNES) - This is still my favorite Zelda game.

2. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - This is my favorite Castlevania, the graphics and sound hold up well even by today's standards. It's relatively short, and you could beat it easily in a week (just play through both parts... you'll see).

3. Final Fantasy Tactics - Despite the convoluted story, it's a very good game with a lot of depth. The sprite based 3D graphics are very good, and this title has by far my favorite game soundtrack of all time. I had a good feeling!

Honorable mention - Phantasy Star II - I loved this game when it was released, and it captivated me for hours on end. However, I tried playing the GBA version a few months back, and it didn't hold up so well over time. Still if you've never played it before, for its day, it was one of the best 16-bit RPGs going.
125 Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic (Xbox)
Mercenaries: Playground Of Destruction
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
Ratchet & Clank: Up Your Arsenal
100 Resident Evil 4
5. Super Mario RPG: The Legend of the Seven Stars
It's a really solid game, a little on the easy side, with a great cast and memorable story.

4. Onimusha 2 Samurai's Destiny
One of the best action games I've played in many years. Great branching story, and an all around fun time. It's the perfect summer game.

3. Resident Evil 4
Game of the year for 2005 in the action department, it's got an intriguing story and severely addictive gameplay. You should be playing it right now.

2. Castlevania Symphony of the Night
There is a reason behind this game's popularity: it's superb. The free-roaming gameplay, and nonstop 2d action reminded many why gaming will never die.

1. The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
I'm shocked that you haven't played this yet. Easily the greatest game in the Zelda series, it follows in the footsteps of the original Zelda, but adds more memorable characters and deeper, longer gameplay. One of the greatest games in history. Play it right now.
You need to play these:

Chronicles of Riddick - Who knew fist-fights in an FPS could be this good?
Golden Sun - my 3rd fav all time RPG.
Super Mario RPG - my 2nd fave all time RPG.
Resident Evil 4 - just awesome.
Vagrant Story - great fighting system.
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
Super Mario RPG
Fatal Frame II
Final Fantasy X
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

No explanation is really needed for these, ship. They are amazing games.
Here are my suggestions:
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (GCN)
Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence (PS2)
Resident Evil 4 (GCN)
Shining Force II (GEN)
Super Mario RPG (SNES)

PS. Jungle Beat is a very fun and short game. It probably won't get as many votes but still worht a quick run through.
In this order:

26 Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
Best story ever in any game / best "horror" game

14 Chrono Cross (PSX)
Best atmosphere ever in any game / second best music of any game

12 Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night (PSX)
Best 2d Action in any game / Best Castlevania / best PSX game / best music of any game

100 Resident Evil 4 (GCN)
Best thrillride in any game & Night of the Living Dead homages

83 Panzer Dragoon Orta (Xbox)
Best graphics of it's generation

Honorable Mensions: Personal favorites

74 Metroid: Fusion (GBA)
Under rated

125 Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic (Xbox)
An RPG that is actually fun and not set in a swords and socerey type universe. Not fanboyish Final Fantasy crap.
Final Fantasy Tactics
Resident Evil 4
Shadow of the Colossus
Final Fantasy X
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Great great games. In fact, I beat FFT every year and it’s still a blast every time.
1. Final Fantasy Tactics
2. Knights of the Old Republic
3. Majora's Mask
4. Metroid Prime
5. Steel Battalion (how can you have that controller and not use it?!?)
Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night (PSX)
-Probably the best in the series, with so much to explore you'll be busy for a while on this aone.

Dark Cloud 2 (PS2)
-A great game with so many elements to it. A lot better than the first one.

Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past (SNES)
-A classic game, showed how zelda could grow and try a ton of new things even on next gen. You should definetely play this one before any of the other zelda's.

Silent Hill 2 (Xbox)
-Really you should play any of the silent hill's. I'm recommending 2 because it has a great stand alone story rarely seen in any other game.

Super Mario RPG (SNES)
-Just a great RPG.
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat -21 (something different)
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney -89
Resident Evil 4 - 100
Suikoden - 132
Xenogears- 145
Metroid Prime (GCN)
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (DS)
Resident Evil 4 (GCN)
Super Mario RPG (SNES)
Tales Of Symphonia (GCN)
bread's done