WM: Marvel UA2 $24.83 starting April 17/10

Just a small warning to anyone interested in this game: The DLC for this game is no longer available because Activision didn't renew the rights for the characters with Marvel. That also means that one won't be able to play online with people who DO have the DLC.

I really regret missing out on the DLC. Activision didn't inform anyone until after the fact, so not too many people have the DLC. It also makes it impossible for one to get all the achievements/trophies in the game.
Another note: anyone thinking that DLC won't be a problem because they are considering buying the Wii version should just save their cash. It's a terrible terrible conversion that isn't worth $25.

Kind of a shame - this game should've been solid across all platforms and still worth playing, if only Activision didn't cared. Oh well.
Marvel sold the rights to the new private group of investors. From my understanding is that new rights were not even available or considered. Its not like Activision didnt want to do it/(being cheap)
i thoroughly enjoyed the first one, 25 is an ok price, but finals are coming up and I have no time to play! =/ no point getting this yet.
i never played the first one, but I thought the second one was really fun.

I finished the single player in 2 days, it was quite addicting. I am playing to play it again when exam is over. (doing another part of the storyline, similar to infamous evil and good side) I never got the chance to play MP, but I bet it will boost the experience. DLC or not, this is a great game, especially at $25 value. Highly recommend.
Thanks OP. I might bite if the deal includes PS3, which doesn't seem to be the case from what I can see in the flyer. Cheapest I've seen the game is $30. I have the original too, it's a great 4-player co-op game, kind of like Baldur's Gate or Champions of Norrath on PS2.

Didn't Disney end up buying the rights to Marvel?
i'm sort of put off by not being able to purchase the DLC (I wanted Cable and Carnage)

but at least I got Juggernaut by using a pre-order card a friend gave to me...but still

may pick it up, but still undecided
[quote name='Cthulhu8u'] Didn't Disney end up buying the rights to Marvel?[/QUOTE]

Disney actually owns Marvel now, which could explain the problems with the DLC.

Is this game like those X-men games that were on the PS2? I really enjoyed playing those with friends, despite them being somewhat repetitive.
No, it has nothing to do with the Disney purchase.

Activision didn't bother to renew the license it had with Marvel, so pretty much we won't be seeing anything Marvel related with Activision any more.

The worst part of all this is this was planned from the start. It was stated when the DLC came out that the DLC was only going to be available until the end of the year. There was little news of this and nobody really payed attention to it, even HeroHQ didn't even know.
[quote name='Jucifer']Disney actually owns Marvel now, which could explain the problems with the DLC.[/QUOTE]

Maybe, maybe not. It's hard to say since no one outside of the two parties knows the facts. The way I see it, both Disney and Activision are at fault, but mostly Activision. I know that Disney prefers to keep all development in house whenever possible, but that doesn't mean it's impossible for outside studios to license their game. We got the Sega's Iron Man 2 coming out in May and Activision's Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions in September. DLC licenses are renewed anually (at least with Marvel they always have been) and Activision's license expired January 1st 2010. Disney probably made it really expensive for Activision and/or Activision decided not to renew their license because the game was such a flop. It's highly unlikely that they never got a chance to renew, since there were rumours about this before the content was even removed. After all, we still have Capcom's Marvel vs. Capcom 2 on the marketplace, which is technically DLC.

It's probably easier to point fingers at Activision because they're the only ones who have gone on record to discuss this. We'll probably never know the full story.

But if there are still people who are interested in MUA2, it's still possible to get the DLC if you have a friend with the content. As far as I know, one can still download the content from their download history, therefore a friend could transfer the license to you so that both can use it (but the owner will only be able to use it when they're online).
[quote name='Jucifer']Disney actually owns Marvel now, which could explain the problems with the DLC.

Is this game like those X-men games that were on the PS2? I really enjoyed playing those with friends, despite them being somewhat repetitive.[/QUOTE]

They are pretty much the X-Men: Legends games, just with all of the Marvel Universe.
I enjoyed the first one on PS2, though i didnt think it had a lot of replay value. Is the secound one on PS2 any good and does it have any replay value?
[quote name='Tuffdog']I enjoyed the first one on PS2, though i didnt think it had a lot of replay value. Is the second one on PS2 any good and does it have any replay value?[/QUOTE]

I didn't like XML 2 as much as the first simply because I found the graphics and setting drab, which made it feel repetitive.
Seriously, the graphics killed it for me as far as replayability. It seemed like there were too many caves, desserts, jungles etc., which made the game feel longer than it probably was. I also liked the graphic style of the original more than the sequel, the original had a more colourful cell-shaded style.
There were some nice improvements, 4-player co-op being the most important. But I never ended up finishing the game with my party, and I had lost the interest to finish it solo.
bread's done