wisdom teeth

[quote name='darkmere']i booked an appointment for next thursday to get an exam. they said it should come to about $75 including x-rays...not bad. i also have the thursday after that tentatively booked to take care of whatever teeth need to be removed. now i need to call my insurance company and see if they reimburse for wisdom teeth (they might not since it's traveler's insurance for emergencies, but it's worth a shot.) in the meantime i picked up clove oil and it's done wonders for my pain. that stuff rocks.[/QUOTE]

take pics lol
to the op when you have to take your pain pills after surgery (most likely hydrocodine) make sure you dont try swallowing them with water... I made that mistake and ended up almost choking to death on a mixture of blood, saliva, pil and it was awful. Crsuh your pills into applesauce or something to hide the taste of the pill and easy to eat. I HIGHLY RECOMEND DOING THIS, THOSE PILLS CAN BE A BITCH!!
update for anyone that gives a crap, otherwise ignore the topic and move on...

the gums around the tooth were bothering me so bad over the weekend i bumped my exam up to wednesday. that went smooth and i also booked the surgery for friday (today) instead of next thursday. i'm borderline hyperthyroid, so the dentist recommended iv sedation instead of excessive shots which usually contain adrenaline which can really be dangerous for the thyroid issue.

anyway...i go in today, they put the iv in, i talk for a minute, see the dentist getting a needle (i'm guessing novocaine) ready and that's all i remember. next thing i know i wake up and it's done...all 4 teeth out. i'm told it only took about 20 or 30 minutes. went home, hung out with my friend, watched hostel, took a brief nap, watched some of the edmonton detroit game.

i feel like i'm recovering nicely...penicillin and tylenol 3, tolerable soreness, soft foods. i don't think the teeth had seriously rooted into the jaw and skull. this weekend will probably suck a little, but it's good to get this over. thanks for the advice/concern.
I'm glad this resurfaced. I gotta get mine removed soon and I'm looking forward to it. I'm not really afraid of pain or anything like that so it's not going to be that big a deal. Only thing that sounds wierd is my friend had to have them dislocate his jaw to get them out, I want pictures lol.
I had my wisdom teeth taken out when I was in high school at the beginning of summer. I had no problems at all, besides a bit of bleeding and having to eat pudding. The good part of it was I lost about 5 pounds in the week after the surgery because I couldn't eat anything. I ended up losing about 20 lbs that summer! Horray!
bread's done